Caught On Tape

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Caught On Tape Page 20

by Natalie Knight

  I don’t know what happened, but now I no longer want to just let her go to Scott. He’s like a brother to me, sure, but passing Carly around like that…it just doesn’t feel right.

  But I don’t have to pass her around, do I? We can just share.

  If Carly doesn’t want it, we will honor her wishes completely. God knows, that’s why we haven’t done it yet. If she doesn’t want it, she doesn’t want it. But I hope that she does. I want to fuck her, and now I want to fuck her with my best friend.

  “Listen, if we do this, or even if we don’t, you can’t talk about this. I can’t let Hull or any of the others find out, or we’ll lose so much.”

  Scott nods. “Who am I going to tell?”

  “I know,” I say. “But I’m serious. Hull scares the shit out of me. His money is so needed right now, and he was so anal about that fight. If he finds out we’re doing something like this, or even that I already slept with her, it will be my head rolling.”

  Scott waves his hand. “It’s not going to come from me, trust me on that. Even if I don’t get to have her at all, I’m not going to risk the company.”

  I nod and take a deep breath. Hull has me worked up into a frenzy. Why am I not backing down and doing what he asks? Why am I putting myself in this position by doing what I know he doesn’t want me to do?

  Well, for one, it is still my company. And I want Carly, and usually, I get what I want. Besides, fucking her when she is my assistant is a thrill. It’s one of those things that is considered forbidden, and the moment someone told me that I’m not allowed to do something, I want to do it.

  “How are we going to do it?” Scott asks. He’s shifted in his seat, but I can see how turned on he is. Men can’t exactly hide an erection.

  “Listen,” I start, running the tip of my tongue between my lips and locking eyes with Scott. “I can’t simply let of her. You can be with her, I know you want it. But I want her too – even if we have to share.” I study his expression for a second, trying to read it, and then he just grins at me.

  “Well, that’s an easy proposal,” he laughs, and then pats my arm. “You’re just an extension of myself, man, so we don’t have to worry about it.”

  “I think the easiest way will be to spend a bit of time with her, the two of us, and let her get to know us and get comfortable with us. I think that will make it easier to do, then. More comfortable when we’re all comfortable around each other.”

  Scott nods slowly, thinking. “Yeah, that could work.”

  “And if she doesn’t go for it, we stick to just fucking her alone, without the other.”

  Scott grins again. “I can live with that. I like it. I want her to agree, though. I can just imagine what it will be like. God, how long have we been talking about this?”

  “Too long,” I say. “It’s time to make it happen.”

  “Doesn’t change our bet. It’s still a race to VP,” he tells me, that flash of competition in his eyes.

  “Race to VP.”

  Scott nods. “When are we going out?” he asks. “Tonight?”

  I shake my head. “I have a family thing I can’t get out of. Let’s do tomorrow night.”

  “We’ll have to go somewhere else than The Exchange for a while. Not just because of the fight but because of the tabloids.”

  I nod. Scott is right. They will be keeping an eye on the place, waiting for us because we are there so often. We will have to do something different. I don’t like going to other places when I have somewhere I enjoy.

  There isn’t much I can do about it, though.

  Scott slaps his hands on his thighs and pushes himself up.

  “I guess I better get back to work,” he says. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow morning. We’ll make plans.”

  I nod and watch Scott leave. He is just as interested in Carly as I am. If she agrees, this is happening. God, the idea of a threesome has become a kind of dream, unreachable but something we still hope for every time.

  Now, it looks like are finally getting there. Of course, we still don’t know for sure. Just because I’ve slept with her doesn’t mean she would do Scott as well. And I don’t know if she’ll consider the two of us together, once we pose it to her as something that would really happen.

  It’s still worth a shot.

  Carly comes into the office again.

  “Mr. Reed phoned. He wants to know if you’re still doing lunch with him on Monday. I confirmed for you and asked his secretary to send through the details.”

  “Thanks, Carly,” I say. She does her job well. I’m relieved someone is working hard because my mind has been on other things all day.

  “What are you doing tomorrow night?” I ask.

  Carly blinks at me before her lips pull up into a smile.


  “Scott and I are going out. I wanted you to join us.”

  She raises her eyebrows, and she looks like she wants to say something, but she swallows it. When she speaks, it isn’t what she wants to say.

  “I’m taking my sister out. I was a bit of a bitch to her, and I want to make it up to her.”

  I nod. She has a sister. Interesting.

  “You can always join us afterward, you know,” I say.

  She thinks about it for a moment. “That could work,” she says. “I’ll have to see, though.”

  I nod. “I’ll text you the details in the morning, and you can swing by if you want to.”

  She smiles and nods. “I’ll try,” she says.

  “I hope I’ll see you there.”

  She leaves my office again, and I watch her leave. I really hope she will come. I want to see her again, but I want her to get to know Scott as well. If we are all comfortable around each other, maybe there is a chance of this happening. But it isn’t just about that. She is hot and she is funny, and I want to go out and have a good time with her.

  Even if nothing else happens.

  After Wednesday and how eager she was to get into bed with me, I doubt that nothing would happen, even though I told her we couldn’t do it again. If I feel it with her, I am going to go ahead and come onto her. And if she doesn’t say no, well, then it is going to happen.

  I know that I am playing with fire, that I am taking chances, but I want to risk it. For her, for fantastic sex and a possible threesome, I would risk it all. We just have to be careful. What are the chances of us getting caught, anyway?


  “Come on, Em. It will be fun. Let’s just let our hair down. We haven’t gone out dancing together since you and Ron started dating.”

  Emma rolls her eyes. She is applying makeup in the mirror, and she doesn’t like the idea of going to a club. The music is too loud to talk, and everyone just gets drunk. That is her reasoning.

  “That’s because we’re adults now, Carly.”

  I groan. “So now that you’re an ‘adult,’ you’re never going to live a little again? You went from zero to granny in two years.”

  Emma looks in the mirror at me and her eyes aren’t friendly.

  “I thought you wanted to make it up to me,” she says.

  I sigh. “We’re making it up to each other, remember? It takes two people to fight.”

  “I know, I know,” she says. “Fine. We’ll go to your stupid club.”

  I smile and hug her. Kevin had texted me the details. They are going to Aqua, and I want to go with them. I know I am using Emma a bit to spend time with Kevin, but I tell myself that if she meets him, she will realize that what we’d done isn’t so bad.

  There was a time when Emma had been cool about everything. I don’t know when she changed into the person she is now–maybe Ron is half the problem–but it is getting harder and harder to relate to her. Still, I see her as my confidante, and I tell her everything. She disagrees with about half of it now, so we get stuck often, but I make it work.

  She is my sister, after all.

  I put on a red dress that is so tight, it looks painted on. It is just short enough
to make my legs look impossibly long, and I’m wearing big black heels with it. My dark hair with the red dress makes me look fierce, and I want Kevin to see me like this. I feel good. I feel sexy.

  Emma put on a nice pair of pants and a blouse that is a lot less revealing than she used to wear. She may not have the same body type as I do, but she can do low-cut tops and skinny jeans. She just doesn’t anymore.

  “Right, then,” she says when she’s finally finished. “Let’s go.”

  We get into Emma’s car. She isn’t going to drink so she volunteered to drive. I’m scared that means we will leave early. Who parties sober? But she insisted, and I couldn’t pick another fight on the night I’m supposed to fix the last fight we had.

  We park close to Aqua and walk the last block. There is a line, and when we finally make it inside, it is packed.

  “Why are we here, again?” Emma asks over the music.

  “To have fun,” I say.

  Emma mumbles something, but I ignore her. The music gets louder as we walk farther inside, and the club is dark with bluish lighting. I am already dancing, scanning the crowd for Kevin and Scott.

  I want to party the night away.

  We go to the bar first, and I order a vodka tonic for me and a water for Emma. We pay and head back out toward the dancefloor. I spot Kevin and Scott standing in a corner, looking around. My stomach leaps, and I tap Emma on the shoulder.

  “He’s here,” I say.

  “Who?” she asks. The music is so loud, we have to lean into each other to hear what we are saying.

  “Kevin, my boss. And a colleague. Let me introduce you.”

  Emma shakes her head, but I grab her hand and drag her with me. When Kevin sees me coming through the crowd, he smiles and nudges Scott. As I come closer, the two of them look me up and down in unison. Well now, nothing as nice as attention from two men.

  “This is Emma,” I say, pulling my sister to stand next to me. “This is Kevin and Scott.”

  Emma smiles politely, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

  “What a coincidence that you’re here the same time we are,” Emma says, and I know what she is getting at. She knows that I came here to see Kevin. She knows me well enough.

  The only difference is before, she would have agreed to make it happen for me. Now, she is more like my mom and trying to get away from everything that we used to do together.

  “We’re going to dance,” Kevin says, leaning into me. His cologne is strong and intoxicating. “Come with us.”

  I nod. Emma shakes her head. We all ignore her and go to the dancefloor. Emma follows us, and we find a small space on the dancefloor the four of us can squeeze into. Kevin is to my left, Emma to my right. I move to the music, letting it flow through me. I love to dance.

  Emma looks sour. She keeps glaring at Kevin.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  Emma shakes her head. “I can’t stand here and watch you do this,” she says.

  “Do what?”

  “Throw your life away.”

  I roll my eyes. This isn’t going to go away, is it?

  “What’s wrong?” Kevin asks, leaning in to hear our conversation since we’d stopped dancing. I’m pissed off and not in the mood to make Emma feel better if she is going to insist on being a little bitch.

  “Emma is just jealous,” I say.

  “What?” Emma cries.

  I look at her with a you-know-it’s-true face. I am being a bitch, yes, but she is being a real pain in my ass. I don’t need her raining on my parade when I’m old enough to look after myself.

  “Fuck this shit,” Emma says. “I’m leaving.”

  She turns and disappears into the crowd before I can say something.

  “That was my ride home,” I say.

  “I’ll get you home, princess. Don’t worry.”

  Kevin called me princess, and that makes everything else fall away. It’s another one of those little comments that can come across so wrong, but the way he says it makes me shiver.

  “It’s fine,” I say when Kevin wants to say something to me about it. “I don’t care. I’m here with you guys now. Let’s enjoy ourselves.”

  Kevin and Scott exchange a glance that I can’t read, and I don’t bother trying to decipher it. I want to get drunk and move my body to the music.

  The boys are happy to oblige. Scott organizes shots for us. Three shots of tequila. I don’t bother to do the salt-and-lemon routine. We do another round, just for good measure, and when I have the two drinks down and am sipping a cocktail of my own, I feel better. I’m starting to feel light and airy, and the fight with Emma is staring to fade into the background.

  “Let’s go dance,” Kevin says with his mouth so close to my ear that his hot breath on my neck gives me goosebumps. My body is hot after having the tequila, and I am getting wet. Alcohol does that to me.

  I nod and he takes my hand, leading me onto the dancefloor. Scott follows closely behind, and we start dancing. I move my body to the music. It’s the one thing I know I can do well, and the music flowing through me always makes me feel amazing.

  Kevin steps closer to me so that his body is pressed up against mine. His hands wrap around my hips, and he pulls me closer still. His crotch is against mine, and I can feel his hard dick as he grinds against me. We sway together, dry-humping to the music.

  I feel another body behind me, and I glance over my shoulder, confirming that it is Scott. He seems careful, unsure if he is overstepping, but my blood is boiling after the fallout with my sister and the alcohol. I like the idea of having him at my back. His arms come around my waist, and he pulls himself against me, pushing himself against my ass.

  He is hard, too. I can feel his cock through his jeans and the thin material of the dress I’m wearing. And I like it. I get wetter, my body responding to the double-hit I am getting. Scott and Kevin both rub themselves against me. Kevin’s hands trail down to my bare thighs. Scott’s hands are on my hips, and they move back and forth to the music. I am caught in a cock sandwich, and I love it.

  Something vibrates against my thigh.

  “Sorry,” Kevin says and steps away. He answers the phone, his other hand pressed to his ear so that he can hear. I turn my attention back to Scott who is still behind me, grinding into my ass. His hands are still on my body, and he is pulling me against him, moving to the music that pulsates through me like sex.

  “I have to go,” Kevin says, leaning over my shoulder so both Scott and I can hear him. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry,” Scott says. “I’ll get her home.” He lets go of me and leans toward Kevin, talking in his other ear for a moment before Kevin nods.

  “I’m sorry to love and leave you guys,” he says. Kevin pulls me close for a hug. It is one of those hugs that presses our bodies together completely, and I feel the line of his body, taut and muscular and hot.

  “I’ll see you around,” he says in my ear and kisses me on the cheek before he turns around and leaves.

  “Work emergency,” Scott says when I turned to him. “But you and I can still have some fun.”

  I shiver at the way he says it. He is practically a stranger. But he is hot and handsome–with dark hair and grassy green eyes. I let him pull me closer to him again on the dance floor. We move to the music, his body pressing against mine, his cock grinding against my crotch. I am getting hotter and wetter. Scott’s hands roam my body and we are getting more daring, less concerned about what the other clubgoers will think of us.

  This is the second guy in less than a week, but the alcohol makes me reckless, and I want this. I want him.

  Scott’s hands slide over my breasts, and his head dips into the crook of my neck. I gasp when he nibbles on my skin at the same time he squeezes my breasts. I am so wet. The excitement of being with someone new touches me in all the right places.

  “I want you,” I say into his ear. I’m being daring.

  “I want you, too,” he says. “I want you to be my dirty girl.”

  The words alone make me shiver.

  “Right now,” he adds.

  He pulls away from me when he says it and takes my hand, leading me through the crowds. He is taking me away to fuck me, I’m sure. And I want it. I want him to fuck me hard. My body needs it. I need that release. I am hot and horny.

  Instead of leading me to the door and taking me home, Scott turns in a different direction.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “Somewhere I can have you,” he says.

  We move farther and farther away from the crowds, the music becoming a dull thump in the background. He finds a door and tries it. It opens and it looks like a storage closet.

  “Here?” I ask.

  “Oh, yes,” he says.

  He pulls me inside. He might have done it anyway, even if I want to protest, but I don’t resist his advances at all. My body is desperate to be alone with him.

  Scott closes the door behind us and clicks on a light. We are squashed in between boxes and alcohol bottles and glasses. Scott presses me against the door, pinning me with his body. His tongue is in my mouth before I can think straight. Everything about him is different than with Kevin. Scott is harder, more demanding. It brings out the submissive side in me. His hand goes to my breast, pinching the nipple through the material so that I whimper into his mouth.

  “Is there a lock on the door?” I ask between kisses.

  “We’ll keep it closed with your body,” he says and kisses me again.

  I’m not about to fight him on that. I am just drunk enough that I don’t care about getting caught. Scott pushes his hand beneath the skirt of my dress, and his fingers probe my clit through the thin material of my thong. I gasp.

  He pulls the panties aside and pushes a finger into me. I gasp again and open my legs.

  “Play with yourself for me, kitten,” he says and steps back. I blink at him.


  “Touch yourself, sweetness. Make yourself come, I want to watch you.”

  Desire flares when he talks dirty to me. I’m not getting sex, but God, this is hot. I pull my dress up so that it’s around my waist, exposing my panties. I run my fingers over the satin material, pushing against my clit. My other hand goes to my breast. I tug my neckline down, showing off my bra, and rub circles around my nipples through the matching material. My lips are parted. I lick them and breathe through my mouth. My eyes are on Scott.


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