Curvy Women Wanted 06 - The Biker's Desire

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Curvy Women Wanted 06 - The Biker's Desire Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “What if you’re wrong?” she asked.

  “I’m never wrong about this shit. I know Pam. Your position gives you a shitload of power over the women. They’ll come to you. Pam wants that, and then the real bitch will come out, and she’s not that well liked to start off with.”

  She sighed. “You make her sound like a monster.”

  He laughed. “She is. I have no interest in her. You see, I quite like this cute little brunette. She has a nice, big, juicy ass, and thighs that feel so good when I’m sliding between them.”

  Desire shot through her; he saw it in her eyes.

  “That’s my girl, right there. That’s who I’m after,” he said.

  “You can’t say those things right here.”

  “I can. When we get home, you can treat me as bad as you want.”

  The frown that had been on her face changed, and he watched the smile spread, lighting up her features.

  Rock had known lust; he’d known crushes. Never in his life had he known what love was. Looking into Adele’s eyes, he knew.

  He knew that no matter what, he’d give anything to stare into her eyes for the rest of his life.

  “What is it?” she asked. “Do I have something on my face?”

  To answer her, he stopped dancing, cupped her face, and kissed those lips.

  He was addicted to this woman.

  His little cleaner, but she meant so much more to him than that. She was his life.

  The little moan she gave as he kissed her, he loved.

  The way her body fit against him, he loved.

  She was softness.

  His world.

  When he broke the kiss, Adele’s eyes were still closed.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Pam was watching, and now he needed to drive home exactly how little he thought of Pam.

  He didn’t want Pam in his life. He’d not touched another woman since Adele had entered his world.

  She was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

  And now he was going to prove it.


  The party wasn’t that bad. Adele was having a great time. It helped that the old ladies had gravitated toward her and taken her under their wing. They had told her that most of the time the clubs were all bark and no bite. She had nothing to worry about.

  When Pam had made her way toward Rock, she didn’t care.

  She trusted Rock. Of course, Claire and a couple of the other women had said sweet butts like Pam always tried for the Prez.

  Sweet butts, club whores, they were an old lady’s curse. They had to stick together. Hearing Rock’s put-down didn’t make her feel better.

  Adele wasn’t the kind of woman to cut another down, and she’d felt bad for Pam. Seeing the other woman’s scowl and hateful look, she knew Pam could handle herself.

  The kiss that Rock had just given her wiped out any kind of feeling for the other woman. Rock was all hers, and tonight she was going to tell him that she loved him, even if it meant he was going to run away afterward. She didn’t know what he expected or how he was going to react to her.

  This was all new territory for the both of them.

  Opening her eyes, she smiled at him, and Rock was staring at her. There was something in his eyes that she couldn’t quite make out, or understand.

  “Rock, what is it?” she asked.

  He went down on one knee, and Adele quickly looked around as they became the focal point for everyone.

  Was there something wrong with Rock?

  He’d gone down on one knee.

  Did this mean what she thought it meant?

  “I wanted to wait to ask this of you, but you know what, I think I’ve waited long enough. Adele Sparks, my cleaner, my love, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment. I love you. I don’t think I’ve ever said that to you, and the way you’re looking at me now, I know I’ve not. I do. I love you more than anything.” He took hold of her hand. “I want you to marry me.”

  She was in shock. They hadn’t been dating that long, but in such a short time, she’d fallen for him.

  “You want to marry me?” she asked.

  “Yeah, and right now, you’re kind of keeping a guy in suspense. Everyone is looking at us.”

  “I’m … shocked.”

  He also held out a ring that he had to have purchased.

  “There’s no other woman in the world I want. I love your smile, and the fact you’re obsessed with cleaning. I’ve got a club that is completely disgusting.”

  Several of the club men cheered at that. She looked up finding the hatred on Pam’s face, but the love on others’.

  “Will you marry me?” he asked a second time.

  “Of course I will. Yes. How can you doubt it?”

  Rock slid the ring onto her finger, and a mass of cheers went up.

  He pulled her into his arms, kissing her neck. “You know, this is going to be the highlight of the year.”

  Several cell phones had been recording the moment, and she chuckled. “I guess we’ll get a copy, and I can watch it over and over again.” He wiped the tears from her eyes, and she smiled up at him. “You really do love me?”

  “Yeah, I do. Does it surprise you that I do?”

  “You never said anything, and this is so fast.”

  “I’ve only got one speed, fast.” He took her hand, and he found them some place private. A couple of the other MC presidents stopped them to offer congratulations.

  She wasn’t used to so much attention, but Rock handled it well.

  He kept hold of her hand and pressed her up against the wall. This reminded her of their first time in her house. It wasn’t the start of her falling for him.

  It was the beginning of something else.

  Adele had fallen for him the first time she met him.

  “You know, I don’t think I’ve told you how I feel,” she said, pushing her hair off her face, staring into his eyes.

  “You’ve not.”

  “Then I guess I better tell you that I find you very attractive. On that first day, I was so … concerned by how much you affected me.”

  “These are all great things,” he said, smiling.

  “I should have known then that I was going to fall in love with you.”

  Silence met her words, and she saw that she’d surprised him. “Shocked?”

  “I never knew how good it would feel to have someone tell me that they loved me.”

  “It feels good?” she asked, biting her lip.

  Hearing his proposal had done the same to her. She couldn’t put into words how it felt to hear him say that not only did he love her, but he also wanted to marry her. That kind of commitment was … one of a kind.

  Her ex didn’t have a patch on this man.

  The way she felt for Rock, it scared her at times. He was completely different. A Prez, and to her, that was someone she never thought she’d fall in love with.

  This was going to be the man she shared her life with.

  Reaching out, she cupped his face, and pressed her lips against his.

  He sank his fingers into her hair, pulling her head back. He kissed down to her neck. “It feels really good hearing how much you love me. Do you know what’s better?” he asked.


  “Feeling your body go wild on mine. The moment I get you home, I’m going to seal our deal by driving my dick so deep inside you. You’ve also got to come off the pill.”

  “You’re being bossy.”

  “Do you want some kids?”

  Her cheeks heated, but she nodded.

  “Good, because I’m going to be the one to give them to you.”

  He pulled back enough so that she was able to look into his eyes. “I’ll make sure you don’t regret picking me.”

  With the way he kissed her, she knew without a doubt she wouldn’t regret anything.


  One year later

  “I really shouldn’t be here.�
� Adele placed a hand on her swollen stomach.

  Rock chuckled, nuzzled her neck, and covered her hand with his. “I think this is exactly where you should be, and I won’t have it any other way.”

  The yearly MC event where he’d asked her to marry him was not a place she’d wanted to come being six months pregnant.

  After he’d proposed, they were married one month later. From that day forward, Rock spent every available moment he could trying to knock her up.

  He’d succeeded, and now she had to be the biggest woman here.

  Rock was showing her off. He was also showing off how fast he’d gotten her pregnant.

  She should be pissed.

  Instead, she found it charming.

  He’d already made up the nursery, and was constantly buying little clothes for their son.

  Rock stayed with her throughout the evening. Other MC presidents came and offered their congratulations, and she took them.

  “You know they’re all so jealous,” he said.

  “Oh, yeah, why’s that?”

  “Because I’ve got the best wife in the world.”

  She rolled her eyes. Leaning back, she looked up at him. “You’re a goofball, you know that, right?”

  “I’m only like this with you, babe. I don’t know what you do to me, but you make me happy. You make me excited about the future.” He pressed a kiss to her lips.

  He leaned down, kissing her stomach.

  “I’m looking like an elephant every single day.”

  “Mommy’s not an elephant. She’s a beautiful, sexy, delightful woman.” He stood back up, cupping her cheeks, tilting her head back.

  She had found that she loved it when he did that to her, surrounding her with his presence.

  “And I think I’ve kissed every inch of this body. Do you need me to do it again?”

  “I gained two inches around my waist. You’ve not kissed all of me,” she said, smiling.

  “Then tonight when we get back to the clubhouse, I want you completely naked and waiting for me. I’ll kiss all of those hard-to-reach areas.”

  She couldn’t help it. Throwing back her head, she laughed so hard.

  Rock had given her a happy ever after.

  Three months later, he gave her a beautiful baby son, completing their little family.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Billionaire Bikers MC, 2

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter One

  Richard “Beast” Bruce stared down at Tina as she took his dick to the back of her throat, and held his cock there. She was a fucking pro at taking cock, and it was one of the reasons why she was such a good club whore. For the past two months he’d been calling her regularly to his work place just so he could blow off steam. It didn’t help that his PA, Temperance Harris, was going around in tight, fuck-me skirts, which was doing nothing more than turning him on. She was a good PA, the best he’d ever had, but she was fucking killing him. It wasn’t even Temperance’s fault. It was his.

  She didn’t try to tempt or tease him.

  Her efficiency was one of the reasons he liked her. Wrapping his fingers around Tina’s hair, he held onto her, and started to pump his hips up into her waiting mouth. The Billionaire Bikers Motorcycle Club had been started by ten billionaires, and he was one of them. They were like a lot of other MCs. They had a clubhouse where they kept women, and some close friends to them liked to party. The women were paid for their services, and in return they kept their mouths shut. The Billionaire Bikers also helped ensure the safety and future of women who had been caught up in human trafficking, or the sex market. It was mostly Lewis Cox’s fault that the club dealt with helping women. Richard understood why Lewis’s mission was to try to end all kinds of human trafficking, but they were fighting a war that Richard doubted they would ever win.

  Tina was his club whore of choice for many reasons. One of his club brothers, Russ, had settled down with Anna, one of the women they’d saved. Tina had been hoping Russ would take her as an old lady, and wife. Of course, that was never going to happen.

  Richard was surprised that Russ had settled down. The club had been built together as brothers with the belief they wouldn’t settle down.

  A knock on the door startled him, and he closed his eyes. Tina’s mouth wasn’t where he wanted to be. There was another woman he wanted more than anyone else.

  “What is it?” Richard asked.

  “Sir, I’ve got your mail for you,” Temperance said.

  Just the sound of her voice was enough to arouse him. She had this husky voice, which always sounded to him like pure sex, the kind of voice a woman gets from screaming for hours in orgasm, maybe even from being between two men. Yeah, he was a little fucked up. He happened to enjoy sharing a woman. There was something beautiful when a woman was being fucked, getting pleasure from two men.

  Staring down at Tina, he gritted his teeth. The woman between his thighs wasn’t doing it for him. Tina had never really done it for him. It was just always so easy to imagine someone else in her place.

  “I’ll come out and get it in a minute.”

  There was no way he was going to leave without reaching orgasm. Fucking Tina’s face, he kept his eyes closed and imagined it was Temperance on the floor taking his cock. Damn, he’d have her spread out on the table, sucking her pretty pussy before plunging his dick deep inside her.

  Richard held onto the back of Tina’s head and started to pump inside her mouth. He groaned out, unable to contain the sound of his pleasure. Spilling his cum into her mouth, he felt her swallowing him down.

  Opening his eyes, he watched as she licked the last drop, and sat back on her legs. Instead of feeling satisfied, he wasn’t. The orgasm hadn’t done anything to satisfy him. It was just empty.

  “Time to leave,” he said.

  “What? You don’t want me to stay so I can give you a main course?” Tina asked, rubbing her hands up his thighs.

  Shaking his head, he stood up, putting away his now flaccid cock. “Get out.”

  “You don’t have to be so rude.”

  Tina got to her feet and ran her fingers through her short hair.

  She was the complete opposite of Temperance, and this woman oozed bitchiness. There wasn’t a single nice bone in her body.

  Reaching out, he gripped the back of her neck, pulling her in tight. “You’re a woman of our club. We pay your way, and in return, we own you, Tina. Don’t for a second think you can get away with shit.”

  He released her, and she simply glared at him. Tina was becoming a problem.

  “I’ll see you tonight?” she asked. The mask dropped into place, and Richard saw through her.

  “No.” He wasn’t going to be joining in club activities tonight. He still had some business to attend to, so he’d be working late.

  Moving toward the door of his office, he opened it up.

  Tina brushed past him, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Have a good day, handsome.”

  She was pushing her luck, and he caught sight of Temperance watching them. Was Tina trying to find a place as his old lady? He hoped not. Richard had vowed never to harm women, but Tina was testing the club’s nerve. He made a note to talk to Russ.

  Temperance’s gaze followed Tina as the other woman walked to the elevator.

  “You had mail for me,” he said, approaching the desk.

  She turned toward him, looking startled. “Ah, yes, here you go.” She handed him a thick pile of letters. Some of them were offici
al, and others were junk mail.

  “I’ll be working late tonight on the O’Brian account.”

  “The guy who designs makeup?” Temperance asked.

  Part of his success was that his company held several accounts and wasn’t just in one industry. He owned several firms, and for certain accounts, he made sure he was the one heading them.

  “One and the same. I’ll need you tonight,” he said.

  “Not a lot of notice.”

  “Do you need a lot of notice?” he asked.

  Temperance smiled. “I need some. I could have a hot date, or be doing something.”

  Richard didn’t like the sudden sick feeling at the thought of her doing something with anyone else without him. He liked the thought of sharing her, but it had to be with someone of his choice.

  The smile on her face dropped as he continued to stare at her.

  “Will you be able to make it?” he asked. “Or do I need to employ someone else?”

  “No, I can make it.”

  “Then what was with all that other sh—nonsense?” Richard didn’t advertise his extracurricular activity. There were always rumors about what the billionaire beast did, but he never allowed speculation about his personal life in the office. He enjoyed the club, and liked to keep the two separate.

  “Nothing, it would have been nice to have some notice, is all.” She gave him another smile, only this one was forced. He didn’t like her to force her humor.

  Walking back into his office, he kept his door open and moved behind his desk. Taking a seat, he started to go through his mail. All the time he was aware of Temperance leaving her desk, and swaying those perfect full hips of hers. He’d give anything to have her naked and beneath him. There was even a small spark of lust, thinking about her pressed between him and another man. Together, they’d blow her world apart. Richard wasn’t a small man. He was large, and some women, even Tina and Luna, some of their club women, couldn’t take all of him. Most of the time the women he was with preferred for him to finish off in their mouths, which he didn’t have a problem with. God, what was wrong with him?


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