Sassy Ever After: Her Fierce Dragon (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Sassy Ever After: Her Fierce Dragon (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 4

by Ariel Marie

  Willow blushed, not wanting to tell her that Feno and her had quickly moved through their relationship.

  Delia pulled back and laughed. “No need for shyness. You’re a grown woman with needs, and if I know Feno the way I do, I’m sure he will have no problem taking care of your needs.”

  “Wait. You and him—”

  “Never.” Delia shook her head, sensing where Willow was going. “He’s a dragon warrior who has been searching for his mate and he’s found it in you. The merging of your powers is proof alone that you two complete each other.”

  “We can have this talk when you return,” Willow interjected. “Where are you? How can I find you? Who has you?”

  That was more important. She would gladly speak of mating once her grandmother was home safe.

  “You were right to be leery of the elders. After you left, the doorbell rang and I assumed it was you returning. But when I opened the door, men rushed into the house and took me. They reeked of alcohol and shifters. I believe they were rogues.

  Willow could feel the spell weakening.

  “Do you know where you are?” she asked, desperate to find her.

  “Not sure, but if I had to guess, I’d say somewhere in the mountains. My ears kept popping from the altitude. I heard mention of Blue Creek, so I know I’m not that far from you.”

  “I’ll find you. I promise,” Willow cried out as everything went black.

  Willow’s body fell against a strong chest. The familiar arms held her to him as she tried to catch her breath.

  “I got you.” Feno’s breath blew against her ear. She opened her eyes and saw Sunny staring at her in awe.

  “That was amazing,” Sunny breathed. “Did you reach her?”

  Willow nodded, but the energy spent from reaching her grandmother left her feeling a little weak.

  “She’s here in Blue Creek. She said some type of shifters have her.” Willow closed her eyes and leaned back against Feno.

  “Did she say where she was?” Feno asked gently. His fingertips brushed the bare skin of her legs as he tried to help her settle down.

  “She thinks she’s in the mountains. She said the elevation kept messing with her ears.”

  “I’ll go and see what I can find out,” Sunny offered, scrambling to her feet. Willow opened her eyes and nodded her thanks to the other witch.

  “You know how to contact me.” Feno’s deep voice rumbled against her chest. Sunny nodded her head and grabbed her bag before jogging back into the woods. “I think you’ve proven yourself to her. Sunny is a good woman. She’ll spread the word to the other covens of your innocence.”

  Willow nodded, but at the moment, she couldn’t think of anything but the feel of Feno behind her. As a witch, her powers were drawn from the elements— earth, wind, water, and fire. Using her energy and powers to help unlock her third eye left a fire burning in the pit of her stomach.

  She’d read in her studies that when mates merged their energies with one another, it led to a heightened sexual appetite for the witch. If her mate was one with extreme power, it caused the craving to be even more intense.

  Never had she experienced anything like this before. She turned herself over to the sexual energy that was building inside of her. She’d have to expel the energy, or she could pass out from being overloaded.

  Her nipples pushed against her thin shirt as she felt the moisture seep out of her core. Her skin tingled everywhere from the energy running beneath it.

  A growl resonated deep within Feno. She knew that he could detect when she was aroused, and at the moment, she was.

  “Feno,” she gasped. Her body began to tremble from need as his hand slowly ran up her abdomen and cupped her aching breast.

  “What is it?” He nipped her ear, making her body jerk.

  “I need you.” Her hand slid up behind her and gripped his head. She turned her lips to his and met his in a desperate kiss.

  His hand slid down and disappeared beneath her skirt. She cried out as he teased her by running his finger along her panty clad center. Her hips thrust toward his hand on their own, needing to find release.

  Fast and hard to expel the energy. If it wasn’t such a desperate situation, she would laugh at herself. She had never wanted to reach an orgasm so bad before.

  “Soon, my Little Witch,” he murmured as he pulled her panties away from her body with such force, the thin material ripped away, freeing her. He nipped the skin at the crook of her neck as his fingers finally spread her labia to expose her clit.

  She cried out at the first swipe of his fingers along her sensitive nub. She spread her legs wide to give him full access.

  “Feno,” she groaned as she closed her eyes to give herself over to the sensations that were building up inside of her. His fingers dipped farther inside of her soaked core.

  “You’re mine, Willow. This is mine,” he growled as he thrust his long finger inside.

  “Yes!” She gripped his hair as she rode his fingers. She could feel the aura around them brighten and deepen. With her eyes closed, she could feel the crown of her head warm. Her energy was rising.

  She was so close.

  His thick finger pulled out of her and drew the slick moisture to her clitoris as he began to focus on her little bundle of nerves. Her body drew tense as she reached her peak of ecstasy.

  She cried out as her body trembled through her release. She held onto Feno tight as the energy flowed through her entire body, and was expelled from her through the crown of her head. She slumped against him with a higher state of consciousness of the world around them as she floated through her euphoric state.

  Feno growled and turned her toward him and she gasped as he quickly unbuckled his pants. The power around them buzzed, and they practically glowed. She could see the faint glow of white, darkening to a deep purple.

  Freeing his cock from his jeans, Willow raised herself up and impaled herself onto him, leaving both of them to cry out. She could feel the connection between them lock in place.

  Her grandmother was right.

  He was for her.

  He would be able to handle all of her needs.

  She held onto his face as their eyes connected, guiding her along on his length.

  “You’re the other half of my soul,” she cried out as she rode him. She didn’t want to keep it from him. She had said so many wrong things before her grandmother disappeared, and she didn’t want to make the same mistake with Feno. She wanted to lay her cards on the table and not play around with him.

  “You’re my mate,” he growled through clenched teeth, increasing the pace. Her heart jumped at the announcement. She slammed her mouth onto his as she rode the second wave of her orgasm. Her muscles tightened, gripping his cock tight as she threw her head back and screamed. Feno roared along with her as he shot his release deep inside of her. The energy from their coupling exploded around them, causing the ground to shake.

  Her arms shook as she tried to squeeze him close to her. She rested her forehead against his as she tried to catch her breath.

  “Mate with me?” Feno asked, pushing the hair that escaped from her bun away from her face. She opened her eyes and smiled at him.


  Chapter Eight

  Feno flew higher in the sky, heading toward a mountainous region to try to figure out which mountain or hill that Delia could be hidden in.

  Sunny discovered there was a pack of rogues that had moved into Blue Creek recently. It wasn’t known if they would be staying to join the local packs. Feno would have to make contact with the local packs to see if they’d spoken with the rogues. Wolves could be territorial when it came to rogues moving in on their land.

  The clouds parted as his dragon pushed on.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Vander scoffed at him through their telepathic link. He hadn’t spoken to his brother over the past few days since he met Willow. He would have to introduce her to the family.

  Yesterday at the lake had b
een earth-shattering for him. Now he understood why his brother was so protective over Faye. Vander had come close to losing Faye when an evil dragon named Gamair went after her. He had kidnapped Faye from Vander’s castle. Feno and Jodos immediately helped hunt Gamair down and destroyed the black dragon.

  “I’ve got a lot going on. I’ll have to explain later.” He didn’t even know how to tell his brother that he had found his mate.

  “Does it have something to do with the woman that was with you when Winston picked you up the other night?”

  What the hell? Why would Winston go blabbing to Vander about him picking up a woman? Well, he guessed this was his way to share with his brother that he had found his mate.

  “Winston needs to mind his own damn business,” he muttered.

  “Don’t go blaming him. You never take a woman back to your condo. She has to be special,” Vander said.

  Feno’s keen shifter eyes took in the mountains, but didn’t see anything. He decided to get a little closer so that he could ensure that the mountain was empty.

  “Willow’s my mate,” he admitted as he coasted near the land.

  “Mate? You’ve found your mate and you didn’t think to tell anyone?” Vander’s voice held a hint of hurt to it.

  “Don’t be such a pansy,” Feno snorted. “She’s the granddaughter of Delia.”

  “The high priestess?” Vander whistled. “Isn’t her coven trying to banish the granddaughter?”

  Feno growled at the mention of her banishment. He dipped down farther, taking in the land, but only saw wild animals running to hide at the presence of his beast cutting through the sky. He pulled back up, determining that the region was free of rogues.

  “Willow’s innocent. Someone’s framing her.”

  “You’re trying to help her find Delia?” Vander asked quietly.


  “What do you need me to do?” Vander asked without hesitation.

  “Contact the alpha of the Rahound Pack. See if they got word of rogues moving in. From what we can find out, Delia was taken by rogues who are here in Blue Creek.”

  “Got it,” Vander replied. “And Feno? Congratulations, brother. I can’t wait to meet Willow.”

  His dragon was anxious to get back to Willow. She was sleeping this morning when he had left the house. She’d been drained of her energy and needed to rest. He had left her a note that he would return soon. He picked up speed and turned toward his condo in town. It was time to take her to his castle, his real home. The one that he had spent most of his life preparing for the day he would meet his mate.

  Willow opened her eyes and knew that the bed beside her was empty. She rolled onto her side to look where Feno had slept. She ran her hand across the sheets and found them to be cold.

  “Feno?” she called out.


  The house was quiet, except for the gentle hum of the electricity brimming throughout the house. She slid to the edge of the bed and paused when a white piece of paper on the nightstand captured her attention. She reached for it, mesmerized by the bold strokes of Feno’s writing.


  You were asleep and I didn’t have the heart to wake you. I will go and search the highest mountains near us. It’s quicker in my shifted form. I shall return soon.

  Yours forever,


  She traced the boldness of his name, feeling his essence permeate from the small piece of paper. She smiled at the words Yours Forever. Feno Kelmyar was her life mate. She thought of the rush of power she felt when they merged and knew that together, they would be able to defeat any enemy.

  Willow rose from the bed with a wide grin on her face. The euphoric feeling she was experiencing couldn’t be shattered by anything. She grabbed a button-down shirt from Feno’s closet to cover her nakedness. His shirt was extremely large on her. It easily made it’s way to her knees, and the sleeves engulfed her hands. She folded the arms up as she walked down the stairs.

  She was curious about Feno and walked through the house for the first time, noting that his condo was plain and clean. Not too many mementos around it.

  This would have to change.

  She floated into the kitchen as her stomach growled. The refrigerator revealed that Feno was not a cook. She stood and stared into the empty contraption.

  “What are we supposed to eat?” she muttered with a laugh.

  She opened the cabinets and found coffee grounds and grew excited to make herself a good cup of coffee.

  A slight movement from the corner of her eye caused her to turn and look out the glass patio doors that led outside.


  “Must have been an animal,” she murmured, turning back to the single-serving coffee maker that sat on the counter. She went back to the fridge and found creamer in the door and closed it, just as movement again caused her to turn. This time, she saw a yard filled with witches.

  Her heart slammed against her chest. Were they here to send her away from Blue Creek? She knew she wasn’t welcome, but this was a little bit much if it took this many people to make her leave. She sat the creamer on the counter by the coffee maker before walking over to the patio door.

  Willow stared out and found Sunny standing in the front of the group. Witches of all ages and levels stood united in Feno’s backyard.

  “Here goes nothing,” she murmured as she pushed the door open. She wished she would have put on clothes. Nothing like being the victim of a witch hunt and being naked, aside from a long men’s shirt.

  “Willow, we come in peace,” Sunny announced as she stepped forward.

  Willow could feel her eyes widen as she stood frozen in place. She took a nervous breath as she looked around at the witches. They returned her gaze with curiosity brimming in their eyes.

  “Sunny, what’s going on?” she asked, closing the patio door as she made her way into the center of the brick patio.

  “I’ve told my coven of your power and what you shared with me. They wanted to see the granddaughter of Delia. She’s an ally to our coven, and if she’s in trouble, then we’re here to help,” Sunny said.

  “I would never harm my grandmother. She’s my blood, my life. Whatever you heard about me was all lies,” Willow proclaimed to the group. She refused to act as a helpless victim. She would save her grandmother and find out who had betrayed her and her grandmother.

  “Willow, allow me to introduce you to our high priestess, Daire Soulton.”

  Willow murmured a greeting to the elder woman that stepped forward. Her long graying hair hung in waves over her shoulders. Her face remained youthful, but Willow could sense the age and wisdom brimming from her eyes.

  “Sunny has told us of the memory that you shared with her. It takes a strong witch to wield that kind of power. She also shared with us that you were able to reach Delia. The Blue Moon Coven is at your disposal,” Daire conveyed.

  “Yes, I was able to use my third eye to open an interdimensional space and communicate with her,” Willow informed the group.

  Murmurs echoed through the air as the witches stared at her with wide eyes.

  “She’s met her other half. I witnessed them merge their powers together. It was beautiful.” Summer turned to the group.

  “Delia is a strong witch, and it would seem that you are following in her footsteps.” Daire nodded to Willow. “We will help in any way that we can. Just say the word.”

  Willow nodded her head, too choked up with emotion as she stared out at the group. Tears flooded her eyes, but she hastily wiped them away and smiled.

  The sound of the patio door opening behind her caused her to turn. Feno stepped through the door, with a fierce scowl on his face.

  “What’s going on out here?” he growled. Willow could feel his power hitting her as he came to stand behind her. He wrapped his strong arm around her and pulled her to him.

  “This is Sunny and her coven,” she advised him. She turned in his arms so that she could face him. “Her coven
is here in support of me.”

  “But why are you crying? I felt the ache in my chest that could only be you.” He tore his intense gaze from the people in the yard, but it softened as he looked down at her.

  “They’re tears of joy. They believe me,” she whispered, leaning her head against his broad chest. Relief filled her at the thought that the local witch coven believed her.

  “I knew they would,” he murmured, resting his chin on top of her head.

  “Feno Kelmyar, we are at her disposal. Please, let us know how we can help.”

  “Spread the word of her power and that she spoke the truth. There’s a traitor in her coven. Someone who wants to tear them apart and destroy Delia. We need everyone’s eyes open. My brother is reaching out to the wolf shifters as we speak to notify them that rogues are present in Blue Creek. That’s who we believe took Delia.”

  “Acting on whose orders?” Daire questioned.

  Willow turned back around to face the group. “That’s what I plan to find out.”

  Chapter Nine

  “My brother wants to meet us,” Feno informed Willow as he watched her get dressed. He took note of the small bag that she had. She didn’t travel with much luggage and he wanted to remedy that. He would take her shopping to ensure she had clothes. The dragon in him wanted to make sure that their mate didn’t want for anything.

  “Did he find something out?” she asked, pulling her dress over her head. Her smooth skin called to him, and he couldn’t stay away from her any longer. His feet carried him to stand behind her as she fussed with her hair. The scent of her entered his nostrils as he pulled her to him. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck, drawing in the faint lavender aroma of her shower gel. “Feno, I asked you a question.”

  Her giggles filled the air. He loved the sound of her laughter and tightened his grip on her. Pushing his hips toward her, caused her laughter to die out as she met his gaze in the mirror.

  “Feno.” Her voice was breathless as his hands disappeared beneath her dress.


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