Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2) Page 29

by Pixie Moon

  “He’s amazing,” Hallie says.

  “Yes,” Rosman and I agree.

  The male winks at each of us he passes our drinks over. I take a sip and love it. “It’s great.”

  We step aside so others can order as well. The flurcot keeps his show going. I look up at Ryk. “You guys know Lusha well?”

  “Oh, yes. He’s Din Rema TolMi’s seema. We buy from him anytime we get a chance. They come to the club sometimes.”

  As Ryk starts talking to the guys again, I notice that the youths are watching the flurcot as they drink their fruity mixes. Their eyes are bright but they are maintaining an otherwise calm demeanor. They are also scanning the crowd between watching the flurcot.

  Ryk looks Sky and Brac over. “You two have done well. You aren’t letting the flurcot steal all of your attention.” They beam under his praise.

  My heart melts. Ryk is good with kids. I wish I could give him some. The lively beat and energy doesn’t allow me to stay down for long.

  We finish our drinks and then stroll on looking at goods and buying small things, after a few dances with the venders, of course. As we leave a shop, angry shouting comes from our right. A verplonian male as yelling at a zaphinian male.

  The verplonian points at some crushed flowers and yells something I can’t catch over the music. Then the angry verplonian hits the zaphinian in the chest. The brawl begins.

  After a quick plan is established, the guys take action. Zar stays with us as Dax and Ryk go over to them. I hold my breath as Ryk and Dax stand close to the fighting males and then look at each other. A blink later they each grab a male and pull them apart.

  I step forward and Zar bars my way. I look up at him and he shakes his head. My gaze moves back to Ryk in time to see him take an elbow to the face. His warning growl is loud enough for all of us to hear.

  Both males stop struggling and really look at who has them—fully armed warriors. The music changes to a quieter song.

  Ryk’s voice carries to us as he talks to the males. “If you wish to stay at the celebration you have to stay away from each other.”

  They both nod. As soon as the verplonian is free he glares at the zaphinian and yells, “I hope a hugmar tree chokes you.”

  The prehensile trees can do it. I found that out not too long ago. Hallie knows all about them. But it’s not something the trees would do. Thank goodness.

  Dax looks menacingly at the verplonian. The male lowers his gaze and slips into the crowd. The zaphinian apologizes to Ryk for hitting him and then disappears into a group of dancers.

  We move over to Ryk and Dax. My soul warms when Ryk takes my hand in his.

  Brac eyes Ryk’s face. “Didn’t that hurt?”

  Sky looks Ryk over as she waits for his answer too.

  Ryk’s gaze takes them both in. “Yes, but a Din never shows emotion in front of civilians.”

  Zar nods and adds, “We never approach our family and friends in anger either.”

  Dax says, “Yes, anger and frustration are expended through meditation and on the practice field when necessary.”

  Sky tilts her head. “But Dins do fight back when necessary, right?”

  Ryk nods. “Yes, we do. But we always do it with a level head. We don’t take it personally.”

  That seems to appease the youths. It sure impressed me. We don’t get far down the path when Sky’s and Brac’s communicators go off. The youths thank Ryk, Dax, and Zar before slipping into the crowd.

  I smile as I watch the kids disappear. They are on the right path. The more I learn about the zaphinian warriors the more I appreciate how they work together. Groups always have a better chance of survival.

  Tingles slither down my spine. Fear has my nerves jumping. I look around for a threat. I don’t see one but I’m sure someone is watching me. A sour lump forms in my stomach.

  I step even closer to Ryk. He sniffs and puts his arm around me. “What’s wrong, seema?”

  “I feel like someone’s watching me.”

  He looks around for a long time. “I can’t get a read on anyone. Stay close to me.”

  I shake my head. “I’m probably just paranoid. This is my first alie…other planet celebration.” Dang it. I almost called him and the others aliens.

  A chuckle rumbles from his chest. “Yes, it is, little human.”

  Heat swarms my cheeks at the reminder that I’m the alien here. He hugs me tightly to him. I gladly absorb the comfort and acceptance he offers.

  “By the moons, you are cute when you get all flustered.” His lips press into mine. I relax against him and welcome his passionate kiss. The glide of our tongues and the mingling of our breath has desire swirling through my core. My breasts press against his solid chest. Music pulses around us.

  The clearing of a throat freezes me in place. Dang it. I forgot we are out at a celebration. Ryk does crazy things to me. I can’t resist him.

  “Let’s head into the mall,” Dax says.

  Ryk loosens his grip on me. His hand takes mine as he leads the way. In the mall colorful streamers are hanging all over the place and something like balloons as well. I freeze and my jaw drops when I hear a buzzing sound and look up to see an electric light show going on way over our heads. The beautiful colors seem to be dancing to the beat.

  “That’s amazing,” Rosman says while pointing up.

  “Yes, it is.” I catch Ryk looking at me with a gleam in his pretty eyes. He’s amazing too. “Thank you for bringing me here, Din Ryk.”

  “Your welcome, Skyla. This is the first of many celebrations,” he replies.

  “What other celebrations are there?” Rosman asks.

  Zar grabs a table that just freed up and we all sit around it. I’m eager to learn as much as I can. I’ve heard some but not enough.

  Dax settles in and looks around then says, “Resliv Moon celebrates being alive. Mostly through music. It reminds us to live while we can.” He rubs the knife strapped to his thigh. “Din’s Drokty is every warriors’ favorite celebration. It’s in the fifth moon.”

  Zar grins. “Yes, it is. Drokty means pride. Our pride is in our skill and weapons.”

  Rosda shivers. “Mmhmm. I love watching them get all sweaty when they show off their skills.”

  Rosman’s green eyes brighten. “The females too?”

  “Yes,” his twin answers and then laughs at his shiver.

  Dax chuckles. “A lot of mating happens on those three days.”

  Ryk looks around and then says, “We also celebrate Hyzpa. It happens in spring on the twelfth moon and represents renewal and fresh breath of life for all living things. It lasts three days and reminds us to appreciate budding growth.”

  My heart does a little flip. Ryk is my fresh breath and my renewal. He inhales and the silver strands in his eyes pulse lightly.

  “Hyzpa happens when the piclot and toclor fruit ripens. Lots of sweets are made for the celebration.” Rosda’s green eyes take on a dreamy haze. She does order dessert regularly at the restaurant.

  Zar takes Hallie’s hand and then says, “Kizla is in winter on the ninth moon. It’s an old word that stands for living each moment to the fullest.”

  My heart turns upside down. I want to live each moment I have with Ryk to the fullest.

  “That celebration lasts four days,” Dax says. “Then there’s Mykline Moon which is on the fifteenth moon.”

  “It’s winter then,” Rosda supplies.

  Ryk nods. “Mykline is another old word the stands for advancing our people. We embrace the idea of continued growth. Change in order to thrive.”

  I thrive around Ryk. Dang it. I can’t stop thinking about him and how wonderful he makes my life. I need to pay more attention to him and the others. I watch the males looking around as they talk a bit about the change in technology. I do love their technology.

  When they are finished I know more and am filled with even more respect for them. Rosda jumps up when a lively tune starts playing. She laughs and encourages us al
l to dance with her.

  The warriors decline. I suspect it’s because they refuse to let their guard down in public. Ryk pulls me in close. “Stay right here where I can see you.”

  “I will.” Pleasure sparks through me. He cares.

  When he releases my hand, I move over to Rosda and Rosman who are already dancing. Hallie is talking to Zar. When he releases her she comes over too.

  Kaksie dances over to us with her wild bangs bouncing. Her warrior goes to the table with the guys. I laugh when she dances over and bumps her booty against mine. I’m so glad she found us. What a night.

  Under Ryk’s watchful eye I dance and laugh with my friends like never before in my life. I feel free, alive, and loved.

  Ryk WavTe is at the center of all my happiness and love.

  ~ Bad Guy ~

  I clench my fists as I watch Skyla dance so freely. She’s so alive. My heart pounds at the thought of breaking her.

  I won’t dim her light too quickly though, no. She will bring me satisfaction for a long time.

  Lights flash before my eyes. Pressure builds in my head. The need to hear her whimpers and cries is growing.

  I have to take her soon.



  ~ Skyla ~


  “You look like you’ve been doing extra training.” Day Ping Pet’s sweet voice greets us as we enter the club.

  Day has her hand on Din Grof’s upper arm. The gruff warrior looks a little uncomfortable. I find that strange since I’ve seen him play with females in the past. As Ryk talks to Din Dran, I look at Day. Her long blonde hair has all colors of musical notes dyed into it. Her curvy body is covered in paint and shimmery powder only.

  Her braided ropes of nipple hair are a brilliant blue. She’s running the end of one down Din Grof’s arm. He growls at her but she doesn’t stop what she’s doing. When she sees us her pink eyes light up and she smiles and greets me and then Ryk as soon as he turns away from Din Dran.

  After Ryk talks to Din Grof we move to enter the club. I smile when I see Day go back to flirting with the warrior. The gruff male might as well give in and tell Day he’ll play with her later. The cute hiropian usually gets the male she wants.

  When we enter the club my eyes widen and my hand grips Ryk’s tighter.

  “Oh my gosh. This is amazing.” People are literally dancing everywhere. On tables, chairs, and all floor space. Even the tiny brewmars are dancing on the bar.

  “I’m glad you like it, little treasure.” Ryk closes his eyes and inhales. “This level of liveliness is a boost to the soul.”

  I let the music and electricity in the club sink into me. “Yes, it is.”

  Ryk opens his eyes and leads me to the bar and gets us both a drink. As Din Soja puts on a show, I admire the flex of his muscles and his graceful flow. The fluttering of multicolored wings catches my attention.

  I look over to see two brewmars land on the bar—Lo, a dark purple female and Bo, a dark teal male. Their copper eyes shine as they greet me. They are so cute in their tiny silver clothes. Bo just has pants on and Lo has shorts and body paint. As the two dance, I bob along with then.

  When the song ends, Bo flies behind the bar and then comes back with a colorful blue wooden bowl. I look inside and see what looks like candy that’s individually wrapped in clear paper.

  “Bingloc, try some. We just got this batch.” He grins showing his top and bottom fangs. They are so tiny that they are adorable. “Superior quality,” he says and then opens one and takes a bite then holds the rest out in my direction.

  Eww. I don’t really want candy with brewmar saliva on it. Before I can figure a way out of this, Do flies over and tackles him. The two roll over a few times. Do’s angry chatter is only stopped when Ryk knocks on the bar.

  The spitting mad female points at me and then Bo and then at the candy he dropped on the bar when she tackled him. Bo shakes his head and chatters something to her. When they are upset they speak in a language that is not translatable.

  I don’t need a translator to know what’s going on. “It’s not like that, Do. Bo was just being nice.”

  I flinch when both of Do’s horns erupt from the crown of her head. Ryk growls a warning. Do turns and chatters at him.

  Bo moves over to the candy he dropped and picks it up. He flies over to Do and holds it out to her. She slaps him and then takes the offered candy. I stare at them in wonder when a lusty look enters their eyes and they fly off toward their living quarters.

  Ryk chuckles. “Do will be fine after Bo takes care of her needs.”

  Never a dull moment here.

  He hands me a piece of candy and then eats one. “Bo is right, these are superior.”

  I unwrap mine and sniff it. “Mmm, it smells delicious.” I pop it into my mouth and groan as chocolate, caramel, nuts, and a spicy zing wash over my tongue. “It’s as good as it smells.”

  Ryk’s eyes gleam. “So are you, sweet seema.”

  I flush and he laughs. As more people flood the bar he leads me through the dancing people to the wrestling area. The green and silver lights strobe all the people dancing on the mat and in the lounge area. We sit at our table and I enjoy watching all the people living it up.

  Din Kysa TazLoc is caressing Rosman as they dance. She’s one pretty zaphinian female with her short black/blue hair and blue and silver eyes. Her sweet smile makes you forget what a badass she is. When she pulls Rosman’s purple hair and her mouth takes his in a kiss he shudders and presses closer to her.

  I’m so glad they brought him here. Kammy and Babshi dance by and wave. I wave back and smile to myself. This is a good place. I never want to leave it.

  Wings have me looking over. I see Clo land on a table. She sets a mug down that’s as tall as her and then starts dancing. The lights in the club make her wings appear to glow.

  A warrior at the table reaches out to touch one of her wings. A scowl mars her pretty face. Her horns come out and she bares her fangs at the warrior as she chatters and waves her tiny teal hands back and forth.

  Hot dang! When she gets mad she looks like a rabid fairy.

  The male raises his hands in surrender and apologizes. Clo nods and chatters some more as she flies away.

  I look over at Ryk. “Are the brewmars safe tonight?”

  “Yes, Din Kal snapped out of the daze her wings caused and apologized. It won’t happen again. The brewmars take a few extra risks during celebrations but they are tough and on alert. Their emotions are high tonight. That’s why you’ll be seeing a lot of horns this evening.” He looks around and then back at me. “We keep a close eye on everyone during these times.”

  One of the GyRol twins and Zar comes over. I greet them before I to turn to Hallie. We are both dressed in shimmering short skirts and cropped tops. I look around at all the playthings wearing just paint. Tonight we are overdressed. What a crazy free world. My heart soars.

  Hallie leans in close to me. Her dark brown eyes are shining. “This is so fun. I love the way the playthings are painted in musical notes.” She looks around and then back at me. A gleam is in her eyes. “We should get painted. It’s edible, you know.”

  I look down at my cleavage. “I don’t know.”

  Hallie laughs. “You have beautiful boobs. Show them girls off.”

  A thrill of excitement rolls through me. “Should we?”

  “Zyfing yeah,” she says with a laugh. “It’s time to celebrate being alive.” Her eyes grow serious. “We are lucky to be here.”

  “Yes, we are.” Earth is in such bad shape. I think of my family and friends. I wish they were here in this amazing place.

  Hallie nudges my arm, her dark eyes are knowing. “Let’s live while we’re alive.”

  I look over at Ryk. The silver strands in his icy eyes are already pulsing. “I’ll take you to get painted.”

  A growl from Zar proves he agrees.

  This is going to be fun. Let the teasing begin.

  ~ Ryk ~
  I can’t wait to see Skyla getting brushed with edible paint. She’s going to look zyfing hot. Her breasts are perfect for decorating. My cock twitches at the thought.

  Hauk and Dax walk up and our females address them. Skyla and Hallie make me proud of the humans for flourishing here on Zaphin.

  “You two moving on?” Hauk asks. His sharp features soften when Rosda comes over and places a hand on his arm as she shakes her butt to the beat.


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