Love's Freedom

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Love's Freedom Page 4

by Misty Wright

  Then he flicked his eyes to her sister again. "Right?"

  Obviously, behind her Julie shook her head.

  "See?" he said. Mark grinned, setting those mocha-tinted eyes back on her.

  "I'm not going," she said adamantly, not having another defense. Who the heck could think with those deep brown eyes on them, anyway?

  "Nice to meet you, Julie," he said, turning away keeping his grin.

  "Anytime," she said dreamily, leaning against the door frame to the back room and fanning herself with her hand.

  "Mark!" Evangeline called after him. He waved over his shoulder before he walked out of the shop giving her a view of his nice broad back. "The nerve!"

  Mark was still grinning when he got in his car. She may have not wanted to go, but her sister did. It was obvious that she was very interested in him and the more aggressive of the two, but she wasn't the one he was after. Because of Julie, he was one hundred percent confident they would both be there. As for that bullshit line Evangeline tried to feed him, she wouldn't be looking at his mouth the way she was the day before if she was involved with another man. Even if she was, he was still going after her. If a woman was involved but looked at him the way she did, it wasn't solid. He didn't miss the subtle glances to his chest, either.

  "What a conceited-"

  "Oh Evangeline, please let's go," Julie begged from behind her.

  Evangeline whirled on her sister with wide eyes after Mark left. "Are you insane? Tito will throw a fit. Papa will most likely send me to a convent. And I don't think I want to feed that ego. It's big enough as it is," she said, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "Who does that? Comes in and basically tells me what I'm doing and who I'm seeing." Her sister didn't help by ignoring her completely and doing what every woman did around him: drooled.

  "God, I didn't think they made men that sexy," she said, walking past her to the window to see him walk around a black Porsche and get in the driver's side. "Look at him in that suit-and he drives a Porsche."

  Evangeline despised it when her sister ignored her like that. "I hate you," Evangeline said.

  Julie waved a hand over her shoulder as if she heard her sister talk like that every day. After the car pulled away, she turned and looked at her little sister.

  "Leave the excuses for us not being at dinner to me."

  "Didn't you hear me? I'm not going. How many times do I have to say that?"

  "If you don't go, he'll be back," said Julie.


  Julie really wanted to go, so she softened her voice calculatingly, which she had done so many times with Evangeline to get her to do what she wanted. "Evangeline, you're not doing anything wrong. Besides, we've lived in this city our whole lives and the only time we've ever watched a game is when Tito and Glen watch it on the television." She sighed. "I really want to go."

  Evangeline ran her fingers through her hair in frustration, moving it off her forehead. She actually liked hockey, but didn't follow the names of the players like her brothers and her father did. This team was a big deal because they had won the cup two years in a row. Well, at least now she knew that her brothers were right about who he was.

  "I'll tell Papa we're going to the movies."

  "We are not lying," she said adamantly. "I can't do that to Papa."

  "Then I'll tell him we're going out because a customer gave us tickets to an event. Does that mean you're considering it?"

  "I don't know." She leaned on the counter and put her face in her hands. "He is handsome. He just seems so-"

  "Sexy, gorgeous, charming, "Julie said, her eyes wide, "vigorous, muscular," she purred.

  "Oh, stop!" She stood. "He's too sure of himself. I don't want him to get the wrong idea. I'm sure he is used to a certain type of woman. I can't be her."

  "He's an athlete, Evangeline. They do have really large egos so you're probably right, but just be yourself. It's not like you're a stranger to an alpha male. Our brothers could probably match him in conceit."

  She shrugged. "Tito and Glen are just that, our brothers. This man is too much for me."

  "Oh, he'll rub off on you." She looked back out the window. "I would love it if someone like that rubbed on me."

  Evangeline flushed and turned to go back to her arrangements. She knew that Julie had some experience with men and had no problem telling her about them, but it was just too personal for her. She would be lying if she said she didn't find his charm attractive, and he was really a nice-looking man, but it also scared her. Her brothers made sure that she knew exactly what men thought about women and that they were only after one thing. She knew they used it as a scare tactic, but it worked. She'd had a few dates, but something about them always turned her off. It wasn't anything horrible, just that she didn't find them attractive, even though they were nice-looking men. However, this man was probably the nicest looking man that ever asked her out, and he was smart, too, or he wouldn't have changed tactics so quickly. Somehow, he knew she'd say no, or avoid the question again-and who in their right mind could turn down rink side tickets to a hockey game? She bit her bottom lip. Most likely they were worth several hundred dollars, too.


  Mark cast a glance over his shoulder six minutes into the first period for the third time. The two seats were still empty. He cursed under his breath.

  "She'll come," Janine said, intensely watching the game in front of him while chewing on his mouth guard like bubble gum. He was leaning forward, holding his stick and resting his elbows on his knees. He was superb at multitasking. He didn't even turn his head to take his eyes off the game to see what Mark was doing.

  Mark didn't answer him, but he hoped Janine was right. That's why he had worked on the sister. She was openly excited about going and practically falling all over herself around him, but Evangeline seemed very unsure. It was a terrific name, Evangeline. Hell, she was so damn beautiful. He'd already told Janine her name and everything else he had learned about her that day.

  The whistle blew then for an out-of-play puck, and their line was back on the ice.

  "I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Evangeline said, following her sister down the aisle to their row. They were late because of traffic and for some reason, Julie thought she should dress to the nines. Evangeline only wore a pair of jeans and a green knit sweater in case she got cold. Not Julie, who wore a skirt and tank top. She remarked that it was in the arena, and cold, but Julie just brushed it off.

  "I'm so excited," her sister said, looking over her shoulder as they shimmied by people in the row to take their seats.

  Evangeline started to feel selfish. Her sister was glowing. It was a great opportunity, and she and Julie worked at the flower shop six days a week and barely had time for a social life. Her father spent all day doing the deliveries and their brothers worked in construction. The flower shop had been in their family since her grandparents emigrated from Italy. Her brothers didn't think that two Italian men working at a flower shop was a good career choice, so they took jobs elsewhere.

  Together they all made a decent living, but this was a rare treat. First of all, she knew right away that the seats were expensive and she really shouldn't have accepted the gift. Yet, seeing the look on her sister's face made her keep her mouth shut and let her enjoy it.

  "Oh, look at those men. They look so big!" she said, referring to the hockey players in the bench in front of her. Julie took her seat and grinned at the man sitting next to her with a team jersey on to cheer for the home team. He gave her an odd look, but she didn't care.

  Just then, Janine, Mark and Mark came off the ice to switch players, and Janine nudged Mark as they went through the gate to the player's bench. Mark looked at him and he nodded toward the seats that were now occupied. Mark grinned upon seeing Evangeline. Although she didn't notice him, most likely because of his helmet, her sister did. Julie jumped up and started slapping the Plexiglass and yelling his name. He laughed.

  "See? I told you she was fucking g
orgeous," Mark said, taking his seat beside Janine. He was grinning ear to ear now. Not just because she showed up, but at his own ability to have played the sister just right.

  "She is pretty," Janine agreed honestly while turning his attention to the game. He still thought his wife had that market cornered hands down.

  Eric turned around to see what they were looking at. He grinned and set his eyes back on the ice, not saying anything.

  "Jesus, lady," said the guy beside Julie. "Subtle much?" He was referring to her banging on the Plexiglass in front of them. She was still banging on it even though the men were more interested in what was in front of them now, which was the game.

  "Oh, be quiet. You're just jealous. We know him," she bragged.

  "Sure you do, and I own the team."

  "You sure look like you eat like you do." She purposely eyed his beer gut before glaring at him and sitting down.

  Evangeline bit her lip to stop from smiling. It was times like this that she loved her sister's instigating, although she shouldn't find it funny because she'd been on the receiving end more than once.

  Watching the game first-hand from those great seats was nothing like she thought it would be. She didn't realize that they changed players so much during the game because it was something you didn't see often on the television. Finally, she was able to spot Mark. She memorized his number because it was hard to distinguish him from all the other players. Despite her reluctance, she had to admit this was a treat.

  She even jumped up and cheered when Mark made a goal. He skated back over to the bench and blew her a kiss, causing her to blush outright. It was the only time during the entire game he looked at her, but she supposed he was concentrating on playing. That was the other thing: being there in person made it so much more intense.

  "I told you," Julie said to the man who was working on his third or fourth beer. "He knows us." She was referring to the kiss Mark blew Evangeline.

  He leaned forward, careful not to spill his plastic cup of beer and looked at Evangeline. "Hell, I don't know her and I'd blow her a kiss."

  "You are going to get that spilled on your crotch," she said irritably.

  Evangeline burst out laughing.

  It seemed as though the game ended too soon. Mark's team won. As they were coming off the ice, he stopped in the corridor just below the row she was sitting in. The crowd was cheering so loud that he had to practically yell to get the attention of the man who was sitting next to the wall. It slanted upward, but Evangeline was sitting at the lowest seat where the wall came level to Mark's brow and he was six foot four.

  "Hey buddy, get that pretty gal for me," he said to the man Julie was arguing with earlier and pretty much all through the game. They argued about referee calls, penalties and players.

  The beer drinker turned around and looked at Evangeline.

  "He says he wants you," he said.

  "Hey," said Julie, "How do you know it wasn't me?"

  "Give me a break, lady."

  Julie started arguing with him again as Evangeline stood up and leaned past the man over the wall. She still had the smile on her face from all of the excitement.

  "Meet me out front in about an hour," said Mark. He placed his gloved hand on the wall beside hers and leaned up to her to talk because of the noise. "I'll take you to a late dinner."

  It took her a moment to hear him. There were people in the rows behind her who were leaning far over the wall trying to touch him and the other players that were walking by, while yelling their names. She couldn't believe how crazy some people were. Mark didn't even seem to notice as hands brushed his glove or stretched to touch his shoulder and helmet.

  "I can't," said Evangeline.

  "She can," Julie said, suddenly appearing over her shoulder. Mark laughed.

  "Mind your own business," Evangeline snapped at her.

  "Yeah, lady."

  "Mister, you are asking for a black eye." She turned back to him again.

  Evangeline turned back to Mark. "I have to go home. Sorry."

  "Give me your number, then," he urged.

  "I can't." To her surprise, he grinned. By now she shouldn't have expected anything less. He was loaded with confidence. It didn't even occur to him that she wasn't interested. He probably had had women crawling all over him since he hit puberty. After watching him play, she really couldn't blame them. He just seemed so… masculine. At least she knew now that he wasn't crazy, just very conceited.

  "I'll give you my number!" a woman shouted in the next row up. Mark gave her a rakish grin but only a brief glance to go with it.

  "I love you, Mark!" screamed another.

  He winced slightly as if it embarrassed him a little. Here he was, trying to pick up Evangeline, and women were falling all over themselves around him. Normally he didn't mind, but he didn't want to chase Evangeline away. He began to think that inviting her wasn't a good idea. It was his ego that had made him invite her in the first place. He figured once she watched him play, she'd be his. Instead, it backfired because she didn't look too sure about the attention he was getting from the other women. He cursed inwardly.

  Evangeline's eyes widened. She couldn't believe the way people acted around him.

  "This is crazy," she said.

  He shrugged as if it was nothing. "I'm not done, honey. I'll see you tomorrow, then." He straightened and pulled his gloved hand away from hers, but the grin stayed. Honestly, he had to go because she was looking more and more wary with the attention he was getting.

  "We're closed tomorrow. It's Sunday."

  "Monday, then," he corrected. He waved at her and walked down the corridor out of sight before she had a chance to answer. People were still leaning over the wall to try and touch him.

  Evangeline never knew that hockey players were seen as celebrities until now. Well, she liked the game, but didn't follow anything beyond that. This was unfathomable to her. Women were still screaming his name as he disappeared from sight. No wonder the man was so self assured; he was a major sex symbol. No matter, this just sealed her reasons for not wanting to see him. There was no way she could compete with that kind of attention.

  "Hey, you really do know Mark Hartley. Can you get me an autograph?"

  "Nope. You had your chance," Julie said before turning to her sister. "Evangeline, go out with him."

  She shook her head. "I don't want to talk about this."

  In the dressing room, Mark sat next to Eric in Janine's spot. Janine, being the team captain, was detained by the media outside the dressing room.

  "Who's the babe?" asked Eric.

  "Not your business, man," Mark said, pulling off his jersey.

  "Was she just part of the audience or did you invite her?"

  Mark stopped what he was doing and looked at his fellow teammate. "You're serious?" Eric was letting him know that he was interested if he wasn't.

  "Hell yeah. She's a fox."

  "I invited her. She's with me," he said, staking his claim. It actually made him feel jealous, something he could usually never be accused of. He'd been after her for a few days, and admiring her for weeks, yet Eric had caught a glimpse of her and was smitten. Was there going to be other competition he had to consider?

  "Stay away from her, Eric."

  "Spoilsport," Eric said, getting up. "But she's hot. Too bad you saw her first."

  He chuckled.


  "How was the show?" Glen called out from the living room as his daughters came home. He heard the front door open and close. He and his sons were watching the post-game news and highlights.

  "Show?" Evangeline asked and looked at Julie who shot her a warning look. "You lied?" she whispered.

  "Yes," she answered, as if it wasn't a secret she did such things. She shook her head at her sister before she walked into the room where the three men were.

  "We went to a hockey game, Dad," said Evangeline. "Mark came by the shop and left us tickets." To her surprise, none of them seemed shocked. Af
ter a moment, she found out why.

  "We know," Glen said evenly. "When Mark blew you a kiss after that goal, they showed it." To prove his point, he lifted the remote and replayed the scene on the TV. He recorded most of the games the team played.

  Evangeline's mouth fell open at the scene. It was all too obvious but she still tried to deny it. "That wasn't for me," she insisted.

  "Now who's lying?" Julie said, laughing.

  "The game announcer was wondering if you were a new love interest." He fast forwarded to the second intermission where the announcers were replaying the scene over and over.

  "Oh my god." She blushed bright scarlet.

  "They even showed you a few more times throughout the game cheering when they made a goal. For some reason, you're even on the post-game show. After he blew you that kiss, he scored, so everyone's wondering if you're his good luck charm." His eyes narrowed, "I thought I told you to stay away from him."

  Evangeline was so ashamed because not only had the media embellished upon the attention she had gotten from Mark, her family knew about it, too, which made her feel worse. How could a small gesture get so much attention?

  "Glen, he hardly even spoke to me," she said, exasperated.

  "That's true." Julie said, stepping in front of her, "and when he asked for her number, she said no."

  "He asked for your number?"

  "You are not helping, sis."

  "Hey," Tito piped up, "she had incredible tickets. I would date the guy for that."

  Evangeline's frustration evaporated and she burst into laughter along with her sister. Even Glen gave a chuckle. Tito was one hundred percent Italian, so for him to talk like that was virtually unheard of.

  "Invite him for dinner," her father said out of the blue. He had been quiet up until that point.

  "What?" the four said in unison.

  This wasn't like her father at all. Of course, if Evangeline had shown interest in a man and talked about him, he would have done that, but she'd done everything to try and show that she wasn't interested in Mark. Maybe she was being too adamant about it and it gave away her interest in him.


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