Lex (Unconventional Hearts)

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Lex (Unconventional Hearts) Page 35

by S. K. Logsdon

  Oh my God! He feels amazing! His hot mouth is gripping me like a vice.

  Resting my head back, I watch as he forcefully impales his mouth, gaging himself each time lady hits the back of his throat. Tears roll down the sides of his cheeks. Working his lips up to her head, he stops, applies hard suction, hollowing his cheeks and begins to ravish her with his magical mouth. My sac tightens instantly and he tugs it. Curling forward, lost in overwhelming sensation I close my eyes, as my body tenses, on the precipice. Just as he applies a little more pressure to my sac, I lose myself and explode. Jerking into his sexy mouth, he drinks down all my juices with a satisfied groan and releases lady, flashing me a dark smile. Leaving me once again, panty-less for the rest of the afternoon.

  Slowly licking his lips, he rests back onto his haunches and lovingly rubs my thighs. “I love doing that.” He smiles, brighter, sweeter this time. The edge of naughtiness cleansed from his handsome features.

  “I do too, honey. Thank you. But I hate working without panties on. You know I don’t want lady to be moving around and somebody notice.”

  He frowns. “Fuck, Lex. I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that. I won’t let it happen again. Or…yeah… I love it. I can’t promise that. But this weekend I’ll take you shopping and we’ll make sure you bring a few extra pairs to work. Just in case.”

  “You plan on doing more of this, here?”

  Bluntly he states, “Yes.” And I grimace, furrowed brows, wrinkled nose, taut lips—the whole shebang.

  Eyeing me up and down, he exaggeratingly shrugs. “It’s kind of naughty that the biggest power couple in town is having hot sex sessions during work hours.”

  Power couple? We’re a power couple? Hum… I never thought about that before.

  “A power couple you say?”

  “Yes, what else do you call us? I own a law firm and I’m one of the best lawyers in the state….”

  “One of the best?” I add, talking over him.

  “Lex Keagan, do you not know your man well enough? Yes, I am one of the top. I’m on a list. I’ll show it to you sometime. And…like I was saying…before some hot woman interrupted me,” he winks, “I happen to be a kickass lawyer.”

  “Who looks like a fitness model.” I interrupt again, just because I can.

  Rolling his eyes, with a cocky smile he continues. “Okay, whatever you say, beautiful. Anyhow…” He sighs. “I’m a lawyer and you’re a company owner. A highly successful business owner, I might add. It’s not some little company you run here, Angel. It’s a big deal. Lawyer plus company owner… pretty much spells out power couple. It’s like two doctors being married, or a lawyer and a politician.”

  “Alright, whatever you say, Gage. All that matters to me is that we have the power to make a difference. Speaking of which, how’s the case with the woman whose husband ran her over? You know the one I referred to you, when I still thought you were the Suit Master and not Gage.”

  “I’m both of them rolled into one…and she’s good. They moved into that house this past week. The husband has been taken into custody until the trial. He can’t make bail. Good thing too, his public defender told me if he could, he’s worried about him driving this far to come after her. That’s why I made sure his bail was set at fifty thousand.”

  Talking another half an hour in the conference room, Gage and I finally stop, which is always hard. We can talk about anything and have a lot in common, more so than I ever thought. Holding his hand, we walk through the building to the front and I kiss him goodbye, a scorching kiss, where he grabs my ass and holds me hard against his body, while his tongue insatiably probes my mouth.

  Waving to him from the door as he departs and takes my heart with him. I hate it when he leaves me, it makes my heart ache. I’m so drunk on love it’s almost pathetic. However, I’ll happily deal with these feelings if that means I get to keep Mr. Overprotective-GQ-Model and my princess Emma in my life.

  Chapter Thirty-One



  Tasha: Lex get your ass in the house.

  Me: Are you sure??????

  “Angel, let’s go inside.” Gage sternly orders, his hand resting on the nob of his father’s white farmhouse door.

  We’ve taken twenty minutes to make it to the front door from Gage’s truck. Good thing he drove because I wouldn’t be standing here if he didn’t. I would have taken off like a bat outa hell and never looked back. I’m so nervous I could puke. It’s not every day you get to be formally introduced to your boyfriend’s entire family. My family is small, consists of Roni, my mom, Lincoln, and that’s it. Gage has a brother and a sister who’s married and has two kids. Then you have his dad and Chelsea, his wife. That he basically cradle robbed in order to marry.

  The front door opens, breaking Gage of his grip on the nob. Tasha wearing a spicy burnt orange dress hugging her stunning curvaceous body takes up the doorframe. Instantly spotting me on the stoop, her hand reaches out for me.

  “Lex, girlfriend, get your ass in this house. I need help cooking and I want to hear all about this weekend Gage is raving about.”

  I reach out and take her hand. Gage audibly releases a long sigh. “Thank God.” He mutters under his breath and I stick my tongue out at him.

  Shrugging he asks, “What? It took an hour to pick out your dress today, Angel, then another fifteen minutes to get you into the truck. We get here and I’ve got to basically pry your fingers from the door handle to get you this far. If I had known Tasha was a master negotiator, I would have called in for backup long before this.”

  Hardy-har-har-har smart-alec. I can’t help that I’m a bundle of nerves. Tasha is the only one I am familiar with because we’ve exchanged a few texts over the past week or two, mainly stuff pertaining to Emma. Although it’s been nice conversing with another female, and one who is actually feminine, unlike my wonderful best friend who thinks Manolo Blahnik is a city in South Africa, not the name of a famous designer brand.

  Pulling me up the steps, I lean over and peck my handsome boyfriend on the chin before Tasha drags me into the house. Gage, right on our heels, shuts the door. I don’t have a moment to breathe as Tasha whisks me into the small kitchen at the back of the house. A dog brushes up against my calves and I grin, bending down I pet the dog, I know as Babs.

  “Hey there girl. I’ve heard a lot about you.” I run my hand down Babs’s back, and she leans into me, obviously liking the attention.

  “Lex!” I hear my princess call, and I glance up to see her entering the house from a back screen door, a giant smile plastered on her face as she excitedly comes running at me. Throwing her arms around my neck, I laugh. Wrapping one arm around her back and one on her legs, I hoist her up into my arms, securing her legs around my hip, bringing her face-to-face with me.

  “Hello, Princess.” I kiss her cheek.

  “Daddy said you’d be here.”

  Gage strolls into the plain, light blue walled country kitchen, looking mighty fine in his low slung designer jeans, and a long-sleeved royal blue button-down shirt, rolled up his tattooed forearms. “She almost didn’t come in.”

  Emma innocently questions, “Why?”

  “I was nervous.”

  “There’s nothing to be nervous about.” Another husky, masculine voice explains, as he too enters the kitchen. Crowding the already small space even further, walking a few steps closer, the man I’ve never officially met. Who I recognize as Gage’s brother Maxwell, extends his hand in greeting. “It’s a pleasure, Lex. I’m Max, Gage’s, older, unattached, brother.”

  No sooner does his greeting pass his lips when a hand suddenly blurs by my line of sight, landing loudly on the back of Max’s head and he scowls. “What the hell was that for Tasha?”

  “Unattached brother? She’s not single, stop flirting.” Tasha chastises and Max retracts his hand before I get a chance to shake it. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Gage, his jaw is tight as a vice, and the veins in his long strong neck are bulging. Guess
this isn’t a happy meeting after all. Confirming why I shouldn’t have come in the first place.

  “Emma, darling, go play with the boys and Daddy, and Daddy, go play with your daughter. Lex and I need some girl time.” Tasha orders, taking Emma out of my arms and sweetly putting her down. “Now shoo, all of you. We have some cooking to do.” She pushes them all out of the kitchen with her hands and I watch Gage leave. Passing by him on her own way into the kitchen, Chelsea blatantly checks him out, even turning her head to watch him walk away, her eyes landing on his firm ass. Making me want to claw her damn eyes out for basically undressing him in her mind. What. A. Bitch!

  With a snarky smile, the woman I know as Chelsea that I have officially decided I already hate, comes into the kitchen and walks over to the fridge. A hand smacks my arm and I break my fixed stare on my nemesis, and turn to face Tasha.

  “We will discuss that little issue later.” Tasha raises a brow pointing her eyes to the now closing refrigerator door. At the mildly attractive blonde woman, carrying a tray full of cheese in her hands and a bottle of water tucked under her arm.

  “Henry’s hungry, I’ll be back to help you cook in a moment.” Chelsea speaks to Tasha, ignoring me completely. Like me being in the same room with her, breathing the same air, agitates her.

  Good! The only reason she’d feel that way about me, without even knowing me, is for one simple reason. She wants what is mine, aka, Gage Masterson. For the first time in my life, I’m sublimely happy to be angering a woman for having something she can’t. The satisfaction is indulgently sweet. I realize it’s messed up to feel this way. However, I frankly don’t care. I didn’t start it. She did. Now, like the crafty business woman I am. I’m going to finish it. Or in this case, flaunt it, until it drives her mad and she either stops drooling over my boyfriend or she confronts me about it. One of the two is bound to happen sooner or later and I’ve got an entire lifetime to have my fun with this. It’s better than the alternative, where I stress about it and drown myself in jealousy. Knowing women frequently throw themselves at the mercy of Gage isn’t really surprising. He’s powerful, ungodly sexy and caring to a fault. All attributes that makes him addicting like honey and women the persistent bees. The main difference in this situation is, I’m the owner of that said honey and I’m more than willing to fumigate the irreverent pests away, in one form or another. It’s great having this sort of power, knowing full and well that your honey is staying right where he is. With me, loving me, as I will do the same by loving him forever in return. I finally something in my life worth fighting for, Emma and Gage, they aren’t in my world, they are my world. Never thought I’d hear myself say that about anybody.

  “Lex, can you slice some strawberries for the salad while I prepare the chicken?” Tasha asks, helpfully clearing my thoughts of Chelsea. I needed that.

  “Thanks.” I pat her arm, as I walk past her to the sink where the strawberries are sitting, still in their container.

  The nice thing about this kitchen is, there are no doors on the cupboards, it’s an open farm feel. Leaving you able to view all of the utensils and cookware in a single glance. I spot a colander next to a set of plastic Tupperware containers, and I put it in the sink.

  “Thanks for what?” Tasha questions, looking down at the chicken breasts she’s smothering in some sort of dry rub.

  “Breaking me from my not so pleasant thoughts.”

  “Ahhhh…of her.”

  “Yes.” I nod, opening the container of strawberries and dropping them into the colander, turning on the water cold, and stealing a paring knife from the knife block, that rests on the counter only an arm’s length away. Let’s see if I can cut the greens from the tops without cutting my finger off.

  “Her…who?” Chelsea presses, announcing her unwelcomed arrival into the kitchen once more.

  She heads back to the fridge and I zip my lip, refusing to answer her question.

  “Emma.” Tasha blurts, “But… I was just about to ask Lex about her weekend.”

  Chelsea grumbles, “Ok.”

  “Gage said you had a family outing on Friday night, with Emma.” Tasha speaks.

  “We did! Daddy took me and Lex to the movies.” Emma cuts in, nearly scaring the pee out of me. Both Tasha and I look over our shoulders, to see my little princess standing just inside the entrance to the kitchen, nervously wringing her hands in front of her yellow dress.

  Tasha teases, “I thought I told you to go play.”

  “I was sent to grab Daddy a water from the fridge. He didn’t want to get… Hummm… how did he say it? I think he said, ‘I don’t want Tasha to end up putting a boot up my butt.’ Silly Daddy,” Emma giggles, slapping her leg, like it’s the funniest thing she’s ever heard. “I don’t know how you’d do that, Auntie. You don’t even wear boots.”

  Tasha and I briefly meet eyes and break into a fit of laughter. While Chelsea who is working on the stove, remains quiet.

  Minutes pass and all of us are still laughing, and then Tasha finally speaks. “Well, that Daddy of yours sure is silly, but go ahead darlin’ and grab him a water.”

  Emma goes to the fridge. I look back into the sink and quickly slice off the top of a strawberry. “Here Emma.” I hold out the freshly hulled fruit for her.

  Shutting the fridge door, her eyes get huge, almost drooling over the sight of the strawberry. Then she looks to Tasha, like she’s silently asking permission to eat before its dinnertime.

  “Go on Emma, Lex cut a piece of fruit just for you.”

  Not having to tell Emma twice she skips over and smiles up at me, taking the fruit from between my fingers. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Princess. Now go play with Daddy and tell him that Lex said, next time don’t let the princess do the knights job.”

  Giggling, Emma skips out of the kitchen, nibbling on her strawberry. Like it’s the most amazing thing, she’s ever tasted.

  Once I can no longer see her, when she disappears into another room, I turn back around to resume my work, hulling the carton of strawberries.

  “So… Friday?” Tasha questions.

  Busy, carefully working the knife, I reply. “We went to see a cartoon with Emma. We took her to dinner at Pizza Hut, where she got so messy with pizza sauce we missed the early showing of the movie because we had to go home to change her.”

  “Whose home?” Tasha asks.

  “Gage’s apartment. I got a brief tour for the first time. Not much to look at.”

  “Oh I know. You look at the way my brother dresses and carries himself and you’d swear he lives in some art deco mansion with a butler.”

  I chortle, “Yeah that sounds about right.”

  Gage’s apartment is basic, two bedroom, plain brown carpet, no frills, white walls, boxes still packed in the corner of his bedroom. It’s rather depressing if you ask me.

  “How’d the movie go? Emma like it?”

  “She seemed to. On the way back to my place she fell asleep in the truck.”

  “They both stay at your house?”

  “Since Friday night they have. Gage made up an overnight bag for them both before we went to the movie. It’s been a great weekend having them at the house. Plus, Roni gets to have a few encounters with Emma before she has a baby.”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot, you were saying something about that last week when I texted you.” Tasha explains, leaving to do something else in the kitchen. Chelsea is still cooking but hasn’t made a noise, not that you hear me complaining.

  I finish with the hulling and Tasha drops a white cutting board on the counter beside me. “Slice them, please.”

  “No problem.” I lift one at time out of the colander in the sink and slice them. I’m slow. So sue me.

  “Now, what else happened Friday night?”

  Fishing Tasha, you dirty dog. I can’t very well tell her about our hot and heavy night with Chelsea in the room, or can I? I’m quite brazen today. I’m even contemplating, telling Tasha about Friday night.
Well that’s one thought I would have normally shot down immediately. Although Tasha has that one effect on me, that Gage has. The ability to trust her and confide in her is similar to how I feel about Roni, in a different way though. With Roni, I don’t know why but I feel weird telling her about my hot moments. Mainly because she is a freak beneath the sheets and I’m not, well not completely anyhow.

  “What do you want to know?” I ask, pulling a small bowl from the cupboard right in front of me and scooping up the three strawberries I’ve just sliced and placing them inside.

  “What happened after she went to bed?”

  “Didn’t Gage already tell you we’ve well…you know?”

  “Yes, of course he did. I’m a nosey sister and I’m the one who helped him with the rooftop idea. Not sure if Gage has admitted this to you yet, but he and I text constantly throughout the day. I work as the secretary to one of the other two law firm branches he owns. So it’s not always personal, it’s sometimes work related. He’s sort of my boss, although I don’t tell him that or treat him that way. God knows he’s got a big enough ego as it is.”

  I laugh. She’s right, Gage is fully aware of his attributes. Gage is too confident and sometimes cocky not to know those things about himself. It’s nice to know his sister doesn’t fawn over him like everybody else seems to. I really admire that about Tasha. If I could somehow mellow my drooling over the gorgeous hunk, I would. It’s impossible though.

  “Gage does have a big head.” I agree, smirking as I keep my attention on my singular and rather simple kitchen task that will probably take me another five years to complete.

  “I guess that’s good you know the size of his head. Would be kind of weird for his sister to know that.”

  Oh my God!

  Barking out a hysterical laugh, unable to hold it in, I snap my head around and stare at Tasha whose face is bright red and smiling ear-to-ear.


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