The Shining Cities: An Anthology of Pagan Science Fiction

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The Shining Cities: An Anthology of Pagan Science Fiction Page 31

by Lauren Teffeau

  P. Sufenas Virius Lupus is one of the founding members of the Ekklesía Antínoou -– a queer, Graeco-Roman-Egyptian syncretist reconstructionist polytheist group dedicated to Antinous, the deified lover of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, and related deities and divine figures -– as well as a contributing member of Neos Alexandria and a practicing Celtic Reconstructionist pagan in the traditions of gentlidecht and filidecht, as well as Romano-British, Welsh, and Gaulish deity devotions. Lupus is also dedicated to several land spirits around the area of North Puget Sound and its islands. Lupus’ work (poetry, fiction, and essays) has appeared in a number of Bibliotheca Alexandrina devotional volumes, as well as Ruby Sara’s anthologies Datura (2010) and Mandragora (2012), Inanna Gabriel and C. Bryan Brown’s Etched Offerings (2011), Lee Harrington’s Spirit of Desire: Personal Explorations of Sacred Kink (2010), and Galina Krasskova’s When the Lion Roars (2011). Lupus has also written several full-length books, including The Phillupic Hymns (2008), The Syncretisms of Antinous (2010), Devotio Antinoo: The Doctor’s Notes, Volume One (2011), All-Soul, All-Body, All-Love, All-Power: A TransMythology (2012), and A Garland for Polydeukion (2012), with more on the way.

  C.S. MacCath’s poetry has been nominated for the 2011 and 2012 Rhysling Awards, and her fiction has received honorable mention in The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Sixth Annual Collection. Her work has appeared in Strange Horizons, Clockwork Phoenix: Tales of Beauty and Strangeness, Murky Depths, Mythic Delirium, Goblin Fruit and others.

  At present, she’s working on the first trilogy of a nine-novel science fiction series entitled Petals of the Twenty Thousand Blossom and a collection of short stories tentatively entitled Spirit Boat. When she isn’t writing, she owns and manages the Triskele Media web development company, studies the Gàidhlig language and plays traditional Celtic and West African folk drums.

  Jennifer Lyn Parsons writes speculative fiction and fairy tales, devours comic books, and runs Luna Station Press. Her work has appeared in various publications and she has just published her first novel, A Stirring in the Bones.

  In her "woo-woo" life, she has received her Reiki Master attunement and has been a practicing pagan for almost twenty years. She is currently focused on shamanism and the healing power of sound. She thanks Odin, Loki and the Norns for taking a special interest in her. More of her writing can be found at

  Lorraine Schein is a New York poet and writer. Her poetry has appeared in Sagewoman, Enchanted Conversation, Vallum, Women’s Studies Quarterly, the We’Moon calendar and New Letters. Her fiction and humor are included in the anthologies Alice Redux, an anthology about Alice in Wonderland, and The Unbearables. The Futurist’s Mistress, her poetry book, is available from Mayapple Press. She is currently working on a graphic novel.

  Lauren C. Teffeau was born and raised on the East Coast, educated in the South, employed in the Midwest, and now lives and dreams in the Southwest. Her work can be found in Wily Writers, Eternal Haunted Summer, Eclectic Flash, Luna Station Quarterly, and the Fat Girl in a Strange Land anthology (Crossed Genres Publications, February 2012) as well as other venues. She’s a graduate of the 2012 Taos Toolbox writers workshop, and blogs about the writing life at

  Joel Zartman lives and works in Bogotá, Colombia.

  About Bibliotheca Alexandrina

  Ptolemy Soter, the first Makedonian ruler of Egypt, established the library at Alexandria to collect all of the world’s learning in a single place. His scholars compiled definitive editions of the Classics, translated important foreign texts into Greek, and made monumental strides in science, mathematics, philosophy and literature. By some accounts over a million scrolls were housed in the famed library, and though it has long since perished due to the ravages of war, fire, and human ignorance, the image of this great institution has remained as a powerful inspiration down through the centuries.

  To help promote the revival of traditional polytheistic religions we have launched a series of books dedicated to the ancient gods of Greece and Egypt. The library is a collaborative effort drawing on the combined resources of the different elements within the modern Hellenic and Kemetic communities, in the hope that we can come together to praise our gods and share our diverse understandings, experiences and approaches to the divine.

  A list of our current and forthcoming titles can be found on the following page. For more information on the Bibliotheca, our submission requirements for upcoming devotionals, or to learn about our organization, please visit us at


  The Editorial Board of the Library of Neos Alexandria

  Current Titles

  Written in Wine: A Devotional Anthology for Dionysos

  Dancing God: Poetry of Myths and Magicks by Diotima

  Goat Foot God by Diotima

  Longing for Wisdom: The Message of the Maxims by Allyson Szabo

  The Phillupic Hymns by P. Sufenas Virius Lupus

  Unbound: A Devotional Anthology for Artemis

  Waters of Life: A Devotional Anthology for Isis and Serapis

  Bearing Torches: A Devotional Anthology for Hekate

  Queen of the Great Below: An Anthology in Honor of Ereshkigal

  From Cave to Sky: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Zeus

  Out of Arcadia: A Devotional Anthology for Pan

  Anointed: A Devotional Anthology for the Deities of the Near and Middle East

  The Scribing Ibis: An Anthology of Pagan Fiction in Honor of Thoth

  Queen of the Sacred Way: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Persephone

  Unto Herself: A Devotional Anthology for Independent Goddesses

  Forthcoming Titles

  Guardian of the Road: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Hermes

  Shield of Wisdom: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Athena

  Sirius Rising: A Devotional Anthology for Cynocephalic Deities

  Megaloi Theoi: A Devotional for The Dioskouroi and Their Families

  Harnessing Fire: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Hephaestus




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