Dark Blood (Dark Series Book 26)

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Dark Blood (Dark Series Book 26) Page 29

by Christine Feehan

  “Are there complications?” Branislava was suddenly anxious. In between the attacks by the Sacred Circle army there was little time for fun or rejoicing. A baby born would add to the beauty of the night.

  “If there were complications, Gregori and Skyler would be called immediately. Probably you and Tatijana as well,” Zev assured. “Close your eyes.”

  She did, her head pillowed on his chest, directly over his heart. Immediately she had the sensation of floating through the clouds, her body light and airy. His scent, that masculine, keeper of the forest scent combined with his feral, predatory smell filled her lungs and sent heat rushing through her veins. She would always want him, whether they were alone, or in the middle of a crowd. The feeling filled her with happiness.

  She had seen ballroom dancing in Tatijana’s mind. The two of them had replayed the dances over and over, committing the steps to memory, but the actual sensation of dancing with Zev, floating over the forest floor and up into the clouds was far more amazing than the dances she’d envied so much.

  Eventually, Zev and Branislava found a place off to the side where they could sink into the soft grass and watch the other couples. She snuggled close to him. One of Ivory’s wolves poked his head over her shoulder while another lay beside her, watching Ivory and Razvan’s every move. Branislava sank her fingers into the thick, soft fur. She loved every tactile feel she could find; when locked in the form of a dragon behind a wall of ice, she’d never had the opportunity to know much other than cold and pain.

  She had learned patience and acceptance—they all had. They had no other recourse, but now that she was free, she couldn’t stop touching things, wanting to experience everything for herself. Tatijana was the same. Sitting so close to Zev, the grass under her, the stars over her and his arm holding her close, a wolf in her lap, she experienced true happiness.

  Branislava put her head on Zev’s shoulder, forcing the wolf standing behind them to use Zev’s other shoulder. “I love watching the children. Look at little Anya dancing. She’s got the moves, doesn’t she?”

  Zev followed Branislava’s gaze to the little girl wiggling enthusiastically. Her sister was just as wild, both clearly feeling the beat of the earth and Syndil’s drums more than the guitar. “They’re beautiful. We’ll have to have twins. Little girls. I can just imagine the trouble they’ll get into with you as a mother and Tatijana as their aunt.” His heart swelled at the thought of his child, or children, growing in her.

  Branislava laughed softly. “Or you for a father. I refuse to accept all the blame. I can imagine what kind of a bossy boy you were.”

  He had been bossy. He’d often taken over leadership of any activity and other children always followed. Later, when he was barely seven and allowed to hunt with his father and the pack members, he was usually given a key position. “It was a relief to my father and the others in the pack hierarchy when I was sent to the elite school,” he admitted. “They sent me when I was just a boy, but I could come home on visits. Eventually, the visits were further and further apart.” There was regret in his voice. “My personality was too alpha, and it was difficult to have more than one alpha in the same pack, even if I was a boy.”

  She rubbed her cheek along his arm, like the kitten he often referred to her as being. He thought he actually heard her purr, but when he looked at her, she had her eyes closed.

  “I love you the way you are, Zev. Fen and Dimitri are both alpha males and they get along with you very well,” she murmured, her voice loving.

  He wanted to smile at her. She was his fierce kitten, coming to his defense even when there was no need. He was who he was and he’d accepted it long ago. Perhaps the ferocity of his Dark Blood had driven him to be the fierce wolf that he was. Intelligence played a large part, he knew that, but one also had to be willing to walk fearlessly and alone into extreme danger with utter confidence.

  “I had no idea when I crossed that rogue pack path a few short weeks ago,” he said, nuzzling the top of her head with his chin, “that I would ever have such a gift handed to me. I won’t lie, which would be impossible anyway, I had certain urges to be with a woman, but I never once thought about having a partner in life. Not one time. I didn’t think it would be possible to find a woman who could accept me the way I am. Or one who would be willing to be by my side fighting rogue packs, hunting vampires or protecting council members.”

  Zev threaded his fingers through hers and brought her hand to his mouth, teeth scraping gently back and forth over her knuckles. He felt her answering heat, her body nearly glowing with the rush spreading through her veins. How could he not enjoy the instant acceptance of his attention to her? If he touched her, he knew she would be damp and ready for him. It didn’t take much for him to ignite the fire that always smoldered in her.

  “I love that you belong to me,” he whispered against her ear, his teeth teasing her lobe.

  Fen whirled by with Tatijana. Don’t set the grass on fire, you two, he cautioned.

  Both Zev and Branislava looked down hastily to make certain there were no flames or sparks to catch the vegetation on fire. The ground was cool to the touch and the foliage remained unscorched. They looked at one another and laughed like children.

  “He’s so mean,” Branislava said. “For a minute there I actually fell for it and believed him. Can you imagine if we set the forest on fire with everyone dancing? Especially the prince? Gregori would have a few things to say to us.”

  “It would be worth it,” Zev said firmly.

  “True, but behave yourself anyway. Maybe we need a couple of the wolves to sit between us,” she suggested, but she didn’t move.

  Gregori and Savannah sank down beside them. Gregori’s lifemate looked happy. The moment she was sitting, her two little girls rushed her, flinging their little bodies on top of her. She toppled over backward, dragging them both with her, laughing as they hugged her tightly. Both popped up quickly and hurried over to pet the wolves. Neither touched them until they looked to Gregori for permission, although clearly they were already communicating with them.

  Gregori indicated Ivory and Razvan. “Those two are their pack leaders. If you want to play with them, you need to ask politely. And if they say no, don’t pout. If they say yes, thank them immediately.”

  Alexandru ran up and flung himself in Gregori’s lap. Instantly Gregori’s arms wrapped around the boy, holding him close. He dropped a kiss on top of Alexandru’s head. “Are you having fun?”

  Alexandru nodded and circled Gregori’s neck with one small arm, leaning in to whisper something in his ear. He pointed to the wolves and Gregori’s daughters.

  “They’re asking permission of Ivory and Razvan right now,” Gregori assured, keeping an eye on his daughters as they raced through the crowd to the two wolf keepers.

  Branislava hid her smile behind her hand. Stern Gregori was certainly far more than the prince’s protector and right-hand man. His normal dangerous mask was completely replaced around the children and lifemate. She imagined Zev just like that with his children—and with her. To others he might appear very frightening, but his family would always know the real man, just as Savannah and her children did. Apparently the prince’s son did as well.

  She watched Anya and Anastasia run up and tug on Razvan’s pant leg. He immediately stopped dancing and crouched down to eye level with both girls. Ivory leaned down to hear what was said. Branislava noted that although Gregori appeared to have his attention on Alexandru, his gaze flickered often to his daughters.

  Razvan looked up at Ivory. Alexandru held his breath. Razvan said something and Ivory nodded. Both girls clapped their hands, smiling, but sobered as the couple continued to talk to them. They nodded over and over, and then turned. Branislava caught Gregori’s instant frown, but he smiled when they turned back, clearly thanking the couple. She noted that both Razvan and Ivory communicated with their wolves. As Razvan turned back to take Ivory into his arms, two more wolves peeled off his back and loped over to
the two sitting patiently on the sidelines with Branislava and Zev.

  Alexandru jumped down from Gregori’s lap and hurried over with the girls to pet and love on the wolves.

  Branislava noted that Mikhail and Raven danced close to Ivory and Razvan, clearly thanking them for giving the children the opportunity to be with adult wolves. She knew that wolf pups were often brought in for the children to learn how to treat them, but Razvan and Ivory’s wolves were part of a hunting pack and usually stayed apart from the other Carpathians.

  Branislava watched the girls approach the wolves. They did so slowly, hands extended toward the animals to allow them to smell. Alexandru wiggled his way between the two girls so that Anastasia moved over. She leaned close and whispered in his ear.

  Branislava felt her heart turn over at the sight of the two little heads pressed so close together. Clearly Anastasia was instructing Alexandru on how Ivory and Razvan had told the twins to approach the wolves. The prince’s son was very solemn as he extended his hand to the alpha wolf first. He bowed his head as if showing his respect.

  “They’re beautiful,” she told Savannah. “Truly beautiful. When Alexandru walked over and stood between the twins, there was a moment when I thought the ground rippled. Did you feel it, too?”

  Savannah exchanged a look with Gregori. She nodded slowly. “Yes. The three are powerful together, even at their age. It’s a little disconcerting.”

  Gregori reached out and took his lifemate’s hand. “They’re intelligent and have good spirits, all three of them. It will be an adventure raising them, but they’ll be fine.” He kissed her hand. “We’ll be the ones with gray hair.”

  Zev laughed. “I was just telling Branislava that we needed to have twin girls.”

  Fen and Tatijana sank down beside them. Fen gave a snort of derision. “You’ll be the only Carpathian with gray hair.”

  Since Fen’s hair was streaked with a very impressive silver, Zev couldn’t help but laugh at his statement. “Wait, you’ll be the one with quads. Has it ever happened? Four little Dragonseeker girls all with a penchant for revenge.”

  Dimitri thumped his older brother’s head. “That would be suitable punishment for you.”

  Skyler winked at Branislava. “I’ll bet we could make it happen, too.”

  “I’d help,” Gregori volunteered.

  “Hey,” Tatijana protested. “I’d be the one carrying them. I’d be a balloon.”

  “But cute,” Fen said, pulling her close. “Very cute.”

  Mikhail held up his hand, and the dancers immediately stopped dancing as the music faded. He stepped into the middle of the clearing, a smile on his face. “We have a newborn. Sara and Falcon have a beautiful—and healthy—baby girl.”

  A cheer went up and Branislava found herself yelling with the others. She hugged Zev close. “I couldn’t have asked for a better ending to this night’s fun,” she whispered.

  “They have chosen the name Isabella for their daughter. Isabella Sara,” Mikhail announced.


  Branislava stared into Arno’s room, her heart sinking. She should have known Xaviero wouldn’t wait long to strike at them. The Lycans were under lockdown and watched at all times, so who had committed such a terrible crime?

  “At least we had last night together,” she whispered to Zev, and reached behind her to make contact with him. She needed to feel her rock, her anchor when the world around her spun into madness.

  The night before had been perfect, and even later when they sat around Mikhail’s home, they had discussed the three mages only very lightly, as if all of them knew they needed to take a brief respite from touching too close to evil.

  Zev started to move her out from in front of him, his arm pressuring her to step behind him, but she shook her head.

  “Not yet, Zev. Something isn’t right, and I need to figure out what’s wrong before anyone enters. Skyler was bringing a meal to him and discovered the body. She didn’t go in or touch anything. She said when she started to step through the entrance to check, her skin crawled and inside she felt jittery.”

  “Arno’s obviously dead,” Zev pointed out. “There’s a silver stake sticking out of his chest. Skyler’s young. Of course she felt jittery.”

  “She may be young, Zev, but she’s sensitive to any magic and there’s magic here. Black magic. Evil. I can feel it.”

  “The moment the other council members find out Arno is dead, they’ll want answers,” Zev insisted. “They’ll expect me to have them.”

  “I’m just asking for a minute to assess the situation,” she insisted, biting back a snappish tone. She was already nervous, fearing she already knew who had been there and why.

  Zev immediately brought his hand to the nape of her neck, fingers easing the tension out of her. “I’m sorry, Branka. I had no right to take my emotions out on you. Arno has been my friend for many years. I liked him very much. He was a very wise man and he never jumped to conclusions. Even when his own beliefs said one thing, he tried to keep an open mind and really listen and give credence to the other side of issues. He leaves behind a loving family who counted on me to keep him alive.”

  She leaned her head against his chest in an effort to comfort him, even as her restless gaze searched the room. Floor to ceiling. All four walls. The room looked untouched, and if it hadn’t been for Arno’s body in the exact center, his body in a pool of blood, laid out with his arms and legs spread wide and a silver stake protruding from his chest, she might not have been so cautious.

  She raised her arms outward and drew symbols in the air.

  I call upon Thurisaz, that which reacts,

  I call upon Kenaz, that which gives vision and insight,

  I call upon Algiz, that which gives protection and safe harbor,

  I call upon Ansuz, that which reveals what is unseen.

  Immediately runes appeared all over the walls, climbing high, up to the ceiling and spreading across it. Her breath caught in her throat. “Zev, he used blood. This is a very dangerous spell. Until I can undo what he’s wrought, we don’t dare enter.”

  “Who is he?” Zev asked, his fingers tightening around her nape.

  “Only a High Mage could do this. He’s here. Close. This is Xaviero’s work. He preferred to use the old alphabet to cast, unlike Xavier or Xayvion. I would recognize this anywhere.”

  “He couldn’t have sent an apprentice to do his dirty work?”

  She shook her head, fighting to keep her heaving stomach in place. There had never been a doubt in her mind that Xaviero had produced the mage-shadows in the Lycans. She had heard his voice, but he’d been far away—so she thought. He had to have been present in the room to place such a spell.

  “No. He was here.” Her mouth was so dry she could barely get the words out. She touched her sister’s mind to make certain she was safe. He’s here, Tatijana. In the Carpathian Mountains. He’s killed Arno. Go to ground where he can’t enter. The sacred warrior cave perhaps, but get to safety.

  She knew Zev heard her, he was merged very deeply with her. She felt him in her mind, pouring strength into her.

  “Why would he risk everything and come here himself?” Zev gestured toward Arno’s body. “Why kill him and not come after me?”

  “He needed to know his enemy. If you’ve been inadvertently a thorn in his side, pouring water on the fires he’s created among the council members and among the packs, destroying rogues and killing his assassins, he will want you dead. He knows now that I’m with you, that by killing one of us, he’ll kill us both,” she explained.


  “Arno told him, of course. Arno, no matter how he tried, would never have been able to hold out against the High Mage, any more than Lyall was able to do with me questioning him.”

  “I can find out exactly what Arno told him, and perhaps even his plans,” Zev said. “I can access Arno’s memories.”

  “Don’t you think Xaviero knows that? He left the head intact. He wanted someone
to come into the room and try to save Arno. The room is a huge, dangerous trap. Arno’s brain will be as well. Once we get in there, it will be far better to sever the head and burn the body as quickly as possible,” Branislava objected.

  “Can you remove the danger?” Zev asked.

  She realized he hadn’t agreed with her. She turned to look at him over her shoulder, her heart sinking. Zev was a man of integrity. Of loyalty. Of duty. He would find his answers one way or another, and danger wouldn’t play a part in whether or not he did his job.

  “I can get us into the room,” she said slowly, her gaze clinging to his. She didn’t want him to do this, but he would, and if he was going down that path, she was going with him.

  Gregori came in behind them. “Skyler and Dimitri just told me. Mikhail’s on his way.”

  “No!” both said simultaneously.

  Zev sighed. “The mage was here. Xaviero. Branka’s certain he killed Arno and has set traps in the room and probably on the body as well.”

  Gregori looked past them to the walls, ceiling and floor covered in bloody runes. He frowned. “Can you unravel that? Or find a way to counter it? Is there even a spell for that? Maybe we should just burn it all down, Branislava.”

  Zev shook his head. “You know we need the information Arno can give us. If Branka really can’t find a way in, we’ll burn it all, but we need information. Anything at all to give us clues to where Xaviero is and what his plans are.”

  “He wouldn’t tell those plans to Arno, knowing you’re going to try to access his memories,” Gregori protested.

  “That’s true,” Zev said. He slipped his arm around Branislava and held her for a long moment. “But the clues will be in the traps. He won’t be able to set them without giving something of himself away. Isn’t that how it works, Branka?”

  She didn’t want to admit he was right. In order to get the information, they needed to face each trap, dismantle it and move to the next one. The more traps, the more information Xaviero would be forced to leave behind, whether he wanted to or not. First, she would have to be certain she had made the room safe and that the information wasn’t a red herring planted by Xaviero. No one else, other than Tatijana, knew him that well. She had to be the one facing the mage’s work, because she wasn’t about to let her sister do it.


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