Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2) Page 23

by Pixie Moon

  “I’ll have the special and gritlo.”

  I punch in his order and then look back at him when he moves his hand. I notice how his golden skin glows in the natural lighting. His black hair complements his skin and mesmerizing eyes. He’s a handsome alien.

  “I’ll need some grulet crackers as well,” he adds.

  “Those are good. One of my favorites,” I say.

  “Mine too. I’m Len Po Dee. You are new here.”

  I get caught up in his sparkling eyes for a moment and have to shake myself free. “Yes, I’m Skyla. It’s nice to meet you. I’ll be right back with your drink and crackers.”

  He tilts his head and dips his chin. As we walk away Kaksie whispers, “He must be having a good day.” I give her a questioning look. “His eyes get extra sparkly when he’s happy.”

  “That’s good. I like people to be happy. What species is he?” Other than his coloring, he is humanoid. His eyes are intriguing. All of these pretty eyed beings on Zaphin make me feel dull. I must be ugly to them.

  Kaksie purses her pink lips for a moment and then smiles. “A halnessian. I don’t know much about them since we don’t get many of them here on Zaphin.”

  We hustle to get Len’s drink and refill some of the other customer’s glasses. The retired guys are still here and they are animatedly fighting over the game they are playing. I’m glad they are able to come here to fill their day.

  An interesting humanoid with pale blue skin that shimmers walks in. His black gaze scans the room. Sunlight pours in the windows and bounces off his shoulder length blond hair.

  Once he’s settled, we go to his table. His dark gaze moves over me and then he gives me a wide smile. “You’re new here.”


  “Are you liking it?” he asks.

  “Yes, I enjoy this kind of work very much.” I hold up the o-line. “What can we get for you?”

  “Nayhew steak, minmo, and a mug of stros.”

  He has definitely been here more than once. I punch in his order. “I’ll be right back with your drink.”

  “What’s your name?” he asks.


  He inclines his head. “It’s nice to meet you, Skyla. I’m Nami.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Nami. I’ll be right back.”

  His gaze moves to Kaksie. “It’s good see you, Kaksie.”

  “You too.” Kaksie replies and then we head to the drink station.

  “Nami seems nice,” I say as I get his drink.

  Kaksie chuckles. “He should. He’s a diplomat for the verplonians on this planet.”

  “Is he a verplonian or is that the name of a group or business?” I have a lot to learn.

  “He is a verplonian. I’ll tell you about them on our break,” Kaksie says as she grabs a clean towel and puts it in her apron pocket. “I’m going to clean a few tables.”

  Back to work I go. I head out the kitchen door and start taking care of our customers. It’s freeing to serve and talk to so many people. No matter their outward appearance, living beings need food and comfort. This restaurant serves a group of very unique people.

  After working for a long while, I head to the kitchen to get more stros. Just as I get to the kitchen door it whooshes open and Kaksie bursts out. I cry out and jump back. My hip hits a table. “Ow.” I rub my hip as Kaksie stops and comes over.

  “Are you all right, Skyla? I’m sorry I scared you into hurting yourself,” Kaksie says.

  I wave her off. “It’s okay. I just need to get the lay of the land a bit better.” I look around. “Next time I’ll jump to my right.”

  She chuckles and points at our employee table. “Break time. I’ll be right back.”

  I get all three of us some stros and grab some crackers. As I munch on a cracker, I get the feeling I’m being watched but when I look around the customers seem to be doing fine. Probably just first day jitters.

  Kaksie comes back to our table and thanks me for her drink then gulps half of it down. She leans in close. “Do you know anything about the three groups on Zaphin?”

  “No, please don’t tell me there are vicious gangs here.” The thought sends a shiver of fear snaking down my spine. I don’t like to think of Zaphin as overly dangerous.

  Kaksie snorts causing her wild bangs to bounce. “Not quite. But there are three groups that don’t like each other very much. Our warriors are in one group. Then there are the verplonians. They came here a long time ago looking for a home. Because there weren’t many of them they were allowed to stay. Plus, it helps that they can encourage plants to grow at a faster pace. Now that’s handy for trade and in case of a natural disaster.”

  Holy smoke. “Nami can make plants grow faster?”

  “Yes, him and all of his kind. It’s impressive. The last group is the grounfos. Remember I told you Rap may be part of them. As long as he’s good while in here, he gets to stay.” Kaksie glances around and then back at me. “Grounfos are zaphinians that mostly live out in the mountains and other wild places.”

  I swallow hard. “We live high up the mountain.”

  Kaksie flicks her maroon hand. “They mostly live on the other side of the planet.”

  Mostly! “Why do they dislike each other?” Dread makes my heart ache. I don’t like the idea of other groups wanting to hurt Ryk and the other warriors. They are good people, dang it.

  Kaksie snorts and shakes her head making her wild black bangs dance. “The grounfos don’t like the zaphinian warriors because they equal discipline.”

  Sten takes a seat. “You got that right.”

  Kaksie nods. “Plus, the grounfos belief that only the strongest and the sneakiest people deserve anything.”

  Sten leans in close. “Grounfos is an ancient word that means predators.”

  “That’s right. They live up to their name.” Kaksie begins talking in a lower tone as Sten starts gulping his stros down. “Then there’s the verplonians. They don’t like any damage done to the planet.”

  “Most of them,” Sten corrects.

  Kaksie nods. “True. Some are more lenient. But the hard core ones hate all of us for having buildings and vehicles.”

  That’s outrageous. “What about medical buildings?”

  Kaksie wags her finger back and forth. “Those are not acceptable either.”

  “Why?” Are verplonians crazy?

  Sten answers, “Because they don’t need them. They use plants and soil to heal their wounds. Their bodies get all they need from the planet.”

  “All the time?” That’s incredible.

  “Yes, I’ll admit to being jealous of that,” Kaksie says.

  “Me too,” Sten agrees and then finishes off his stros.

  Sakmor screams and both Tymor and Zima start yelling at each other. Even though they are in the kitchen we can all hear them.

  Kaksie shrugs. “You get used to it. The little guy will be going down for a nap soon.”

  I scan the customers. They seem to be doing fine. I see Nami staring into a handheld device and ask, “Is Nami all right with us?”

  Sten nods. “He seems to be. He’s one of their diplomats. From what I know, he wants all of us to be at peace. Nami only fights against companies that do a lot of damage to the planet. He accepts houses, businesses, and vehicles as necessary for zaphinians.”

  My eyes widen. “Zaphinians are weak to them.” The words just popped out of my mouth. I cringe. “Sorry.”

  Sten laughs and then says, “To them, I guess we are weak since we need our healing devices and homes to keep us warm and safe. We do die easier than they do. That makes me glad they aren’t overly violent people.”

  That old pain flares through my chest. “Death is terrible.”

  Sten shakes his head. “No, it’s just a part of living. It happens to us all. That death awaits us is all the more reason to live and make a difference while we can.”

  The shield around my heart cracks just a little. Sten is right. I know he is, but I’m not
ready and may never be ready to open myself up to love again. I look around at the customers. My heart lightens. I can make a difference in their lives.

  The door to the restaurant opens. I look up to see two familiar faces. Joy fills my soul. I stand and head over to my friends. Halfway there I feel like I’m being watched closely. I glance around but don’t see anyone that seems to need me. Shaking the feeling off, I head over to my friends.

  “Rosman, Rosda! I’m so glad to see you two.”

  Both of then give me a cute smile. If they didn’t have some similar features and the same shade of grass green eyes, their smile would reveal that they are related.

  “When did you start working here?” Rosman asks.

  “Today. Are you two here for a late lunch?”

  Rosda nods. Her long purple hair bounces around her shoulders. “Yes, we know better than to come in during midday meal.”

  I chuckle. It feels good to be around friends. When I was taken I didn’t think this would ever be possible for me again. Ryk has given me so much.

  I see them to a table and send in their order. When I return with their stros, I ask Rosman, “How are you liking it here on Zaphin?”

  His pretty eyes glaze over. “I love it.” Rosda swats his shoulder. He glances over to his sister and then back to me. “Being with family and friends is even better than my job.”

  Rosda raises a brow. “Good answer.” She looks over at me. “My twin is very popular at the club.”

  He runs a hand through his shoulder length purple hair. “What? Can’t a guy love his job?”

  Rosda laughs. “Yes, just not more than his twin.”

  His gaze softens. “Never. You mean more to me than any job.” His green gaze cuts to me. “So do you, Skyla. How are you liking it here? Is Din Ryk good to you all the time?”

  Seeing how much they are willing to love causes the shield around my heart to crack a tiny bit more.

  I lean my hip against the green table they are at. “He’s very good to me. I love being here on Zaphin. I just wish my family and friends from Earth were here too.” A pinch of pain blooms in my chest. I shouldn’t be here living a good life without them.

  Rosman’s hand covers mine. “Stop whatever you’re thinking. Your destiny is here and theirs is on Earth.” He gives my hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it.

  “I know you’re right.” I just wish he wasn’t.

  “Give it time,” Rosda says.

  I blow out a breath. “I will.” The twins are right. They lived through some bad years and now they are fine and happy. I can be that way too.

  Rosman moves over. “Have a seat, Skyla.”

  I look around at the mostly empty restaurant. Kaksie who was close by comes over. “I’ll cover for you while you take a break. Then I’ll show you how to make crumlet and grulet crackers.”

  My eyes widen. “I’d love to learn how to make them. Thanks, Kaksie.”

  She nods and goes to check on a customer. Excitement runs through my veins. I can’t wait to get in that kitchen and cook some crackers. Crackers equal life.

  When the twins draw my attention back to them, I let myself enjoy their animated tales of shopping and even living at the club. I feel free as I laugh at their crazy stories.

  Life is good.

  ~ Bad Guy ~


  I watch her through the glass. A shudder runs through me as I remember her crying out when she hit her hip on a table and then again when she nearly crashed into Kaksie. I wish they had collided. My nostrils flare at the thought of spilling the human’s blood.

  Another shudder runs through me. I haven’t hunted any prey in a long time. Too long. The remembered sound of her sweet cries sets my blood on fire. Excitement has me quivering.

  She is going to be an extremely satisfying playtoy.



  ~ Ryk ~


  The house is empty without Skyla.

  I go around and check on the plants. Behind a snaplot plant a small bag catches my attention. I reach out and pick it up. A strange ache pinches my heart. The bag is filled with crackers. Skyla.

  I hate that she came from a planet so short of food that she had to hide stashes around her home to make sure she survived. Survive. Yes, my little human is a survivor. I put her stash back. If she needs it to feel comfortable, so be it. I thank the moons every day for finding her.

  The sound of a vehicle approaching has me moving to one of the sections of glass. I watch my brother pull up. My heart leaps at the sight of Skyla.

  I go to the door and open it. Skyla thanks Tymor for the ride and then heads toward me. I wave at my brother and his family and then they head home. I’ll talk to him tomorrow, I have other things on my mind right now. My gaze runs over my little seema. Her blouse and pants are too concealing for the house. I need to see her soft curves.

  “Go put your uniform on, seema.”

  She slows and frowns at me as she enters the house. “Well, hello to you too.”

  Her attitude has me swatting her rounded ass. “Now, seema. I want to see your curves.”

  I like the fire that lights her eyes. “Aren’t you curious about how my day went?”

  No. I already know how her day went. Tymor kept me informed all day. I inhale to process her needs. Prel. “You can tell me all about it while we take care of the plants.” I point to our room. “Get dressed first.”

  I smile as she huffs and heads to our room. My heart softens when I see her place some crackers on the stone counter in the kitchen before continuing to the bedroom. One day she’ll see that stashing food is not necessary here. That will be a good day.

  I suck in another breath and enjoy her scent. I missed the strength of it when I came home. This job is too important to her for me to take it away from her for my own selfish desires.

  A growl vibrates through my chest when I see her walk toward me. She looks beautiful in a sheer blue uniform. She took her hair down and it moves around her shoulders with each step she takes. Beautiful.

  I motion her over. She steps closer and I watch her eyes close as she smells me. I love the way she enjoys my scent. I understand completely. I wrap my arms around her and just hold her for a long moment. Her delicious aroma fills my senses and does something to my heart. Something strange that I only feel for her. I’m starting to get used to it.

  Pulling back, I look down at her. “I’m glad you’re home, seema.” My words make her scent change to one of happiness. A soft growl rumbles through me. Need coils in my belly.

  She yelps in surprise when I lift her up. As her legs wrap around my waist my lips separate hers and my tongue slips into her sweet mouth. Her moan increases my need. I grip her bare ass and hold her tightly to me as I deepen the kiss.

  The feel of her tongue moving over mine sends a thrill through me. I love how responsive she is. The scent of her growing desire fills my vents and has me growling tenderly.

  She rocks into me. I take a step back to better balance myself as I kiss a path to her silky neck. Her scent here is so delicious that I nip at her flesh. She shivers and rocks harder into me.

  I nip at her again and then swipe my tongue over her sensitive skin. When she jerks in my arms, my senses go on alert.

  “Something touched me and it wasn’t you,” she says in a high-pitched tone.

  I ease her down but keep her close. A look around has me relaxing. I turn her around. “It was just a purrdot flower, seema.” I growl into her ear and am satisfied when she shivers. “Nobody can touch you except me.” She turns and grins up at me. My heart swells at the lovely dimpled sight.

  She gestures at the flower leaning toward her. “I’m glad you feel that way, but I don’t think your threats are going to scare a purrdot plant.”

  My gaze cuts to the yellow flower. The yellow petals are wide open and the plant is straining to get as close to Skyla as it can. I understand how it feels. I like to be as close to her as possible too. Skyl
a holds out her hand so the flower can take in her scent. She is kind—special.

  Needing to make her laugh, I scowl at the flower and bare my fangs while releasing a warning growl. The sound of her laughter does something to my soul that I can’t explain. If I were ready to settle down, I’d do it with her.

  Prel, where did that thought come from? Wanting to lighten the mood, I tickle her sides and then pull her to me as she does that husky laugh and gasp I love so much. Her scent when she does it is so intoxicating.


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