Jimmy's Dreams II: A Recurring Nightmare

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Jimmy's Dreams II: A Recurring Nightmare Page 15

by Saxon Andrew

The smaller Alien was smiling and Spring said into the translator, “Ayet asked me to deliver a message to you.” The Alien’s eyelids closed slightly and Spring said, “His last message to us before he died was to tell you he was really sorry that he wouldn’t be able to visit you again.” The young Alien’s eyelids started fluttering as Spring said, “I’m so sorry.”

  Ayet swam away erratically and Spring waited. A few moments later, Ayet’s father swam up, “WHAT HAPPENED?”

  “We attacked the Guild’s Planet and destroyed their government building. Ayet was the one that destroyed it and was killed trying to escape.”

  “WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING SO STUPID!! That planet is impossible to attack!”

  Spring’s eyes narrowed, “In case you didn’t know, three Mercenary Transports attacked here taking out a huge number of our ships. The only way we could delay their return was to kill their Supreme Guild Master!”

  The Alien stared at Spring and she saw a string of bubbles leave his gills. Ayet had told her that this was how the Aliens sighed. “It’s all my fault. I should have never brought those white ships here. It’s all my fault.”

  Spring stared at him in silence and then said, “Yes, all of this is your fault because of your greed! But Ayet loved your child and I will respect his last wish.”

  The Alien had his head lowered and then he looked up, “Was he able to do it?”

  “Yes, he did.”

  The Gread lowered his head and swam away. Spring stared at him and then turned to go. The smaller Alien suddenly appeared and asked, “Are you in Ayet’s family?”

  “I’m his youngest sister.”

  “Will you come back and visit?” Spring stared at the Alien and he said, “You remind me of him and I don’t want to lose my memories of him.”

  “Will that happen?” Spring asked.

  “I’m still developing. Things will fade if they aren’t reinforced. Please come back.”

  Spring nodded, “I will.” The little Alien wrapped his fins around her and said, “I think both of us have lost so much.” Spring started crying and put her arms around him.

  Little Ayet’s parents watched them and his mother said, “You have to help them.”

  “What can I do?”

  “I don’t know but you have to try!”

  The Lead Alien stared at his child embracing one of his captors and slowly nodded. He looked up and said, “I know you’re listening. I need to speak to one of your leaders.” All the Carpenters were gathered around the monitor watching Spring and Jimmy’s head went back. The Alien said, “I know you sent Ayet to give you more time. You have more time than you know.”

  Jimmy’s eyes narrowed and he said, “I’ll go out to speak with him tomorrow.” Summer nodded and wondered what the fish was talking about.

  • • •

  Jimmy swam into the lagoon and saw two of the Aliens swimming toward him; the others kept their distance. Jimmy stopped and he saw one of the Aliens was smaller and had to be Ayet’s friend named after him. They arrived and Jimmy said, “What is it you want?”

  “I know you went to attack the Guild to give you more time to prepare for their next attack.” Jimmy nodded. “I mentioned to Ayet that if the Supreme Guild Master died, it would take a year to replace him.”

  Jimmy said, “Go on.”

  “I’ve wondered what took them so long to arrive and I believe they were held up by the Law Centers.”

  “The what?”

  “Ayet told us that Law Centers are similar to what you call courts.” Jimmy nodded. “I had a legal document done before I left ordering everyone in my business to not reveal the location where I was going and I had it sealed by six Law Centers. I believe they had to get this location signed off on by all six-centers. That’s what took them so long to arrive.”

  “What are you saying exactly?”

  “I don’t know if your weapons are capable of destroying a really large building, are they?”

  “Ayet’s recording showed the building was nothing but burning rubble.”

  “What did the building he attack, look like?”

  “White and huge!!”

  “That’s the one. Well, if Ayet truly destroyed the building, then the document approved by the court for the Mercenaries to come here was probably destroyed with it. They’re going to have to go through the process again.”


  The Alien sighed, “Because the Big-Heads and Law Center Enforcers are even more greedy than I am and it was my greed that caused all of this to happen. They’ll force them to do it again.”

  “But they must have gotten approval, if what you say is true. They can just get your…Law Center to produce the document.”

  The Alien smiled, “The Law Centers never produce more than one document. I believe the reason they do that is because of what happened in this instance. They hope that the document is destroyed or lost.”

  Jimmy shook his head, “Which would force whoever had the document to go through the process again.”


  Jimmy thought a moment and said, “But our location is in their ship’s stardrive.”

  “Doesn’t matter. The document was only good for one trip. If the Mercenaries still have the document, they would simply pay a renewal fee and be on their way. But if they don’t…”

  “We have more time,” Jimmy replied.

  “Also, keep in mind that even if they had the document, it would be voided because the Supreme Guild Master that signed it might not be alive to sign the renewal.”

  “What if he were still alive?”

  “Without the document, he’s forced to start all over.” The Alien paused and said, “Do you know what time of day Ayet attacked?”

  “About two hours after sunrise.”

  “I can assure you he was in the building. And by the looks of it, he probably died. That will also buy additional time because only a Supreme Guild Master can get approval for the Mercenaries to launch a major attack.”

  “I hate to keep asking, but why?”

  “This is a safety mechanism to all the civilizations that are members of the Guild. Any planned Mercenary attack would become known and the object of the attack could appeal to the Law Center to not grant the Mercenary’s request. Both of them would pay large fees to sway the Law Center.” Jimmy stared at the Alien and he sighed again, “And every step of the process is incredibly expensive and the Big-Head representatives will be drawing it out to maximize their pay day.”


  “Your Ayet said they’re similar to your attorneys or lawyers, or something like that.” Jimmy’s eyes narrowed and the Alien said, “And the Enforcers…they’re the worst of all. They’re like your Judges and don’t even think about intimidating them, no one is rich enough to pay the penalties they would hit you with.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  The Alien raised a fin, “I’m incredibly wealthy, for the moment. But I’m going to be blamed for the losses the Mercenaries and my passengers have endured. I don’t have enough to come close to paying for the damages and I’ll be broke and possibly executed for what’s happened. I was incredibly stupid to hire two Mercenaries. I brought this on myself.”

  “Think about what you’ve done to my world.”

  The Alien looked at Jimmy and said, “It wasn’t hard to do what I’ve done before I knew you. You were little more than an abstract idea that needed to be removed from my future property. Your son showed me the reality of everything and who you are. All I do is think about what I’ve done to you. I know it doesn’t carry any weight, but I’m truly sorry.”

  Jimmy nodded and the Alien swam away. It was like Ayet told him; they really aren’t as bad as he thought. He felt his eyes moisten and hoped the Alien was right. He swam away missing his son.

  • • •

  A year later, Jimmy, Ed, and Juan were sitting in the upper level launch cave with their legs hanging over the front entrance. They were starin
g out at the valley and Jimmy said, “I can still see the German Leopard Tanks that attacked us years back, right after the impacts, still on the road.”

  “Why haven’t they been removed?” Ed asked.

  Jimmy shrugged, “They make a good road block.” He sighed and said, “I miss Nicky Irozo.”

  Juan nodded, “So do I. He was a good man. His death was so senseless.”

  Ed looked at them, “Who is Nicky?”

  “He was the astronomer who helped find the asteroids that hit Earth.”

  “I don’t remember seeing him around.”

  Juan sighed, “Nicky went out looking for survivors with a search team after the sky started to clear and one of them shot him with a sniper-rifle. They thought we were coming to take their food.”

  Jimmy said, “I miss my son.”

  Ed looked at Jimmy and said, “Ayet had a great father, Jimmy.” Ed paused and said, “Unlike the bum that abused mom and me.”

  “My father left when I was six-years old,” Juan added.

  “My father is a used car salesman.” Juan and Ed looked at Jimmy with their brows furrowed and Jimmy said, “Well, he is. He just rent’s and sells used starships; it’s pretty much the same thing, and you know how used car salesmen are?”

  “Wait just a minute; I met your father and he seemed to be a very good person.”

  Jimmy smiled, “Ed, I didn’t say he wasn’t nice; I’m just saying he rented the Aliens those ships knowing what they were doing with them.”

  “He tried to make up for it!?

  Jimmy tilted his head and smiled, “That’s why I’m here. But he must have known that one person wouldn’t stop what was coming. He did it to alleviate his guilt.”

  Juan snorted, “At least he felt guilty! The salesman who sold me my first Jeep didn’t show any remorse for selling me that hunk of junk!” Jimmy and Ed burst out laughing and Juan said, “Hey! The transmission fell off two blocks away from the Dealer!”

  “Haven’t you ever heard of a test-drive, Juan.”

  “Jimmy, I drove that Jeep like I stole it and it worked fine. It was plotting to get me the whole time and waited until I signed the dotted line. That Jeep was possessed!”

  Ed and Jimmy fell on their backs laughing. Ed looked up at Juan and he said, “I’m telling you it was! The damn thing rolled over my foot.” Jimmy had to roll over on his side to catch his breath he was laughing so hard.

  Summer was standing at the door into the cave and smiled. It was good Jimmy could laugh again. She turned around and left. The community’s problems could wait while her husband healed.

  • • •

  Two years passed and the production of the new Strikers was at full capacity. The three cities built machine shops to assist in the effort and the Striker’s that were lost were replaced along with more than double the previous total. But Jimmy knew they weren’t close to the number needed to meet what was coming. He kept seeing tens of thousands of White Ships diving in to the clouds to kill Ayet on the recording his children had made. He wondered if the Mercenaries had chosen a new leader. He decided to find out.

  Ed and Jillian along with Jester and Jokie boarded their twin-seat scouts and left Earth. It took close to two weeks but they arrived at the planet Ed and Jillian had visited two-years earlier. Ed activated the approach code and moved toward the planet. Just like the time before, Ayet appeared in Jillian’s lap. He looked at her and smiled, “Long time no see.” Jester and Jokie saw the alien sitting in Ed’s scout and stopped beside his ship.

  Ed smiled, “Why haven’t you landed in my lap?”

  Ayet smiled, “I just look stupid.”

  Jillian smiled, “We were wondering if you would help us.”

  Ayet’s eyes narrowed, “How?”

  “Do you know if the Mercenaries have elected a new leader.”

  Ayet stared at Jillian and then looked at Ed, “Were you the ones that did that?”

  “Your grandson did the actual shooting.”

  Ayet’s eyes opened slightly wider, “I’ve heard that the attacker was destroyed.”

  Ed nodded, “He was.”

  Ayet slumped in Jillian’s lap, “I hate that.” Ayet took a breath and said, “No, there is a lot of infighting taking place in Mercenary Land. It’s down to three but none of them are giving an inch.”

  “We were worried they’d be coming back to attack us again.”

  Ayet looked at them and shrugged, “They really don’t know you were the ones that did it.”

  “How could they not know?!”

  “Well, the Guild Master that attacked your planet took the only records of the attack into the meeting with the Supreme Guild Leader. It appeared they were destroyed during the attack.”

  “Surly they have a recording of what happened. They had close to three-thousand White Ships there,” Ed said.

  Ayet laughed, “The pilots of the White Ships are about as dumb as a rock. They’re excellent pilots due to their single-purpose thought processes. But trying to teach them how to operate a recorder is a waste of time. I think their masters prefer it that way. All their recordings are done by their transports or the people who hire them. At the moment, you and your planet are the furthest thing on their minds. That will change after one is elected.”

  “We understand that they might be delayed further.”

  “Why is that?”

  “The document they used to get our planet’s location might have been destroyed in the attack.”

  Ayet stared at Jillian and shrugged, “If that’s the case, you are not making a good friend out of the Mercenary Guild. They are going to be hotter than a ten-unit blaster if they have to go back to the Law Centers.”

  “How do you know that?” Ed asked.

  “Remember, I signed that contract as well and I saw the protections the owner used. He must have a really good Big-Head representing him to get all of those seals on the contract.”

  “So, you think we have some more time?”

  “If the original contract was destroyed, you absolutely do.”

  Ed looked at Ayet in the roof mirror, “What are you doing about the ship you rented to him?”

  “I’m charging him double-rate plus penalty every day he doesn’t bring it back.”

  Ed smiled slightly; Jimmy was right, Ayet was a used car salesman. “I have one more question.”

  “What is that?”

  “Why is it that every civilization would attack us if we harmed the Guild Master who attacked us and nothing has happened after we attacked their planet.”

  “Protection laws only have power outside the 200,000-mile limit; no one cares what happens inside it. If they did, then any Urrik that got in a fight with a Guild Master on their world would cause a massive attack on them.” Ayet smiled, “We do take our laws literally.”

  “So, we could attack them again.”

  Ayet tilted his head and said to Ed, “If you’re prepared to fight your way through twenty-fleets of White Ships, then have at it.”

  “How many ships are in each fleet?” Jillian asked.

  “Not more than two-hundred-thousand or so. They are, after all, the Mercenary Guild.”

  Jillian sighed, “By the way, Ayet. I told Candice what I told you and she said I was absolutely right. She is thankful for what you did.”

  “That’s good to know.” Ayet’s eyes closed slightly, “I refuse to think about losing my grandson right now. After you leave, I’ll deal with it.”

  “He was a good person, Ayet.”

  “How could he not be? I should go.”

  He disappeared and Ed shook his head; what a dichotomy. “Let’s head back.” The two Strikers turned and accelerated away.

  • • •

  Ayet arrived at his office and sat in his chair. After a few minutes, he began weeping. He had gone to Earth many times to look at his family. Jimmy’s son Ayet held a special place in his heart; they shared his name. His mate had died years earlier leaving him without children of his o
wn. He finally collected himself and contacted his Big-Head. He arrived and Ayet presented a proposal. The Big-Head was shaking his head as soon as he realized what was being presented, “Do you know what you’re suggesting?!”

  “I do and I want to know if you could defend it?”

  The Big-Head’s eyes closed a little and he said, “If the magnitude of it wasn’t so huge, there are precedents that allow a defense.”

  “That’s all I need to know. You will, of course, keep this to yourself or I’ll have your license revoked.”

  The Big-Head’s head went back and Ayet was amazed he didn’t fall over backwards, “You don’t have to be insulting! I will never violate a client’s confidence!”

  Ayet smiled, “Just making sure. The right price can buy most things and most people. Just be aware, I will make sure it would be forfeited along with your license.”

  The Big-Head stared at him and forgot his plans. The risk was too high. This Skeer could probably do it.

  • • •

  Ed arrived back at Earth and saw Jimmy in the launch cave, “They’re still fighting over a leader. Ayet thinks we have time.”

  “That’s great news!”

  “Sir.” Jimmy looked at Ed. “He tried to hide it but your father was deeply affected by Ayet’s death. I thought you’d want to know.” Jimmy lowered his eyes and nodded. Ed walked away to give him some space and Jillian skipped up beside him and Ed said, “You look pretty happy.”

  Jillian nodded, “We have more time! That’s a great thing!” Ed shook his head and Jillian’s eyes narrowed, “What? You don’t agree?!”

  Ed stopped walking and shook his head, “No, I agree but it doesn’t deserve that much happiness.”

  “Oh no! Then what does?”

  Ed went to a knee and held out a ring, “Will you marry me?” Jillian’s mouth flew wide open and she covered it with both hands. Ed smiled and said, “Will you?”

  Jillian jumped into him knocking him over, “YES, YES, A HUNDRED TIMES YES!!”

  Ed laughed and said, “Now see, isn’t that something to be much happier about?” Jillian agreed but she was too busy covering his face with kisses.

  • • •

  Later, at their wedding, Carol, who was Jillian’s Maid of Honor said, “I saw the first day you sat across from him that this was coming.”


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