Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2) Page 6

by Pixie Moon

  “She has to be my twin. Is she happy? Will you take me to her? I’ll do anything to pay you back. I’ll even become a plaything. Please, help me,” Rosman begs.

  Skyla has been looking from each of us the whole time we’ve been talking. Fear and hope dominate her scent at the moment. Rosman had helped my seema when she’d needed it. That means a lot to me.

  I wave the dagrinian holding Rosman’s chain over. He quickly comes over, eager to make his last sell of the day. After currency is exchanged Rosman’s cuffs are removed.

  The reslikian rubs his wrists. “Thank you. Thank you so much. I promise to work and pay you back. I’ll be good to you forever,” Rosman says excitedly. Honesty is also coming from his scent. But, emotions can be faked so I’m always careful. If he’s anything like Rosda, he’ll be loyal and trustworthy.

  I’m glad we found Rosman. If I were separated from one of my brothers life would be black hell, and I’d sure want someone to reunite us if they could.

  The scent of my new seema floats up to my nostrils on a soft breeze. Pleasure fills me. I think of the technology we just purchased. This mission is possibly my most successful one to date.

  “Making Rosda happy is in our best interest,” Tairin tells Rosman.

  That is true. Happy playthings equal happy customers. Needing to get my seema home, I say, “Let’s go.” Tairin takes the lead. I place Skyla right in front of me. Von guides Rosman to follow me and then takes his place at the end of our line.

  “Thank you for buying him,” Skyla says as she looks over her shoulder at me. “You’re a nice guy.” A small frown forms between her brows. “Why didn’t one of the others cuff my friend?”

  “Because we have no doubt about him staying with us, plus, you mean way more to me than he does. Now turn around and stay close to Din Tairin GyRol. It’s time to go home.” To take some of the sting from my rough tone, I grip her hand reassuringly.

  The cuffs on our wrists clank as we walk off the platform. She’s mine.



  ~ Skyla ~


  As I walk down the stairs the male who bought me keeps his hand wrapped around mine. I welcome his touch. It’s comforting even though I’m not sure why it is. I don’t usually take to strangers this quickly. Strangers can be dangerous and this one is an alien stranger. That’s got to be worse.

  Din Tairin GyRol is the male in front of me. I know his name but the male I’m interested in hasn’t told me his name yet. I start to look over my shoulder to ask him when the male in front of me suddenly dodges. I see a fist and flinch expecting to be hit.

  The zaphinian smoothly moves his right arm up and out shoving the tan alien with the short orange eyelashes aside. The stench of the creature hits my nose. My brain clicks. This is one of the aliens that came onto the platform when my friend was being bought. Fear leaps through my veins. I don’t want to be taken from my male.

  Din Tairin GyRol brings his fist down on top of the smelly being’s head. I hear a thud and then watch in stunned disbelief when the alien drops to the ground twitching. His friends back off at a look from Din Tairin.

  My fear flees. I’m with some kind of badass males. I suddenly wonder what the male I’m crazily attracted to does for a living. Is he a fighter for his planet? A warrior maybe. My stomach hurts. Warriors die.

  Don’t get attached to him, don’t get attached to him, I tell myself and hope my heart gets the message.

  Our group starts moving forward through the thick crowd. The male I’m trying not to get attached to squeezes my hand gently. My heart flutters at his kind gesture. Maybe he’s not some kind of fighter or warrior for his people. I shouldn’t jump to conclusions. He could be a trader. Hope warms my heart.

  A loud boom deafens me. The ground shakes violently. My male drags me to the ground and covers me. Screams fill the air. Dust and smoke invade my nostrils. I cough and the male cuffed to me tightens his grip on me. In a daze, I wonder what happened.

  “Are you all right, little seema?” my male asks. His lips graze the shell of my ear.

  I shiver and nod. He quickly lifts me to my feet. He starts talking to his friends in a language I don’t understand. I’m urged forward. I look back because I can’t help myself. A fire is coming from a building far behind us. Smoke is quickly filling the air. People are stumbling around looking as dazed as I feel.

  Some are bleeding. I swallow as I look around and see orange blood and brown blood oozing from different species. I’m not used to the seeing things like this. The sight makes me realize how far from home I am.

  A lump forms in my throat. I should be at the bakery cooking for the locals. I should be sneaking snacks to Molly and asking Sunny how her evening went.

  The air around me shifts. Fighting breaks out. I see beings taking what they want from vendors. Violence reigns. Fear takes hold of me. What if we don’t make it to their spacecraft? What if the craft is being taken right now? I want to scream as some of the others are doing. I stay quiet though because I don’t want to distract the males guiding me through this mess.

  I shudder when Din Tairin GyRol kicks a red being when it attacks. Spit had been dripping from the being’s fangs. I scream when a blueish black hand reaches out to grab me.

  My male growls menacingly. A glowing sword comes from behind me and slices the scary hand off. A yowl of pain coming from the being makes my stomach churn.

  I glance back. The glowing sword is being held by my male. He definitely knows how to use his weapon and isn’t scared to swing it at all. I start to shake when I see dark blue blood pour from the being that had tried to get me. I’m relieved when I’m rushed forward leaving the scary being behind.

  Chaos surround us. The smell of blood starts to taint the smoky air. The males around me are steadily blocking blows and grunting as they kick and slice a path through the mass of crazed people. I fear for all of our lives. I’ve never seen so much violence.

  I worry about the male cuffed to me. I have to be hindering his ability to fight. A green creature rushes up to me and wraps its tail around my left wrist. When it jerks hard, I scream. My wrist throbs from the pressure.

  My male growls and runs his glowing sword through the being’s chest. The tail releases me as the green being drops to the ground. I don’t see what happens next because I’m guided forward at a faster pace. The males are talking in that language I don’t understand again. They must be strategizing.

  Another boom rocks the planet. The male I’m with yells something and tosses me over his shoulder. I hold back a scream when I feel him fighting off another being. From my upside down view I see a red being with white eyes fall to the ground. I think I see red blood start to pool on the ground around the being but I’m not sure.

  I close my eyes and try to stay as still as possible. I brace my free hand on his back. I ignore the feel of his muscles rippling under my hand. I’ll do anything I can to help my male get us to safety. If he’s not fighting to balance me, he can put more focus on beating back the violent horde of beings.

  My stomach starts to hurt from being pressed into his solid shoulder but I know better than to shift or make any noise. A loud sound nearby has me opening my eyes and hanging on to his vest with a death grip. With my hair whipping around I can’t see anything other than a fine butt and the ground.

  I tilt my head and see my friend pushing an alien back and then punching another one. The intense look on his face renews my fear. How are we going to make it off this planet? There are too many aliens around us.

  “Calm yourself, seema. We aren’t far from our craft,” my male says in a confident and somewhat commanding tone.

  His grip on my thighs tightens for a second as if he’s trying to reassure me. I desperately hope he’s telling me the truth. The smell of blood, smoke, and dust fills my nostrils. I don’t want anyone in my group hurt while escaping this extremely violent melee.

  I bounce slightly when my male shouts something and then t
akes off running. I crane my neck back and see that my friend and the last male are keeping pace. A minute later I see that my male is running up a ramp. I barely hear a swooshing sound and then I’m being brought onto a spacecraft. The zaphinian males are talking rapidly.

  I’m quickly carried down a hall and brought into a room. My male puts me down next to a chair and then pushes me down into it.

  “I’ll be back when I can. Stay seated while we take off,” my male commands and then touches the cuff around my wrist.

  I watch as it magically opens for him. He removes his own and then places the cuffs in his pants pocket. His eyes do a quick scan of my body. He nods and then turns and leaves the room. The door swooshes shut behind him.

  In stunned silence, I sit and stare at the door for a few moments. My hands are gripping the chair’s arms. I look around the room and wonder where my friend is. I could use him right now.

  I start shaking as flashes of dazed beings and then fighting aliens flood my mind. What if I’d been bought by a weaker being? I shudder because I know from the several attempts by others to take me that I would have been taken by some vicious honor less creature.

  The craft shakes. I grip the armrests until my knuckles turn white. My breathing becomes harsh as the spacecraft starts to rise. My stomach drops from the change.

  I press the soles of my sneakers into the metal floor. All of my muscles are tense. The feel of the craft moving faster has my stomach dropping to my toes. My heart is still racing. I can’t believe the hell I’ve been through.

  My mind reviews all that’s happened. Little Molly is going to be traumatized from all of this. We’d just been talking about alien abduction to scare her into staying out of the woods and then I ended up being taken. This is so messed up.

  There’s a chance Molly will never enter the woods again. That’s a shame because the woods can be peaceful and they are also a source of food. Looking around, I know it won’t be a bad thing if she and the others avoid the woods from now on. It’s not worth being taken away from everyone you love and everything you know.

  Tears well in my eyes. I already miss them so much. A tear escapes. I wipe it away. Crying won’t help at all. I’m screwed and I know it. All I can do at this point is make the best of my situation.

  I look around the small room. The only furniture is a bed and the chair I’m sitting in. Three doors lead to other places. One I came in so I know where it leads. The other two doors are mysteries.

  This place is already better than my last experience on a spacecraft—no cages. I can totally appreciate that. I bet my friend can as well. I worry my teeth over my lower lip.

  Surely they didn’t toss him into a cage. What if they only have one cage? I might have just gotten lucky. I rub my wrist where the metal cuff had been. No. If they were cruel they would have cuffed me to the short leg of this chair.

  I remember the dagrinian saying the zaphinians are good to the people they bring home. My stomach twists at the thought of being my male’s sex release toy.

  I stiffen my spine. To survive, I can do it. Even if the sex is bad I can deal with it. I’ve had some sweet lovin’ before. That’s more than a lot of people can say. I’m thankful for all of those nice memories. They can help me make it through the rest of my life.

  At least he looks good and smells fantastic, my sex crazed side whispers.

  “That’s true,” I hardily agree. I can handle sex with him.

  More like, you’re going to love it, that crazy voice says a little louder this time. Heat saturates my cheeks. I am insanely drawn to him. Do insane people have a good time in bed? I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

  I blow out a snort and focus on the movement of the craft. It’s smoother now. I long to look out and see where we are. It’s a shame there aren’t any windows in here. Feeling brave, I stand. Nothing bad happens. That makes me braver.

  Curiosity gets the better of me. It always has. I walk to a door and open it. A closet with extra linens and a few bright white bodysuits are all I see. I look down at my big boobs and hope he doesn’t expect me to wear one of those.

  Moving on, I open the next mystery door and peek in. “Dang, a small bathroom on a spacecraft.” It even has a shower. The need to pee hits me. I quickly do my business and then wash my hands.

  I glance at myself in the mirror over the sink. The woman staring back at me is dirty and sad looking. I’m surprised my male bought me. I look terrible. He must be desperate.

  He didn’t look desperate, the lusty voice in me says. No, he didn’t. But, the sight of me makes me wonder why he bought me. Is he mean in bed? I shudder at the thought.

  I remember how kind he’s been. Whatever he dishes out I’m sure I can handle it. I have my old memories to live off of if necessary. I look at myself again and cringe. It won’t hurt to look as good as I can. I’ve been sold once, it could happen again. I don’t like that thought.

  I turn on the faucet and wash my face, neck, and arms. When I’m cleaner I look around and see a towel hanging on a rack. I dry off and then start finger combing my hair. As I do this task it dawns on me that I looked cleaner when I was on the hellish platform. That could explain why he bought me.

  When I recall how most of the dirt and grime got on me a shiver snakes up and down my spine. What happened back there? I may never know why all hell broke loose.

  It was just another reminder that you never know what’s going to happen next. When I’ve done all I can, I go back into the bedroom to wait for my male.

  He’s not really your male, the ugly realistic voice in me whispers. I can’t appreciate her words but I can appreciate the sadness in her tone.

  “I know,” I whisper back.

  I remember him saying that I belong to him. That makes me feel better—until I remember that I’m insanely drawn to him. What good can come from such a crazy attraction?



  ~ Ryk ~


  “Ahh.” I will my shoulder muscles to loosen.

  Now that we are in deep space I can relax. I rotate my shoulders and let them drop. Skyla Burgin dominates my thoughts. Once she’s settled into my home I’m sure my thoughts will once again be dominated by work. I roll my shoulders and then stretch my arms overhead. I smile as I drop my arms. Soon everything will be back to normal.

  Tairin pushes back his chair and stands. “What a mission.” He pats a pocket on his vest that has the visible outline of a smoke bomb. “That was wild. We didn’t even need our smoke bombs. The radical group took care of that for us.”

  At a look from Von, Tairin clicks his tongue and then says, “Hey, you have to look on the bright side of situations. Now we can save our bombs for another mission.” He shoots us both a dimpled grin. “Money saved.”

  “You are just like your parents,” Von says as he leans back in his chair.

  Tairin taps his head. “Smart, I know.”

  Von laughs. “The word tightwad is what came to my mind.”

  The clicking of Tairin’s tongue sounds through the bridge. “There is nothing wrong with saving money. Not that WavTe was into saving today.”

  “Oh, he was saving. Saving a cute little piece of tail from a bad fate,” TocGar says as he looks at me.

  “Yeah, I did. Now I need to bring the little human a snack. Since you brought up my spending spree today, GyRol, you can go take a snack to Rosman.” I hold back a grin when Tairin groans.

  We both head to the small food storage room and retrieve some crumlet crackers and stros for them to drink. Because of Hallie TocGar, we now bring snacks to beings we bring home. In the case of Skyla Burgin, I’ll happily play the role of food bearer.

  “I hope neither of them are allergic to crum nuts or any other of the ingredients in this food,” Tairin says as he pours himself a drink of stros.

  I take a drink from my own glass. The refreshing flavor washing over my tongue hits the spot. I quickly finish my drink. “Me too. At least we have some medi
cine to counter any reaction.” I’d hate to see Skyla all puffed up. I’ll definitely stay with her for a bit to make sure she doesn’t have a bad reaction to the food.

  “That’s the only reason I’m taking any food to Rosman.” Tairin checks his stash of food and then clicks his tongue. “See you in a bit, WavTe.”

  “Yeah.” I head down the hall. My heart starts racing. I want to stab myself. The warrior in me is put out by my reaction to Skyla. I don’t blame him. If she didn’t smell so zyfing good things would be different.

  I brace myself before I enter the room. She’s not in control, I forcefully remind myself. I inhale her sweet scent and curse when my cock goes on high alert. Don’t let her get to you, WavTe. She’s just a seema.


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