Jimmy's Dreams II: A Recurring Nightmare

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Jimmy's Dreams II: A Recurring Nightmare Page 25

by Saxon Andrew

  The Lead enforcer pointed toward Kee and waved her forward. She looked around and put her hand on her chest and mouthed, “ME?”

  The Lead Enforcer nodded as she walked forward and stopped beside Jimmy. The Enforcer knew he had to keep it simple so he asked, “Were you left behind.”

  Kee looked at the Supreme Guild Master and said, “I think a better term would be stranded. Our transports flew away and left us behind to fend off our attackers.”

  Everyone in the room grew silent. This Urrik did not sound like a pilot and the Guild Master was more surprised than anyone. Even the Enforcers were shocked silent. Kee looked at them, “You should know that when our former masters sent us out to fight, they did not allow us to take any food on our ships. I think they believed it would insure our return. However, when they flew away and left us behind, they condemned us to a death by starvation.”

  “You’re not dead,” an Enforcer stated.

  Kee looked at Jimmy, “This man came out and offered to feed us and give us shelter. He gave us a new home and we will defend it to the death against all comers. All he asked was that we trade our ships for our new home.”

  “Intervention! The pilot can’t give away what she doesn’t own.”

  Kee looked at the Big-Head, “You need to check the Book of Laws for the training manual all new Urrik Pilots have to complete. On the first page, it says that our ships belong to us and that we will not leave them unless ordered.” Kee looked at the Guild Master, “Ask him; he knows.”

  The Supreme Guild Master’s eyes narrowed, “You will show respect to your Master!!”

  Kee laughed and waved a hand at him, “You gave that up when you flew away and left us to die. Kee’s eyes narrowed, “I’m really, really, looking forward to seeing you again.”

  “There will be no threats in the Law Center!!” the Assistant yelled.

  Kee smiled a smile that was deadly, “Who’s threatening any one? I just look forward to seeing the Supreme Guild Master again.”

  “How many of you were left behind?” The Lead Enforcer asked.

  “More than ninety-thousand ships if you include the pilots that were killed by Ayet. Sixty-four-thousand of our pilots were still alive when they were left behind.”

  “Where are they now?”

  “They are waiting for the next Mercenary attack.”

  The Lead Enforcer stared at the pilot, “How are you able to speak so well?”

  “The food we were given on our new home nourishes us and allows our minds to fully develop. What our former masters fed us was intended to keep us dumb so we would follow their orders without question.”

  The Lead Enforcer saw that the Female Urrik did not take her eyes off the Supreme Guild Master. He looked at the six-Enforcers and saw they were stumped on what to do. He turned to the room and said, “The loss that Skeer Ayet suffered will be removed by the loss of the Military Guild’s two warships. Neither side owes the other anything.”

  Ayet blew out a breath and rolled his eyes, “Crudalup!!”

  C-Lem leaned forward and said, “I’ll pay you the money, Ayet. You saved my life.”

  Ayet smiled, “It was Eger here who did it.” Ayet saw Eger staring at the Enforcers and said, “What’s wrong?”

  “Something’s up.”


  “I don’t know.” Everyone looked at the front of the Law Center and saw the Guild Master speaking to the Enforcers with his Big-Head.

  • • •

  After five-minutes, Eger said, “Intervention!”

  The Lead Enforcer looked at him and said, “Your case is over.”

  “Yes, it is. But if the discussion you’re having with the Military Guild involves my clients, Guild Laws require the discussion be made to the open Law Center.”

  The Lead Enforcer saw that many of the ones leaving turned around and went back to their seats. He looked at Eger and said, “The Military Guild is discussing a contract to attack the Human Jimmy’s planet to redress their feelings.”

  “Lead Enforcer, it has been proven they acted illegally. They should not be allowed to attack one of my Clients.”

  The Guild Master Smiled, “That planet is now a member in full standing in the Guild and as such, is open to a contract against it.”

  Jimmy looked at Eger, “Is he right?”

  “Yes, he is. But if the Enforcer allows it, there will be extreme hostility from the members that watched the proceedings.”

  The Enforcers were in a bad situation. They hoped to keep the discussion secret and they saw the anger from the huge gathering. Well, there was no helping it. He turned to the Guild Master and said, “The fee to make your attack will be three-billion monetary units.” Every being in the court knew that was an impossible price.

  Eger kept his eyes on the Guild Master and saw him grab his Big-Heads arm and squeeze it. The Big-Head winced and the Guild Master said, “You will get him to lower that fee or you will die.” He released the Big-Head’s arm and he raised his arms as he shouted at the Enforcers.

  Eger sighed, “The fix is in.”

  “What?” Ayet asked. “How do you know?”

  “I just know.”

  The Enforcers saw the emergency hand signals from the Guild’s Big Head and knew they had no choice. The Big-Head was saying loudly, “You know this fee is impossible! Please be fair and make it one that is reasonable.” The Enforcers had an agreement that if any Big-Head used that signal, they would do everything possible to prevent his death. They were trapped again.

  The Lead Enforcer looked at the Guild Master with anger and said, “We will reduce it by half but that is all.”

  The Guild Master nodded, “We will pay it.”

  “You will pay every monetary unit before you will be allowed to attack.”

  The Guild Master stared at the Lead Enforcer and nodded.

  • • •

  Jimmy stared at the proceedings and said, “Is my planet being a member of your community optional?”

  The Enforcers looked at him and the Lead Enforcer said, “You will need to sign the forms that will make your status permanent.”

  Jimmy’s eyes narrowed, “I will not be signing any forms.”

  “Are you sure about that?!” Eger asked.

  “I am absolutely sure.”

  The Guild Master smiled hugely, “Are they no longer a member?”

  The Lead Enforcer shrugged, “They have declined Membership in an open Law Center. They will cease being a member as of this moment.”

  The Guild Master stood up and looked at Jimmy, “If that is the case, I will attack that planet and, since the Gread C-lem did not list that planet as his discovery and I have, it will belong to me!”

  Everyone looked at C-lem and he shrugged, “I didn’t want it stolen. I’m sorry.”

  The Lead Enforcer looked at Jimmy and said, “I will allow you to reconsider.”

  The Guild Master jerked his head around and Jimmy said, “No! We will not be a part of this house of horrors! This Law Center is a place where justice is supposed to take place and everything but justice happens. My world was illegally attacked and you then allow the attacker to pay for the privilege to attack us again? I look at those attending this farce and I see that most of them detest the others present. All of them hold a grudge against the others and it’s due to your causing them to fight among themselves. You don’t care about right or wrong or the right thing to do, you’re only interested in the wealth you can gouge out of the Guild’s membership.”

  A voice yelled, “Damn right!!”

  The Guild Master looked at the Enforcers with a smile and the Lead Enforcer said, “You made your contract before they turned down membership. You will pay that fee or will not be allowed to attack that planet.”

  Jimmy shook his head and looked around the huge room, “Does anyone need a better example of the greed on exhibit here?” Jimmy continued to look around the silent room and said, “The only thing holding your community together is fe
ar. It is close to falling apart and none of you see it.” Jimmy looked at the Supreme Guild Master, “Since my world is no longer a part of this garbage, I won’t need a contract to attack you.”

  The Guild Master sneered, “You’ll never make it through my defenses!”

  Jimmy smiled, “Were those defenses in place when just one of my warships removed your predecessor along with the building he was in? You should also be aware that any future attack on my civilization will be seen as a provocation to attack here. We will also attack any vessel you send and your guild masters will be the first to die.”

  “If you do that, every civilization will attack you!”

  “And they will face the same fate as you! Do you think for a moment any of the civilizations will weaken their defenses to attack a civilization in another galaxy? Those that do will be attacked by those that hold ill will toward them when they send their warships.” Jimmy looked out at the packed room and said, “Am I wrong?” Most of the attendees shook their heads.

  The Lead Enforcer said, “You are not planning to attack the Law Centers!”

  Jimmy looked at him, “I didn’t see any defenses around this planet.”

  The Lead Enforcer turned to the Guild Master, “Your contract to attack them is void!”

  The Guild Master smiled wickedly, “It’s been made and you are prevented by law in interfering with it. However, I will defend the Law Centers for a price.” The Lead Enforcer stared at him and he said, “About four-billion monetary units should do it.”

  Jimmy shook his head, “After you’re dead and your planet is blasted into rubble, no one is going to weep. All I see is cheering at your demise.”

  The entire room stood up and cheered. The Guild Master watched them and stared at Jimmy. Jimmy looked into his eyes and the Guild Master did not like what he saw. Jimmy looked at the Lead Enforcer, “You tried to stop this at the end and for that reason alone, I will not attack this Law Center.” Jimmy turned along with the others at his podium and walked out of the room to the thunderous applause of the gathering. Kee remained behind for a few seconds and stared at the Guild Master. Then she walked out with the others. The Guild Master went to his vehicle and lifted a mike, “Notify all the planets we have defense contracts with that we are ending them?”

  “That’s where the majority of our funds come from.”

  “We inserted clauses that allow us to back out of the contract. Tell them we’re exercising that clause.”

  His apprentice said, “Supremacy, it is going to take some time to gather the fee to pay the Law Center. Shouldn’t we continue the contracts until we launch our attack?”

  The Supreme Guild Master stared at him and then nodded, “Notify our forces they will continue the defense contracts until I tell them different.”

  “Yes, Supremacy.”

  That was a good suggestion. It was going to take a while to gather the fee. He needed all the funds possible to launch the next invasion. He kept seeing the Pilot’s eyes. An intelligent pilot? That had him worried.

  • • •

  The hearing was seen by most of the inhabitants of the Guild Civilization, including the pilots that flew the White Ships. They didn’t understand most of what was being said…but one word they all began discussing…Kee.

  • • •

  Jimmy looked at Ayet, “I’m sorry. But if they attack us again I’m coming here and clean house.”

  Ayet shrugged and winked at him, “Don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I have about a billion or two reasons that make me sure. Anyone stupid enough to attack here is asking to be extinct.”

  C-lem looked at Eger, “I want my business signed over to Ayet.”

  “Your son?”

  “No, the Skeer.”

  “Why are you wanting to do that?”

  “Because I’m going to join my family and stay on Earth, if Jimmy approves.”

  “You know your children are going to need mates for your species to survive there.”

  C-lem looked at Spring with his eyes wide open and she said, “You know I’m right. Keep your ownership and once this is done, you can go and bring them back.”

  Jimmy smiled at Spring as she said, “Ayet, I will help you choose yours.”

  Little Ayet smiled, “I look forward to your advice.”

  “C-lem, you are welcome to go back to your family and I think Spring is right. Other Gread need to come to Earth. But that is not something you should wait on. I’ll take the Jumper and you can choose who goes back with you.”


  Jimmy smiled, “Because when we remove the fence at the lagoon, it will be a huge world ahead of you.”

  C-lem’s eyes widened and he said, “Before you even think about that, we need to pick up some arms. Those sharks and orcas are out of a nightmare.”

  Jimmy shook his head, “So, were you. But look at where we are now. You’ll do what must be done to survive and we’ll be there to help you. Purchase what you need and we’ll take it back with you.”

  Little Ayet walked over to Jimmy and wrapped his fins around him. Jimmy hugged him and said, “Kee, I think that Guild Master was intimidated by you.”

  “He should be. The price for me making this trip was that I would be one of those that go to his planet.”

  “Was it worth it?”

  “You have no idea. I look forward to it.”

  “First, we have to survive the next invasion.”

  Kee shrugged, “There is that.”

  Ayet looked at Eger, “Are going back to your Law Center?”

  “Until the Mercenaries launch their attack. Then, I thought I’d take a vacation to your planet.”

  “It’ll cost you.”

  Eger smiled, “Don’t worry, I have a little wealth to pay my family’s way.”

  Ayet smiled, “I imagine you do.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Jimmy looked around the conference room and saw the number that normally attended the Leadership Meetings had grown considerably. With the addition of the Urriks and his children, who only attended sporadically in the past, the number had grown to nearly twenty. He said loudly, “Let’s get started, shall we?” He looked at Ed and said, “You called for this meeting, what’s on your mind.”

  “Leit, Reddy, Kee, and I have watched Kee’s recording of the trial…”

  Jimmy interrupted, “Recording?! We were told that recordings were not allowed. To do so would lead to a heavy fine.”

  Kee shrugged, “So sue me. After all, I’m just a dumb pilot and I would have played the role if they caught me.”

  “Any way, we were greatly impressed by what you said to the Supreme Guild Master at the end. If not for Kee revealing how smart she is, I suspect he would have laughed you out of the court,” Ed continued.

  Jimmy stared at Ed and Juan said, “Jimmy, we analyzed what we can expect from the Mercenaries and thought we needed to discuss it with you.”

  Jimmy was clearly feeling defensive and he leaned back in his chair and said, “Go ahead.” Summer put her hand on is arm and shook her head. He rolled his eyes, “What has all of you concerned?”

  Juan looked at the Navy command team and they looked back at him. Juan said, “Cowards!”

  Ed raised his shoulders, “Hey! You outrank us.”

  Juan smiled slightly and muttered, “As if that has meaning in this room.” He looked at Jimmy and said, “You’ve said a number of times that the asteroid impacts killed ninety-eight-percent of all human life on Earth. Do you still believe that?”

  “Yes! Why do you ask?”

  Juan shook his head, “Jimmy, don’t be defensive. Just listen to us with an open mind.”

  Jimmy saw his family staring at him and he blew out a breath, “All right. Go ahead and tell me where I’m wrong.”

  “It’s not a question of you being right or wrong; it’s just a matter of seeing the truth of where we are. Anyway, at the time of the impac
ts, Earth had nine-billion humans living on it. If ninety-eight-percent of them died, how many survived?”

  Jimmy smiled, “Two-percent.”

  “And how many humans does that represent? Jimmy stared at him and Juan said, “I’m not trying to trick you; that’s 18 million survivors.” Jimmy’s brow furrowed and Juan nodded, “I know, we haven’t found nearly that many so the death rate may have been closer to ninety-nine-percent. However, let’s look at that two-percent number and examine it.”

  Jimmy nodded, “Go ahead.”

  “If we could find all the survivors and bring them to the cities and if only ten-percent of them were capable of piloting a Striker, how many pilots would that give us?”

  Jimmy stared at Juan and then his eyes opened wider, “Close to two-million.”

  “One point eight-million to be exact. However, that’s with only two-percent survival rate.” Jimmy nodded.

  Juan took a breath, “Now, consider the Mercenary Planet. It’s a heavy gravity planet somewhere between two and three times Earth’s size with a corresponding increase in surface. The entire Guild Civilizations are suffering from over population and the Urrik planet is no different. It’s estimated by our pilots that at least twenty-billion inhabitants live on the planet.” Jimmy glanced at Summer and saw her concern.

  Juan saw him and continued, “Now, let’s consider the qualifications for a Urrik Pilot. Leit?”

  “We’re taught the controls when we’re first chosen. That takes up the most time but the controls are relatively simple. Turn left, right, up, or down. Press this button to fire your weapon. Use the pedals to control thrust. We were told to go fast, point our ship at a target and shoot. They also taught us how to stop, so we could land in the transports. That’s about it. Then they sent us out for a few weeks to chase each other. The ones that were best at it, were chosen to be pilots.”

  Juan looked at Jimmy, “The ships given to the Urrik pilots to fly are not a complicated product either. They’re massed produced and not technologically complex. What makes them so dangerous is the high gravity turns the pilots can handle.”

  “What are you saying, Juan?”

  “Well, the percentage of their population capable of flying their White Ships is probably about fifty-percent. But let’s be really, really, conservative and say that only ten percent, like us, can fly one of their ships. That means that they have two-billion pilots to use. The real number is probably closer to ten-billion.”


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