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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

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by Pixie Moon

  Don’t Make Me Love You

  Club Release 2


  Copyright Information

  Don’t Make Me Love You

  Club Release 2

  Copyright © 2016 by Pixie Moon

  First Publication: February 2016

  Cover design by Pixie Moon

  All art and logo copyright © 2016

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. Such action is illegal and in violation of the U.S. Copyright Law.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  To my husband and children for all their crazy support. Love you guys!

  A shout-out goes to Kara, Jesse and Alexander Bettin for their helpful input!

  And to all the people who love a juicy alien story—I’m with ya!

  Table of Contents:

  Copyright Info

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Blurb: Don’t Make Me Love You (Club Release 2) A Scifi Futuristic Romance

  Year: 5005

  Love is bad. I must not fall for Ryk WavTe. Lust is fine. Admiration is too. But not love, it’s too painful when it tragically ends.

  I’ll do whatever it takes to bind Skyla Burgin to me forever. She holds my heart in her small human hands.

  ~ Skyla Burgin ~ Life has taught me that loving a warrior is bad. Even an alien one that has bought me, saved me, and brought me home. Other than his deep-seated dominating nature and his warrior status, Ryk is perfect. That’s not what I need. I need him to be bad so I can stop my foolish heart from trying to fly over to him. I also need him to be less mesmerizing. My heat pounds and wildfires of lust burn through my whole body every time he’s near. The need to kiss him, lick him, and stare into his beautiful three-tone eyes is overpowering. I long to devour my alien rescuer and have his babies. That’s bad. He’s a warrior. Warriors break your heart.

  ~ Din Ryk WavTe ~ The sweetest aroma I’ve ever inhaled leads me to a lush human. One look at her and something dark, possessive, and previously unknown switches on inside me. A driving need to mate her and protect her rushes through me. I’m not leaving this planet without her.

  Don’t Make Me Love You

  Club Release 2

  Pixie Moon



  ~ Skyla Burgin ~


  Earth 5005

  The scent of freshly baked bread lingers in the air. I’m lucky to get to smell it—to eat it.

  Not everyone has the luxury of eating every day. My heart aches for them. I wish things were different. Different in lots of ways. Dillon should be here. A vision of his smiling face brings tears to my eyes. My heart sinks.

  The sound of a cough brings me back to reality. He’s not coming back. I blink and inhale the familiar scents around me as I begin cleaning up after eating a late lunch. We always eat at around two in the afternoon. Alberta, the owner, is nice enough to feed us. That’s not always easy to do since global warming struck earth with a vengeance.

  Only a few diehard customers remain in the bakery. I continue to clean, glad to have a job. Cooking, cleaning, and bonding with family and customers makes my life worth living.

  Painful memories from the past try to fill my thoughts. I gently push them to the back of my mind.

  The sound of my friends talking makes me smile. Compared to the roar of rush hour this is a semi quiet time of day. Our village is relatively small but filled with good people.

  Good people that will be looking for another meal this evening. Soon I’ll have to start making more bread to go with the stew that’s already cooking. But for now, all is calm—kind of.

  My niece, Molly, bounds around the room spilling a small amount of her drink every few steps she takes. That’s what cute energetic two and a half year olds do. I get a rag and start cleaning up the mess. I don’t mind. Molly is a sign that humans will remain for many years to come and possibly forever.

  I feel a pang of sorrow that I don’t get to be a part of keeping our species alive. I push the sad thought aside and watch the lively child spin in circles until she drops. Her now empty cup falls from her small hand as she sits on the stone floor. Laughter is pouring from her. The musical sound makes me smile.

  “Skyla, did you hear Old Benny telling Olivia that he heard an alien spacecraft fly over his house last night?” my sister, Sunny, asks as she wipes down a table.

  “No, I must have been in the back. What did he say?” I look at Molly to make sure she’s paying attention. Sure enough, she is. Sunny caught her at the edge of the woods the day before. Not a safe place for a young child.

  I secretly watch Molly pick a piece of grass and roll it between her tiny fingers. Even though the stones that make up the floor are placed close together, grass always manages to grow between them.

  Wood is too precious to be used for flooring. Most of the time wood is reserved for roofs only. Sometimes walls will be made of it but bricks are used for walls most of the time.

  Molly plucks another blade of grass and looks it over. From her posture, I can tell she’s waiting to hear more about the aliens. Alien stories help keep little ones from entering the woods alone.

  Alberta dusts some flour from her hands as she moves into the doorway between the kitchen and the dining area of the bakery. She glances at Molly and then at me and then at Sunny. “I heard Benny saying that he heard an awful noise and rushed outside in time to see a disk in the sky. It had lights that looked spooky. Possibly the scariest thing he’s ever seen. He said the craft looked like it had a face with a big mouth that could swallow a person or even a bear whole.” Alberta shivers for dramatic effect.

  Molly’s eyes are wide as she pinches the grass between her tiny fingers.

  Will pushes his plate back and nods knowingly. “I saw a craft just like that thirty years ago. The next day ten people were missing—never to be seen again. All of them had been seen going into the woods that evening. Rumors floating around say that they were going to check out the spacecraft.”

  Will glances at
Molly and then back at Sunny before continuing. “Nope, it’s not safe to enter the woods alone—day or night. With Bill seeing an alien craft, it’s not safe to go in the woods at all right now.”

  I hide a smile when Molly’s eyes widen even more at the reminder of a spacecraft being in the area right now.

  Sunny ruffles Molly’s hair and then picks the toddler up. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” She waggles her eyebrows. “Got to pretty-up. It’s date night at my house.”

  Alberta holds her hand up. “Wait up.” She goes to the kitchen and then comes back with some homemade wine. “Have an extra round of lovin’ for me. It’s time for you two to produce another sweet baby.”

  Sunny’s face lights up as she takes the gift. “We’ll gladly work on a new baby.” Sunny’s smile dims and her gaze cuts my way. “We also need to find a way to lure a few young men to our town.”

  Alberta makes a clucking noise. “Now that is something we need to work on soon, real soon. Go on and have a goodtime. We old timers live vicariously through you and Able.”

  My heart aches with remembered loss. I toughen up for Sunny’s sake. With a smile on my face, I hug my sister and give Molly a kiss on the cheek. “See you two tomorrow. Have fun tonight.”

  I watch them leave and then turn to get back to work. Alberta is talking to Will but she has time to send me a pitying look. I shake my head at her. I don’t need anyone’s pity. I have wonderful friends and a great job. Good reasons to live.

  In the kitchen, I check to make sure I have all the ingredients I’m going to need to make bread for the evening rush. Dang it, I’m out of wild onions. The bread won’t taste the same without them.

  I pick up a basket and go into the dining area. Alberta looks at the basket and then halts Will from talking. “What are you needing, hun?”

  “Wild onions. I know a spot that should have some. I’ll be back soon.” I turn to Will. “See you this evening, Will.”

  “I look forward to it, young lady. Be careful out there,” Will says with a wink.

  Alberta grins mischievously. “Yeah, aliens could get you.”

  I roll my eyes and then play along. “I’ll keep an extra sharp eye out for them.”

  Walking quickly, I head out of the bakery and in no time I reach the edge of the woods. Knowing where I need to look, I head for the wild onion patch. A few birds are chirping and singing as I move deeper into the woods.

  My heart drops when I arrive to find all of the wild onions gone. “Dang it, I need those onions. They make the bread taste good.” I blow out a frustrated breath as I think about our ruined garden behind the bakery. I mourn the loss of our steady supply of herbs, spices, and veggies.

  “Dang, raccoon.” I don’t blame the creature though. In this world you have to go after a good thing when you find it. As I move on to another spot where I might find some wild onions, I think about how our garden got destroyed.

  Two weeks ago I went out to get some rosemary and instead of seeing a thriving garden I saw a furry-butt falling from the top of the fence and onto the ground on the other side. In shock, I watched the raccoon move as quickly as the overly stuffed animal could. It waddled toward the woods and then disappeared into the trees.

  The raccoon had eaten most of our garden. Two missing spikes in the fence had allowed the creature to easily climb over the security fence. The thing was made of perfectly spaced mud-bricks. The sharp spikes on top of the fence did hinder most animals. We’ve replaced the spikes so the fence is better now but it is going to take some time for the garden to get back to its former glory.

  I scan the woods with narrowed eyes. “Yes.” I hurry over to the plants I’ve spotted and drop to my knees. I lean forward and sniff the plant. Dang, no onion scent. That means this is a Fly Poison plant.

  As desperate as I am to find the onions, I’m glad I didn’t touch the fake out plant. Just touching it can be poisonous, especially if you forget and touch your mouth after touching the plant.

  I climb to my feet and continue looking for the next spot I think might have some wild onions. The birds aren’t as loud as they had been. Must be because evening is coming on. I move a little faster.

  I have to get back and make the loaves. The customers are going to be sad if I’m not successful. I like the customers too much too see them sad. The regulars are like family. Feeding them feeds my soul.

  A few minutes later, I arrive at the spot I’ve been searching for and find just what I’m looking for. I jump and do a little dance before I drop to my knees. Leaning forward, I inhale and smile victoriously when the smell of onion wafts through my nose. I only get a few of the plants in my basket when I hear a strange noise.

  I freeze. The hairs on my arms stand straight up. On high alert, I listen for any sound. Silence reigns menacingly over the woods. I slowly look around hoping to see the threat without being seen. I have no desire to be an animal’s dinner.

  My nerves tingle painfully and the air seems to be too thick to breathe properly. I hold my hands up in front of my face. My skin doesn’t look solid. Did I accidentally touch the Fly Poison plant?

  My mind races backward. I don’t think I touched the poisonous plant at all. Surely just smelling it didn’t do this to me. How could it? Staring at my sickly looking skin freaks me out. Panic circles my chest and squeezes my heart.

  I don’t want to die. I want to watch Molly grow up and become a beautiful woman. The tingling in my body intensifies. My stomach starts doing a series of cartwheels.

  Dizziness assails me. A sudden feeling of weightlessness causes horror to burst through my chest. I must be poisoned! Sorrow grips me tightly at the thought on never seeing Sunny, Molly, Able, and my friends ever again. I’m too young to die. What if Alberta and Sunny could get some young men to move to town? I’m going to disappoint them if I don’t live to see that happen.

  Stop being so dramatic, Skyla Burgin, I firmly tell myself. Anything could be wrong with me. I close my eyes and attempt at calming down. I try to take a deep breath but can’t. Fear tries to claw its way deeper into my chest.

  I shake my head and open my eyes. When I see my hands disappearing a strangled scream erupts from my throat. My feet no longer feel securely planted on the ground. I look down to see that most of my body is missing.

  “No, no, no.” Sharp tingles zap my nerves. It must be poison. As the world darkens, I briefly wonder how long I have to live.



  ~ Skyla ~


  Solid ground.

  My eyes fly open. I stare at my hands. Yes, they are whole. Did the poison run its course? If I’m thinking, I must be better. “Yes, I made it.” Adrenaline has me happy dancing in my mind.

  I need to get back to the bakery. I have no idea how long I was out. But first, I need those onions. I look down for the basket. “Where is the grass?” I’m standing on some type of black floor.

  Just as I look up, a hand gently grips my arm. I jump as though I’ve been burned.

  “Easy, small human. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Small human?

  I look up and then up some more. My gaze lands on a purplish creature with pearl eyes. I feel myself start walking but don’t care. I’m mesmerized by the small blue diamond shape that’s in the center of the being’s eyes.

  I smell something extremely good. Something I’ve never smelled before. I look around for the source and vaguely notice that I’m walking down a hall. It’s a nice tidy silver hall.

  “Where am I? Did I die? Am I in Heaven?”

  I glance back up at the being holding my arm. The thing’s eyelashes are dark purple. That’s interesting. Its hair is long and black. That’s normal. I can use some normal right now.

  If this is Heaven, where are the other humans? Did I get sent to the wrong Heaven? Is this some other specie’s Heaven? My head starts to hurt as I try to sort out what’s going on.

  Maybe the guy next to me knows. “Am I in Heaven? What are yo
u? Are there other humans here?”

  “You are in a safe place, for now.”

  Purplish Guy smiles at me and then leads me through a door. I frown when I see parrots in a cage. “Does Heaven have a zoo? I’ve heard of zoos but never seen one.”

  The being turns me to face him. I get lost in his strange eyes. Time stands still. It’s not until I’m turned back around that I realize I’ve been guided into a cage. I whip around in time to see the door being shut and then locked.

  Do I see sympathy in Purple Guy’s eyes?

  My brain whirls as it tries to figure out what’s going on. Why am I in a cage next to birds? Why does Heaven even have cages?

  A hot stone weighs my stomach down. I’m not in Heaven—I’m in Hell!

  I notice my jailer heading toward the door. “Wait. I haven’t done anything that bad. Why am I in Hell?” This can’t be happening. I’ve always been good. I have a soft heart. Too soft sometimes. “There has to be a mistake.” I try to straighten but scrape my head on the top of the cage. I’d been so caught up in looking at my captor that I hadn’t even realized I was crouching.


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