Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2) Page 27

by Pixie Moon

  The warning in his tone has me jumping and going inside. I rush to a glass wall and look out. My heart sinks.

  Both males are in a full on fight. One that looks like it’s to the death. My lips tremble. I press them tightly together. I flinch with each blow that is delivered. Since Ryk is now in close combat, the scruffy thief can’t use whatever weapon he used to bring Ryk down at first.

  With each blow the other guy seems to be weakening. I press my trembling fingers to my lips. Please be okay. The thief wants Ryk’s weapons. He knows who Ryk is. I run my hands through my hair as pain blooms across my chest. “This is why it was a bad idea to fall in love with Ryk WavTe. A stinking warrior. When will I learn?”

  I’m just glad I didn’t tell him I love him.

  When the scruffy guy falls to the ground and seems to be knocked out, I sigh with relief. It’s over. A dark mission vehicle pulls up and I watch Dax, Zar, Tairin, and Zairin jump out. They all look menacing as they approach Ryk.

  When Ryk says something to his friends, the scruffy guy whips his arm out and up. In horror I watch that whip like weapon fly through the air and cut into Ryk’s neck. Dark redish purple blood gushes from the gaping wound.

  I slam my hands against the glass and scream as Ryk crumbles. Dax catches him just in time. The others take care of the thief who just broke my heart.

  I’ll never love again.

  My hands slide down the cool glass as I sink to the floor. He’s gone. Nobody can live when wounded that badly. Dillon’s deathblow wasn’t that deep. “Ryk is dead.” Pain encompasses ever part of me—my heart, my soul, my skin, my bones. The agony radiating through me is my own fault. I shouldn’t have fallen for a warrior.

  I knew better. I knew better. I knew better. He’s gone. Gone. I can’t handle this.

  “Shhh.” The calming sound makes me realize I’m not alone and that I’m sobbing. I can’t stop. The agony within me is too great.

  Strong arms surround me. I look up into gold and purple eyes. He’s one of the twins. His vents flare as he picks me up. Compassion fills his eyes. I instinctively hold onto him as he starts walking. “We need to go. Ryk is being loaded up right now. He’s going to the medical unit. Dr. ResTa will take care of him.”

  “What? Ryk’s not dead?” That can’t be.

  Zairin or Tairin turns and pulls the door closed and then heads toward their vehicle. “No, he’s too tough for that. He’d never let a grounfos kill him.”

  Hope has my heart racing. When I’m put down, I jump into the vehicle and see Ryk out cold on the floor. The grounfos is bound in the back. His mean eyes rake over me. Dax snarls and hits the thief in the head and knocks the guy out. I’m glad.

  I kneel by Ryk’s side the whole drive. His vest and shirt have been removed. He looks too pale. Din Zar keeps pressure on the wound while one of the twins drives and the other stays on alert for trouble. I take Ryk’s hand and wonder if this is the last time I’ll ever get to hold it. He’s too pale—too lifeless. His dark redish purple blood is starting to seep through the bandage and cover Zar’s fingers.

  There is no way he can survive. GyRol was just being nice to me. My tears splash on his hand and run down his arm. My nose stings and the lump in my throat hurts almost as badly as my heart. The guys are talking but I can’t focus on them. All I hear is a mixed up rumble of male voices. Nothing can eclipse the pain.

  I flinch when my arm is gently tugged. “Skyla, you have to let him go. We need to take him to Dr. ResTa.”

  I look over and see Dax. As he tugs my arm, I reluctantly let go of Ryk’s hand and get out of the mission vehicle. In a daze, I watch Dax and Zar slide Ryk out and lift him. For the first time I see that Ryk’s on a metal board with holes along the sides for hands to get a good hold.

  This is nothing new to them. A fresh wave of pain stabs my foolish heart. One of the twins steps close to me and inhales. “He should be fine, little human. Give ResTa a chance to patch him up.” He motions me to follow Dax and Zar.

  On wooden feet, I trudge after them. I don’t want to see Ryk die. Death is ugly and so painful. The pain doesn’t end for those of us left behind. My stomach churns and the lump in my throat grows unbearably large.

  We enter the white medical room. I remember this room. Dr. ResTa’s serious green gaze looks at Ryk’s wound and then he immediately takes control. He orders Dax and Zar into another room and has them put Ryk on a black and silver machine in the corner of the white room. I remember being on that machine too. Only then Ryk was standing by me making me feel safe.

  I don’t feel safe anymore. All I feel is agony. I stay out of the doctor’s way but my gaze stays trained on Ryk. Blood is still seeping from his wound. The warriors are ordered to finish stripping Ryk. They quickly do it while the doctor puts something powdery on his wound. Once that is done, the doctor pulls the machine’s door closed. My heart lurches when I can’t see him anymore.

  Tears blind me as they pool and run over my lids. I don’t care about how bad or weak I appear. My heart has been torn to pieces. It hurts like hell. A strong arm wraps around my shoulders and words are whispered into my ear. I glance up to see that it’s Dax and then look back at the machine Ryk is closed up in.

  The softly spoken words continue. I comprehend that they are calming but I can’t understand what they are. All I know is that I’ll never love again.

  Time drags on. The blue light continues to circle the seal. It goes round and round. Is it healing Ryk? A touch of hope whips through my chest.

  Dr. ResTa inhales and his vents flare. He looks down at me and nods. “It’s looking good for him.” He looks over at a screen on the machine and then back down at me. “He’ll be good as new real soon, little human.”

  “See,” Dax says. “Nothing to worry about. My brother is tough.”

  ResTa nods. “This evening you two will be back home and it’ll be like nothing ever happened.”

  No, this has changed everything.

  Zar runs a hand through his hair. His teal and silver eyes take on a hard commanding look. “Din Ryk is fine. You can’t let this affect your feelings for him.”

  Dang, he’s intimidating but good. Not good enough though. I’ll be protecting my heart from now on.

  He inhales deeply. Those teal and silver eyes pin me in place. “I mean it. Celebrate life while you have it. Love as much as you can.”

  A new type of pain cuts through my heart. Zar is right. But I don’t know if I can. I look away from Zar’s intense eyes and right into Dax’s serious green and gold ones.

  I fidget and swallow hard. Oh, they are waiting for a response. “I’ll try.”

  A beeping noise from the machine Ryk is in draws everybody’s attention to it. My shoulders drop. I couldn’t handle their commanding intensity much longer. Love is good for some but not for everyone.

  I hold my breath as the doctor moves over and opens the door to the machine. Ryk groans as he’s looked over. He’s alive! I can’t really believe it. My heart takes flight. It’s so light. I feel as though I’m free. Free to love again.

  No! I shut down the thrilling feeling. I’m happy he made it, but I refuse to continue to love him.

  Love’s not a choice, my pro-Ryk side says.

  I don’t like her answer. When Ryk sits up and swings his legs over the side of the machine, my heart stops. He is so mesmerizing. When our gazes meet my heart takes flight again. I love him.

  But I can’t. As he gets down, puts on a pair of pants, and talks to the doctor, I start building another shield around my heart. The part of me that longs to love him tries to tear it down. I push her aside and keep working on it.

  I just can’t live through the death of someone I love again. Today proved that. When he moves over to me my heart aches. He inhales and growls softly as he hugs me to him.

  He’s tearing me in two. I long to love him, but I can’t afford the price. I’m just not strong enough.

  ~ Ryk ~

  The feel of Skyla in my arms is zyfing
awesome. There’s a little ache in my shoulder but that’s all. What really hurts is her scent. It has gone from amazingly loving to loving with the stench of fear tainting it. I don’t like it at all.

  I hug her closer as I silently rage. I want to kill that prelling fool for setting me back on my goal. Skyla Burgin will be my kesdy. All I have to do is remove the smell of fear that is tainting her love for me.

  My heart soars as I remember the scent of her love before we were confronted by that prelling idiot. Since she loved me like that once, she can do it again. I’ll make sure of that.



  ~ Skyla ~


  Today is the start of Zaphin’s second moon. It’s a clear and bright summer day. I can’t get over how close Ryk was to death just yesterday. It should be raining but it’s not. It’s blindingly bright. Things on Zaphin change faster than those on Earth.

  Ryk was dying and then he wasn’t. Their technology is lightyears ahead of Earth’s. Here lives are saved daily. It’s amazing. I’m lucky to be here. And so is Ryk. I shudder when I remember how much blood he lost. What if his friends don’t get to him fast enough next time? He’s not going to make it. A familiar pain clenches my heart. Tears sting my eyes.

  I push the thought from my mind. My heart does a flip when I think about how tenderly he made love to me last night. His sweet loving added to my emotional chaos. I wish my family and friends were here on Zaphin. Come to think of it, they wouldn’t be much help. They’d love Ryk and tell me to go for it. Another burst of pain twists my heart.

  Dang it, I do wish they were here. They are, floats through my mind. Tears well in my eyes and a lump burns my throat. They are in my heart and their advice whispers through my head. I’m not alone.

  A vision of Ryk before he left this morning comes to mind. So tall, powerful, and handsome. The look in his eyes tells me he’s up to something. I think he knows that I’m trying to stop loving him.

  A sharp sting of pain whips through my heart. The foolish thing wants to take another chance on love. I’m so torn. I blow out a breath and head to my vehicle. A flash of green has me smiling.

  Three green striped tails waggle from the front of my vehicle. I pull out a cracker from my pants pocket. In a flash the tail is replaced with pointed ears and three pale green eyes. The flurcot’s lips curve up when he sees the cracker. One of his tails waggles over his head. When I laugh he scurries over to me. As he takes the cracker, I run a hand over his soft green fur. He pushes into me so I do it again.

  I touch one of his pointed ears and then stand. “I have to go, little guy. Be careful out there. The world is a dangerous place.”

  As he moves around exploring, I get into my sleek vehicle. After its running and done that weird lift thing, I back out and then head to work on the trimmed path. Ryk doesn’t stay out of my mind for long. I press my fingertips to my lips as I once again recall how loving his touch was last night and this morning. My heart flips again. If he keeps treating me this way, I’ll never be able to stop loving him.

  Would that be such a terrible thing, the words whisper through my mind. After last night I’m beginning to doubt it. Dax and Zar might be right. Maybe I shouldn’t try to stop loving Ryk. I blow out a breath and resolve to give myself time to decide what to do.

  A vehicle whizzing over me has me jumping. “Dang it.” I release a harsh breath. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.” The rest of my drive is peaceful. Just me and all the lush plants.

  With the restaurant being connected to other businesses the lot already has several vehicles. I circle around and park on the edge. I get out and watch another vehicle come in. It’s Kaksie.

  I lock mine and touch the pale blue roof. The color reminds of Ryk’s pretty eyes. It was sweet of him to buy it for me. The vehicle gives me freedom and security. Much like him, whispers through my mind. My heart swells with love. I try to shut it down, for now.

  As I wait for Kaksie, I look my new ride over. It has a tracking device. I like that. It lets him know where to find me. Another harsh breath escapes me. I have it bad.

  Kaksie looks my vehicle over and then her full pink lips curl. “Din Ryk trusts you now. That’s good.” Her black bangs are extra wild today. A feeling of normalcy washes over me.

  “The vehicle is helpful,” I say. My gaze shifts to the right as I try not to be happy about her words. I fail. Deep down I’m so freaking happy about him trusting me. Silence has me looking into her face.

  Kaksie is eyeing me with a knowing look. “Mmmhmmm.”

  Heat flushes my cheeks. Her laughter floats through the air as we enter the restaurant. The second we go into the kitchen, I notice that Tymor doesn’t look as energized as usual and Zima seems distracted.

  When Sakmor becomes demanding, I offer to take him with me as I get ready for the day. Relief moves across Zima’s face. Something is off. They aren’t even bickering today.

  As the customers start coming in Sten and Kaksie help with the baby as well. He’s so cute and little that I hate to see his parents troubled.

  Kaksie thinks Tymor is sick and Sten agrees. I hope it’s nothing serious. When the door opens, I smile and call out, “Dins Tiv, Lat, Fry.” I walk over with Sakmor on my hip. They take their regular table and order the special. After they give Sakmor some advice on being a great warrior, I laugh and move on. This little guy is way too young to be around them.

  Kaksie takes Sakmor as I greet Jenri, Sten’s mom. She is such a pretty and sweet female. Sten is lucky to have her.

  My next customer is Din Helde, he’s strange but I greet him anyway. He takes a table close to Jenri and looks her over. “You look tired.”

  Not to me she doesn’t. Helde has no social skills at all. Jenri takes his comment in stride, thank goodness.

  The place packs in. I usually love it but with Tymor looking worst by the second my thoughts are on him. I silently shake myself. He’ll be fine. It’s probably just a zaphinian cold or something.

  I plaster on a smile and keep on working. I greet Shel when he comes in. My heart still hurts for him. With Sakmor on my hip, I follow him to a table. The baby looks Shel over.

  Shel’s knee starts bouncing and he tugs on the neck of his shirt. “Do my clothes match?”

  I remember that he’s colorblind. Aww, my heart aches for him. “Yes, your clothes match, Shel. You look real good. Sakmor is just curious about everyone and everything.”

  The relief on his face makes me wish I could hug him. I don’t think that would be acceptable. But, I can be nice to him. That thought lightens my heart. I can be helpful. I can matter. I take his order and pass Sakmor on to Sten as I get his drink and a pitcher to refill a few other customer’s drinks. I’m needed here. It’s good.

  Another group of customers comes in with Ryk on their heels. He comes over and gives me a kiss. My heart soars at the sight, scent, and feel of him.

  The kitchen doors whooshing shut remind me of Tymor. “I think your brother isn’t feeling well.”

  He frowns and heads for the kitchen. I feel better now the Ryk is here. His presences emanates power and confidence.

  The front door opens. I smile as I greet Len Po Dee. His purple eyes sparkle in the natural light. As he takes a seat, he asks, “Do you think the restaurant will be even busier during the Resliv Moon celebration?”

  Ah, the businessman in him is taking note. I nod. “Yes, Tymor and Zima are preparing for the extra business. It should go smoothly.” I take his order and then move on when Kaksie calls for me.

  I yelp when Sakmor jumps from behind a chair. At his tiny toothy grin, I pick him up. “You little stinker, you scared me.”

  When Kaksie takes the baby, I tighten my ponytail and start refilling drinks. I love serving others. This place is like home. Light music, the aroma of food cooking, chatter, and laughter. It feels good.

  Din Broc NorPe walks in. I look around to see that Kaksie is busy and Sten must have Sakmor in the kitchen. Din Bro
c’s shifty blue and silver eyes look me over. I greet him and follow him to a table and remind myself that everyone needs kindness. Even shady seeming characters.

  As Broc orders the special his gaze slides all around the room. He doesn’t seem nervous like Shel. Broc is confident but I get the feeling he’s always looking for something to happen. It makes me nervous.

  Just after the midday meal rush is over Tymor collapses.

  Ryk catches him and sets him in a chair. “You have to go see the doctor.”

  Tymor shakes his head. It’s a weak gesture. “No, we are still open.”

  Ryk growls. The warning kind. My nerves jump. I don’t like that sound.

  “I’ll stay here and keep it open. You and Zima can go. I’ll let Dax know so he can be with you two.” Ryk’s tone doesn’t leave room for argument.


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