Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2) Page 15

by Pixie Moon

  I mentally put a shield around my heart. My libido is another matter altogether though. I can’t get that hussy under control when he’s within sight.

  He inhales and smiles. Dang it, I can’t hide anything from him. My gaze roams his battle ready body. Black shirt, pants, and boots. Every article of clothing has weapons strapped to it.

  Fear douses my lust.

  “Is everything okay? Why are you dressed like that?” No, no, no. Don’t be going to war or after a group of bad guys.

  A pleased smile curls his masculine lips as he closes his computer and stands. “Don’t worry, little seema. I’m just going in to work.” He waves a strong hand down his body and then looks into my eyes. “We like to go in ready for anything.”

  He steps close to me and inhales. “Warriors that are alert and prepared are warriors that come home. My group is always alert and prepared.”

  A soft growl comes from him right before his lips come down on mine. His hands grip my waist and pull me against his warm body. I sink into him and relax as he explores my mouth.

  The feel of his short fangs sends a shiver racing down my spine. I know he’s going to use them on me, and I hope I enjoy it as much as I do everything else he does to me.

  His slightly rough tongue caressing mine has me moaning. Lust pools between my legs and has my breasts feeling heavy and achy. I rub my nipples against his chest and tremble when a fresh wave of desire spears my core.

  He pulls back and looks at me with hungry eyes. The beeping of his wide wrist-device has him taking a step back and running a hand through his hair. The morning rays coming through the skylight reflect the dark blue strands in his hair. I long to run my fingers through his collar length hair.

  After tapping in some message on his device, he turns to me. “We’ll continue this tonight. I have a long day so I won’t be here to eat midday meal with you. Use the communicator in the living room if an emergency happens.” His wrist-device beeps again.

  My heart flutters when he sighs and touches his forehead to mine. I close my eyes and enjoy the feel of his hand cupping my head. All too soon it’s over and he’s kissing my lips softly. An apologetic look enters his pretty eyes. No, no, no. Don’t apologize, take me to bed.

  He shakes his head. “Soon, seema. I have to go. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Okay,” I sadly say. I watch him walk out the door and follow him to the living room. I have a feeling I look like a lost puppy. One that hasn’t been fed.

  He stops at the door and looks me over. A moment later, he’s standing in front of me and then his arms are wrapping around me. “It’s going to be okay, Skyla. I promise to come home as soon as I can.” He squeezes me and then releases me. “Chin up, little one. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  With his unnatural speed, he leaves. I get a glimpse of his vehicle shooting down the path. My heart sinks as loneliness settles heavily over my chest.

  Snap out of it, desperate girl. He’s a warrior! You can’t fall for him. Have you learned nothing? I know my cautious side is right.

  But, I’ve never felt this strongly for anyone before and it’s scaring the crap out of me. I walk over to one of the glass sections of our wall and look out at the path Ryk went down. My foolish heart aches and wishes he’d come back.

  I’m falling for him. I press my forehead against the cool glass. Now I know a person can start to fall in love quickly. Chemistry rushes love along at a head spinning pace.

  A picture of him all dressed up for battle surfaces in my mind. Oh yeah, he was looking hot, the sex crazed part of me shouts.

  No, no, no.

  My shoulders sag. Yes, he was looking sexy in a tough—I can protect you—kind of way. Loving a warrior is dangerous. I can’t fall for him. I just need to put a thicker shield around my heart.

  Let him in. Don’t be such a hard-ass. He’s been trained. He can handle himself, my pro-Ryk side confidently says.

  For a second, I’m tempted to give in. The thought of him dying in a fight has me shuddering. No, I can’t give him my heart. It’s scarred and can’t take the pain.

  Pushing away from the glass, I turn and head to the kitchen. Maybe some food will help put things in prospective. I can’t be weak in this matter. The pain will be too great. I won’t be able to live through it again. Especially, not with Ryk WavTe. He has an unnatural ability to draw me to him.

  The loud grumble of my stomach is matched by the grumbling of my pro-Ryk side. She’s mad but she’ll be glad later. Doubt slides into my heart but I push it aside. I can do this. I’m strong.

  As I go through my morning chores I can’t stop thinking of Ryk. While doing his laundry, I inhale his scent and wish he was here for me to smell in person.

  No, no, no. Don’t let him get to you, my cautious side yells.

  Everywhere I go in the house reminds me of him—of his smile and his touch. A pulse of desire rages through me at the remembrance of his erotic caress. I scream in frustration. I cannot be in love with him. I cannot fall for his overwhelming charm and blissful touch. He’s. A. Warrior.

  I suck it up and go back to work.

  For a while my chores keep my mind off of Ryk. When my stomach rumbles, I realize it’s time for midday meal. I walk over to the glass and look out. My foolish heart hopes he’ll pull up to the house at any minute.

  After several painful minutes, I force myself to go cook the midday meal. The whole time I’m cooking, I’m listening for him to come in the front door. I’m pathetic. This is just a job. I’m his seema not his wife or kesdy.

  When I catch myself cooking enough for both of us, I want to cry. I’m too attached to him. This has to stop.

  My heart is not listening. I find myself looking out the front glass again. I long for him to drive up. I wait and wait. When he doesn’t show up, my stupid heart aches.

  My stomach demands I go eat. I sigh in disgust at myself. I’m going to go crazy if I have to stay here in the house everyday forever. All I think about is him. I need a job outside of this house. My heart suddenly starts hurting for a different reason.

  I miss my old job, my family, and my friends. Not in that exact order. As I eat, I wonder what they are doing. At this time of day they should be swamped with people. I could sure use the distraction of so much action right now.

  I need to talk to Ryk about this. I’m stunned when I realize that he no longer scares me at all.

  That’s because you know he’s trustworthy, my pro-Ryk side enthusiastically cheers.

  That knowledge is going to make it even harder to shield my heart from him. Dang, dang, dang. I don’t want another broken heart. He cannot be my warrior. With my feelings for Ryk being so intense it would be the worst broken heart ever. One I doubt I could survive.

  You’re a broken message device, Skyla. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Don’t stress over what may never happen. Go for a good thing while you can, my risk-taking side practically yells.

  Warmth swells in my chest. Maybe I should live a little—not take things so seriously. Just enjoy the moment and all he has to offer while it lasts.

  My cautious side struggles with that idea.

  I think about screaming again but know it won’t do any good. Instead I start watering the plants. The way they react has me smiling. I can do this. I can enjoy life here without getting hurt. I’m tough. I repeat that last thought to myself several times.

  As the day progresses, I find myself looking out the glass for him more times than I care to admit. The big guy has gotten under my skin. I’ll try to extract him, later.

  Don’t let him wear you down, my cautious side whispers.



  ~ Skyla ~


  It’s already dark outside when he finally comes home.

  Part of me wants to act like a shrew and demand to know why he didn’t come home sooner. That snippety part is fighting with the part of me that is leaping up and down excitedly at the sight of his tall frame bounding u
p the steps.

  When he walks in and smiles at me my pro-Ryk side shoves my shrewish side down.

  He walks over to me and inhales. His vents flare and his eyes start glowing lightly. “You had a hard day.” It wasn’t a question.

  Dang him. Why can’t he be normal? Guys aren’t supposed to know when you’re emotionally screwed up.

  Um, he is normal for a zaphinian, my logical side softly points out. She’s right. I’m the alien here. That horrible thought has me frowning. Will I ever fit in here on Zaphin?

  Strong arms wrap around me and squeeze gently. “It’s going to be okay, Skyla. You just need a little more time to get acclimated to your new world—your new life.”

  I nod into his wide chest. He’s right. In no time at all I’m sure I’ll fully understand my place which will make it easier to protect my heart. I breathe in his masculine scent and shiver as a blast of lust swirls through my core. On my next inhale I catch the scent of something sweet.

  I look up into his pretty eyes. “What smells so good?” Besides you, I silently add.

  He chuckles and releases me. “Not me. That’s for sure.” Ryk raises a bag that I hadn’t even noticed he was holding. “I brought some blisbom home. It’s a dessert I want you to try.”

  I follow him into the kitchen and watch him set the bag on the counter. He turns hungry eyes my way. Heat fires through my core when his gaze devours my breasts and then lowers to my trimmed curls.

  Light pulses through his eyes. I shift when lust has my juices dripping from my eager entrance. I’m glad I recently took a shower and shortened the dark curls between my legs. Looking good for him is more important to me than it should be.

  Uh uh, for this male, you should always be looking and smelling good. None of that overgrown hedge look for you. Go jump on the bed and throw your legs open, girl, the lusty hussy in me shouts excitedly.

  I silently groan when my nipples harden and the knot of nerves in my folds start to ache with need.

  A low growl coming from Ryk startles me. His pretty eyes are now glowing brighter and have the look of a predator about to pounce on its prey.

  Jump on me, the lusty hussy in me yells. I long to shut her up, but the truth is that I do need him to jump me.

  He inhales and then fists his hand for a moment. “I’m going to take a quick shower and then I want to watch you eat some blisbom. Stay right where you are, seema.”

  The command in his tone has me rooted to the spot. If I make him happy, he’ll make me happy. I watch him leave the kitchen and think about peeking into the bag.

  Getting caught not following orders could get me another night without an orgasm. That scary thought keeps me in place. When he returns to the kitchen a few moments later smelling like masculine soap and his unique scent, I’m glad I stayed put.

  He must have used his zaphinian speed to shower so quickly. All he’s wearing is a pair of black pants. A fresh wave of desire hits me when I notice the large tent he’s sporting.

  His growl has me jerking my gaze up to his. He gives me a fanged smile—an extremely sexy one that’s filled with promise. “Go strip and then sit in a chair in our bedroom, seema.”

  The sensual tone in his voice has me quickly heading to the bedroom. I take off my uniform and then sit in one of the massive cushioned chairs to wait and see what he has planned.

  The wait isn’t long. He must have used his speed again. I’m jealous of how quickly he can move. I’ll never race him at anything, that’s for sure.

  A plate being held out to me pulls me from my crazy thoughts. Before I can reach for it, he orders, “Put your heels on the seat as far out as you can. Then we both get dessert.”

  Lust has my pulse speeding up. The one between my legs seems to be hammering the hardest. I raise my legs and spread them as wide as possible. When my heels are resting on the thick cushion, I look up into his intense eyes. His gaze is zeroed in on my damp folds. The glow in his blue and silver eyes is brighter than I’ve ever seen it.

  The powerful look in Ryk’s eyes has me shivering. In this position, I can’t lean all the way back in the chair so I brace myself as best I can.

  He looks me over and then gets a pillow off another chair and places it behind me.

  “Thanks,” I say as I lean against the soft material. Him being so alert to my needs never fails to impress me. It’s also a big turn on.

  “Anything for you, seema.” He kneels before me and offers me the plate.

  I reach for it and then look around for his piece. “Where’s yours?” I don’t want to eat the decadent looking dessert alone.

  “I plan on having some tomorrow at midday meal, but I can have a little taste of yours.” He swipes a thick finger across the frosting. His eyes flash brighter for a second.

  I moan when he wipes the frosting over my aching clit and through my spread folds. How can I eat now? All I want to do is be devoured by him.

  “Eat, seema. You’ll need your strength for what’s coming next.” A sensuous smile curls his lips right before he licks the remaining frosting from his finger. The sexy way he does it has me squirming.

  “Eat. I want to watch you.” His voice is low and husky. It sends a shiver down my spine.

  I pick up the utensil and slide it through the layers. I appreciate the pretty red berries on top as well as the swirling creamy frosting. A closer look inside reveals cake with a center that’s made of pudding. The cook in me is impressed.

  My lust dies down as I take a bite. Mmm. Pure delight. I detect vanilla, a nutty flavor, strawberry with a kick, and some other flavor I’ve never tasted.

  “Dang, this is good. Molly would love it. So would Sunny and Alberta. Alberta’s Bakery would shine like a star if she could serve this. I bet people would come from several villages over to buy it.” I move my gaze from the dessert and excitedly look at him. The heat in his eyes reminds me of what we were doing before I took a bite of blisbom. Lust battles with my appreciation for the fine dessert. Each try to demand my full attention.

  “You’re adorable when you’re excited.” His hot gaze cuts to my food. “Finish eating so I can eat you without getting a plate dropped on my head.”

  I don’t even try to deny that’s what would happen if he started licking my dessert covered folds right now. With desire thrumming through my veins, I quickly eat the delicious dessert. Tomorrow I’ll eat a piece at a slower pace. That makes the side of me that appreciates fine food happy.

  As soon as I’m finished, he takes the plate from me and sets it on a nearby table. A low sensual growl is all the warning I get before his tongue is lapping up the frosting on my shaven lower lips. Pleasure zings through me as his rough tongue repeatedly runs over my lips. I’m glad he likes that part of me smooth. It sure makes moments like this wonderful for both of us.

  When his tongue moves up and begins to suck at my clit, I cry out and grip his shoulders tightly. My heels slip. His powerful hands grab my feet keeping them wide apart and pressed to the cushion.

  I feel trapped, dominated, and worshiped at the same time. I start panting as the pleasure intensifies. Each lash of his talented tongue drives me closer to paradise.

  A low growl vibrates through him as his mouth latches onto my clit and sucks. Passion bursts within me. I cry out as bliss washes over me.

  He doesn’t stop licking me. I struggle as the waves of pleasure consume me. I can’t decide if I need him to stop or continue. My body quivers as he sucks my clit causing a sweet pleasurable pain. He growls and his thumbs gently rub over my ankles reminding me that he has my legs pinned open. I can’t fight him and I decide I don’t want to.

  The sweet licking of my pussy doesn’t stop until I sag deeper into the pillow and sigh with contentment. I yelp when he scoops me up and takes me to the bed. He climbs on and gently settles me in the center. If he keeps this up I’m going to totally fall for him. And that’s something I shouldn’t do.

  ~ Ryk ~

  Zyf, she tastes delicious.

  Her essence is still on my tongue and I wish it could stay there forever. The sight of her coming is one of the most erotic things I’ve ever seen. I can’t wait to watch her come undone when I’m riding her.

  “You’re so sweet, seema. I could eat you all night.” The pleased scent she gives off at my words has my cock twitching and more than ready to get between her silky thighs. I force myself to calm down. For it to be good for her, she needs a few minutes to recover.

  A flush of color blooms across her cheeks and she smiles soft and sexily. “Thanks, I like your taste too.” The passionate daze in her eyes clears a bit. “You need relief. Let me suck you, Ryk. I want you to feel as good as I’m feeling.”


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