Do the Gods Give Us Hope?

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Do the Gods Give Us Hope? Page 43

by Jeff Henrikson

  Mestel spoke louder and continued on. “However! I have to ask who presented the evidence you cling to with such passion? Was it Rafa?” The King’s silence told Mestel his intuition had been correct. “Look down at the ground, your Majesty. Rafa tried to assassinate you. Austen and I saved your life at great risk to our own. Put the platinum coin I gave you in your hand and know the truth of what I am saying.”

  The King took out the coin and looked at it for a long time. He flipped it end over end in his hand, looking at the falcon in flight and the golden eyes. His face was without emotion as the truth moved over him.

  He looked down, ashamed. “How could I have been so foolish? Rafa presented all the evidence and I let him lead me exactly where he wanted me to go. He presented the elven body along with the arrow that killed Captain Sheval. He said he sent scouts back to Endwood to investigate. He said he talked to the brave captain who walked all the way to the capital from the frontier. How could I have been so blind? I saw exactly what he wanted me to see.”

  Austen said, “Your Majesty, it was an honest mistake. Simply send word to your troops and call them back. Now that you know elves exist, and that they still lay claim to Glenmyr Forest, you can meet with the King of Armena and hammer out a peace.”

  The King shook his head. “The die is cast. Any word that I send to General Donell will almost certainly arrive too late.”

  Mestel said, “There is no harm in trying to send a message in time, your Majesty.”

  The King slammed his hand down on the arm of his throne, resolving at that moment to do the right thing. “Yes, by all the gods; we will try. We will pull back and meet with these elves that are our neighbors. And if the battle has been joined, we will pull back and try for a truce that may lead to peace.”

  The King turned to Lieutenant Capstone and said, “Tell my two fastest riders that they will be riding for Glenmyr Forest at first light. In addition, order the ranking member of the Sorcerers Academy to meet with me immediately after the sun comes on the marrow. I will write a letter telling General Donell to pull back and try to establish a dialog with these elves.”

  All of the companions, including Austen, bowed low before the King. Evisar said, “Thank you, your Majesty.”

  Mestel said, “You are indeed a worthy leader.”

  Nero rolled his eyes at the gushing display of peace and generosity in the room. And yet there was something about it that was oddly appealing. What would it be like to be these two elven brothers? To live an honest life as they saw fit; not to live the triple life that he did as a worshiper of Venal, who worked for the Talon Thieves Guild, while pretending to serve the Philosophers. The simplicity of it all and the ability to sleep peacefully at night were appealing.

  In the background, Nero heard the King say, “You will all stay in the castle tonight as my honored guests.”

  Nero shook his head and shed these ludicrous thoughts. What was he thinking? Mestel and Evisar were small; they had no real power. They fumbled from crisis to crisis without any real plan. They had no source of information or intelligence. Nero could never live that way. Oh, he knew it would be nice to take time off to relax and regroup, but then he would lose the momentum he had gained. He had personally spoken with his god and carried out his will. He was of the Thirteen and gaining in influence and power almost daily.

  The King continued. “Tomorrow we will celebrate your victory over the assassins and cement the new relationship between the elves of Glenmyr Forest and the Kingdom of Kentar – a celebration that has been three hundred years in the making!” The guards and the rest of the companions spontaneously clapped their hands. Nero followed suit.

  The King of Kentar was still alive. This would have to be reported to the Guildmaster as soon as possible. The situation would need to be rectified if the Guildmaster’s plans were to continue. Nero stopped for a moment as an idea blossomed in his mind. If Nero and Lidea could find a way to see it done, his place in the Guild would be substantially increased. Lidea was apparently doubling as a servant at the Sorcerers Academy, and while the Academy was close to Jewlian Castle, Nero doubted if he would be able to contact her with such a tight timeline.

  Nero heard the King again. “For now, I know it is late, but I insist you share a drink with me in celebration of life.” King Renold Benjin looked to his right and clapped his hands. A servant waiting over by the side door nodded his head and disappeared into the hallway.

  Nero continued thinking to himself. How? How can I see to the death of the King after Rafa failed in his attempt? The guards will be on high alert for at least a moon’s turn to make up for their failure.

  The servant returned very shortly – almost as though the call for a small celebration had been anticipated – with four other servants carrying trays of food, bottles of wine, and glasses to drink from. The servants ran past the score of bodyguards covering the King and put down their wares.

  Nero continued to ponder ways to dispose of the King, but nothing useful came to mind. I have all night and apparently all day tomorrow to think of a way. Nero knew that if Rafa couldn’t complete the task after moons of preparation, it seemed unlikely he would be able to come up with a plan that allowed him to complete the task and live to tell about it. One of the servants popped a wine bottle cork, forcing Nero’s attention back to the present. His head shot up to see what the commotion was, and he nearly went back to his thoughts when he did a double-take.

  Looking straight at him, with a huge smile of celebration on her face, was the Talon Guild’s master of interrogation, Lidea. Nero shook his head to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. Lidea looked as gorgeous as ever. Apparently, in addition to being the master of interrogation at the Guild, Lidea also doubled as a servant to the King of Kentar.

  Lidea glanced happily around the room, handing out glasses and pouring wine as she flirted with everyone, but she continually turned her head to Nero with an intent look that said, We need to talk. Nero took some food, put a smile on his face, and exchanged small talk with his friends and the citizens of Kentar. As he walked and talked, a plan began to develop in his mind, a plan made possible by Lidea’s apparent infiltration in the castle.

  The two Guild members slowly moved toward each other. Nero hoped his assumptions were correct. They finally came face to face and Nero was the first to speak. “Hello there, young lady. I didn’t know Kentar had such beautiful women.”

  Lidea played along. “Would you care for some wine, sir?”

  “Anything to stay in your company a little longer, my dear.”

  Lidea smiled flirtatiously at him, trying to play hard to get, but inviting him in all the same. “I bet you say that to all the girls.” She moved the tray of glasses over to one hand and seductively moved her hips. She brought her free hand up to her face and twirled her long hair between two fingers.

  If Nero hadn’t known it was an act he would have been dumbfounded and unable to speak. As it was, he took a step closer and spoke in hushed tones. “Actually, I don’t. I can honestly say I’ve never met anyone like you.”

  Lidea said, “I can honestly say I have never seen an elf before.” She looked him up and down. “I think I like them.”

  Nero leaned his head in toward hers and spoke as nonchalantly as possible. “Are you free later tonight, or will you leave me with my heart unfulfilled?”

  Lidea finished the scene of deception by hugging him gently with her free hand and putting her head affectionately next to his right ear. She bit his ear lobe and kissed him so affectionately that he nearly forgot where he was.

  She whispered just loud enough for those standing close by to overhear. “I’ll come to your room later tonight and fill your heart with pleasures you’ve never imagined.”

  Nero pulled affectionately away and spoke in a normal tone of voice. “I’ll look forward to that.”

  As Lidea walked away to serve the King another glass of wine, several of the companions converged on Nero. Xander said, “Nero, you have all the
self-control of a horny stag.” He smiled broadly and ended by saying. “I have to say I’m jealous.”

  Nero smiled back, playing along. “After what Mestel and Austen accomplished, this is a night to celebrate.” He looked up at Mestel and jokingly said, “Right, Mestel?”

  Rather than play along, Mestel said something unexpected. He looked right at Nero and said in all seriousness, “Tonight I witnessed a great evil. Rather than celebrate, I will pray to my lord and protector.”

  Nero kept up appearances by saying, “Oh, lighten up, Mestel. Look what you accomplished. Have a drink.” On the inside, Nero was doing anything but smiling, not being one hundred percent sure to which evil Mestel was referring.

  Luckily, Xander stepped in quickly to fill the void. “Just when I was starting to like you again, Mestel. Have some fun?” The companions left the throne room after the celebration as honored guests of the King. Servants escorted each of them to separate rooms, where they were placed under armed guard for the King’s protection.

  Chapter 114: Long Live the King

  Nero took careful note of the castle layout as he was escorted to his luxurious room. He continued the act of celebration by flirting harmlessly with his female escort. In actuality, he committed every turn to memory, the length of each hallway, and how many side passageways they traversed.

  After the companions were placed in separate rooms by their escort, there was nothing for Nero to do except wait for Lidea’s arrival. The guards took away their weapons as a precaution until morning and set up a guard post at the end of the hall. Nero spent some of the time contemplating the goals he wanted to accomplish this night. He mapped out a possible plan and even thought about the ramifications if he should succeed; however, it was all conjecture until Lidea came to get him. He only hoped they had both interpreted the communication that took place between them in the throne room correctly. He hated to think they would miss this unique opportunity because Lidea sat waiting in her room for him and vice versa. Nero assured himself that would not be the case. He had faith in the ability of the Inner Circle of the Talon Guild. Lidea would come for him, and when she did, he would be ready.

  Nero could literally feel the other souls around him thanks to the gift he received from Venal. In the beginning, it had felt odd to be able to sense the presence of other beings he couldn’t see or hear, but now he could hardly imagine life without this divine power.

  As the night drew out like the sharp edge of a rapier, Nero felt the castle slow down and go to sleep. Valihorn was in the room to his right peacefully studying his spell book and Evisar was in the room to his left, fast asleep. Xander had been placed two doors down to the right, where the hallway dead ended, while Mestel had been placed two doors to his left, with Austen in the room next to him. The only way out of the windowless rooms was to pass by Austen’s room on the way down the corridor. Nero felt the three guards at the entrance to the hallway as their attention drifted in and out. Nero also felt the presence of other souls as they moved up and down the hallways on this floor, and on the floors both above and below. The only mystery that occupied Nero’s considerable intellect was Mestel. He knew Mestel was in the second room to his left, but he could not feel the elf’s presence. The room was completely empty to him. Nero had realized some time ago that Mestel was an anomaly, but there was little he could do about it except hypothesize as to why. Perhaps it had something to do with Mestel’s close connection to his god. Nero thought about the religious elf more often than he wanted to admit, realizing some time ago that he was jealous of Mestel’s relationship with his god. And why shouldn’t he be? They had both received gifts from their gods, talked to their gods, and served their gods to the best of their abilities, but deep down Nero knew his relationship with Venal was not as strong. Venal had talked with him once, given him one gift, and shown him favor one time. Mestel, on the other hand, seemed to be in almost constant contact with his god. In the end it mattered not, for he would force Venal to notice him soon enough.

  What did matter was what Mestel had said in the throne room about witnessing a great evil. Ordinarily, Nero would have thought he was referring to the failed assassination attempt, except that he had been looking right at Nero when he said it. Was Mestel beginning to realize Nero was not all that he appeared to be? If that was true, then he would have to seriously consider killing the self-righteous elf. He couldn’t afford to be looking over his shoulder, wondering what Mestel knew, waiting for him to make his move. After some thought, Nero convinced himself that Mestel had been referring to Rafa’s assassination attempt on the King of Kentar. After all, in all the years Nero had been working for the Talon Thieves Guild, no one had ever seen through his layers of deception.

  Nero felt a new presence walking seductively down the hallway. The guards let Lidea pass without hesitation, and then there was a soft knock on Nero’s door. Nero opened the door with his most charming smile and said, “What took you so long? I was about to give up hope.”

  Without saying a word, Lidea moved slowly forward and placed both hands gently on Nero’s shoulders. She moved both hands up his neck and onto his face as she melted into him with a kiss that nearly took Nero’s legs out from under him. Her touch was utterly captivating, and the sweet nothings she whispered in his ear made him forget about the King of Kentar for a time. She pressed her body firmly up against his, backing Nero into his room and shutting the door.

  Lidea let him go as soon as the door latched shut and returned to the business at hand, speaking in hushed tones. “Rafa was supposed to kill the King of Kentar with his little coup, but obviously he failed. His failure places the task squarely on our shoulders.”

  Nero took several moments to forget what just happened between them and shift gears back to the mission at hand. “I had the same thought. Do you think we can kill the King of Kentar tonight?”

  “I know we can. Are you ready to go?”

  “Hold on. I have a few questions. What are you doing in Jewlian? How are you able to move about the Castle so freely?”

  “I am an attractive servant who has caught the Prince’s eye. I have been cultivating the image of a simple servant girl in the capital of Kentar for well over a year.”

  “I also saw you at the Sorcerers Academy when we were questioned in the Administrator building? How can you be two places at once?”

  “How are you able to be a top member of the Talon Guild while doubling as a Philosopher of Armena? It isn’t hard for one who is of the Thirteen.” Lidea rolled her eyes at Nero’s skepticism. “I’m a servant girl in both places, okay? Neither one knows about the other. I shift back and forth depending on where I think I can gain the most information.”

  “Very impressive. I can see why the Guildmaster holds you in such high regard.”

  Lidea rolled her hands together in a forward motion and gave him a playful smile. “Now are you ready to continue?”

  Nero nodded. “What’s your plan?”

  “I have used my persuasive ways to gain favor with the Crowned Prince of Kentar.”

  Nero raised an eyebrow. “You are his mistress?”

  “Yes. Obviously, the Prince cannot be seen with a simple serving wench, so he has his respectable consort, and me to fill his every sexual fantasy.”

  Nero was suddenly jealous of the lucky Prince, who got to ride this lovely creature whenever he wanted because he happened to be born into the right family. Rank had its privileges. Nero got defensive. “Why are you telling me this? I already know what a fine-looking woman you are. What does this have to do with getting to the King?”

  Lidea stepped back with a frown. “I am not trying to brag, you dolt. My connection to the Prince is the key to this whole thing.”

  Nero crossed his arms. “I hope so.”

  “My relationship with the Prince is the worst kept secret in the castle. The guards let me pass from one area of the castle to the next because they know I am the Prince’s secret lover. Normally, the guards would not let anyone
down this hallway, but I am different. They know me. They know my motives and they understand. We will use this to our advantage to break through security and get to the King. The Prince’s bedchamber is in the royal residence, right down the hall from the King and Queen’s bedroom.” Lidea put her hands on her hips, with a smile that was irresistible. “Now, are you ready to go?”

  Nero said, “Almost.” Then he moved in on Lidea quickly. He wrapped his left hand around her waist and drew her close. He grabbed the back of her head in the same motion and kissed her full on the lips.

  Lidea tried to pull away, but Nero held her tight. She eventually stopped resisting until it was time to pull away. Nero still held her close as she whispered, “What was that all about?”

  Nero smiled slyly and said, “I just thought we should get into character.”

  Lidea pulled away in mock disgust and slapped him across the chest. The two Inner Circle members looked at each other with broad smiles. She took his arm in her own and reached for the door handle. “Here we go.”

  She pulled open the door and seductively pulled him out into the hallway. She pulled him along for a few steps before throwing him up against the wall and biting him hard on the ear.

  She talked loud enough for the guards to hear. “I just love your elf ears.” She pulled away and continued down the hallway toward the waiting guards. The three guards looked on with interest at the show. “You boys don’t mind if I take this one back to my room, do you?”

  The sergeant in charge said, “Is there something you can do in your room that you can’t do here?”

  “There are more toys in my room, and less ears to hear me when I scream.”

  Nero let Lidea pull him past the guards, thinking that this little trick was not going to work. To his surprise, the guards moved to the side and watched fixedly as the couple moved out of view down the hallway.


  Mestel knelt in prayer before his god. It had been a good night for quiet contemplation. He was the only one in his room, and the silence was serene; all except for when Nero and his servant girl had gone past the guards on the way to the girl’s room. They had made all manner of noise going down the hall, and the guards talked about it long after they had gone. Mestel certainly understood the temptations of the flesh, and the little show in the hallway did make him think of Ellen. He longed to see her again, knowing his mission to serve Martel did not permit such a luxury at this time.


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