and the great gods at Khinnis, 207
Hanging Garden builder, 43, 107, 175–6, 179, 203–8
murder of, 174
and Naqia (second wife), 123, 146
planning and building, 209–13
prism inscription, 171, 174–5, 189, 209–13
promoted his own fame, 161–3
re-used wall-panels of, 188
rock sculpture of, 93, 93–4, 206
and Sargon, 128, 129–30
siege of Lachish, 136, 137
South-West Palace see separate entry
temple built in Tarsus, 197
tunnel construction, 87–8
water-raising, 59, 61–83, 62–3, 83–6, 89, 156
Seven Against Thebes (Aeschylus), 6
Seven Sages, 6, 8, 57, 58, 154
seven wonders of the ancient world, 1–2, 4–6, 26–7, 30, 33, 40, 82, 96–7, 159, 202, 208
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, The (Clayton), 26
Sextus Propertius, 205
shaduf (water-raising system), 32, 45, 61, 64–5, 72, 78–9, 90
Shallalat dam, 92, 206
Shalmaneser III, king, 121–2, Colour Plate 14
Shamash-shum-ukin, king, 123
Shamshi-Adad V, king, 121
Shemshara (site in N.Iraq), 241 n.68
Sibitti gods, 6, 195–6
Siebold, Philipp Franz von (plant collector), 165
Siloam tunnel (in Jerusalem), 174
Sin-ahu-uṣur (Sargon’s brother), 129
sindû (tree), 165
Sippar, temple of sun-god, 9
šitimgallu, 81
slavery, 55
Smith, George (archaeologist), 138
Smith, Sidney (assyriologist), 183, 200
Sophocles, 20
South-West Palace of Sennacherib at Nineveh, 130, 130–6, 138–51, 148, 200
attempted destruction of, 185
built on old citadel at Nineveh, 90
demonic gods, 139
design and planning of, 80, 82
drainage systems of, 102
during the Roman period, 200
and the Elamites, 190
and Tiglath-pileser I, 83
Parthian lintel, 186, 187
partly ruined status, 191–2
plans/map/stone pattern, 130, 133
remains of the edge of, 53
threshold stone, 134
‘unrivalled palace’, 9
wall panels, 53, 146, 163, 172, 188, 205
Sports, 168–70, 173
Standard Babylonian dialect, 61
and Calachene, 193
description of gardens, 20, 23, 30
and Nineveh, 186, 193
reference to screws for watering, 33–4, 41, 51, 54, 57, 62, 73, 78, 82, 206
and the South-West Palace, 14, 149
walls of Babylon, 6
stratēgos, 195–6, 205–6, 242 n.76
Stratonice, queen, 37, 124, 125, 126
Sumerian King-list, 107–8, 114, 118
Susa (city, Iran), 72, 72, 185, 190, 206
Syria, 1, 127–9
syringes (pipes), 218 n.4
tabrâti (wonder, sight), 9
Tacitus, 186, 193
Taharqa, Pharaoh, 169
Taq-i Bustan (rock sculptures in Iran), 200, 201
Tarbiṣu (town-site in N.Iraq)), 9, 92
Tarsus (city-site in Turkey), 197
Tashmetu-sharrat, queen, 145–6, 170, 207
Tel Rehov (site in Israel), 59
Telchines (Greek sages), 58
Tell Abraq (town-site in Sharjah), 236 n.24
Tell al-Rimah (city-site in N.Iraq), 67, 68, 69, 70
Tell Basmusian (city-site in N.Iraq), 67
Tell el-Amarna (city-site in Egypt), 174
Tell Gomel (village in N.Iraq), 97
Tell Halaf palace, 141
Tell Leilan (city-site in Syria), 67, 68
temple of the Seven Gods (Khorsabad), 196
Terpander (musician), 58
terraces, terracing, 35, 221 n.12
Tha’labi (Arab writer), 108
Thasos, 190
theamata (sights), 9
thaumata (wonders), 9
theatre, 31, 41, 148, 155, 173
Thebes (city-site in Egypt), 119
Theophrastus, 167, 172
throne, throne-base, 138, Colour Plate 14
Tiamat (sea-goddess), 154
Tiberius, Emperor, 199
Tiglath-pileser I, king, 83–4, 147, 166
Tiglath-Pileser III, king, 8, 128
Tigranes, king, 186
Tigris river
introduction, 1, 3
joining to the river Khosr, 90
location confusion, 120, 126
and Seleucia, 27, 37
tributaries, 47–8
Titus, Emperor, 75
‘Toledo tables’, 119–20
Tower of Babel, 36
Trajan, Emperor, 199
trees, see plants, planting
Tropic Gardens, Florida, 166
Troy (city-site in Turkey), 87–8
Trysa (city-site in Turkey)), 228 n.37
Tubal-Cain (biblical hero), 58
Tummal (cult centre in S.Iraq), 80
Turkey, 3, 45, 75, 126, 197
Tuthmosis III, king, 167
Tyche (goddess), 198
‘Unrivalled Palace’
at Khorsabad, 9, 129, 131
at Nineveh, 131, 146–7
Untash-napirisha, king, 227 n.8
Upper Sea in the West see Mediterranean Sea
Ur, 18, 67, 98, 185
Ur-Nammu, king, 80
Urartu, Urartians, 87, 129
Uruk (city-site in S.Iraq), 27, 80, 118, see also Kullab
Ut-napishtim (hero), 57–8
Varro, Marcus Terentius, 4
Versailles (palace & garden in France), 208
Vespasian, Emperor, 75
Vitruvius, 57, 69–70
Vogelsang, Willem (historian), 191
Voltaire, 182
votive offerings, 101
Wadi Brisa (in Lebanon), 22, 24–5
Walters Art Gallery Inscription, 144
engineering for management of, 81, 83–105, 156
Hanging Garden attraction, 154
raising of, 59, 61–83, 76, 205–6, see also Archimedean screw, cerd, saqia, shaduf
systems of supply, see aflaj, qanat
waterwheels, 78, 218 n.6
White, Gilbert (naturalist), 19
Window of Appearances, 162
windows, 142, 142
Windsor Castle (England), 232 n.12
Wiseman, Donald (assyriologist), 14
Woolley, Leonard (archaeologist), 18, 98
World History (Pompeius Trogus), 126
‘World Wonder’, 8–10, 204, 205
writing materials, 182
Xenophon, 101–2, 109, 158, 183, 186, 190, 192–5
Yahweh (god), 158
Zab river, 48, 147, 192
Zeus, statue of, 5
ziggurat, 18–20, 19, 29, 74, 75, 118, 132, 149
Zimri-Lim, king, 85
1. View from Nebuchadnezzar’s Summer Palace at Babylon, 1967.
2. The Negoub tunnel, made in the 9th century BC, part of an extensive scheme to bring water from the Upper Zab river to Nimrud, ancient Calah.
3. The Chicago prism of Sennacherib, giving a detailed account of how he created his palace garden. Ht. 38cm.
4. Chamaerops humilis, a type of palm tree, showing where fronds have dropped off leaving a spiral pattern of scars on the trunk. The same pattern is found on other types of palm.
5. Andrew Lacey’s casting of a mini-screw in bronze, for the BBC documentary Secrets of the Ancients.
6. Wooden full-size screw under construction for the BBC documentary.
7. The wooden screws set up over cisterns for the BBC documentary Secrets of the Ancients.
8. Pebble mo
saic floor from the courtyard of an Assyrian provincial palace preserved at Tushhan, modern Ziyaret Tepe. Similar designs are carved on palace thresholds of limestone.
9. The river at Khinnis where diversion and control of water began, directed towards the garden at Nineveh looking upstream.
10. Looking downstream at Khinnis.
11. Large panel of sculpture on a rock face at Khinnis, showing Sennacherib facing the great deities.
12. Ruins of the stone aqueduct at Jerwan, where diverted water in a canal crossed a wide valley.
13. The sculptured block of rock at the weir at Khinnis.
14. Shalmaneser III clasps hands with the king of Babylon on the front panel of the throne-base at Fort Shalmaneser, Nimrud. Assyria and Babylon were on good terms in the time of Sammu-ramat.
15. Cast bronze panel showing Sennacherib’s widow Naqia with her son or grandson, from Hilleh near Babylon. Ht. 33 cm, W. 31 cm.
16. Gossypium arboreum, and Gossypium herbaceum, the cotton-bearing tree and its shrub form.
17. Statue of Heracles Epitrapezios ‘sitting on a table’, found in the South-West Palace at Nineveh. Ht. 54 cm.
The Mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon: An Elusive World Wonder Traced Page 34