Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2) Page 32

by Pixie Moon

  That cruel grin is back on his face. Without blinking he slowly adds steady pressure to my finger. My stomach sours as pain builds hotter and hotter in my pinky. I shake my head silently begging him.

  His gaze brightens. I try to pull away from his grip. He laughs and adds more pressure. I scream when my bone breaks. White hot heat sears through my hand. My body convulses in agony. I can’t stop sobbing even though I try to.

  He makes a sound and I look up to see his eyes glowing. He presses into my broken finger causing another scream to erupt from my throat. His face twists in satisfaction.

  A groan comes from deep in his chest. “Perfect.” A beep coming from his pocket breaks through his haze of sick pleasure.

  I pant through my pain as I watch him pull a palm sized device out of his pocket. I cradle my hand to my heaving chest.

  He snarls and presses a spot on the screen. “Where are you?” His gaze cuts to my hands. “I need to get her out of here now.”

  Horror swells in my chest and chokes me. Tears roll down my aching cheeks.

  Life is precious. Anyone can die at any time. Ryk and Tymor got lucky. I look at Len Po Dee. His glittering gaze is glued to my hand.

  I’m not feeling so lucky.



  ~ Ryk ~


  Something feels wrong.

  My communicator goes off. It’s Zairin. The twins were out checking a crashed vehicle. Dax eyes me curiously. I press a button so he can hear.

  “Is Dax with you?”

  “Yes, why?” I ask. Fear slips up my spine. Something bad is going on. I just know it. My heart starts beating harder.

  “You two need to come quickly. Tairin is sending the coordinates. Ryk…” Zairin’s voice falters. “It’s Skyla—”

  My heart skips a beat. I cut him off. “What’s wrong? I want to talk to her.”

  “She’s not here but her scent is. Tairin went to her job and found her vehicle still in the lot.” Zairin pauses for a beat. “We’ll find her.”

  I stare at my communicator. She’s in trouble. My world crumbles. Heat whooshes through my chest. Anger starts cycling through my blood. “Someone is going to pay. She better be okay.”

  My heart feels as though it’s about to explode. I can barely focus as Dax drives us through the jungle.

  I snap out of my daze when we arrive. I jump out and rush to the crashed vehicle. My heart sinks when I see red blood. I can smell Skyla’s scent in the vehicle. I know the blood is hers.

  A glance around reveals light blue blood on the driver’s side. My mind starts racing. “A halnessian?”

  “We believe so. This vehicle is one for hire. It’s registered to Len Po Dee.”

  Tairin pulls up a picture of the male. My vents flare as rage moves faster through my system. “I’ve seen him at Midday and More.” A prelling storm builds and builds around me. “Let’s go get her.”

  The rain has diminished most of her scent but I can still get a hint of it. That’s all I need. I head out and the others follow my lead. They can probably get small hints of her scent out here but I’m tuned in to her scent. It would be even stronger to me if she was my kesdy. I’ll remedy that before I let her out of my sight again.

  We move quickly through the lush jungle. Her scent is stronger near some thick clumps of bushes. Black star! My heart hurts at the thought of her out here hiding in fear. I think of her blood in the vehicle. Wounded and fearful. That’s what her world is like right now.

  Agony and rage roll through me. “He will pay.”

  “Yes,” Dax agrees solemnly.

  “With his life, if necessary,” Tairin adds.

  “Yes,” Zairin agrees.

  We keep moving. As we go I notice her scent getting stronger. Excitement ripples through my blood. I signal the others and they inhale deeply. Each nods as they firmly catch her scent.

  It’s dark but we have a clear path to her. “Hang in there, little treasure. I’m on my way.”

  We run uncaring of stealth. I only smell Skyla and Po Dee. We’ve got this. My heart stops when her scream echoes through the jungle. My growl blends with that of my friends.

  We move faster. Her next scream turns on something dark within me. My head buzzes and coldness fills my chest. I’ve never felt like this before.

  Skyla’s scent floods my senses. Her blood, her fear, her pain, her sadness.

  A roar comes from deep within me. A moment later I see her. My heart leaps. She’s tied up and agony is etched into her bruised face. Our gazes lock. At first her eyes are dull and hopeless and then she recognizes me. My heart soars when love and hope spring to life in her green eyes.

  I release another roar. Dax moves to Skyla. My brother will see to her while I see to the threat to her. A threat that can’t continue.

  My focus narrows to Len Po Dee. He was a few feet from Skyla and absorbed in his communicator. Light stones placed around the area show that he’s grinning at me. That there are four of us doesn’t seem to bother him. It should.

  I charge him and he pulls a long knife and flicks it as he backs up. There’s an insane gleam in his purple eyes.

  He laughs and then says, “You and me. I win, I get to keep her.” Po Dee tilts his head and raises his shoulders with a sadistic smile.

  He’s insane but he won’t be free for much longer. I can’t allow him to freely roam around hurting any more people. Especially, Skyla. I pull my sword and slash it menacingly to the side. The metal glows as energy circulates through it. That sight alone has ended many a fight. Po Dee motions me forward with a confident smirk.

  I roll my shoulders and let the darkness free. I swing my sword and he leaps back and then charges before I can even register that he’s moved. Pain fires through my thigh. He cut me! He shouldn’t be that fast.

  Zairin and Tairin step closer. I motion them back. “This is personal. It’s just between me and him.”

  Po Dee shakes his head. “All of us,” he says and then speeds over to Tairin and slices his knife through the air. Tairin goes into a rolling dodge just in time. Po Dee quickly dashes to Zairin with the same result. I watch Po Dee for weaknesses. He’s good but he can’t keep that speed up forever.

  He speeds toward me and swings his knife. I block with my sword and push him back several steps.

  His eyes glow. “You are all worthy opponents. It’s a shame you will die today.” A whimper comes from Skyla. His gaze cuts to her and Dax and then comes back to mine. “I’m sure he’s good too but since he’s watching over my female I’ll let him be for now.” His eyes brighten even more. “I never waste a scream.”

  This guy is sick. Zairin and Tairin pull their swords. Tairin looks at Po Dee and asks, “How did you get so fast?”

  Len Po Dee smirks. “A little enhancement.”

  “And he’s not the only one,” a deep voice says from the darkened jungle.

  The moon helps us to see but it’s hard and it doesn’t help that this guy is hiding, like the criminal he is.

  “Show yourself,” Zairin yells.

  A halnessian bursts into the area and rushes the twins. The battle has begun. The sing and clank of metal fills the cool night air. Dax is still holding Skyla. I give him the signal and he starts leading her out of here.

  Po Dee snarls and speeds to them. He blocks their path. Skyla yelps and flinches. Po Dee moans and then says, “I don’t think so. She’s mine.”

  Everything is moving in a rush. The twins are grunting as they fight the other one off. I race past them and tackle Po Dee. We both roll and then jump to our feet. His knife cuts deeply into my arm. I growl and grit my teeth as I slice his side with my sword. He’s not the only fast one here.

  He jumps back and his eyes gleam with hate. “Nobody cuts me. You’ll die for that.”

  “I thought I was already going to die?” I taunt. The darkness in me ripples. I lunge and swing. My sword just cuts his shirt.

  He swings wildly and yells, “I’ll make your deat
h hurt so much more. Your screams, your delicious screams will be mine, all mine.”

  Yes, Po Dee has weaknesses. Our weapons ring as we thrust and block—swing and block. Sweat runs down my face as I continue to fight. He’s getting weaker but so am I. The blood coming out of my arm and thigh is not helping. I have to end this.

  I feel Skyla’s gaze on me. With Len Po Dee willing to chase her down Dax has to keep her close. Po Dee can’t feel desperate or things could take a bad turn.

  My blade grazes his cheek and his eyes widen. Hate radiate through his gaze at an even greater level. He jumps back and reaches into his pants pocket. He blocks a blow from my sword and then rushes back a few steps. Po Dee snarls and then pulls out a tiny gun of some sort.

  “No. Cover her.” I dodge a laser stream and brace for what’s to come.

  “Prel. Gun,” Dax yells as he drops down and covers Skyla. I drop down and cover my head. An explosion rocks the whole area. Heat blasts over us.

  Po Dee screams and swats at the flames eating up his shirt. As I jump up, Po Dee lunges for Skyla and Dax. The cold darkness in me takes control on a new level. I go after Len Po Dee. Just as he raises the gun and points it at Dax’s back, I spin him around.

  With a roar I shove his arm aside and thrust my blade deep into his abdomen. I roar again as I pull up on the hilt. Light blue blood pours from his fatal wound and covers my hand.

  His purple gaze goes to the weapon buried inside him and then moves up to mine. His mouth opens but no sound comes out. I watch as the glitter in his eyes fades. When he slumps forward, I push him off my sword and wipe the blade and my hand on his pants.

  Another roar comes from deep within me. My heart races. I came too close to losing Skyla. I turn to see that the other halnessian is dead. The twins are dirty and sweaty but alive and cut-free.

  Dax stands and looks around for anymore threats. I look down at Skyla. Her hands and feet have been freed. Shock and agony fill her pretty eyes.

  She blinks as I pick her up. “You found me.”

  The darkness recedes and my heart softens. “Always.”

  Love replaces the shock in her eyes. I hug her to me and inhale her unique aroma. I growl softly as I nuzzle her neck. Tears threaten but the warrior in me dries them before they can fall.

  I love her so much, but the painful lump in my throat won’t let me tell her.



  ~ Skyla ~


  I can’t stop trembling.

  Ryk is holding me while one of the twins is driving us to the medical facility. Another crew is taking care of the bodies. At the mere thought of Len Po Dee, fresh waves of pain ripple through my hand, arm, and face.

  I still can’t believe he turned out to be so bad. I feel Ryk’s blood. It’s seeping through his pants and I can see it trickling from his arm. He insists on holding me. I hope it doesn’t cost him in the long run.

  Run. I can’t stop seeing me running through the jungle, hiding, being found. Those purple glitter eyes. I shudder causing more pain to slice through me. Ryk holds me tighter and whispers into my ear. I can’t catch what he’s saying but I know it’s calming.

  He came for me. I knew he would, I just didn’t know if he’d make it in time. I breathe in his scent and focus on the calming effects. He does that for me. I snuggle deeper into his embrace.

  Pain shoots through me again. I feel like I’ve been hurting my whole life. My heart aches from loss and pain. Ryk’s hand strokes over my back and the rumble of his voice soothes me.

  He is the balm I need. The way he fought Len tonight was utterly amazing. His body moves with fluidity. So graceful. So powerful.

  I see why he’s a protector. He was built for it. And his dedication to training has made him dang good at it. I’m proud of him.

  He growls softly causing a shiver to race down my spine. I love him too much to let his career stop my feelings for him. Like I could anyway. The big guy draws me to him like no other.

  A need to be even closer to his heart washes over me. I shift to rub my face against his chest. White hot pain fires through my face. I cry out and move back even as he shifts away.

  “Careful, Skyla. You’ll be better soon, little treasure.” The rumble of his voice eases something in my soul.

  The vehicle stopping has me glancing around. One of the twins opens the door and Ryk carries me from the vehicle.

  “Your leg,” I say.

  “I’ve got you, seema.” The confidence in his tone makes me feel a little better.

  I can’t totally stop worrying, but the sight of Dr. GyCan coming out to meet us makes me feel better. Ryk’s cuts will be patched up soon. Dax is talking but I don’t catch all of his words. The pain moving through me makes me lose focus.

  The doctor’s green and silver gaze is assessing and confident. He guides us to a different room than the one Tymor was in. Ryk is forced to release me. His growl echoes in my heart. I don’t want to be parted from him either.

  We are quickly stripped. My cheeks heat. Dr. Lan GyCan has never seen me naked before. I glance down and see a lot of bruises and scratches not to mention the blood on my arm or how bad my face must look.

  He’s a doctor so I shouldn’t feel so embarrassed but I don’t like looking bad. Ryk’s woman should be looking good and be confident. Not a mess.

  I wouldn’t be in this position if I’d been able to tell that Len Po Dee was so bad. I fell for his lines. I feel terrible. I glance over at Ryk. If I’d been smarter he wouldn’t be bleeding. His redish purple blood is oozing from his wounds.

  I blink but tears still escapes. All five males inhale. Growls reverberate through my soul. “I did a bad thing.”

  Ryk is on me in a second. His fierce gaze captures mine. “No, Skyla. Len Po Dee did something bad.”

  One of the twins growls. “And he won’t be doing anything bad again.”

  The doctor steps over and urges Ryk to go to a machine the twins and Dax are near as he starts helping me onto a machine like one I’ve been on before. Dr. GyCan gives me a kind smile as he closes the door.

  I long to see Ryk. Another tear slides down my cheek as I lie on the machine listening to the hum coming from it. A flash of blue light above me catches my attention. I feel a tingle shoot through me as the light starts passing over me. It does it over and over.

  My body slowly starts feeling better and better. I wish my guilt could go away as quickly as my physical pain. Over the humming, I think I hear a growl. Ryk’s voice calms me. He’s alive and so are the others. The twins dodging abilities saved them. I need to focus on the good.

  Doubt in my abilities to gage who is good and who is bad assails me. I don’t know how to overcome it. I don’t want to get anyone else hurt.

  A beep comes from the machine and then the door is opening. Ryk’s searching gaze runs over my nude body. I look down and see that I’m still dirty but I’m healed. As Ryk helps me up, I notice that his wounds are completely healed. I love their technology.

  Too bad they don’t have a smart chip. One that makes people like me less gullible. I feel like shit. Ryk growls.

  I look up. Guilt stabs my heart. I could have gotten us all killed. “I’m sorry.”

  He leans down and sniffs my neck. A shiver runs through me. “You shouldn’t feel that way. We are going to talk about this at home.”

  I’m handed a shirt. While I slip it on Ryk slides into a pair of pants. The muscles in his chest flex reminding me of how strong he is. The light catches in his family mark. That’s another sign of his power. He takes my hand and growls softly. My heart flutters. He’s my family.

  After he talks to Dr. GyCan we all head out. One of the twins drives while the other scans the jungle. They really need nametags. Dax sits in the back of the mission vehicle with us but his attention is on the screen on his wristband.

  I still feel guilty but the guys are not staring menacing daggers through me. Ryk holds me tightly to him. I welcome his embrace.
/>   He nuzzles my neck. “Stop what you’re thinking, seema.”

  Heat fires my cheeks. I can’t stop thinking that all of this is my fault. It will be daylight soon. We should be waking up after a night of sleeping in one another’s arms not riding home dirty and freshly healed.

  Once we are home I expect him to start grilling me but instead he leads me the shower. He rushes us through the cleansing process when all I want to do is dwell on my guilt under a warm spray of water. He’s not having that though.


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