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SEXT Page 12

by Penny Wylder

  “I feel like I’m going crazy.” I brace myself against his shoulders, both hands gripping him tight. “How can I feel like this for you so fast?”

  “Because I was always there, Clove. Waiting for you to see me under the uniform. We haven’t known each other long, but we’ve been standing right in each other’s paths for years.”

  He’s right. I may not have known him well, but Zayne has been in my life for a long, long time. No wonder it feels right, now that I’m realizing how much more in my life he needed to be. How deeply involved in my life he should have been from the start.

  “Let me make you feel good, Clove. Let me take your mind off all of this…”

  He kneels in front of me again, but it feels different this time, charged somehow. Like he’s not just touching me, tasting me, but feeling me too. He wants to give me pleasure, doing it gives him pleasure, and knowing that only turns me on even more. This isn’t just a hookup. It can’t be. Not when it feels like this.

  Zayne spreads my legs, hands wrapped around my ankles, and kisses his way along my inner thigh. I close my eyes and shiver, savoring the feeling of his rough stubble as it grazes against my sensitive skin, right at my hipbone. He takes his time, the way he always does. I love that about him, the way he’s so careful with me, so precise. He makes sure that I’m aching, about to burst before he gives me what I want. I never knew denial could be so hot, or that making me wait could make me so much hungrier for him when he finally gives me what I need.

  When his tongue delves into my slit, I clench my fist in his hair and arc my back, leaning backward along the kitchen counter. He pushes his tongue inside me slowly, circling, tasting each of my walls as he enters me.

  “Zayne,” I gasp, my hands clenching and releasing in his hair of their own accord. He always does this—makes me lose control of my limbs, my hands, my own body.

  I can feel the curl of his lips as he smiles against me, but he doesn’t reply, just keeps licking me, inside me. He eats me like a starving man, like I’m the only meal he’s had in months. He grips my ass with one hand, lifts my pussy closer to his mouth, and I can feel his stubble scratch across my inner thighs, graze the edges of my lips as he forces his tongue as deep inside me as possible.

  At the same time, I feel his other hand slide up my thigh too, until he’s stroking his forefinger along my slit. I don’t realize what he’s doing, don’t notice how he’s coating his finger in my juices, until he presses the tip of that finger against the tight pucker of my ass.

  I cry out as he presses his finger into my ass, slowly and deliberately. The sudden tight, full feeling is doubled, because I clench my pussy in response, and feel his tongue press back against me, the flat plane of his tongue caught between my walls. My head falls back against the counter, my body too distracted by the conflicting sensations—the fullness from every angle.

  He starts to move his finger, sliding it deeper into my ass, then drawing it out again slowly. At the same time, he continues to lick into my pussy, his tongue curling to drag against my front inner wall. I thought I felt wild before, but this pushes me to a new limit. I twist against the counter, the hard marble cool against my ass, another contrast to the white-hot heat pouring from Zayne’s mouth, his finger inside my ass, his whole body.

  I can’t help it. Before long, I’m bucking against his face, and he flattens his lips around my pussy, licks me hard and fast as he continues to finger my ass. I wrap my legs over his shoulders, hook my ankles to hold him against me as I bury my hands in his hair. I come with a loud cry, the orgasm sweeping through my whole body, from the tips of my toes all the way to the top of my head. I feel like I’m on fire, bursting from the inside out.

  He keeps his finger buried inside my ass and draws back to lick my sensitive-as-hell clit. I gasp and jerk against the counter, and he laughs, his breath hot against my soaking wet pussy.

  “You like that, Clove?” He grins up at me, still kneeling between my legs, that cocky grin of his irresistible from this angle. Or from any angle, really.

  I grin back, breathless, heart still racing. Then I clench my ass around his finger, and smirk. “What was your first clue?”

  He lifts an eyebrow, enjoying the challenge. “Hmm. So you like having both holes filled at once, is that it?”

  My cheeks flush bright red, but I hold his eye, emboldened by the naked lust in his eyes. “If that orgasm was anything to judge by, it’s definitely nice, yes.”

  “Mm…” His gaze rakes down my body, and his lower lip juts out as though he’s considering something. Pondering. “Well, I didn’t come prepared, but I think we should be able to make do…”

  With that, he stands, and draws his finger out of my ass. I gasp in protest, especially because without him kneeling between my legs, I feel cold, my naked ass freezing against the marble countertop.

  But he doesn’t leave me hanging for long. He scoops me into his arms, and I wrap my legs around his waist. His hard cock presses against my ass, so I’m almost sitting on top of it as he holds me against him with one arm and digs through my drawers with the other.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, but he only winks in response. I feel him shift against me as he picks up something, and then we’re moving, before I can tell exactly what he has in mind.

  He carries me to the doorway of my bedroom, then hesitates in the entrance, glancing past me. “Red sheets. It’s almost like you planned on having a sexy encounter in here sometime soon…”

  I laugh, and feel my face flush again, this time with regular embarrassment. “I… Forgot I had those on.”

  He casts me a sideways smirk.

  “It’s my favorite color!” I protest. “I just like it is all.”

  “I like it too.” In response, he steps across the threshold, and tosses me onto the bed without warning, so hard that I bounce a little, laughing as he steps up to the bed, gazing down at me. “The color suits you. You look good on it.” His gaze roams across my body, naked and exposed before him. “Though you’ll look even better spread-eagled across it.”

  My laughter turns a little breathy, my flushed face getting even hotter as he kneels beside me and leans down to kiss me softly, slowly. “Zayne…” I murmur. Then I lift my eyes to his, smiling, because a sudden idea took hold of me. “It’s my turn,” I say.

  He raises an eyebrow, still smiling, but questioning. “Your turn to what, exactly?”

  “To spread-eagle you.” With that, I push myself up to a sitting position, then flip around to kneel next to him. He lets me push him over easily, even though of course, he could overpower me if he wanted. There’s something sexy about that, about the confident way he’s willing to let me take control when I want to. He doesn’t have anything to prove—he just wants me to enjoy myself however I want. And right now, I want to do to him what he just did to me.

  I spread his legs wide, then position his hands over his head. After a moment’s consideration, I grab the edges of the my sultry red sheets—silk, no less, because I love the way it feels against my skin, cool and soothing and smooth as hell. I wrap each corner around the bedposts, then use them to tie Zayne’s wrists to the bed frame. He smirks at me. I know it’s just a loose knot—he could slip it anytime he wanted. But he lets me do it, and to judge by the stiff cock standing erect in his boxers in front of me, he’s enjoying this too.

  I bind his ankles too, the same way, not very tight, and he could easily slip the knot if he wanted.

  “I hope you know turnabout is fair play,” he comments while I work. “The next time I’m back here, I’m going to have to tie you up nice and tight for this. Maybe even give you a spanking, too.” His gaze drops to my ass, and I shiver at the thought of him doing this to me. Tying me up, leaving me vulnerable and exposed before him. Having his way with me.

  My pussy clenches just thinking about it. “Promises, promises,” I tell him, a playful sparkle in my eye as I wink and finish tying off his right ankle. “But first, it’s my turn.”

  Now that he’s bound, I reach up to trace my hands over his sides. Let him have a taste of his own medicine—see how it feels when I touch him like this, slowly, torturously, not touching his sensitive spots, not yet. I trace his muscles, every inch of his hard abs and the flat plane of his stomach. I lean down to feather kisses along the carved V that points straight to his cock. I flick my tongue into his navel, loving the salty-sweet taste of him, and the way he inhales sharply, trying to hide his pleasure. He can’t though, not when I have him like this, naked before me. He can’t hide anything from me here.

  “Zayne…” I catch his eye again. Begin to inch his boxers down his legs. “Have you done this before?”

  “What, been tied up?” His eyes catch mine with a mischievous glint. “Once or twice, I have to admit.”

  I laugh. Then shake my head. “Have you ever felt so… hungry for somebody before?” I trace my hands along his sides, down to his upper thighs. I pull his boxers further down, far enough that his cock springs free, standing tall at attention, curved upwards so the tip almost touches his navel. “You just made me come, and it was great, fantastic, but I…” I graze his cock with my fingertip, barely a touch, just enough to make him jump as his muscles clench in reply. “I already want more.”

  He swallows so hard it’s audible, and gazes up at me with sincerity. “I know exactly what you mean, Clove. I never knew it was possible to feel this hungry. Every minute of the day, I think about you, about all the things I want to do to you, all the ways I want to enjoy your body. I’ve been hard practically since the night we first spoke…”

  I touch his cock again, still lightly, barely touching him between my fingertips. I stroke them up and down his length, hardly touching him, but he’s so turned on already that it makes his hips twist against the bed, his eyes hot where they catch mine. “I know how you feel,” I murmur. “I feel like I’ve spent the entire weekend wet, red-hot, ready to jump you any second you’ll let me.”

  “Which is any second you want,” he points out.

  “What is this? Why do we feel this so quickly?” I murmur, my voice dropping lower.

  “I don’t know,” he admits. “But whatever it is, I don’t want it to stop. I want you, Clove. I want to be with you. When you showed up downstairs with that… that…” His face twists into an ugly expression, a scowl. “That fucking disrespectful asshole who followed you home. I wanted to tear his throat out for touching you. For trying to use you.”

  I lean down to feather a kiss along his jaw, but he turns his head and catches my lips with his, kisses me hard and deep. “Nobody else touches me,” I promise as I draw back, just far enough to meet his eyes. “Nobody but you.”

  He smiles, a soul-deep smile that catches my eyes, sets me on fire. “Because you’re mine, Clove. And I’m yours.”

  “Mine to do with as I wish,” I point out, spreading my fingers wide and wrapping my hand around his cock in earnest this time, clutching him tight enough to feel his velvet-smooth skin under my fingertips, and the hard steel of his shaft beneath.

  “And what do you wish to do to me, Clove?” Zayne’s eyebrows rise, those blue eyes of his fixed on mine, all heat underneath and ice on top, like he could burn and chill me all at once. He does, in fact, quite frequently.

  I tighten my grip on his cock and begin to slide my hand up and down his shaft, my own smile widening. “I want to make you come so hard you forget your own name,” I murmur.

  He smirks and tilts his body, curving his hips up toward my hand to give me easier access to him. “If anybody can make me lose control, Clove, it’s you.”

  I don’t need more invitation than that. It’s already hard enough to resist the sight of his thick, swollen cock, and the scent of sweat and sex that hangs heavy in the room. His scent drives me mad—I never much thought about hormones before, but now I realize how real they are, how crazy the scent of his makes me. I lean down to kiss around the base of his cock, letting his shaft brush against my cheek, my forehead, my hair, as I circle him. His cock jumps again, the muscles tensed, out of his control now. Just the way I like.

  I duck my head between his thighs to lick his balls, one at a time. He tastes amazing, hot and heady with a touch of salt, and an underlying flavor that’s all him, more addictive than anything I’ve ever tasted before. I suck one of his balls between my lips, close my lips around him and roll it along my tongue. He moans faintly, just a soft sound, one he’s clearly trying to suppress. He won’t be able to for long, if I have anything to say about it.

  “Fuck, Clove,” he murmurs as I release that ball and lap at the other one, flick my tongue across him, then dig it against the sensitive spot right between his balls and his cock. His cock jumps again, and I catch it in a tight fist, start to stroke him again while I continue licking around his base. I close my lips around the side of his shaft, suck hard enough to leave a little mark, hard enough to make his hips jerk once more, and then I move on, rolling my tongue around him as I inch up his length.

  When I reach his tip, I gently purse my lips against him, my mouth already wet from licking him so much. Slowly, I increase pressure, parting my lips around the head of his cock to gently press him into my mouth. I keep my lips tight around him, press my tongue up against the underside of his cock, tracing the thick veins there, so he feels every inch of my mouth as I take him inside.

  “Your… fucking… mouth,” he whispers between hard breaths. I grin and keep taking him in deeper, sliding his cock along the length of my tongue.

  “You’re fucking magic,” he murmurs, head falling back on the pillow.

  I take him deeper, deeper, until the tip of his cock touches the back of my throat.

  “Clove,” he moans, and I wrap my one fist around the base of his shaft, keeping the pressure there as I sit up slowly, drawing him back out of my mouth once more.

  When he’s fully out, I lick the tip of his cock and savor the droplets of precum I can taste already. I lean back to eye his swollen length, glistening with my spit, hard as ever, his veins standing out, the whole cock pulsing with blood, his desire evident, impossible to deny.

  “Don’t…” He stops himself, grits his teeth.

  I grin at him. “Don’t what?” I lift one eyebrow. Lean back down to lick his tip again, and enjoy the way his cock jumps once more. I circle my tongue around his head, and wrap my fist around his base again, stroking him slowly. “Don’t stop?”

  “Don’t…” He locks eyes with me and sucks in another deep breath. This is it, I think. I’ve finally made him beg the way he always makes me. “Don’t make me punish you worse later,” he replies, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

  I have to laugh, though I lean down to lick along one side of his cock again as I do. “I thought you enjoyed punishing me,” I point out, then lick the top of his cock, my mouth open so he can watch me do it. He drinks in the sight, his gaze as hungry as ever. He might be tied up just now, but my lover still looks dangerous, ready to pounce on me at any moment if his lust reaches frenzy pitch.

  Part of me hopes it will. My belly clenches, a curl of anticipation hidden deep inside.

  “Oh, I do,” he murmurs, and my pussy tightens too, those words sending a pulse of desire through my whole body.

  “Good,” I reply. Then I lick along him again and flatten my hand across his stomach to pin him against the bed. I keep up that slow, maddening pace until he seems like he’s about to burst, his muscles strained and his breath coming fast, even though he struggles to disguise it.

  Finally, I take him into my mouth and begin to work on him, sliding him in and out of my mouth, all the way to the back of my throat like he taught me. As I expected, he doesn’t let me stay in control for too long. I get him worked up to a point but then he loses his ability to remain cool. He tugs his arms free from my meager restraints and grips my head, hands buried in my hair, eyes shut with pleasure as he thrusts up into my mouth. I relax my jaw, catch breaths between his thrusts, and let him fuck me from below, his
hips rising up with every thrust, his cock spearing deep into my throat.

  I love this best of all—the way he abandons all sense of control, becomes wild, animalistic with lust. He wants me, and nothing will stand in his way. I watch him, enjoying the almost pained expression of desire on his face, the way his eyes screw shut and his mouth falls open in ecstasy.

  As he nears his peak, his eyes open and find mine. He watches me, a dark, hungry glint in his eye as he thrusts into my mouth again, again, hands clenched tight in my hair, his teeth gritted. And then, all at once, his expression shifts, his mouth parting farther as he comes hard, deep in my throat. I swallow his cum, savoring the taste, the flavor of him magnified, stronger than anything else. When he sinks back against the bed, I keep licking his shaft, his tip, cleaning every drop from him, until finally he shudders, grips my shoulders and tugs me up toward him.

  I fall at his side, and he wraps his arms around my body, pulling me against his warm, naked skin. He kisses me once more, deeply, and his tongue slips between my lips, probing my mouth, tasting himself on me.

  “Fuck, Clove,” he murmurs again when we break apart. “You are impossibly perfect.”

  I smile and nuzzle into his side, arms tight around his waist. “Me? You’re the one who was hiding right beneath my nose this whole time. In a doorman’s uniform, no less.”

  He laughs, and I can hear the echo of it in his chest as I lie against him, the feel of his breathing against my cheek, the hum of his voice when he speaks tickling my cheek. “I wasn’t hiding. I was right there in plain sight. You were just blinded by the sexy hat.”

  I snort and flick his stomach. “Sure, that was it. That damned hat stood in our way.”

  “And to think, all it took to get you to look beneath was punching out an asshole.”

  I laugh and elbow him again. He just laughs harder.


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