Blood for blood (Tainted Bloodlines Book 1)

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Blood for blood (Tainted Bloodlines Book 1) Page 5

by Tobi Grim

  She turned towards the voice. Shit. Grey. “No. Way.”

  The words slipped from her mouth before she even had a chance to stop them. He laughed. Was he mocking her? She couldn’t tell. How the fuck had she not noticed? How had she not felt that he had more than just ‘a bit of magick’ in his bloodline? And why the fuck hadn’t he told her?

  “Well, well, that’s no way to greet a friend.”

  Lupa haughtily folded her arms, “As far as I know, we are not fucking friends.”

  He stuffed his hands into his jean pockets and shrugged. He looked more enticing with his hair tied back, clothed in a dark button up, open at the neck only giving the slightest hint as to his inked up body. What a jerk.

  “Guess I should have told you, eh? I’m a Protector.” He flashed that charming smile at her. But she wasn’t in the mood.

  “Whatever. I’m out of here. I've had enough playing nice for one day.”

  She glared at him and turned to leave before she could change her mind. Fuck shit shit. She never slept with anyone inside The Organization as a rule, she didn’t need any more rumours flying around about her, and didn’t want the complications.

  Once outside she lit a smoke as she headed over to her beat up car. What a shitty day. How she wished she could call up Karl. But then, her day wouldn’t have been so shitty if he was still around to call... Don’t think about it.


  “Are you sure about this, Little Red?” Slasher's concern evident in her eyes.

  “Yes. I need to get back out there. Slasher... I need to prove that the pack is out there, and I want to be there to take them down. I need to do this. For Karl. For me. For you. For all of us.”

  Slasher nodded in understanding and signed the form. Lupa was much happier in this office without Darwin in the chair across from her. She had called Slasher the night before to organise coming in that afternoon.

  “Ok, hun, the paper work is done. I’ll send it up to Central HQ so that it’s on record, but we can start finding matches now.”

  She sealed the forms in the standard red envelope and put in on what Lupa always presumed was her stack of ‘send this shit out’ pile. Slasher got up and went over to her Protectors employee files.

  Hunters and Protectors were sorted by blood type, blood had a power all of its own. It was an integral part to starting a match, from there it was how well you connected on a face to face level. Following that, began the tests to see if you were connection compatible, if you only chose one to try the tests though, they usually pushed it through even if the tests weren’t the best scoring. They didn’t like to prolong the process and leave a Hunter without a Protector for too long, unlike when you were under fighting age.

  There was a lot more Protectors than Hunters, Hunters needed to score above an 11 in all their magickal testing, which included skills they needed to fight, whereas Protectors only needed a 6 to pass as a Protector witch. There were many Protectors who scored higher than 11’s in some aspects but that wouldn’t give them enough to be a Hunter. Protectors whom do not have a partner helped on many hunts; some were lookouts like they had had on the nest hunt, some were backups. When there weren’t enough teams for nests or group hunts they assisted, some were trainers... so on and so forth. But of course that would only apply if you had physical magick, because wolfbloods couldn’t be killed without it.

  “Ok,” Slasher sat down with a stack of files, “Looks like we have eighteen Type O’s that are without a Hunter. We can narrow them down a bit here first if you like? Rather than meeting them all?”

  “Oh fuck yes,” Lupa responded gratefully. Fucking eighteen, screw trying to meet all of them and feel out their power and personalities. She’d be dizzy and confused by the sixth!

  Slasher laughed, “Thought as much. Ok, let’s go through a few questions to them narrow down. Would you prefer one who’s never been paired before, or one who’s lost a partner? Do you want a newbie or someone who’s been involved about the same time or longer?”

  “Umm... no partner before, it’s going to be hard enough with my shit, best not to have two wary witches.” Slasher took four out. “I definitely don’t want a newbie, as long as me or longer.” Slasher removed three more files. “And no chicks. If there is any. You know me.” Two more files removed.

  “Ok, that leaves nine. You want to meet nine or try bring it down some more? It won’t be the same as when you partnered... in bonding school. You would meet one at a time; you could do it over a week, gives you more time to suss them out.”

  Lupa nodded. “Check who’s happy to work with me first. They can take the weekend to think about it. You know, not everyone likes what’s in these veins.” She held up her wrists. “I don’t want to have to go through the sneering again. You ask them, and then let me know?”

  “Sounds good," Slasher replied with a smile. “Ok, well you go home and I’ll start getting this sorted. Meet you here Monday morning?”

  “Yep.” She stood and bowed, a formality Slasher didn’t need from her pretty-much-daughter, but Lupa still gave her the respect a Commander deserved, especially as she so rarely was in her office.


  Lupa spent her weekend stoned and watching crappy TV. She was too nervous to do much else. Thoughts of rejection plagued her. What if no one wanted to partner with her because of her fucking wolf-blood? She couldn’t think about it. She dare not think about the possibility of having to wait. Or wait and see if one of the files they had put aside might want to work with her.

  Come Monday morning, she dressed as ‘normally’ as she could, despite it being four am. Ah well. She wore a modest cut, long sleave black shirt, and pale blue jeans. She put on her low heeled boots and tied her hair into a bun. It made her look a bit stuck up in her opinion, but it also made her look like she ‘fit in’. Made her feel ... mentally strong, to look like she belonged. At least she told herself she did. She probably just looked like a try-hard.

  By the time Lupa arrived at HQ, the anticipation had gotten so bad that she thought her heart might jump out of her fucking chest. Her hands were sweaty and she felt as though she were on the brink of a panic attack. Fuck, get it together. She reached Slash’s door, took a deep breath, and knocked.

  “Little Red! You look like you’re going to be sick, come in, come in. I’ve got good news. And I’ve got bad news. All of them want to work with you, that’s the good news. Bad news, now you have to meet all nine of them.” Slasher laughed as Lupa collapsed into the chair with a groan.

  “Shit, Slash, I was so sure no one would want to work with me seeing as...”

  “I can see that.” Slasher grinned, cutting her off, “But everyone heard about what happened in Blackwater, they think you’re the most badass bitch out! Sorry... but, it has its advantages. Especially as you want to get back out there... for Karl. So, you know...”

  “It’s ok. I’m ok. Alright. When do we start the meetings?”

  Slasher slid the files over the desk. “Have a look at them and decide. I’ll start teeing them up. They are all pretty keen so said they would be here every day, so that if you felt up to doing more than one a day you can.”

  Lupa flicked through the files, but couldn’t really focus. “I don’t know, just ... let’s just start with the top one and work through, hey? I don’t wanna get caught up in where they’ve been, what they’ve done... really doesn’t matter that much. I’ll just forget before they get to me anyway since I have to meet with them all.”

  “As you wish. Take Jackie’s office over the other side, and I’ll send...” Slasher checked the first file, “I’ll send Balin in first. And we can see how you go.”

  Lupa picked her bag up and crossed through the empty reception area into the office usually occupied by Jackie; the woman who sorted through reports from the general public. The desk was large, tidy and accompanied by a hideous green and purple striped chair.

  Balin was nice, friendly and a nail biter. But she really couldn’t find a connecti
on. Lupa decided to keep going until she... well, until she couldn’t. Next she met with Travis. He was cocky and so full of himself that she wondered if he had to hold a cup to his ass to catch the excess. Fuck no. Next up was Jason, he was... quiet. She had trouble understanding why he even wanted a partner; he clearly was struggling just talking to her. Most likely all women. Next. The forth was more promising. Dameon. He was wearing a well-loved heavy metal band shirt, black jeans, and had a terrible fucking haircut. He looked like he’d been in a few fights from the scars on his knuckles, and the evidence of receiving at least one broken nose.

  “Nice to meet you, Little Red, been looking forward to meeting you, even if... y’know.” He grinned a little nervously.

  “You too, Dameon. So, why haven't you been paired with any one before?”

  “Shit, straight in, huh? Ok. Well, in school, no one wanted to pair with me cos I was the weird kid. Ok, to be fair, I only got paired with rich bit... uh, chicks. Prissy, well, as prissy as a Hunter can be. I’ve had a few of these interviews over the years, but to be honest I’ve never really liked those I met with…” He continued slowly, “I’d say it’s cos... I’m difficult. I’m not very good at being open to just anyone. And I kinda like being alone in my own head. No worries, y’know? But... yeah. Wouldn’t mind seeing how the rest of you all live.”

  “Uh huh... are you actually committed though?” Lupa asked, frowning slightly “I mean... You can’t play it by ear and then decide to quit. The only real way out is death, and I’m not planning on losing another... friend. This isn’t just a bit of fun.”

  He ran his thumb down his jaw. He looked to be considering her question, but she could see his eyes almost yelling the answer. He nodded slowly, giving her a grin. She liked that grin. And she liked him. She put a star next to his name and excused him.

  Slasher stuck her head in the door after Dameon left. “Want another? You’re powering through them! Are you sure you're ready for this...?”

  “No more today,” Lupa laughed, holding her hand up. “I liked Dameon. He’s on the short list. Start again tomorrow?”

  Slasher smiled. She looked relieved. Lupa supposed Slasher was worried it was too soon and that she would reject them all. “Catch you in the morning, then.” Slasher said and she kissed Lupa’s head before she left.


  Day two arrived and Lupa was starting to feel drained. Five had been... Devon? Dylan? She couldn’t fucking remember. But he had talked and talked. She hadn’t even gotten a chance to ask him a single question, and yet he managed to have forty minutes worth of chatter to drill her fucking brain with. Yep, definitely not him. Six was... Hans? He looked sleazy. He made so many bad sexual innuendos she began to wonder if he even knew anything else.

  “Ready for a break? Lunch?” Slasher could obviously see that she was not up for another.

  “Oh fuck yes.” She rubbed her eyes as she stood. Lunch sounded good. Escaping that room sounded even better.

  They went down to the take out shop near HQ, grabbed a burger and went back to sit in the gardens. It seemed the rain had finally given Black City a break. The sun was out, and it was delightfully warm. They ate in silence as people came and went, Lupa noticed that everyone bowed to Slasher as they passed, and gave her a strange sideways look as they did so. Was it because of the interviews... or had Grey been talking about her? Fuck, sometimes this place was like school the way gossip travelled, no matter which topic it was about. Whatever. She didn’t need to be friends with these people, she just needed a new Protector.

  Lupa sighed. “I guess I better get back to it, hey? I think my brain is finally ready.”

  “Famous last words,” Slasher winked at her as they stood and headed back into the building.

  Number seven was Kacela. He got a star next to his name too. He was softly spoken and warm. He told a few jokes with a sheepish, cheeky grin. He seemed to be so full of information, she was fascinated listening to his herbal knowledge but she still needed to get through two more interviews and then she was done with this initial ‘weeding out’ faze. Not that she needed have bothered, eight and nine were a bust.

  Finally, her day was done. She wanted to meet with Dameon and Kacela again, somewhere outside of headquarters. Maybe for a drink, or a bad coffee. She needed to see if one stood out above the other or if they would both be tested.

  Lupa waved to Slasher, who was on the phone in her office, and she left the building quickly. When she reached her car, Grey was leaning against it smoking. Fucking hell, couldn’t she get a break?

  “What the fuck do you want?” she snapped.

  “Still cold, hey?" Grey drawled, a cheeky glint in his eyes “Thought I’d ask how the interviews were going. Maybe see if you wanted to go get a drink?”

  “Why would I want to do that, exactly?”

  He gave her a small, apologetic smile, "Because I need to apologise, and you’re... thirsty?”

  She shrugged. “Fine. But I want to go home and change first, these shoes are killing me.” She unlocked her car and opened the door. “Meet you at Frenchy’s. In an hour.” Lupa slammed her car door and sped off without waiting for his reply.

  Lupa’s head ached from all the talking that day. But it was done, for now, and she only had to deal with the two of them from here on out. It seemed damned more manageable. Shit. She hoped so anyway. Could she really fucking deal with this?


  Once home, she dressed violently. Throwing her shoes at the bathroom door while searching for her sneakers. She was mad now. She was real fucking livid. Her thoughts about Grey viciously circling around inside her head did nothing except piss her off.

  How dare he? How fucking dare he think that he could just smile and apologise and she’d be fucking ok with it. How dare he think his fucking pretty face meant shit to her when he’d fucking lied about something so big? Sure, he didn’t know her rule about never sleeping with an Organization member, but she should have been given the fucking choice. He knew who she was and still fucking pretended to know nothing. Asked those stupid fucking questions like he didn’t know a damned thing.

  Pulling on a skirt instead of her jeans, she kept on the long sleeved, grey shirt she’d worn during the day. When she finally found her shoes, she grabbed her bag and headed for the door. Lupa had managed to work herself up so much that she thought she might break his nose the very second she saw him. Although, he’d have to be sitting so she could... she smiled in spite of herself as she hit the slowly darkening streets.

  Frenchy’s was a small ‘cafe’ around the corner from her place. They didn’t serve food, just bad coffee and cheap alcohol, but the woman who ran the joint insisted it be called a cafe. Tables and chairs were littered through the store, mostly two or three person spots. The people who came here usually came to talk; they could drink and actually hear each other. Tonight it was fairly empty and she could see Grey had gotten there early and picked a spot out the front.

  “I didn’t think you’d come,” he said flashing his oh-so-fucking-charming smile at her.

  “Then who would I have to punch in the face?” She smiled as sweetly as she could before pulling out a smoke and lighting it, never taking her eyes off him. Cocky fucking bastard.

  “Hey, hey,” he put his hands up, “I surrender! I asked you here to apologise after all, didn’t I?” She sat down across from him and said nothing. “Ok. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel like shit. I just... I wanted a night where I wasn’t... me. Where I wasn’t a part of The Organization. But unfortunately, the chick I picked to talk to was... I dunno, I just wanted to see what it was like to see our world from a different perspective.”

  She raised her eyebrows at him. Was he fucking serious? What a pathetic apology. “Grey… Who have you told?”

  “What? No one. Well, I told Lizzy, my Hunter, but she’s not working at the moment...” he looked uncomfortable. “She’s taken some time off to try make... more little Hunters. You might know her as Fair Light.

  Ah. It made sense she guessed. He’d been abandoned at work by his Hunter, so he used her to make himself feel better... well... to be fair, she had used him too. Sure, she wouldn’t have fucked him had she known he was Organization, but she had enjoyed herself...

  She sighed. “Fine. You’re forgiven. But I’m not fucking happy about it. I don’t like to mix work people in with my personal life. I have enough of them already forced into my life so I don’t like to choose more.” She sent him a glare to make sure he understood.

  “Ok. I get that. I’m a dick. And I’m sorry. Wanna drink?”

  She shrugged as he got up. At least he had tried to apologise, right? More than what she expected really. She may as well get him to buy her a few as an apology. Besides, she didn’t really want to go home and think. She had two Protectors to meet with over the next few days, and then the testing would begin. She just wanted it fucking over and done with so she could get back out there and start busting heads. Start making Karl’s death...

  “So, how are the interviews going?” Grey asked as he placed a beer in front of her and sitting back down.

  “I've finished going through them all so far,” she took a swig. It could be nice to talk to someone about this other than Slasher, right? “I have two potential matches... I'm going to have a better meet with them over the next two days. This shit’s exhausting.”

  He nodded and lit a smoke. “Me and Fair Light weren’t matched at school. I was a lone Protector until I was seventeen. She lost her Protector to suicide, she’s a few years older than me so had been fighting for a few years before I was bonded with her. But...” he cautiously continued, peering down at his cigarette, "I remember what it was like being on the other side. Try be nice hey? Fair Light was a bitch. She didn’t deal with her grief very well. She made four of us try connect with her for months. She’d make us follow her around and take notes. She made us do some really stupid shit, and acted like she hated us all. I finally told her to go fuck herself, couldn’t take it anymore. Then I got a message from the Commander saying I would be the only one going through the tests. I almost said no. But then she came round and was crying, confessing that she didn’t know how to deal with losing her best friend. She stayed at my house that night and we talked for hours. Seeing her... seeing her so lost broke my heart. And ... well, I guess the rest is history.”


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