“Good idea,” he said, then leaning down to lick her nipples into hardened pebbles. She gasped as he suckled her breast. She grabbed his head and held it in place, feeling the pull of his mouth and the tickle of his tongue enticing her. He, and his talented tongue, knew exactly what to do to get her wet. And she was suddenly so very, very wet.
He continued licking, kissing and sucking each breast then slowly he knelt down like before. But this time he lifted her leg over onto his shoulder. She leaned back against the rail, her arms wide, her neck stretched and her head back. As his tongue entered, her knees wobbled, weakened by his erotic intrusion. He grabbed her buttocks and pulled her closer. He found her nub and took it into his mouth. He feasted lavishly. She gasped and trembled, shaking as he suckled her to near explosion. She wanted to make it last but she couldn’t stop herself. She screamed into the gray morning sky.
“I guess I was hungry after all,” he said when he stood up.
Still breathing hard, she pulled the drawstring at the waistband of his sweatpants releasing them to puddle at his bare feet. He was free and ready to love her. She ran her nails down the length of his chest, feeling the hardness of his abs. She spread delicate kisses over him and around each nipple. She heard him gasp then hold his breath and knew he’d allow her to play with him as long as she desired. But she didn’t want to play long. She wanted him again, this time full, thick and inside her.
While still kissing him, she reached down to grasp him. She held him tight, feeling the engorged hunger in her hand. He throbbed and pulsated as short silky curls slipped repeatedly through her fingers. He was hard and she was ready.
“Mia,” he moaned, his voice deep, slow and husky. He was holding control by the thinnest thread of sanity and she wanted him to release it in her now.
She grabbed for the open shirt pocket and pulled out a condom. “I think I know us well enough to know that we need a few of these little packets every few minutes,” she said when she saw him smile. She fit the condom over him, rolling it out with exaggerated slowness.
“Are you ready for me?” she whispered. “’Cause I’m ready for you.”
That was all he needed to hear. His restraint vanished. Instantly he picked her up, holding her in a viselike grip, and laid her on her back on the chaise with him over her.
This was different, Mia thought, and she liked it. He was on top. She shivered, excited by the prospect of his power over her and in turn, her power over him.
He touched her, gently squeezing her breasts as his thumbs tickled and tantalized her already hard nipples. She arched up. “Stephen, now. Come inside me now.” Either he didn’t hear her or he ignored her, because he continued touching and teasing her to madness. He reached down between her legs, feeling her wetness, knowing she was ready for him again. She shuddered and called out to him, but her words were drowned out as his mouth covered hers. His kiss was hard and possessive. His tongue met hers in a frantic dance. Tremors and shockwaves began surging through her. His hands, his mouth, his tongue, his hips, all worked in unison to drive her insane with rapture.
She closed her eyes tight and writhed beneath him aching for him to be inside of her. As the intensity of passion increased, she gripped his hips in anticipation. Then she felt him. She lifted her hips to meet him and in a blinding instant he was deep inside of her. She screamed, digging her nails into his skin, holding on to him as the power of his first surge took her breath away.
He released then returned, filling her again, repeating his quick, fierce actions. He was strong and powerful and their lovemaking matched the intensity of their passion. Her heart pounded wildly as he entered her and withdrew. The swell of rapture increased, building higher and pulling tighter, threatening to explode at any second. But it didn’t. They each held on, giving more, getting more.
He surged into her and she met him, thrust for thrust, welcoming him again and again. They surged higher and higher until finally she opened her eyes and looked into his. They watched as it came for them. Quick and fierce, the power of their explosion caused them both to shudder. Her legs, wrapped tightly around him, shook uncontrollably and he panted, gasping tiny breaths of air. It was magical and Mia wished her climax would never end.
Later they lay in the exact same position as earlier that morning. Mia was completely content. “You need to go,” she whispered, raining tiny kisses over his chest.
“I need to stay.” But he sighed heavily, knowing he was obligated elsewhere. “But you’re right, I do have to leave soon.”
She sat up and looked back at him still reclining on the chaise. She smiled. “You know, what you said before was right. It was kinda nice to relinquish control.”
“Kinda nice, is that all?” he teased, pulling her down, lifting her leg over his body and rubbing her buttocks while pressing her close. He dipped his head to capture her breast to start their lovemaking all over again.
She laughed and moved away. “No, no, it was more than kinda nice. It was awesome.”
He paused. “Okay, I guess that’s a little better. But how about if we go for mind-blowing when I get back?”
She giggled as he licked her nipple. “Okay, you’ve got a deal. I’ll meet you back here and we’ll go for mind-blowingly awesome.”
“No, stay here and wait for me,” he urged.
“I’ll think about it,” she said, knowing that she’d leave just after he did. She did have pearls and her father more than likely still had the sheer apron she’d loved to wear when she’d cooked for him years ago. The idea of surprising Stephen by dressing in his fantasy when he came home was too tempting to resist.
Chapter 16
“Hey, guys, sorry I didn’t call back earlier.” Mia had arrived at her father’s house and finally returned her stepsisters’ calls. “I forgot to take my phone and since the hurricane, the signal’s been going in and out anyway. Okay, let me tell you about the house and then y’all are never gonna believe what happened this morning. I still can’t believe it. And then what we did in public, no less. Although in truth, no one was around except a few sea gulls, and I don’t think that really counts. But before that—”
“Mia, wait. You’re rambling,” Janelle said.
“I know, this phone is crazy and it might go out. I can barely hear you as it is, so I’m talking fast before the signal goes. Anyway, I found out the house is basically already sold. I don’t know what I can do about that yet, but I have a plan that I hope will work. I just need to get the woman in the clerk’s office to give me the buyer’s name. Maybe I can make a deal with them instead of the bank.”
“Mia, let us give you the money. It’ll be a belated birthday gift,” Nya said.
Mia smiled happily thinking about their last birthday gifts to her—the book and props from Nya, and the dress and white loungewear from Janelle. Both had come in handy recently. “Thanks, guys, but no, I want to do this on my own. I have good credit and my condo is paid for. I should be able to get another mortgage on Dad’s place.”
“Mia, if you won’t take the money as a gift then we’ll call it an investment. The house will be our girls’ getaway in Key West,” Nya said.
“Nya, don’t you already have a girls’ get away on Paradise Island?”
“You can never have too many getaways,” Nya said.
“I appreciate the offer, but I need to do this by myself. So what’s with the dozen phone calls yesterday?”
“Tell her,” Janelle said.
“Tell me what?” Mia asked.
“I did a more thorough search on that cop guy, Esteban Morales.”
“Good grief, he’s an axe murderer,” Mia joked.
“No, Mia. Do you know who his father is?” Janelle asked.
“Yes, Carlos Morales. Stephen told me yesterday. My dad did some articles on him and his company. Dad ripped him apart pretty good.”
“There’s more. Carlos Morales is the owner and CEO of Morales Hotel Development. Esteban Morales
is COO and vice president. It’s the company that four years ago went after your father.”
“No, it’s other way around. Dad went after them. I read the articles he wrote. They must have been furious.”
“Oh, they were furious, all right,” Nya quipped sarcastically.
“What do you mean?” Mia asked. Janelle laid it out to her, telling her exactly what had happened after her father wrote the articles she read. “But there must be some mistake,” Mia said, confused. “Stephen said that the articles were true. He agreed with my dad. That’s why he quit the company. That’s how Dad and Stephen became friends.”
“Friends? Are you sure about that?” Nya asked. “According to all this I don’t see how they could have been friends. You always said that your dad could hold on to a grudge for years, right?” Mia didn’t respond.
“Well, I don’t know how that played out, Mia, but according to everything here, Stephen and Carlos went after your father and damn near destroyed him. They trashed his career and made him disreputable in the business. That’s why he stopped writing. You always blamed yourself thinking it was because of the argument you had. It wasn’t.”
“See,” Nya said, “it had nothing to do with you or the argument about Neal.”
“That’s right. It looks like he was right in the middle of all this when you and he argued. He didn’t quit writing because of you. He quit because of the Morales family,” Janelle added.
Mia didn’t answer. She was going over everything Stephen had ever said about her father. “This can’t be right. If he helped ruin my father’s reputation, why would Dad befriend him? It makes no sense.”
“I agree. It doesn’t,” Nya said.
“Are you sure they were really friends?” Janelle asked.
Mia didn’t answer. Janelle was right. It didn’t make sense for them to become friendly as if nothing had happened. Her father wasn’t that forgiving.
“Wait a minute,” Janelle said, interrupting her thoughts. “What do you mean he quit? He didn’t quit the business.”
“Yes he did. He told me he did. That’s why he’s a deputy sheriff. He quit the company.”
“He didn’t quit, Mia,” Nya said slowly, “not according to papers filed with the state board this year. It’s a privately owned company without a board of directors, so there’s no annual report per se, but all public records still have Stephen Morales on the payroll as vice president and COO.”
“How is that possible. He’s a cop with a gun and uniform and everything.”
“I don’t know,” Nya said, “but it says in the file that both he and his dad paid some serious fines and penalties after everything happened. And by serious, I mean six-figure serious. Your dad cost them a ton of money, both businesswise and personally.”
“No, it can’t be. Why would he lie like that? Why would he do this to me? Why would he tell me that he…” She paused.
“Revenge maybe,” Janelle suggested.
“Well, it’s a good thing you didn’t really continue with him. Can you imagine what he’d have up his sleeve to get back at Leo still? I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to seduce the house from under you,” Nya said.
“What do you mean?” Mia asked.
“He could distract you while he takes away the last thing that belonged to your father and levels it. You said that the property was worth a lot, so wouldn’t that be the ultimate revenge? Taking Leo’s house and selling it would recoup some of what he paid out in fines. In the end it would be like your dad did all this for nothing.”
Mia didn’t reply. She was too stunned.
“I don’t know about all that,” Janelle said, “but I am glad you didn’t keep dealing with him. He sounds too much like his father to be trusted.”
“Mia, listen, the weather reports say that the hurricane is still hovering in the area, but Janelle and I are talking about flying down today. I’ll talk to my friend and set it up,” Nya said.
“No, don’t, please. This is already such a mess. Stay there. I have to do this. I’m staying for as long as it takes.”
“Do you hear yourself?” Nya asked. “You’re actually talking about giving up a vacation on Paradise Island to sit in some county office begging for a reprieve.”
“That’s not the point. It was my dad’s house and he left it to me.” She looked around her childhood bedroom. It was exactly as she remembered. “It’s the only thing I have of him. I can’t just let it go like that. I can’t walk away, not after how I left it with him.”
“Mia, that’s just your guilt talking. Your dad knew how much you loved him. Believe me, no silly argument could change that. Let go of the past and forgive yourself. I know he did,” Janelle said.
Janelle was right. Mia did feel guilty. She’d turned her back on her father when he’d needed her most. Now it was too late to ask for forgiveness, but she could save the one thing he cared about—his beach house.
“Mia, you should leave,” Nya insisted. “I mean, we understand why you’re doing this, but it’s a hurricane for heaven’s sake. Somehow I doubt your dad would want you staying in a hurricane just to save his house.”
“I have to do this,” she said quietly.
“Mia, we’re sorry,” Janelle said. “We didn’t know how to tell you, but we knew we had to.”
“I know, guys. You know I’m not angry with you. I’m mad at myself for being gullible again. I guess I didn’t learn anything after the Neal fiasco. Looks like I can add the Esteban fiasco to the list.”
“None of this is your fault. You know that, right?” Nya asked.
“Right,” Janelle added, “so don’t even think that.”
“You do what you have to do,” Nya added, “and we’ll wait to hear from you.”
“Thanks, guys. I just need to tie up a few loose ends here and then I’ll head directly to Paradise Island.”
“We’ll meet you there,” Nya said.
“I thought you couldn’t get away?” Mia asked.
“Change of plans,” Janelle said. “We’re coming.”
“If you don’t mind, I think I want to be by myself for a while. I need to think.”
“Fine, we’ll give you a few days, but then we’re coming.”
Nya concurred with Janelle and then added, “Mia, you know we—”
“I know,” Mia interrupted. “I love you guys, too. And don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
Janelle and Nya continued talking, but Mia had no idea what they were saying. Her head spun in a million different directions. Everything she thought she knew was wrong. Did Stephen lie to her? And why? To hurt her like he did her father? She felt sick and dizzy all at the same time. She tossed the apron and pearls she still held in her hand across the room. “I gotta go.”
“Wait, what about what you were going to tell us about this morning?” Nya said quickly.
“Never mind.” Mia hung up, so furious she was shaking.
“I did it,” Stephen said happily, as soon as Terrence picked up the phone at the radio station.
“Did what?” Terrence asked, instantly recognizing his friend’s voice.
“I’m following your lead, man. I asked Mia to marry me.”
“Hey, congratulations. That’s great news.”
“Thanks, although I’m not popping champagne corks just yet. I’m still waiting for an answer.”
“So she’s okay with everything that went down between you and Leo?” Terrence asked. He was in the middle of a play list and had time to talk.
“I didn’t tell her everything yet.”
“What exactly did you tell her?”
“I gave her the file and she read the first few articles. I’ll tell her the rest this evening.”
“Living kind of dangerously, aren’t you?”
“She loves me. That’s all that matters.” Stephen couldn’t keep the smile from his voice.
“Yo, man, the love thing is awesome, I totally agree, but I ain’t gonna lie to you, you know there’s a good chance
that she’s going to see this differently after everything comes out.”
“Yeah, I know, but I gotta believe Leo knew what he was talking about.” In fact, he was banking on it.
“I hope you’re right.”
“I hope so, too. All right, I gotta go. Talk to you later.”
Stephen hung up then stood at the Port of Key West waiting for the last few cruise-ship passengers to disembark. The massive ship had arrived three hours earlier, but it was taking a while for the remaining passengers to leave. Apparently some passengers didn’t particularly like the idea of staying in Key West to ride out Hurricane Ana’s pending return. Usually the wait didn’t bother him. But not today. Today all he could think about was returning to his home and finding Mia waiting there for him.
“I love you, too.” The words had echoed in his thoughts all morning, making him feel as if he was walking on air. Hearing those four little words had changed everything for him. Mia was his and all he had to do now was finish telling her the truth.
He walked down Duvall Street, the town center. Most of the shops and restaurants were closed and boarded tight, a far cry from the usual gaiety and laid-back environment. Lively entertainment was the area’s specialty and most visitors thrived on the adult amusements. On any given day the place was usually packed with cruise-ship tourists and locals. Of the three main docks at port, he preferred Mallory Square. It was far more interesting than either Pier B, a private dock, or the Navy Mole.
Stephen stared out at the horizon. The day had gotten increasingly gray and ominous. It was as if the universe was telling him something. The smile plastered on his face all morning had slowly dissipated. He tried to hold on to the one thing that kept him going—she loved him. She said it. But he knew he was dancing on a tightrope and any minute his world could crash down on him.
He looked out across the water. The sea was choppy and the clouds hung heavy and threatening. Meteorologists and newscasters were warning now that Hurricane Ana might return. The unsteady system had been churning in the Gulf’s warm water gaining strength and power. But for right now, it was far enough away to do no immediate harm to the Keys.
Sultry Storm (Kimani Romance) Page 15