The Criminal's Captive (Unpunished Book 1)

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The Criminal's Captive (Unpunished Book 1) Page 4

by Mackenzie Wiliams

  He stood at the end of the bed, looking at her for a moment before he took another large swig. He grunted, almost in disgust, before turning toward his chair. Tessa let out a sigh of relief as he sat down.

  Sam turned his head to the side. "You know, cutie. Something must be wrong. It rarely takes this long."

  Tessa's heart sped up. What did that mean? She didn't want to prolong the conversation with him, so she didn't answer. He brought his attention back to the movie, drinking some more.

  Tessa closed her eyes. That's why Levi left. Something is wrong. Did my dad not pay them?

  She started to quietly cry, feeling more frightened now than she had just a few minutes ago. What was Levi doing?

  Chapter Twelve

  Levi killed the engine of his bike and removed his helmet. He ran his hand through his hair, inhaling deeply. This was the job that had to go south. Fuck! There were rarely bumps for Levi. He only took simple jobs. Jobs that would be fun but with little risk that something like death would occur. Why this one?

  He climbed off his motorcycle, setting down his helmet, and headed toward the quiet looking house. The front door was unlocked, and he shook his head as he entered. Soon, his target was in sight. Mr. Richardson was standing next to his kitchen table, taking a bite from a sandwich.

  He never noticed Levi until it was too late. Levi slipped off his backpack, setting it on the floor quietly. He stepped up behind the unsuspecting man and grabbed the back of his collar. Mr. Richardson dropped his sandwich.

  "What the—"

  He couldn't finish his sentence as Levi was violently twisting his body away from the table, directing the man to the floor. Mr. Richardson huffed out a deep breath as he went to his knees. Levi stepped back from him, and the man looked up.

  "Who the fuck are you?"

  He started to stand back up, but Levi swiftly pulled his gun out from behind himself. Mr. Richardson's expression changed immediately as his eyes flicked from the gun back to Levi's face as he settled again on his knees.

  "I'm here to collect."

  Levi stared down the sights of his handgun. The pathetic man before him nervously raised his hands above his head, shaking slightly. Sweat started to bead up on his forehead, and he groaned.

  "S-sorry. I just don't have the money."

  Levi held the gun out farther, still trained on the man's head. "You could get at least some of the fucking money, you asshole. I saw your sports car sitting outside. You're a selfish bastard."

  The man shifted on his knees, his arms shaking more violently. "All right. Don't kill me. You can take the car or whatever else."


  The man stared up at him, sweat running down his ugly face. "No?"

  Levi clicked on the safety, but the other man must have thought he flicked it off. Mr. Richardson cowered on the floor, covering his head with his arms as if that would stop a bullet. Levi stepped forward until he was directly over the man, his gun still pointed at its target. He waited until Tessa's father finally looked up.

  "I don't have time to wait for your stupid ass to take care of this. I'm taking care of this. You just have one simple, fucking job now."

  The man slowly lowered his arms, looking confused but relieved. "Whatever you say."

  "You are never taking another loan or ever endangering your daughter again. Understand?"

  Tessa's dad stared at the gun in Levi's hand. "S-sure."

  "In fact, you will continue to have zero contact with her. You use people, and you're not going to use her."

  The man relaxed a little, sitting up straighter. He slowly nodded his head.

  "Oh, and this is for being a shitty father." Levi lifted his gun and brought the butt of it down, across the man's face.

  Tessa's dad fell to the side, holding his face. He grunted, kicking his legs on the floor. Levi growled, lifting his arm again. He clenched his jaw tightly, exhaling a rough breath.

  "Get up!"

  The man groaned loudly before slowly getting back onto his knees. Levi again pistol-whipped the man. Mr. Richardson went down once more, blood now splattering on the floor. Truthfully, if he wasn't in such a hurry to get back to her, Levi might have stayed here for a bit more of his lesson. As it was, he was already late.

  "I better never hear your name again."

  The man twisted on the floor, making gurgling sounds. Levi grabbed his phone from his pocket and snapped a couple of pictures. He then grabbed his backpack off the floor and exited without a goodbye.

  He headed toward his bike. "Now to get the boss off her back."


  "And you know what else?" Sam slurred his words as he swung his arm. "That asshole doesn't resp—resp—respect me." He hiccupped, but then took another sip from the bottle.

  "Sam, could you untie my legs?" Tessa was unsure if in his drunken state he'd be more or less creepy. She was about to find out.

  "I mean, why does … does … do I even work this shit?" Sam gestured again with his arms.

  Tessa slowly twisted her legs on the bed, hoping he would start to untie her without really thinking about it. Instead, Sam staggered toward the bathroom. He didn't close the door, and Tessa heard the glass bottle come down a bit too hard on the counter. The next sound was much more irritating. Sam was taking a piss.

  She cringed as she pulled again on her arms. Where the hell is Levi? It's been at least an hour. After a few moans and belches, Sam appeared in the doorway. He bumped into the wall before stumbling toward the bed.

  Tessa braced herself because it looked as if he was going to fall right on top of her. Fortunately, he caught himself. Sam leaned both hands down on the side of the bed. He took a deep breath before turning his body to sit next to her.

  She tensed as his bloodshot eyes looked up her body. Sam hiccupped, and then an unappealing grin lifted his lips. He cocked his head to the side and lifted a hand to her knee. Tessa held her breath and tried not to move.

  "I should just show him."

  She took a shaky breath, debating if she should speak. Sam moved his hand down her leg, and Tessa's stomach started to hurt.

  "Show who?"

  Sam slowly turned his head. His expression was beyond creepy. He then looked back down at his hand, which was sliding up to her knee.

  "Your new admirer."

  Chapter Thirteen

  Levi needed this stop to be short and sweet. He had called ahead and told his boss to be waiting. Levi climbed off his motorcycle, leaving his helmet with it. He swiftly entered the house and found just who he wanted to see waiting on his expensive couch.

  "Here." Levi walked up to his boss and dropped his backpack at his feet.

  The man took a puff on his cigar before setting it in an ashtray. He stared at Levi for quite a while, irritating Levi. Finally, his boss leaned forward and opened the backpack. He pulled out a portion of the stacks of hundred-dollar bills that were inside. The money from Levi's own safe. His boss looked up at Levi.

  "How did you get this?"

  Levi pulled out his phone and brought up the picture of the bleeding Mr. Richardson. He held it out for his boss to view. The large man looked from the phone back to Levi.

  "He just needed extra convincing," Levi lied.

  "Why this one?" His boss thumbed through the rest of the cash in the bag.

  "Why what?" Levi returned his phone to his pocket.

  His boss left the money in the backpack, sat back, and reached for his cigar. "Why were you anxious for this job to be done? Why not just let that man squirm for a few more days? We could have gotten more money, maybe."

  Levi adjusted the gun in the back of his jeans. "I'm taking a vacation."

  "So you just wanted this over so you could take a break?" The boss puffed on his cigar.

  Levi turned away from him and started to walk toward the door. "This job is cleared, and I'll call you if and when I want another job."

  His boss called after him. "Levi, what about the girl? You letting her go now?"

  Levi stopped with his hand on the doorknob of the front door. He turned his head to talk over his shoulder. "Don't worry about that loose end. I'm taking care of her." He opened the door and stepped out of the house.

  Hang on, Tessa.


  "Cutie, this doesn't have to be painful." Sam greedily looked down at her exposed thighs.

  He had pushed her dress up so it sat dangerously high on her legs. Tessa was trying her hardest to stay calm. So far, he had only just stared at her, but she didn't think that would last much longer. At least he'd stopped drinking, but maybe she wanted him drunker so he would pass out.

  "Maybe you're right. Could I have a drink?"

  Sam smirked at her. "There. I knew you were a party girl."

  She tensed as Sam ran his hand down her right leg. He watched her body as he slid his hand back up her thighs. This time he got a bit bolder, though. Sam's fingers glided just under the hem of her dress, toward her panties. Tessa closed her eyes, not wanting to see his face as he ran his fingers way too close to the outline of her underwear.

  Her arms trembled as Sam stalled his fingers mere inches from her underwear and her pussy. A few tears slipped from her eyes as the pain in her stomach got worse. She exhaled an uneven breath.

  "Sam, that drink?"

  She opened her eyes when his fingers started to drum on her skin. He made a strange grunting sound and looked up at her. His eyes looked more alive now as one of his fingers traced the edge of her underwear.

  "Oh, yeah." He slowly pulled his hand off her, sliding it out from underneath her dress. "One quick thing, though."

  Fear and anxiety surged through her as he leaned closer to her face.

  "One kiss, first."

  Tessa had a quick decision to make. Refuse and possibly make him angry, or let him violate her lips. She tried to keep the disgust off her face as he leaned in closer. When his lips were about to touch hers, a loud thump had them both turning their heads toward the door.

  "Get the fuck away from her!" Levi threw his motorcycle helmet across the room.

  It smashed into the wall just past Sam's head. The man immediately stood up from the bed and took two quick steps back. Levi was already approaching him from the end of the bed. Tessa watched helplessly as he swiftly bent to retrieve his helmet.

  Levi grabbed Sam's hand, the one that had moments before been touching her unwelcomingly. He lifted it up and pinned it to the wall. This caused Sam's back to also slam into the wall.

  "You fucking piece of shit." Levi leaned his face closer to Sam's.

  Tessa pulled on the ropes, feeling more frightened now. She gasped when Levi lifted his bike helmet and swiftly smashed it against Sam's hand, crushing it into the wall. Sam cried out in pain, and Levi pulled back, smashing his hand a second time. Sam cried out even louder, and Levi finally let go of his arm. Sam went straight to his knees and grabbed his injured hand with the other.

  "Goddamn it!" He shifted his weight back and forth, in obvious pain. "I think you broke my fingers."

  "Good." Levi swiftly gifted Sam a kick to his legs.

  He groaned noisily and fell to his side, swearing.

  Levi didn't look at him again. He quickly came to the bed and untied Tessa's wrists. She was still in shock as she pulled her arms down. Blood rushed into her lower arms, and it was a bit painful. She barely noticed, however, as Levi untied her ankles.

  "Levi, what's happening?" Her voice quivered.

  Levi looked into her eyes, and his expression was wild. Tessa's eyes widened, and her lips trembled. Levi reached out and took her hand. He pulled her up, and Tessa was soon climbing off the bed.

  "We're leaving."

  He turned around and walked toward the door, still holding her hand and pulling her along. They exited out the open door without speaking to Sam, who was still moaning on the floor.

  "Levi? You're scaring me."

  He continued to tow her along as they headed down the stairs toward the parking lot. A motorcycle sat at the bottom, which she instantly assumed was his. Only when they reached it did Levi stop and turn around to face her.

  "Love, you need not worry about anything else. Ever."

  "What?" Her eyes darted around his face. "Your boss got his money?"

  A cool breeze blew through her hair, and she was suddenly very pleased to be outside.

  "He got his money, and you can be my responsibility now."

  "Wait, what?" Tessa scrunched up her nose in confusion.

  Levi pulled her into his chest, his green eyes capturing her. He held her tightly against himself, and Tessa instantly felt a calmness flow through her body.

  "This outlaw has found his reason to stop."

  "Levi?" Tessa slowly reached up and placed her hand on his shoulder, still confused. "What are you talking about?"

  "Love, you're free to go, but I don't want you to, nor do I think you should. I want to take you home and watch you until I'm sure this has all blown over."

  Tessa tilted her head to the side, watching his expression. He was serious. What is really happening?

  "Levi, I'm confused. I'm free? What happened with my dad?"

  He clenched his jaw muscles, and his arms tensed around her. Levi took a deep breath through his nose letting his eyes close for a second before again staring deep into her eyes.

  "Love, it's all been taken care of. You are free, but I'd like to bring you to my house to make sure. Ok?"

  Her mind was swirling. She was free and clear, but Levi wanted to make sure? Was that really what was happening? Levi leaned in and immediately calmed the questions in her mind. He kissed her roughly, running a hand up her back. His light stubble scratched her cheek, and she only wanted more.

  Levi opened his mouth and didn't hesitate to slip his tongue into her mouth. Tessa squeezed his biceps with her shaky hands as he sped up the kiss. All thoughts of being kidnapped were fading. The man before her was all she was thinking about.

  At last, Levi pulled back from the kiss, leaving Tessa breathing unevenly. Her eyes fluttered open, and she was struck by his gorgeous face looking down at her.

  "Can I take you home?" His hold lessened slightly on her.

  His question held more than a simple babysitting offer. She could read it in his eyes. Did she want to be with this criminal?

  Yes. Why am I even pretending I don't?

  Tessa stared at his chest for a while, thinking. What were her options now? Stand here and question him further? No, she wanted the hell away from this hotel, pronto. Tell him to simply take her home? No, she had no desire to be alone right now. In fact, there was only one person she wanted to be with at the moment. Just give in, Tessa.

  "Ok, Levi." Her fingers flexed on his arm.

  Levi's perfect lips curled into a smirk. "Ok, love."

  Chapter Fourteen

  Levi slowly brought his bike to a halt in front of his house with Tessa still holding on tightly to his waist. He took a deep breath as he turned off the bike. It was true that he wanted to watch her for the rest of the day just to make sure that nothing came up, but that wasn't the whole reason she was here. He wanted her badly, more than he had ever wanted any other woman.

  Tessa felt like his. He just had to show her. Of course, he'd had women before, many women, but Levi knew unequivocally that this girl was different. His cock and his heart wanted her. That had never happened to him before. Levi was a man who knew himself well, and this girl was his.

  He climbed off the bike, her hands slipping off him. Tessa took off his helmet he had given her to wear, and he quickly took it from her. Without speaking, he grabbed her around the waist and picked her up off the bike. She squeaked in surprise, and Levi lifted her over his shoulder, leaving his helmet with the bike.

  He headed toward his house, and Tessa let out a few giggles. It felt so good to hear noises of happiness from his little one. Better than anything he'd felt before. When he reached the front door, he unlocked it and carried her inside.

; After closing the door behind them, Levi slowly lowered her. She turned her head from side to side, obviously taking in his house. When she looked back at him, wonder played in her eyes. Levi was normally a private person, but he already felt close enough to Tessa to let her in.

  "This is your house?" She stared up at him with a sweet smile.

  "Yes. Why?" He cocked his head to the side, already knowing what she was thinking.

  "Oh, nothing. I just…"

  Trying to find a nice way of saying how do you own something so nice or about to ask if I'm squatting?

  His smile grew. "Tessa, I wouldn't lie about something that big. Yes, this is my house."

  She looked around the entryway a little more before looking back up at him with her blue eyes. "Do you live alone?"

  Her cheeks turned pinker as she nervously bit her bottom lip. Levi held in his laugh.

  "Yes, love."

  She looked down at his chest before returning eye contact. "So, I'm just here so you can protect me?"

  Levi's lips lifted into a crooked smirk. "Why? What else would you be here for?"

  Tessa stepped back from him, twisting her hips in a flirtatious way. His cock hardened in his pants as he watched her eyes brighten. Be careful, love.

  His smirk grew as he stepped to her. Levi swiftly grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his chest. Her eyes widened as she inhaled sharply.

  "Levi?" Her voice was a whisper.

  "Yes, love?"

  Levi watched her lips quiver and leaned in to kiss her, reaching a hand up to grip the back of her neck. Tessa moaned sweetly before he pulled back.

  "Maybe I can think of one thing I'd like to do with you."

  Tessa ran her hands up his inked arms. "Show me." Her eyes immediately darted around his face.

  Trying not to sound nervous, little one? I'd be happy to show you.


  "Maybe I should give you the tour." Levi cocked his head to the side before taking her hand.


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