The Matrix of Gog

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The Matrix of Gog Page 11

by Daniel Patrick

  “From the Birth of Jesus until this day there have never been recorded more vicious and vile libelous blasphemies of Jesus, or Christians and the Christian faith by anyone, anywhere or anytime than you will find between the covers of the infamous “63 books” which are “the legal code which forms the basis of Jewish religious law” as well as the “textbook used in the training of rabbis.” The explicit and implicit irreligious character and implications of the contents of the Talmud will open your eyes as they have never been opened before. The Talmud reviles Jesus, Christians and the Christian faith as the priceless spiritual and cultural heritage of Christians has never been reviled before or since the Talmud was completed in the 5th century. You will have to excuse the foul, obscene, indecent, lewd and vile language you will see here as verbatim quotations from the official unabridged translation of the Talmud into English. Be prepared for a surprise.”

  In the year 1935 the international hierarchy of so-called or self-styled “Jews” for the first time in history published an official unabridged translation of the complete Talmud in the English language with complete footnotes. What possessed them to make this translation into English is one of the unsolved mysteries. It was probably done because so many so-called or self-styled “Jews” of the younger generation were unable to read the Talmud in the many ancient languages in which the original “63 books” of the Talmud were first composed by their authors in many lands between 200 B.C. and 500 A.D.

  The international hierarchy of so-called or self-styled “Jews” selected the most learned scholars to make this official translation of the Talmud into English. These famous scholars also prepared official footnotes explaining unabridged translation of the Talmud into English where they were required. This official unabridged translation of the Talmud into English with the official footnotes was printed in London in 1935 by the Soncino Press. It has been always referred to as the Soncino Edition of the Talmud. A very limited number of the Soncino Edition were printed. They were not made available to any purchaser. The Soncino Edition of the Talmud is to be found in the Library of Congress and the New York Public Library. A set of the Soncino Edition of the Talmud has been available to me for many years. They have become rare “collector’s items” by now.

  The Soncino Edition of the Talmud with its footnotes is like a double-edged sword. It teaches the Talmud to countless millions of the younger generation of so-called or self-styled “Jews” who are not able to read the Talmud in the many ancient languages in which the Talmud was written by its authors between 200 B.C. and 500 A.D. It also teaches Christians what the Talmud has to say about Jesus, About Christians and about the Christian faith. Someday this is bound to back-fire. Christians will some day challenge the assertion that the Talmud is the “sort of book” from which Jesus allegedly “drew the teachings which enabled him to revolutionize the world” on “moral and religious subjects.” The rumbling is already heard in places.

  Verbatim quotations from the Soncino Edition of the Talmud are required to illustrate the enormity of the Talmud’s iniquity. My comments with verbatim quotations will prove inadequate to do that. In spite of the low language I will of necessity therefore include in this letter to you I have no compunctions in the matter because the United States Post Office authorities do not bar the Soncino Edition of the Talmud from the mails. Nevertheless I apologize in advance for the language which will of necessity appear in this letter to you. You now understand.

  The world’s leading authorities on the Talmud confirm that the official unabridged Soncino Edition of the Talmud translated into English follows the original texts with great exactness. It is almost a word-for-word translation of the original texts. In his famous classic “The History of the Talmud,” Michael Rodkinson, the leading authority on the Talmud, in collaboration with the celebrated Reverend Dr. Isaac M. Wise states:

  “With the conclusion of the first volume of this work at the beginning of the twentieth century, we would invite the reader to take a glance over the past of the Talmud, in which he will see... that not only was the Talmud not destroyed, but was so saved that NOT A SINGLE LETTER OF IT IS MISSING; and now IT IS FLOURISHING TO SUCH A DEGREE AS CANNOT BE FOUND IN ITS PAST HISTORY... THE TALMUD IS ONE OF THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD. During the twenty centuries of its existence... IT SURVIVED IN ITS ENTIRETY, and not only has the power of its foes FAILED TO DESTROY EVEN A SINGLE LINE, but it has not even been able materially to weaken its influence for any length of time. IT STILL DOMINATES THE MINDS OF A WHOLE PEOPLE, WHO VENERATE ITS CONTENTS AS DIVINE TRUTH... The colleges for the study of the Talmud are increasing almost in every place where Israel dwells, especially in this country where millions are gathered for the funds of the two colleges, the Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York, in which the chief study is the Talmud... There are also in our city houses of learning (Jeshibath) for the study of the Talmud in the lower East Side, where many young men are studying the Talmud every day.”

  This “divine truth” which “a whole people venerate” of which “not a single letter of it is missing” and today “is flourishing to such a degree as cannot be found in its history” is illustrated by the additional verbatim quotations which follow.

  In order not to leave any loose ends on the subject of the Talmud’s reference to Jesus, to Christians and to the Christian faith I will below summarize translations into English from the Latin texts of Rev. Pranaitis’ “The Talmud Unmasked, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians.” It would require too much space to quote these passages verbatim with their foot-notes from the Soncino Edition in English.

  First I will summarize the references by Rev. Pranaitis referring to Jesus in the Talmud in the original texts translated by him into Latin, and from Latin into English:

  Sanhedrin, 67a—Jesus referred to as the son of Pandira, a soldier.

  Kallah, 1b. (18b)—Illegitimate and conceived during menstruation.

  [Editors Note: “The Talmud actually brags about the Jews killing Jesus Christ, they don’t let the Romans take credit for it. According to the Talmud, Jesus was executed by a proper rabbinical court for idolatry, inciting other Jews to idolatry, and contempt of rabbinical authority. All classical Jewish sources which mention his execution are quite happy to take responsibility for it; in the Talmudic account the Romans are not even mentioned.”—Dr. Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, pp. 97- 98, 118.]

  Sanhedrin, 43a—On the eve of Passover they hanged Jesus.

  Sanhedrin, 67a—Hanged on the eve of Passover. Toldath Jeschu. Birth related in most shameful expressions

  Sanhedrin, 103a.—Suggested corrupts his morals and dishonors self.

  Sanhedrin, 107b.—Seduced, corrupted and destroyed Israel.

  Zohar (III, 282)—Died like a beast and buried in animal’s dirt heap.

  Hilkoth Melakhim—Attempted to prove Christians err in worship of Jesus

  Abhodah Zarah, 21a—Reference to worship of Jesus in homes unwanted.

  Orach Chaiim, 113—Avoid appearance of paying respect to Jesus.

  Iore dea, 150,2—Do not appear to pay respect to Jesus by accident.

  Abhodah Zarah (6a)—False teachings to worship on first day of Sabbath

  Gittin 57a.—Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in “hot excrement.”

  The above are a few selected from a very complicated arrangement in which many references are obscured by intricate reasoning. The following are a few summarized references to Christians and the Christian faith although not always expressed in exactly that manner. There are eleven names used in the Talmud for non-Talmud followers, by which Christians are meant. Besides Nostrim, from Jesus the Nazarene, Christians are called by all the names used in the Talmud to designate all non-“Jews”: Minim, Edom, Abhodan Zarah, Akum. Obhde Elilim, Nokrim, Amme Haarets, Kuthim, Apikorosim, and Goim. Besides supplying the names by which Christians are called in the Talmud, the passages quoted below indicate what kind of peop
le the Talmud pictures the Christians to be, and what the Talmud says about the religious worship of Christians:

  Hilkhoth Maakhaloth—Christians are idolators, must not associate.

  Abhodah Zarah (22a)—Do not associate with gentiles, they shed blood.

  Iore Dea (153, 2)—Must not associate with Christians, shed blood.

  Abhodah Zarah (25b)—Beware of Christians when walking abroad with them.

  Orach Chaiim (20, 2)—Christians disguise themselves to kill Jews.

  Abhodah Zarah (15b)—Suggest Christians have sex relations with animals.

  Abhodah Zarah (22a)—Suspect Christians of intercourse with animals.

  Schabbath (145b)—Christians unclean because they eat accordingly

  Abhodah Zarah (22b)—Christians unclean because they not at Mount Sinai.

  Iore Dea (198, 48)—Clean female Jews contaminated meeting Christians.

  Kerithuth (6b p. 78)—Jews called men, Christians not called men.

  Makkoth (7b)—Innocent of murder if intent was to kill Christian.

  Orach Chaiim(225, 10)—Christians and animals grouped for comparisons.

  Midrasch Talpioth 225—Christians created to minister to Jews always.

  Orach Chaiim 57, 6a—Christians to be pitied more than sick pigs.

  Zohar (II, 64b)—Christian idolators likened to cows and asses.

  Kethuboth (110b)—Psalmist compares Christians to unclean beasts.

  Sanhedrin (74b). Tos.—Sexual intercourse of Christian like that of beast.

  Kethuboth (3b)—The seed of Christian is valued as seed of beast.

  Kidduschim (68a)—Christians like the people of an ass.

  Eben Haezar (44,8)—Marriages between Christian and Jews null.

  Zohar (II, 64b)—Christian birth rate must be diminished materially.

  Zohar (I, 28b)—Christian idolators children of Eve’s serpent.

  Zohar (I, 131a)—Idolatrous people (Christians) befoul the world.

  Emek Haschanach (17a)—Non-Jews’ souls come from death and death’s shadow.

  Zohar (I, 46b, 47a)—Souls of gentiles have unclean divine origins.

  Rosch Haschanach (17a)—Non-Jews souls go down to hell.

  Iore Dea (337, 1)—Replace dead Christians like lost cow or ass.

  Iebhammoth (61a)—Jews called men, but not Christians called men.

  Abhodah Zarah (14b) T—Forbidden to sell religious works to Christians

  Abhodah Zarah (78)—Christian churches are places of idolatry.

  Iore Dea (142, 10)—Must keep far away physically from churches.

  Iore Dea (142, 15)—Must not listen to church music or look at idols

  Iore Dea (143, 1)—Must not rebuild homes destroyed near churches.

  Hilkoth Abh. Zar (10b)—Jews must not resell broken chalices to Christians.

  Chullin (91b)—Jews possess dignity even an angel cannot share.

  Sanhedrin, 58b—To strike Israelite like slapping face of God.

  Chagigah, 15b—A Jew considered good in spite of sins he commits.

  Gittin (62a)—Jew stay away from Christian homes on holidays.

  Choschen Ham. (26,1)—Jew must not sue before a Christian judge or laws.

  Choschen Ham (34,19)—Christian or servant cannot become witnesses.

  Iore Dea (112, 1)—Avoid eating with Christians, breeds familiarity.

  Abhodah Zarah (35b)—Do not drink milk from a cow milked by Christian.

  Iore dea (178, 1)—Never imitate customs of Christians, even hair-comb.

  Abhodah Zarah (72b)—Wine touched by Christians must be thrown away.

  Iore Dea (120, 1)—Bought-dishes from Christians must be thrown away.

  Abhodah Zarah (2a)—For three days before Christian festivals, avoid all.

  Abhodah Zarah (78c)—Festivals of followers of Jesus regarded as idolatry.

  Iore Dea (139, 1)—Avoid things used by Christians in their worship.

  Abhodah Zarah (14b)—Forbidden to sell Christians articles for worship.

  Iore Dea (151,1) H.—Do not sell water to Christians articles for baptisms.

  Abhodah Zarah (2a, 1)—Do not trade with Christians on their feast days.

  Abhodah Zarah (1,2)—Now permitted to trade with Christians on such days.

  Abhodah Zarah (2aT)—Trade with Christians because they have money to pay.

  Iore Dea (148, 5)—If Christian is not devout, may send him gifts.

  Hilkoth Akum (IX,2)—Send gifts to Christians only if they are irreligious.

  Iore Dea (81,7 Ha)—Christian wet-nurses to be avoided because dangerous.

  Iore Dea (153, 1 H)—Christian nurse will lead children to heresy.

  Iore Dea (155,1)—Avoid Christian doctors not well known to neighbors.

  Peaschim (25a)—Avoid medical help from idolators, Christians meant.

  Iore Dea (156,1)—Avoid Christian barbers unless escorted by Jews.

  Abhodah Zarah (26a)—Avoid Christian midwives as dangerous when alone.

  Zohar (I, 25b)—Those who do good to Christians never rise when dead.

  Hilkoth Akum (X,6)—Help needy Christians if it will promote peace.

  Iore Dea (148, 12H)—Hide hatred for Christians at their celebrations.

  Abhodah Zarah (20a)—Never praise Christians lest it be believed true.

  Iore Dea (151,14)—Not allowed to praise Christians to add to glory.

  Hilkoth Akum (V, 12)—Quote Scriptures to forbid mention of Christian god.

  Iore Dea (146, 15)—Refer to Christian religious articles with contempt.

  Iore Dea (147,5)—Deride Christian religious articles without wishes.

  Hilkoth Akum (X,5)—No gifts to Christians, gifts to converts.

  Iore Dea (151,11)—Gifts forbidden to Christians, encourages friendship.

  Iore Dea (335,43)—Exile for that Jew who sells farm to Christian.

  Iore Dea (154,2)—Forbidden to teach a trade to a Christian

  Babha Bathra (54b)—Christian property belongs to first person claiming.

  Choschen Ham (183,7)—Keep what Christian overpays in error.

  Choschen Ham (226,1)—Jew may keep lost property of Christian found by Jew.

  Babha Kama (113b)—It is permitted to deceive Christians.

  Choschen Ham (183,7)—Jews must divide what they overcharge Christians.

  Choschen Ham (156,5)—Jews must not take Christian customers from Jews.

  Iore Dea (157,2) H—May deceive Christians that believe Christian tenets.

  Abhodah Zarah (54a)—Usury may be practiced upon Christians or apostates.

  Iore Dea (159,1)—Usury permitted now for any reason to Christians.

  Babha Kama (113a)—Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian.

  Babha Kama (113b)—Name of God not profaned when lying to Christians.

  Kallah (1b, p.18)—Jew may perjure himself with a clear conscience.

  Schabbouth Hag. (6d)—Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.

  Zohar (I, 160a)—Jews must always try to deceive Christians.

  Iore Dea (158,1)—Do not cure Christians unless it makes enemies.

  Orach Cahiim (330,2)—Do not assist Christian’s childbirth on Saturday.

  Choschen Ham (425,5)—Unless believes in Torah do not prevent his death.

  Iore Dea (158,1)—Christians not enemies must not be saved either.

  Hilkkoth Akum (X,1)—Do not save Christians in danger of death.

  Choschen Ham (386,10)—A spy may be killed even before he confesses.

  Abhodah Zorah (26b)—Apostates to be thrown into well, not rescued.

  Choschen Ham (388,15)—Kill those who give Israelites’ money to Christians

  Sanhedrin (59a)—‘Prying into Jews‘ “Law” to get death penalty

  Hilkhoth Akum (X,2)—Baptized Jews are to be put to death

  Iore Dea (158,2) Hag.—Kill renegades who turn to Christian rituals.

  Choschen Ham (425,5)—Those who do not believe in Torah are to be

  Hilkhoth tesch.III,8—Christians and others deny the “Law” of the Torah.

  Zohar (I, 25a)—Christians are to be destroyed as idolators.

  Zohar (II, 19a)—Captivity of Jews end when Christian princes die.

  Zohar (I, 219b)—Princes of Christians are idolators, must die.

  Obadiam—When Rome is destroyed, Israel will be redeemed.

  Abhodah Zarah (26b) T.—“Even the best of the Goim should be killed.”

  Sepher Or Israel 177b—If Jew kills Christian commits no sin.

  Ialkut Simoni (245c)—Shedding blood of impious offers sacrifice to God.

  Zohar (II, 43a)—Extermination of Christians necessary sacrifice.

  Zohar (I, 38b,39a)—High place in heaven for those who kill idolators.

  Hilkhoth Akum (X,1)—Make no agreements and show no mercy to Christians

  Hilkhoth Akum (X,1)—Either turn them away from their idols or kill.

  Hilkhoth Akum (X,7)—Allow no idolators to remain where Jews are strong.

  Choschen Ham (388,16)—All contribute to expense of killing traitor.

  Pesachim (49b)—No need of prayers while beheading on Sabbath.

  Schabbath (118a)—Prayers to save from punishment of coming Messiah.

  Weird and totally perverted sexual ideas and practices that are described in the Soncino Talmud follow here with the quotes taken directly from the Soncino Talmud.


  “A maiden three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. The penalty of adultery may be incurred through her; (if a niddah) she defiles him who has connection with her, so that he in turn defiles that upon which he lies, as a garment which has lain upon (a person afflicted with gonorrhea).” (emphasis in original text of Soncino Edition, Ed.)


  “(2) His wife derives no pleasure from this, and hence there is no cleaving. (3) A variant reading of this passage is: Is there anything permitted to a Jew which is forbidden to a heathen. Unnatural connection is permitted to a Jew. (4) By taking the two in conjunction, the latter as illustrating the former, we learn that the guilt of violating the injunction ‘to his wife but not to his neighbor’s wife’ is incurred only for natural but not for unnatural intercourse.” (emphasis in original, Ed.)


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