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The Matrix of Gog

Page 10

by Daniel Patrick

  The question is not: “When did the Church REPLACE Israel?,” but “When was the Church NOT Israel?” And the obvious answer is that it was Israel and nothing but Jews from the beginning! The 120 in the upper room on the day of Pentecost and the 3000 converts didn’t STOP being Jews and “Men of Israel” that day! On the day of Pentecost, in 33 AD, the river of God’s Spirit stopped flowing through national Israel, and changed course to flow only through the Church. The Church was NOW the “Israel of God.”

  Saved Gentiles, whether they understood it theologically or not, became part of the TRUE Israel and they fell under the New Covenant. They did NOT become a convert to Pharisaical Judaism. Pharisaical Judaism (what’s going on in the nation of so-called Israel and worldwide Rabbinical Judaism today) is the religion of the antichrist rebels. These rebels are the ones who “by their (TALMUDIC) traditions made void the law of God” (Mark.7:13). They are the ones who said and still say to God “We will NOT have this MAN (Jesus Christ) to reign over us” (Luke 19:14). These are the ones Jesus called “Mine enemies” (Luke 19:27).

  So what happens to those genetic Jews and men of Israel who refused to accept the sacrifice of the “Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29)? They are excommunicated from the nation of Israel. Leviticus 17:4 says those who reject God’s sacrifice were to be “cut off from the people.” So, in God’s eyes, those Jews who rejected Jesus’ sacrifice for sin, were cut off from being Jews and Israel. They may call themselves Jews and Israel but as far as God is concerned, they are not! Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, quoted below, backs that up. This is what Paul refers to in Romans, chapter 11, where he says the unbelieving Jews were “cut off” from the tree of the covenants and promises made to Israel and believing Gentiles were “grafted in.”

  The “New Covenant” or “New Testament” was made with the literal “Israel of God” in fulfillment of prophecy, just as God predicted through the mouth of his prophets. All the prophecies about the New Covenant were predicted to be made with the Israel of God. Check it out: Isaiah 55:3; Jeremiah 31:31 and 50:4,5; Ezekiel; 37:15-27.

  In fact, if the New Covenant/New Testament was ONLY made with the physical house of Judah and Israel. What do you think that means to you? That means that if you, as a Christian, believe that you are NOT a Jew or part of the physical nation of Israel you are NOT under the New Covenant! You are not even saved. And you are still in your sins.

  This is why Paul said to the Gentile believers in Rome: “He is NOT a Jew which is one outwardly, Neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh, but he is a JEW which is one INWARDLY and circumcision is that of the heart in the SPIRIT” (Romans 2:28,29). This is why Paul told the Gentiles of Philipi: “We (notice the plural pronoun ‘we’) are the Circumcision which worship God in the Spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:4).

  This is why Paul said to the Gentiles of the region of Galatia: “IF ye be Christ’s THEN are ye Abraham’s SEED and heirs according to the PROMISE” (Galatians 3:29).

  And why Paul said to the same Gentiles: “Now WE brethren (you Gentiles and us Jews) even as Isaac was are CHILDREN of the PROMISE” (Galatians 4:28). This is why Paul called these same Gentiles: “the ISRAEL of GOD” (Galatians 6:16). This is why Paul said, “They are NOT all Israel who are OF Israel. The children of the FLESH are NOT the Children of God.” ONLY “the children of Promise are counted for the SEED” (Romans 9:6-8).

  If you don’t understand any of the above about exactly who Israel is and who it isn’t then take it from Jesus’ own words in the Book of Revelation. “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are NOT, but are of the synaGOGue of Satan. Behold, I will make them of the synaGOGue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are NOT, but do LIE; behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee” (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9). Do you get that? Who do you think that is talking about?

  Before we go any further with this study we need to get one thing clear. A popular false teaching is that, since the physical Jews are supposedly God’s Chosen people, the Church must be raptured into heaven so that God can renew His separate program with the genetic Jew. Now, I won’t get into all the end-time lunacy this heresy has fostered, but I will cut it off at the root by saying this: Since there is no salvation apart from belief in Christ, so-called physical Jews cannot and will not be saved unless they INDIVIDUALLY repent, believe the Gospel, and are baptized into the Church by the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). In fact, only THEN do they become a Jew and a citizen of Israel!

  In Galatians 3:26-29 and Romans 9:6-8, Paul plainly stated that being a flesh descendant of Abraham does NOT save anyone. In fact, he goes the extra step of proclaiming that the ONLY true descendants of Abraham were those who “are Christ’s” via spiritual regeneration. Therefore it is an absolute LIE that there are two separate people of God—the Christian Church and the physical nation of Israel. The covenantal privilege that national Israel enjoyed as the chosen people of God was ended when the Jewish leaders “fill[ed] up...the measure of [their] fathers’ guilt” (Matthew 23:32) by rejecting and crucifying their own Messiah. Jesus was very explicit in stating that the “house” of Israel was left “desolate” (Matthew 23:37-39), and that the Kingdom would be taken from the Jews as a people and given to another people (Matthew 8:10-12, 21:33-45, etc.).

  Paul called them “Israel after the FLESH” to denote the difference between false and true Israel who are born after, or by, the SPIRIT. According to the Law of Moses, Israel “after the flesh” is “under the CURSE of God” as recorded in the Book of Deuteronomy (28:15-68). And the Apostle Paul confirmed the curse in the New Testament: “The Jews, which killed the Lord Jesus and their own Prophets and are contrary to all men, forbidding us to preach the Gospel unto the Gentiles that they might be saved, for the WRATH OF GOD is come upon them to the UTTERMOST” (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16).

  They are STILL under that Curse and Wrath! What is happening today in so-called ‘Israel’ is completely Antichrist and it is what will usher in the reign of the Antichrist. To support Israel “after the flesh”” in their rebellion against God, is to support the Antichrist and to place your self under the SAME Curse and Wrath that God Himself has said in His own Word that He has placed them under. This is exactly what God said to King Jehoshaphat when he helped the ungodly Ahab: “And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to King Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD” (2 Chronicles 19:2).

  Evangelical leaders have taken out full-page ads in national newspapers like The New York Times to voice their support of a nation that is officially antichrist. Antichrist? Yes, ANTICHRIST! “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is ANTICHRIST, that denieth the Father and the Son” (1 John 2:22).

  This places the U.S, under the wrath of God. Have you ever thought about how the United States of America has gone to hell in a hand-basket ever since they began to support that antichrist illegal state in the Middle East? That started back in 1948, and the U.S. has had nothing but problems ever since.

  Next, let’s look at the set of scriptures that are taken and twisted by ‘end-time experts’ such as Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye and all Zionist Christians in a vain effort to ‘prove’ that ALL of national Israel “after the flesh” is going to be saved in these last days. These scriptures are in Romans, chapter 11, verses 25-27:

  [25] For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.

  [26] And SO all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, there shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

  [27] For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.

  Words are important. That’s why you need to pay attention and underst
and that Paul uses the word “SO” in verse 26 and doesn’t use the word “THEN.” “And SO all Israel shall be saved.” Here is the dictionary definition of “So.” It means, “in the way or manner shown, stated or described.” Paul does NOT use “then” which means, “at that time.” Most Christians have been so brainwashed by dispensational delusion that they read into these scriptures something that isn’t even there, they read it as if it says that at some future date after all the Gentiles come in to some supposed Gentile church, THEN ALL Israel shall be saved. That is exactly NOT what Paul is talking about here!! He is NOT talking about some FUTURE time when all Israel shall be saved. Rather Paul is showing HOW all Israel shall be saved and were even at that time being saved, because ONLY those of the “Promise” are counted as ALL Israel!

  Only those who “call on the name of the Lord are saved” (Romans 10:13). When he says in verse 26 that “the Deliverer SHALL COME out of Sion,” he was quoting an Old Testament prophecy from Isaiah, chapter 59, verses 20, 21 which was future at the time Isaiah wrote it. But when Paul is quoting it here, Jesus the Deliverer had ALREADY come and had ALREADY ESTABLISHED what God said was “My covenant” and had ALREADY “taken away their sins” at the cross. Paul was NOT predicting the coming of some future Deliverer, or Jesus appearing to so-called ‘Israel’ at the endtime or after the supposed pre-tribulation Rapture. He was merely backing up his argument with a scripture that had ALREADY been fulfilled.

  “All Israel” being saved includes all who are of Christ, both Gentile and national Israel. THINK about it! That is why he started his explanation of who Israel is with the statement: “they are NOT ALL Israel who are OF Israel.” In other words, not all of Israel is saved, only those who have faith in the Deliverer, Jesus Christ. If we add the dictionary definition of “so” and Paul’s scriptural definition of who Israel is, here is what Paul is saying in Romans 11:26: “And SO (in the manner that I’ve been showing you throughout this entire epistle, those who call themselves “Israel” are not the “Israel of God.” Only those who call on the Name of the Lord are) all Israel (such as the Gentile ‘brethren’ of Galatia who were ‘the Israel of God’) shall be saved.”

  “Blindness in PART is happened unto Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.” There is a period after that verse because that was the END of Paul’s explanation of HOW “All Israel” was being saved. But it wasn’t big enough to stop the runaway madness of dispensational delusion that rammed it into the next verse in an effort to make Paul say what he was NOT saying! He was NOT saying that once all the Gentiles that are supposed to get saved, THEN all Israel shall be saved. He was saying, Natural Israel shall be partially blind UNTIL all the Gentiles that are destined for salvation get saved, then national Israel won’t be blind anymore.

  But guess what? Neither will anybody else! Because, at the coming of Jesus Christ, EVERYBODY is going to SEE who He is. No more ‘Blindness’ for ANYONE when GOD rips off ALL the blinders from EVERYONE’S EYES!

  Also, have you ever thought about exactly what the “in” was that the Gentiles were coming into when Paul says “Until the fullness of the Gentiles be come IN?” The Gentiles come IN to the Kingdom of ISRAEL! They are grafted in to the “olive tree” of the “covenants and promises” given to Israel!

  ‘National Israel’ didn’t have TOTAL blindness then because, as the Apostle James said, there were at that time “thousands of Jews which believe” (Acts 21:20).

  There are still to this day ‘national Jews’ being saved. What Paul is doing here in Romans chapters 9 to 11 is explaining to his Gentile/Roman audience why only a “PART” of flesh and blood Israel believed. They were wondering: “If this Gospel you’re preaching is true, Paul, and if Jesus was from the Tribe of Judah as you said (Hebrews 7:14), and the Old Testament prophecies are all about Jesus as Messiah—How come most of ‘national Israel’ is not only rejecting the Gospel but also persecuting Christians? How come most believers are Gentiles rather than Jews (natural Israel)?”

  Paul tells them that it is not because the Gentiles are so spiritual that God has chosen them. It is because God had blinded the eyes of flesh and blood Israel because of their unbelief. Paul is making them realize it’s all by the grace of God. He doesn’t want them to get on some puffed-up pride trip thinking God chose them because of some Holy-roller, self-righteousness or racial superiority they thought they possessed. And Paul is, above all, NOT setting up some kind of delusional, dispensational time prophecy for the total salvation of ALL Children of the FLESH of Isaac, ‘national false Israel,’ who are NOT “all Israel!”

  Paul compared the relationship between True Israel and False Israel to the relationship between Isaac and Ishmael; “Even as then, he (Ishmael) that was born after the FLESH persecuted him (Isaac) that was born after the SPIRIT, even so is it NOW” (Galatians4:29). Paul was aligning the Antichrist flesh and blood Jews of his day to “Ishmael” who was “born after the flesh.” That’s a direct echo of Romans 9:8 where he says “They which are the children of the FLESH, these are NOT the CHILDREN OF GOD.” And these “children of the flesh” didn’t fade away in 70 AD with the destruction of the Temple. And they didn’t fade away in 311 AD with the Edict of Toleration.

  Just as in Jesus’ parable of the tares and wheat, where both grow together until Harvest, both the false Israel and the true Israel are still here. Today we find that “Blindness in PART” is STILL happening to FLESH Israel; even so, today we find they are still “enemies of the Gospel.” So, does that mean we are to hate them because they are enemies of Christ and the Gospel? Of course not! Jesus said “Love your enemies.” But don’t be so stupid as to think that your enemies are your friends. Don’t be so blind that you see “wolves in sheep’s clothing” as actual sheep. Wake up! And hear the scriptures! Rip off those dispensational, delusionally-colored glasses so you can see the truth of the Word.

  Paul’s model of interpreting the Old Testament stories often turned the story on its head. In the Old Testament characters, Ishmael and Isaac, and Esau and Jacob/Israel, the national Jews would have looked at themselves as the good guys in the story. They would have seen themselves as Isaac and Jacob. But Paul says, NO!—You are the bad guys, and these whom you call ‘Gentile dogs’ are now the children of the promise, children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They are the TRUE Israel in the eyes of God: The “Israel of God.”

  In Galatians, Paul compares “flesh Israel” to Ishmael who is “rejected” and “cast out,” and he compares the new, Gentile believers to Isaac, “the seed of PROMISE.” In Romans, chapter 9 Paul says “NEITHER because they are the SEED of ABRAHAM are they all CHILDREN but in ISAAC shall thy SEED be CALLED.”

  That is, “they which are the CHILDREN of the FLESH, THESE are NOT the CHILDREN of GOD.” He compares national Israel to the “seed of the flesh” or Ishmael as the believers in Jesus are to the “Seed of Promise” or “Isaac.” Paul continues in Romans 9 by comparing national Israel to another child of the FLESH: Esau. Esau, even though he was the firstborn son and heir apparent, is rejected, and instead, Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, becomes the promised seed. “As it is written Jacob have I Loved but Esau have I hated” (Romans 9:12).

  In summary: Paul takes these Old Testament stories of Ishmael and Isaac, and Esau and Jacob, and turns them basically upside down, showing us that national, so-called Israel is really like Ishmael and Esau and the new Gentile believers are like Isaac and Israel. He calls these Gentiles: “Jews;” “The Circumcision;” “Abraham’s Seed;” “Children of the Promise;” and “the Israel of God,” who were “grafted in to the olive tree of the promises and covenants” that God made to Abraham and the patriarchs. So then, what happens to national so-called Israel? Well, Paul gives the answer: “CAST OUT the bondwoman and her son (Ishmael/National Israel), for the son of the bondwoman shall NOT be heir with the son of the freewoman (Isaac/The Church)” (Galations 3:30).

  It says in Galatians, chapter 4 that Abraham had two wives: “Hagar,”
a “bond or slave woman,” who gave him a son called “Ishmael,” and “Sarah,” a “freewoman” who gave him “Isaac.” Paul compared Hagar and her son to earthly, fleshly Jerusalem and the Old Covenant, and he compared Sarah and Isaac to the spiritual, heavenly Jerusalem and the New Covenant. Spiritual Jerusalem is the mother of all true Christians as Paul said in Galatians 4, verse 26. “But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is mother of US ALL!”

  This “bondwoman” or “slave woman” that is to be “CAST OUT,” Paul said is “Jerusalem which NOW is.” It was there 2000 years ago and is still NOW with us today. Hagar’s “son” includes ALL those looking to earthly Jerusalem as their “MOTHER.” If you look to Jerusalem in the Middle East and its antichrist Talmudic Judaism as your “Mother”—and you call yourself a Judeo-Christian, then YOU are like Ishmael, who was Hagar’s son. You are NOT like Isaac, who was the “Promised seed.”

  Just so you don’t get confused about whom I’m referring, I mean all Jewish Zionists and their supporters, the Christian Zionists, like our cover boy John Hagee and all those like him. God did it to them once before in 70 A.D. and He’s about to do it again. So, I’m asking you the BIG question: WHO IS YOUR MOTHER?


  Talmud Quotations

  Benjamin Freedman, pictured here, wrote the following in 1954 for Dr. David Goldstein, LL.D. of Boston, Massachusetts, to explain the history of the Khazar Jews. Freedman, a Jew, was a convert to Christianity. Freedman was an ‘insider’ and knew what the scam was. Unlike so many of today’s so-called Jewish converts to Christianity, he decided to follow Jesus and fight the “money changers.” The following is his exposé. It was originally printed as a booklet with the title, Facts are Facts, from which the following is excerpted. Benjamin Freedman’s writings can be found on the web.


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