The Matrix of Gog
Daniel Patrick
The Matrix of Gog
Copyright © 2014. Published by RiverCrest Publishing, 1708 Patterson Road, Austin, Texas 78733.
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Cover design: Daniel Patrick
Printed in the United States of America
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2014931414
1. Religion
2. Judaism
3. Science
4. History
5. Archaeology
ISBN 978-1-930004-84-9
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION: Matrix of Gog—The Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy
Chapter 1: Who is Gog?
Chapter 2: Gog, Agag, and Edom/Amalek
Chapter 3: Gog and the “House of Togarmah”—The Khazars
Chapter 4: Gog and Capitalism
Chapter 5: Gog and Communism
Chapter 6: Ezekiel 38 and Gog’s Invasion
Appendix 1: Who Is Your Mother?
Appendix 2: Talmud Quotations
For More Information
More Resources For You
Matrix of Gog—The Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy
Ezekiel 38 and 39 are key to understanding the events of the last days. We read in Ezekiel that “Gog, from the land of Magog,” a powerful world leader, will emerge. He and his military forces will descend on and conquer Israel and go on to precipitate a horrendous, deadly global war.
Who is “Gog,” and where is “Magog?” Until recently, these vital questions were mysteries. But now, DNA science, history, and archeology have given us answers. Magog is the land of Khazaria, in the Caucasus, south of Russia. Gog, meanwhile, is the demonic leader, or king, of this great land.
Khazaria is the country of origin for today’s “Jews,” whom DNA science has confirmed are not descendants of Abraham and so, are not Israelites and Semites. The people whom we call “Jews” are, in fact, of the Turkic bloodline.
What this important book, Matrix of Gog, does is inform us about Gog, Magog, and the Jews. We discover that the Holy Bible is accurate, that today’s “Jews” are the “Synagogue of Satan” of Revelation 2 and 3.
Moreover, claiming to be Jews, the Khazars from Europe in recent decades have descended upon Israel in great numbers, just as prophesied. They have no family relationship and no ancestry to the ancient Israelites. As such, they are not the seed of Abraham but are pretenders. In an astonishing turn of events, today’s “Jews” are, in reality, none other than followers of Gog, of the land of Magog.
—Texe Marrs, author
DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline
Austin, TX 78733
The Matrix of GOG is aimed at one of the most naïve audiences that ever entered a church, so-called Christian Zionists. An alternate title could have been called: What If ALL Your Bible Prophecy Supporting Zionist Israel Is Wrong?
This prophetic delusion of Christian Zionists is not some obscure theological question posed by medieval monks such as “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin” but a world-wide political/economic issue that has already cost the lives of millions and stands ready to launch WW3.
Most Christian Zionists have their minds locked in to an unconditional support for the Israeli State by a prophetic paradigm that they believe is totally supported by Scripture. Here is a personal example of the consequences of this belief. Back in 1968, shortly after becoming a Christian, I was attending an evangelical church in Southern California. My pastor made the requisite pilgrimage to Israel to see firsthand the “fulfillment of prophecy” that he supposed was happening there. The only problem was that he ended up staying with a Palestinian Christian family to whom he became very attached.
One day, the father of the family asked him, “Why do American Christians support the Israelis who are destroying so many Christian Palestinians?” My pastor told me later that he was speechless at that question. He told me “I didn’t know what to tell him, I really liked the Palestinian Christians I met and saw their plight but the reality is the prophecies are all against them.”
Well, I’m here to tell you that the prophecies are not against the Palestinians. In fact, the favorite prophecy of the Christian Zionists about Gog and Magog in Ezekiel, chapter 38 and 39, is AGAINST the Zionists themselves.
So, if you happen to be one of the duped, as I was, I hope you have the guts to read on and have this “strong delusion” rooted out of your mind and spirit once and for all.
—Daniel Patrick
Who is GOG?
“The Word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against GOG... and prophesy against him.” —Ezekiel 38:1,2
GOG is the force behind the creation of the worldwide money-power Matrix that we all live in today. Gog works with an international army of fanatics who have been colluding with governments for hundreds of years as money-lenders. At the beginning of the last century, Gog’s army began to take total control of nations they invaded. Since 9/11, they have initiated the final stage in their war to conquer the entire planet, take over all governments and natural resources, and introduce their New World Order.
Their vision is to sit as elite monarchs over completely controlled, depopulated, enslaved subjects whose only function is to serve them. It will lead to the worst destruction the world has ever seen.
Now all this information about Gog is contained in the ancient prophecy of Ezekiel, a prediction uttered nearly 2500 years ago. The prophet Ezekiel describes a war, initiated by someone called Gog, in which: “all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake...and the mountains (or kingdoms) shall be thrown down...and every wall shall fall to the ground” (Ezekiel 38:19,20). Most of those who teach this tie it in with the prophecies found in the Book of Revelation and like to call it the Battle of Armageddon. It is said to be the final conflagration, holocaust, nuclear nightmare, worldwide earthquake, meteor strike, and destruction of all the kingdoms upon the earth, all rolled into one big shebang.
Millions believe the final fulfillment of this prophecy is just around the corner. If you think I’m exaggerating to freak you out, or fooling around with your mental space by trotting out ancient mumbo-jumbo believed by only a few dozen kooks—guess again. This end-time teaching is weekly Sunday sermon fodder for millions of churchgoers around the world. Books about it have sold by the multi-millions and dozens of movies and documentaries, both religious and Hollywood, portray the cataclysms described in this very same ancient prophecy.
Just flip through the religious TV channels and invariably the subject of Gog will come up almost every day. Though the televangelists often talk about this horrible Armageddon war that they believe is just ahead, usually, it’s not about the coming war but how Christians need to support Gog and all the Gogsters and how the United States needs to send more military and economic support to Gog. So even if you don’t believe in this stuff, they do!
They not only believe it but they are pouring millions of dollars of their own money into support of G
og, and are egging on their governments to give billions of dollars more in economic, and military support for Gog, and they are literally frothing at the mouth in anticipation for “Armageddon!” “Bring it on!,” as one of their crazy leaders famously said.
Do you know what these whacky televangelists and preachers use to whip their congregations into a mad frenzy to support Gog and his army of fanatics, not only in the Middle-East but worldwide? Why they use these very same chapters of Ezekiel 38 and 39! The problem is, they have it all upside down and backwards, and they have ended up blessing Gog instead. You ask, “How can this be?” They do it because of a total lack of understanding of who exactly Gog is.
These “Christian” Gogsters include John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Hal Lindsey, Chuck Smith, the Pope, God TV, TBN, the Baptists and about 90% of all Christian denominations. These guys are supposed to be Christians, and they say they believe in God and what He says in the Bible, yet here they are supporting Gog and blessing Gog and doing exactly the opposite of what God told the Prophet Ezekiel to do.
But you can hardly blame them, because the identity of “GOG” has been one of the greatest mysteries of all time. How can you prophesy against someone when you don’t know who he is? If the Prophet Ezekiel was like most Christians today, I can just hear his response to God’s command to “prophesy against Gog”—“OK LORD I’ll do it!... But... uh... first, could you tell me—Who is GOG?”
That is a question that we all need an answer to. Why? First of all, because our understanding of who Gog is will help us not to be one of the duped who blindly follow blind preachers off the cliff, but one of those who see through the mass media manipulation and political propaganda of these charlatans. Secondly, it will help us to get ready for what is coming, because Gog and his army of fanatics are bringing about a war of such magnitude that it is going to tear our world apart!
So who is this “GOG?”
Ezekiel the Prophet calls GOG: the “prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal” from the “land of Magog” who, according to his prophecy in “the latter years” and “the latter days,” gathers “a mighty army” from “many people” and leads an invasion “against the mountains of Israel.”
The vast majority of Jewish and Christian teachers believe that this invasion of Gog and his army describes a future invasion of the nation of Israel, launched by either the Russians or the Arab/Moslem nations or both. From examining Jewish authorities and from intimate familiarity with evangelical Christian eschatology, I have to say that the majority of these have the identity of GOG all wrong. And because they have that wrong, their elaborate interpretations built on that error are wrong as well. This invasion is not off in the future but has already started and is fast approaching its cataclysmic end!
The first clue to discovering the identity of GOG is deciphering the name GOG itself. I don’t want to prejudice the argument, as some might like to accuse me, so to avoid that, let’s turn to a Jewish source to find out who the Jews themselves believe GOG is. The first source we go to is the Septuagint, translated from the Hebrew by 72 Jewish scholars over 300 years before Christ. The first quote below is from a modern translation of Numbers 24:7 which was a prophecy against Agag. The second quote is also of Numbers 24:7, but from the Septuagint, that translated the same Hebrew word that most western Bibles render as Agag, but which they translated as Gog.
First, from the King James Version:
Numbers 24:7 “his king shall be higher than Agag, and his kingdom shall be exalted.”
Now the Septuagint version:
LXX version Numbers 24:7 “his kingdom will be lifted up above Gog, and his kingdom will be increased.”
Gog, according to the Septuagint, as seen in the above two verses, is synonymous with Agag. Agag is a generic term used for kings of Amalek. In Genesis it shows us that Amalek was the grandson of Esau who is also called Edom.
Jumping from ancient Jewish Bible translations, here is a modern internet Jewish source. This is from “JAHG” (Jews and Hasidic Gentiles), a Zionist web site, offering their proof that Gog is Esau/Edom.
“I was extremely interested to read your article that mentioned the ‘King of Gog/Amalek’... If you don’t mind, could you tell me the historical source that links the Amalekite King Agag to ‘Gog?’ I was unable to find a direct link in the Bible, so I wondered if there was another primary source for this link...”—Jeff in TX
“Our response: The identity of King descending from the seed of Amalek is alluded to in a variety of sources in the Jewish oral traditions. That King Gog would be from the descendants of Esau/Edom (which include Amalek) is mentioned in such sources as the Targum of Yonasan ben Uziel on Isaiah 11:4, Bereishis Rabba 76:5, and others. This specifically means Amalek, as implied by the Lubavitcher Rebbe (e.g., Likkutei Sichos 1, Parshas Yisro, no. 9).” (
Here’s another Jewish site called “Ask Moses” that affirms the Septuagint rendering of Agag for Gog:
“The Septuagint identifies Agag with Gog... Agag is a generic name for the kings of Amalek... Amalek is a tribe descended from Esau.” (
These Jewish internet sites referring to their own “Jewish oral tradition” show that they believe Gog is Agag and how the Septuagint identifies the name Agag as Gog. They also point out the fact that Agag was the King of Amalek, who is part of Edom. Besides the Septuagint, other Bible translations including the Samaritan Pentateuch, Old Latin, Modern English, Moffat, Aquila Bible and other versions also translate “Agag” as “Gog.”
TO REVIEW: GOG is synonymous with AGAG—AGAG is the TITLE of the King of the Amalekites/Edomites—just as Pharaoh was the title of the leader of Egypt or Czar the title of the leader of Russia. We first hear of Agag in Numbers 24:7 during the time of Moses. Then, centuries after Numbers was written, we read that during the reign of King Saul the Prophet Samuel slew “Agag, king of the Amalekites” (1 Samuel 15:32). This shows us that Agag was a title passed down to the kings of Amalek/Edom. And, as we will show you later, this guy is still around today, only not where you’d expect him to be, and he will show up in your future!
The next clue to GOG’s identity really lies in identifying over who exactly does Ezekiel’s prophecy predict that GOG/AGAG will be the “prince” or ruler? Now, this is where it gets a little eerie because the Prophet now says that this GOG, this AGAG, this king of EDOM from a little tribe in ancient Palestine, is going to be the prince or ruler of “Ros, Meshech and Tubal.” These are ancient names for Moscow, Tobolsk and Russia. Now that is quite a journey no matter how you figure it.
So, let’s look at the original prophecy. Several modern English translations of Ezekiel follow the King James Version (KJV), and translate the Hebrew to read that “Gog” is the “CHIEF prince of Meshech and Tubal.” Other translations render Gog as the “prince of ROSH/ROS, Meshech and Tubal.” The controversy centers on whether the Hebrew word “rosh” should be translated or transliterated. To translate is to give the meaning of a word in another language. To transliterate means to bring the phonics, or the way a word sounds, into another language. Transliteration is usually done with peoples names, or names of places, countries etc.
The Hebrew word “rosh” in the Old Testament is usually translated as a common noun such as chief, leader, head, highest, etc. Because “rosh” is basically identical to “Rus/Rosh/Rhos,” old names for the country of Russia, some say that transliterating “rosh” as a proper name is trying to make the Bible fit your interpretation of so-called “end-time” prophecy.
However, in 300 BC, the 72 Jewish translators of the Old Testament into Greek (called the Septuagint) didn’t have any end-time theology to push and they transliterated “rosh” as a proper noun, as a name: “Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.”
Dr. John Thomas, who wrote “Gogue and Magogue” in 1848, tells us that the Septuagint translators:
“Were sensible, that in this place it was not an
appellative [or common] noun, but a proper name; and they rendered it accordingly by Ros. But Jerome [who translated the Old Testament into Latin], not finding any such proper name among the nation-families mentioned in Genesis, rather disputed the Septuagint reading, and preferred to consider the word Ros as a common noun [chief]; and his interpretation, established in the Latin Vulgate, has universally prevailed throughout the west. Jerome, however, was more scrupulous than the editors of later versions, who have unqualifiedly rejected it as a proper name; for although he inclined to the other rendering, he did not feel authorized to reject altogether one so ancient, and he has therefore preserved them both, translating the passage thus—‘Gogue, terram, Magogue, principem capitis (sive Ros) Mosoch et Thubal.’”
Thomas further reveals that Ros or Rosh is the root word for Russia:
“[The historian] Bochart, about the year 1640, observed in his elaborate researches into Sacred Geography, that Ros is the most ancient form under which history makes mention of the name of RUSSIA; and he contended that...the Russian nation was called Ros by the Greeks in the earliest period in which we find it mentioned. The Ros are a Scythian nation, bordering on the northern Taurus. And their own historians say, ‘It is related that the Russians (whom the Greeks called Ros, and sometimes Rosos) derived their name from Ros, a valiant man, who delivered his nation from the yoke of their tyrants.’
It is not difficult to recognize in Tobl, Tubl, or Thobel, a name which naturally connects itself with...the river Tobol which gives name to the city Tobolium, or Tobolski the metropolis of the extensive region of Siberia.”
Etymology is the study of the origin of words. We find as far back as the Septuagint in 300 BC the name Ros/Rosh as a proper noun, in other words, the name of a geographical country. We also find historians throughout history who viewed Ezekiel’s “Rosh, Meshech and Tubal” as the origin of the word Russia, Moscow and Tobolsk. Bear in mind that these ancient writers had no particular end-time prophecy scenarios to propagate either. Meshech, Tubal and Magog are mentioned in Genesis, chapter 10 as descendants of Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah. “The sons of Japheth: Gomer and Magog and Madai and Javan and Tubal and Meshech.” Ros/Rosh, Meshech, Tubal and Magog are ancient names whose descendants settled the land area of modern Russia.
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