Salvaging Max

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Salvaging Max Page 14

by SH Richardson

  “Why’d you come back here, Max, after all this time. Why now?” He didn’t answer right away, and I felt like shit for pushing him too far. Leave it up to me to come out of my shell fast and hard instead of slow and easy. He didn’t owe me a look into his past as quid pro quo for sharing mine; it had been my choice to let him in, and I had no regrets.

  “Are you sure you really want to know? Once that door is opened, it can never be closed, so you better be damn sure it’s a chance you’re willing to take.” I didn’t need to think about it. I wanted to know all of him, the good and the not so good. We all had skeletons in our closet, some more than others, but Max was worth taking a leap of faith for.

  “I’ve never been surer about anything in my life. I’m ready to know you, Max.”

  “Buck was killed in a robbery attempt last year, shot dead when some motherfucker tried to kill Range. He was everything to me, and I should have been there, but I was busy getting my cock blown and didn’t bother to show up. He was the only one who ever gave a damn about me, and I betrayed him by fucking around with some no-named bitch. I hurt a lot of people, Heaven, not just once but often, enough to finally make them give up and do what they should have done all along, which was tell me to fuck off. I came back because I lost everything and my only chance of ever getting it back is here, where it all started.”

  I knew whatever drove him back here had something to do with his mother and the dying senator. I’d overheard his denouncement of his father the day he’d arrived, which was clue number one; the parking lot meltdown over his mother was enough to give Oprah’s talk show material for a three-day segment. The life he described at the junkyard was one of love and brotherhood; he was happy there and thought of it as his home. Something major must have happened that forced him to leave, definitely more than he was letting on. I was tempted to keep pushing, but if he wanted me to know more, he would have told me. For now, the little he shared would have to be enough. He said I needed to be sure I wanted to know. When the time came, I’d be ready and waiting, the same way he was for me.

  “I get that. Sometimes in order to move forward you have to take a few steps backwards, like dancing the Cha Cha.” He smiled sleepily and turned over to his side.

  “Right. Now dance your little ass to sleep, woman. I’m fucking tired.” I spooned in behind him and held on with both hands. One deep breath, and it was lights out. Guess I was tired after all.


  “What the fuck are you talking about leaving? You can’t fucking leave. This is bullshit, Buck.”

  Memory had arrived yesterday on leave from Afghanistan, so Buck had decided to call us all into the junkyard for a meeting. It wasn’t strange of him to do that. Buck hated repeating himself more than once; having us all together meant he could deliver his speech and be done with it.The old bastard decided to drop an atomic bomb on us and announced that he’d decided to move to the mountains by him-fucking-self and leave the yard for us to look after. We were all standing around shocked as fuck, but for me, it was more than that. I was pissed way the hell off. He’d lied to me, made promises he had no intention of keeping, just like everyone else in my life. So what if we were old enough to live on our own? So what! I needed him here, and he’d fucking promised to always be there for me. He already had his saddlebags packed and his chopper idling in the driveway. He’d planned the whole thing without a single thought to what any of us felt about it, and I wanted answers.

  “I can’t run this yard without you, Buck. What if something happens?” Range had that shit well in control and he knew it. He’d been pretty much running the place for the last year without Buck’s help and knew all the ins and outs of the business.

  “You need me, I’ll be here. Anytime of the day or night,” Buck told him with confidence.

  “What if you choked on a chicken bone or something? Who’s going to be there to help you? According to statistics, choking is the fourth leading cause of unintentional injury death. Living alone increases those risks, Buck. That’s why mother and Aunt Enid eat together every night.” Sebastian and his bullshit logic. Choking was the last thing Buck had to worry about. What were the odds on me beating that old bastard’s ass and living to tell about it? That was the better question.

  “Don’t worry, boy, if I start to choke, you’ll be the first person I’ll call.” Buck shook his head and smiled. Not a full-blown smile but one of those rare Calhoun ones that only appeared once every ten years.

  “Stay safe, old man.” That was all Memory had to say. His time served in the military was having a negative effect on his already salty personality. He’d grown quieter, more reserved since we’d been boys. I expected more resistance from him, or at least a goddamn comment other than “stay safe.” I couldn’t imagine the shit storm he’d had to face fighting for our country every day, but that didn’t stop me from plotting his payback for being a dick. Buck made his way around to each of us, a swift hug and a hard pound on the back for my brothers, but when it was my turn, I snapped.

  “You selfish old fuck! You and all your big talk and life lessons can all go straight to hell. You never gave a damn about any of us. EVER! You just used us to get over killing your own son!” OOMPH

  “All of you, get the fuck out…NOW!” I heard him yell to my brothers.

  Buck punched me so hard in my stomach I temporarily blacked out and dropped down on one knee in a heap of pain. My brothers hauled ass out the back door, anxious to steer clear from the wrath of Buck Calhoun. Tears streamed down my face from both the hit and the cold, hard stare coming from the man who delivered it. He had every right to be angry with me for the shit I said, but dammit, I was angry, too. He had no right making that decision without speaking to us first. He knew how much I counted on him, needed him when things got rough. What was I supposed to do now? I couldn’t fight the shadow alone, not without Buck. He knew that and just didn’t give a fuck.

  “Have I ever lied to you, boy?” I didn’t answer. Fuck him and his bullshit.

  “Have I ever LIED to you?” His tone was more menacing. It chilled the room to below freezing. He wanted an answer, I’d give him one.

  “Did you even stop to think about what this would do to me?” I was too angry to look him in the face. In all the years I’d been living with Buck, he’d never once struck us. Today, he made an exception.

  “Give me your fucking eyes when you talk to me, boy. You know better than that. You talked big shit like a man, you take it like one.” I took a few deep breaths before I stood from the floor and balanced myself on unsteady legs. Buck was old, but he had a punch like a pound of concrete. I made a big mistake thinkin’ he would let me get away with mouthing off.

  “Do you really think I would leave you boys if I thought you couldn’t handle it?

  “I can’t, Buck, please don’t do this. I need you,” I cried like a pussy, but it couldn’t be helped. I knew once Buck made up his mind to do something, there was no changing it.

  “There ain’t nothin’ left for me to teach you, boy. I’ve poured my heart and soul into you boys, and now’s the time for you to make me proud, prouder than I already am. Your weapon will give you strength, your brothers, heart, and this yard will always be your home.”

  “It’s too soon, Buck. I can’t make it on my own, not against the shadow.” I begged him to listen to reason and give up this foolish idea of living in a stupid cabin all alone. Buck played the role of the badass biker, but he needed us just as much as we needed him. He grabbed the back of my neck, his cold stare had warmed over the last few minutes, and spoke calmly and directly to my wounded heart.

  “You’re strong, boy, strong enough to have survived the worst shit imaginable, and you thrived. You did that all on your own. You have to start believing in yourself, Max, inside.” He pressed his other hand to my chest and held my neck with the other. I grabbed him and held him close. Just a few minutes longer.

  “I…I love you, Buck,” I whispered.

  “Hmm,” wa
s his only reply.

  Buck tore himself away from my death grip, walked to his bike, and drove away. There were so many things I wanted to say, things I hadn’t had the chance to share. The message I’d received from my mother was something I’d been meaning to talk to him about, and now it was too late. I’d lost my chance. He said I was strong enough to handle things on my own; he was wrong. Without Buck, I was that twelve-year-old boy who ran away from home, so afraid of the dark I wet the bed. The confident man who ran a successful business died a slow tragic death with one twist of a throttle.

  Minutes, perhaps hours after Buck’s departure, the boys returned to find me sitting in the living room alone, staring into space. I felt so lost, the crippling emptiness so powerful I wasn’t sure if I was actually breathing, since I couldn’t feel my heart beating in my chest. The boys quietly took separate seats and surrounded me, but I barely acknowledged their arrival until Range called out my name.

  “Max? Buck will be back, you know. Until then, we’ll always have your back.”

  “Fucking right, we will. Remember, we’re blood brothers…till death,” Memory chimed in with his two cents. They were doing their best to comfort me, but they couldn’t know the depth of my feelings. As much as I appreciated the effort, they were wasting their time, and mine. I sank deeper into my own head until a strange melody surfaced out of the blue. It was familiar, like I’d heard it before. It was playing in my head on repeat, low at first, then stronger as time went on. I started to feel a sense of security and protection the more I strained to listen. It was a child’s lullaby that was so debauched my cock began to strain inside my pants. This was wrong, all wrong. I had to get the hell outta there before my brothers found out just how fucked up I truly was.

  “Well, at least with Buck gone, we won’t have to worry about him clogging up the toilet with shit and screaming for one of us to bring him the plunger.” Sebastian had a point, but I couldn’t stay and join in on the collective laugh. My skin was on fire along with my rock-hard cock, both of which had me running for the door.

  “Where the fuck are you going, Max? We got shit to talk about,” one of them asked, but I didn’t stop long enough to see which one it was.

  “Out.” That was all they needed to know.

  I was in my car headed for the one person I knew was always willing and able to handle anything I threw at her. I’d been fucking Marci since high school. The word ‘no’ had never been a part of her vocabulary. My dick had been in every hole she had to offer, and tonight, I’d need them all for what I had in mind. I grabbed my cell from out of the cup holder in the car and made the call. I was minutes away from her place, and she’d better be there.

  “Well, hello, there, stranger. What can I do you for?” Her sex kitten voice was so annoying I wanted to scream at her to shut the fuck up, but instead, I got right to the point.

  “Meet me at your pool house in fifteen, and Marci? Call a friend.”

  “You got it, handsome.” I hung up on her nasty ass and hit the gas heading east like my life depended on it.

  It was gonna be a long night.


  I woke hours later to something soft pressed against my back like two fluffy pillows. My morning wood was painfully aware that it was Heaven’s tits I felt while she spooned behind me sleeping like a baby. It felt good to wake up with a woman lying beside me without having to worry if my wallet was missing, or even worse, not remembering at all. Last night had been amazing. Stroking Heaven’s pussy until she came apart in my arms was one of the best feelings I’d ever had without using my dick. She was slick and warm in all the right places. It was a fucking miracle I didn’t throw her up against the nearest wall and fuck her back out. The last thing she needed was a selfish asshole like me taking advantage of the situation to satisfy his own needs, which was exactly what I would have done before I met her. My pleasure took a backseat to the beautiful broken woman lying beside me with her leg thrown over my waist and her arm draped limply over my shoulders.

  She thought she was a whore because some asshole got his kicks from torturing a young girl by starving her to death. She didn’t know the first thing about being a whore, which made her past even more tragic. Chicks spent their entire lives dreaming about their magical first kiss by Prince Charming, and poor Heaven got stuck with me. That first taste of her sweet lips and timid tongue, and I was gone for her. Fuck Prince Charming. The need to feel her pouty lips on mine once more was strong enough to have me turning over in the bed we shared and attacking her in her sleep like an animal. She surprised the shit outta me by returning my kiss with as much unrestrained passion as my own. She somehow found the strength and flipped me onto my back and took over like a seasoned pro. Our breathing was heavy, caught up in the moment neither one of us expected but relished all the same. It was primal, a battle of hands, tongues, and need. I had to stop this before things got out of hand more than they already were. I held her steady by the arms and nearly moaned aloud when I lost the heat of her lips.

  “We better slow down, baby, before we do something we’ll both regret.” Max the gentlemen. How do you like that? She looked just as stunned as I felt, but it had to be done.

  “Don’t you want me, Max?” Shit. That was not the response I was hoping for.

  “Does that feel like I don’t want you?” I lifted her hips and positioned my hard cock against her center, proof enough that I was more than turned on. She let out a low moan and rocked back and forth, rubbing me slowly against her heat. Fuck me, that feels amazing.

  “I want you to fuck me, Max. I want that more than anything…please? Don’t deny me this chance.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Heaven. You have no idea what you’re asking for.”

  “I do know, dammit, and it’s my choice to make.”

  How could I tell her I wasn’t a worthy choice? That chances were my mind would go blank and I wouldn’t remember a thing about fucking her. I wanted to make her feel good, to hear her scream out my name when I pounded into her wet pussy until she begged me to stop. I just wasn’t sure if I could keep the demons outta my head long enough to enjoy this once in a lifetime chance. If I gave in to what we both wanted, I ran the big risk of her finding out just how big of a freak I was. Then I’d lose her forever. If we were going to do this, I had to control it, do things my way and pray that I was strong enough to fight the pull of the shadow.

  “Listen and do exactly what I say, do you understand, Heaven?”

  “Yes, I understand, Max.” Fuck, she’s beautiful, and all mine.

  “Good, now take off your shirt and throw it off to the side of the bed…slowly.”

  She peeled off my T-shirt just the way I’d asked, leaving her gloriously naked on top of my lap. Her nipples were a light pink in color, beautifully peaked from the cold air of the room. She reached up to cover herself and blocked my view from her gorgeous tits, so I grabbed her arms and stopped her.

  “Don’t ever hide from me, Heaven. You are an absolute vision.”

  She lowered her arms back down to her sides and rewarded me with a sweetly shy smile that made my dick twitch in my boxers. Her creamy skin was flawless, perfect enough for me to add my teeth marks as a reminder of who it was fucking her senseless, but that would have to wait.

  “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do. Richard never allowed me to…”

  “Forget about him. He no longer matters. It’s just you and me, and we can do whatever you feel comfortable with. I promise to make you feel good, baby. Can you trust me to do that?”

  “Yes, Max, I trust you.” She was breathless, either from fear or anticipation of all the dirty little things I planned to do to her.

  “Good, that’s good. Now, climb up here so I can eat that beautiful pussy of yours.” Her slow, tentative movements brought a growl from deep within my chest. I could smell her scent before she got close enough for me to actually touch her, and it was intoxicating. I remained still as she scooted up my chest
on her knees, the wetness from her pussy leaving a trail from my navel to my sternum. Once she got close enough to my face that I could see the outline of her glistening clit, I decided to take over and show her just how twisted I truly was.

  I grabbed her behind her thighs using both hands. The action caused her to lose balance and fall backwards, which gave me the perfect angle to attack. Her legs were spread eagled, her small body made it easy for me to lift her to my face and inhale deeply. I circled her outer lips with my nose. The musky scent from her dripping cunt was better than the sweetest perfume. I couldn’t wait any longer to taste her; another minute, and I’d be the one drooling all over the sheets. I used the tip of my tongue to circle the rim of her asshole first, then slowly drug it upward until I reached her swollen bud and gave it a soft glide. Heaven’s rapturous moan had me diving back in for a second pass. This time, I latched on to her clit and gave it a hard suck until she jackknifed completely out of my grasp.

  “Oh, my God, Max, that feels so fucking good.”

  I grabbed her around her ass and brought her pussy back up to my hungry mouth. The time for teasing was over; this time, I wouldn’t stop until she begged me to. I alternated the steady flick of my tongue, soft at first, then relentless, applying just the right amount of pressure to have her screaming at the top of her lungs. One last lingering swipe, and she broke apart in a fit of shakes and spasms that locked her knees around my ears for the next thirty seconds. She finally relaxed enough to release her grip, perfectly satiated, just the way I needed her for what I had in mind next.

  “You okay, baby, or are you ready to stop?” The question was rhetorical, but she needed a few minutes to settle before I gave her my cock.

  “I don’t think I can move. That was just…insane. Where’d you learn to do that thing with your tongue? It just felt…I don’t know, it’s hard to explain, but I liked it.”


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