Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2) Page 12

by Pixie Moon

  “Put the shirt down and then get on the bed, seema.” His tone is gruff and his eyes are glowing lightly.

  Alarm rattles my nerves. Rape isn’t their form of punishment, is it? As fear winds its way through me, I look at the door and consider running for it. My big boobs will slow me down for sure but the adrenaline coursing through me will compensate a little, maybe a lot.

  A growl from him has me jumping. “I’m not going to cause you pain, Skyla Burgin. But, this lesson will teach you to follow my orders without question.” The strands in his irises glow a little brighter. “Get on the bed, now.”

  Din Ryk’s tone has me flinching and moving quickly to the bed. I toss the shirt on a chair and then shakily climb onto the mattress. As I watch him advance, my heart leaps and starts furiously pounding against my ribs.

  Not knowing what he has in mind is the worst part. Will he beat me so bad I can’t leave the bed? That would be convenient. A smart move for sure. No carrying dead weight around.

  He said he wouldn’t hurt you, a calming voice in my mind whispers. From the fierce look in his eyes I’m not so sure about that. I watch as he stops and then a gleam enters his eyes. He smiles and then heads to the bathroom. A moment later he comes out carrying a towel.

  He spreads the towel along the edge of the bed and points at it. “I want you face down on this towel.”

  As I crawl over and do his bidding I can’t help but wonder if the fluffy towel is there to catch blood. A shiver of fear runs through me as I wait to see what he’ll do next. If it turns out to be something bad I’ll get up and make a run for it.

  Din Ryk moves away from the bed and when I turn to look he growls again. This growl is the one that commands obedience. “Turn your head away from me and stay still, seema.”

  I do it even though I’m wondering if this is my smartest move. Should I be running for it right now? The sound of a lid opening has me flinching. I tighten my muscles and wish I had just followed his orders.

  Something slick being poured over my back makes me yelp. A dark chuckle comes from him. The bastard is enjoying this. I’m just about to tell him off when I feel his big hands press into my back. They start moving in soothing strokes. It doesn’t take me long to realize that he’d put oil on my back.

  I try to dislike his touch—I’m still frustrated with him after all—but in no time at all I’m sinking into the bed and moaning. He has magical hands. So warm and strong. I love the feel of them kneading my muscles. I stiffen for a second when I remember that this is supposed to be a punishment. Is he softening me up to doing something bad?

  When he starts massaging my feet and then my legs, I lose myself in his touch. Nice strong hands work me over gliding across my body and kneading my muscles until they are so loose I wonder if I can run if I have to. I hope a fire doesn’t start in the house. I don’t think I can make it out. Dang, this feels good. Maybe I should disobey more often.

  His hands glide up to my butt and start working the muscles there. I can’t believe how good a glute massage feels. It’s so amazing. I moan as he continues to loosen me up. I’m almost asleep when his voice rings through the fog in my head.

  “Turn over, seema,” he commands.

  I roll over and look up at him. I feel like I’m floating on a cloud. He drizzles more oil onto my body and then begins working my legs over. I close my eyes and enjoy my punishment.

  His hands glide around my hips and then up and over my breasts. I moan when he starts kneading and caressing my boobs. When his attention turns to my nipples, lust heats my blood.

  It’s been so long since I’ve had sex. Is sex his idea of punishment? If so, I’m not about to tell him he’s doing it all wrong when it comes to humans. This is not forced sex—this is seduction. The opposite of punishment in my book.

  The feel of his mouth taking my nipple into its warm depth has me squirming and moisture pooling between my thighs. Need starts to dance over my nerves. I clutch his head as he presses my breasts together and starts lapping at both of my taut buds.

  His rough fingers slide between my legs and start exploring my damp folds. I cry out when he slips a finger into my entrance. I grind my hips into his hand as he starts plunging his digit in and out of me. My muscles tighten and I start panting harshly.

  “Yes,” I say when I’m almost there. My hands grip his hair roughly as desire runs around lighting carnal fires in my core. I raise my hips trying to find relief.

  I nearly cry when he removes his finger from my wet sex. He releases my nipple and begins massaging my belly and hips. I look into his glowing eyes and silently beg him to penetrate me.

  “Close your eyes, seema. Focus on my hands.”

  At his passion filled voice, I snap my eyes closed and hope he takes me soon. I relax as he starts kneading one of my arms and then the other. Time seems to be standing still. I have no idea how long he’s be heating me up. All I know is that I need to come in the worst way.

  When his hand once again slides between my legs, I spread them wider for him. A gasp bursts past my lips when I feel his lips latch onto my clit. His tongue plays with my sensitive bud. Poking and caressing over and over again.

  I’m so close now. My hands clutch his head and press him harder to my aching pussy. “Please, Din Ryk. I need you,” I beg shamelessly.

  I feel devastated when he backs out of my grasp and stands looking down at me. His nostrils flare as he stares at my spread folds. My juices are glistening on my puffy lips.

  From the huge bulge in his pants I know he’s ready. “You can take me now. I’m ready.” I desperately need him to fuck me. Heat is prickling every inch of my body and the pulse between my legs is so strong it hurts.

  He inhales and closes his eyes. On his next breath Din Ryk opens his eyes and glances at the edge of the bed. My gaze follows. Dang it. He’s looking at the nightie.

  I feel his hot gaze on me and look up at him. Regret fills his eyes. No, no, no. Don’t be sorry. Fuck me. I wish I was bold enough to say the words.

  “Your punishment is over. Put on your uniform and go back to eating your breakfast. If you are obedient for the rest of the day I’ll give you the release you need tonight.” When I just stare up at him in horror, he growls. “Get dressed now, seema.”

  I leap up and do as I was ordered. When I’m dressed. I smooth the soft material down and then look up at him. “I don’t understand. I thought if I took the punishment I’d be able to wear your shirt. This is lovely for nighttime but...” Another growl stops me from talking. I fidget and look into his eyes. Dang it. His pretty eyes are hard.

  “Your job is to do as you’re told. You were told to put your uniform on and come to my office. You didn’t do it and now you have the audacity to fight with me. Your disobedience is the reason you were punished. You were not paying for the ability to rule this house. You were paying for your actions.” Frustration is highly evident in his tone. I don’t like it.

  I fidget with the soft hem of my sheer uniform. “It sounds bad when you put it that way. I was just—”

  “Just what?” he cuts me off. “Just trying to get your way. You are my seema. You do what I tell you to do. Do you understand, Skyla Burgin?”

  “Yes, Din Ryk. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.” Dang it. The throbbing of my sex is a sharp and painful reminder that I’m in a totally different culture.

  Doing my morning chores is going to be horrible. If I was stronger I’d throw him down and ride him hard. A fresh wave of lust fires my blood at that thought. Dang, dang, dang. I have to get my mind off of him.

  He inhales and then dips his chin. “You are forgiven, seema.”

  I watch as he walks up to me and reaches toward my breasts. When his rough hands run over my nipples, I shudder and more juices dampen my thighs. He doesn’t stop caressing me until I moan.

  When he steps back heat flares through me. “I thought my punishment was over?” If he’s not going to take me he needs to keep his hands to himself.

; He sniffs the air and then grins at me. “Your punishment is over. It’s my job to get you used to my touch long before I penetrate you. I’ll be touching you a lot over the next few days. Today is no different. Now go eat and then start on your chores, little human.”

  In a huff, I storm from the room not even caring that he can clearly see my ass jiggling as I leave to do his bidding. Once again I bemoan the fact that I was taken from Earth.



  ~ Skyla ~


  I was doing better until Din Ryk came out of his office and told me it was time for me to learn to make the midday meal.

  The heat in my core had melted to a low simmer. Now that he’s making me work next to him in the kitchen, I’m getting hot again thanks to him brushing up against me at every opportunity.

  I try to cool my lust as I chop the interesting minmo vegetable. It’s green and perfectly round. The texture reminds me of a potato. After all of the minmos are cut, I watch Din Ryk toss in some dried fruit that’s called cronbe. The blue fruit adds a nice color pop to the meat and spices.

  When he adds the chopped minmo, I ask, “What’s this called. It reminds me of stew.”

  “It is similar to Earth’s stew but it’s called nayhew grosh. You’re doing well, seema. I can see you know your way around a kitchen,” he says as he watches the bubbling food in the huge pot.

  The meat and vegetables were different from those of Earth, but stew is still stew no matter where you are and no matter what name you give it.

  At least some things are familiar, my supportive side says. She’s right.

  To fit in though, I need to call it nayhew grosh. And since I’m stuck here, I need to do all I can to fit in.

  My mind goes back to his compliment. “Thanks, I love to cook. You are good in the kitchen too. Are all zaphinians good cooks?” Even though I’m sexually frustrated I still can’t stop my curiosity from rearing up and taking over.

  A masculine chuckle comes from him. “No, not all of us can cook. I know some things because my parents own a restaurant and so does my brother. I’ll take you to his place soon. And my parents sometime after that. Their place is farther away so I don’t get to go there very often.” He glances at the lower cabinet and then at me. “Pour us some stros and I’ll get us some food.”

  “Sure.” I grab two glasses. “That sounds good. I’d love to go to your brother’s restaurant.” The delicious smell wafting around the kitchen has me quickly getting our drinks and placing them on the table near the bread.

  After we start eating and my stomach stops grumbling, I turn to him. “Do you go to your brother’s restaurant often?”

  “I go several times a moon cycle.” He looks at my bowl. “How do you like the nayhew grosh?”

  “It’s got a wonderful flavor. I look forward to making it again soon.” I take another bite and thoroughly enjoy the rich taste of meat, nuts, and a hint of sweet from the dried fruit. The bread is just as good. Almost as good as the crumlet crackers I like to snack on.

  I make a mental note to stash a few more of them around the house. Better safe than sorry. Home invaders will never be able to find all of my growing stash.

  We finish our meal in comfortable silence. Mostly because I’m staring at him as he eats. I’m stunned at how much food he’s able to tuck away. Yesterday I’d found out about zaphinian stomachs being able to store a large meal and slowly give them energy for a whole day. I wish humans were like that.

  I feel bad about having to eat every few hours. All that eating is a weakness in hard times. My life on Earth was proof of that. Sometimes we really had to scrounge to get enough food to open up the bakery.

  That dang raccoon had made things even harder. He wasn’t the first critter to get in the garden and he wouldn’t be the last. As I watch Din Ryk eat, I’m struck again by how different our worlds are. So far Zaphin is a lot better to live on.

  Once we are finished and the dishes are in the washer Din Ryk leads me to another closet and pulls out a triangular shaped device.

  “This is what you’ll use to clean the floor.” He points at a button on the top of it. “After you put it down press this button and then let it do its job.”

  He hands it to me. The device is lighter weight than I anticipate. I put it down and push the button. I laugh when it makes a revving noise and shoots across the floor. They have the coolest devices here.

  “Does it ever get stuck?” I envision the small thing turned over in a spare room with its wheels just a spinning.

  “Not that I know of. There is always a first for everything though,” he says as he watches the device move along the floor sucking up dust that is mostly unseen. With a device like that it’s no wonder his floors are so clean.

  A strange sound has me looking around. I squint when I see that it looks hazy outside. Needing to know why, I move over to the patio door. Oh my gosh. “It’s raining,” I shout.

  I try the door handle but the thing won’t budge. After trying it a second time I remember that it won’t open for me. I look over my shoulder to see that he’s heading toward me.

  “I take it you want to go outside, seema.” Humor lights his pretty eyes.

  “Yes, please. I love the rain. On Earth it didn’t rain very often.” I burst through the door the second he opens it.

  His chuckle follows me out into the rain.

  ~ Ryk ~

  The scent of her happiness mixes with the clean smell of rain. I inhale the wonderful aroma and hold it in my lungs for as long as I can.

  Skyla’s enthusiasm over the smallest things is a pure joy to witness. She is definitely a treasure. I smile as I watch her dance around in the rain. When she waves me over, I gladly leave the dry patio and join her in the backyard.

  “I love how the plants around here move as though dancing at the touch of each raindrop. This is such an amazing place.” She laughs as she moves around the yard watching the plants in action.

  Skyla is correct. The vegetation is something to see. It does burst into motion when the rain falls from the sky. I happily put off my work to watch her shine. Being soaked doesn’t stop her from glowing. Her green eyes are brighter than I’ve seen them so far.

  Her happiness does funny things to my heart. I push the strange feelings aside and just enjoy watching her at this special moment. She’s gone from being in trouble to ecstatically happy in a few hours.

  Next, I want to see her ecstatically happy because I’m pleasuring her. My shaft hardens at that thought. In a few hours she’ll be more than ready to climax at my hands. I’ll make sure of it.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Lust winds its way around my erection causing it to throb in need.

  Over the last several hours I’ve caressed and kissed my little seema three different times until she was panting and hungry for release.

  The air system kicks on sending the scent of crumlet crackers over to me. I get off the bed and go sniff out the source of the crumlets. It doesn’t take me long to find a few of them stashed behind some books.

  A part of me is proud of her for spreading out her food source and another part of me is sad that she feels she needs to. Earth is a rough place. My little Skyla will learn in time that hiding food isn’t necessary here on Zaphin.

  I leave her stash alone and go back to the bed. With time she’ll become more secure here in her new home. My mind goes back to this morning’s punishment. My shaft extends some more as I recall her taste and the sounds she makes when she’s in need. I hated leaving her aching but the sooner she learns our ways the better.

  The shower turning off catches my attention and heats my blood. Excitement moves across my skin and causes my heart to speed up. At my strong reaction, I’m glad I took my shower in the other bathroom. My eager cock is happy as well. No more waiting necessary.

  “Dry off and come in here, seema. Make sure you’re naked,” I call out in a commanding tone that’s sure to get her blood pumping.

I stand next to the bed and wait for her. I don’t know what it is about her that fires me up. It’s something stronger than normal. Maybe it’s her intoxicating scent. Once I’m around her for a while this strange reaction should begin to fade.

  She walks into the bedroom and my heart lurches. Her lush form is all dewy from her shower. The sweet flower scented shampoo I got for her blends perfectly with her scent. Lust lances through my erection and heats my lower spine. I can’t help myself. I move to her and pick her up.

  A yelp comes from her as she wraps her legs around my hips. My shaft jerks when it touches her damp feminine folds. I long to guide my erection into her but know I can’t just yet. Instead I rock my hips and press harder into her hot softness.


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