Finding Charity: Red Devils M.C.

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Finding Charity: Red Devils M.C. Page 11

by Michelle Woods

  Thank fuck these weren’t near the door either, she thought. That would have been a disaster. If the explosion had been closer it would have blown these tanks, Floppy and her to smithereens. The tank hissed and air was coming from the mask she had over her face breathing in. She stared at the twelve tanks and knew that they’d likely last about six hours.

  She wondered if the club even remembered that they had these air tanks were down here. She doubted it. They mine shaft cave in that they’d used them for had been almost eight years ago. She remembered because Trick had gone to help dig out the Kelter mine. This was a damned lucky find, she thought. If they’d gotten rid of these, or hell used them a year ago when they were trying to put out that fire crazy Monica had someone start, she’d have likely died of asphyxiation before they could get her out.

  She was grateful that the explosion hadn’t started a fire. She felt her leg twinge and sat down near the back wall. Her leg really hurt. The puppy whimpered and climbed into her lap. She pet the small creature calmly. She used the flash light to look around the cellar. It was full of equipment and she wondered if there was any food or water. With no tools it was going to be damned hard to dig her out, and she was almost positive that all the drills and equipment that might help them get to her were in here with her.

  That thought depressed her a bit, she was ready to get the hell out of this cellar. Thinking of getting out reminded her of Max. Panicked, she quickly calculated the time it would have taken him to go into the house and get the treats then come back. She sighed in relief when she realized that even if he’d ran the whole way there and back, there was no way he could have been trapped when the cellar door collapsed, Thank God.

  He was safe, which made the panic that had overtaken her at the thought of him hurt slowly leave her. Then she thought about what Tick would have felt if Max, his last connection to Vivi was taken from him. He’d likely be just as destroyed as he had been over losing Vivi. Not that she wouldn’t have been the same. She felt like Max was her own. She was the one who helped him tie his shoes, who read to him, and who made sure he did his school work. As she leaned back against the wall sighing. She felt the pain that throbbed in her leg, she was glad Max was safe.

  Taking the mask near her she attached it to the puppy’s nose, then turned on the tank. The puppy did not like that much, but she wasn’t going to let Max’s puppy die down here. The boy had suffered enough heart ache in his short life. She and Floppy were going to be alive when they pulled her out of this hole. She was puzzling over the explosion. Leaning on the wall she heard noises above her. Her man was trying to get her out she realized with a smile. All she had to do was wait, she thought, leaning her head back against the back wall.

  Tick slammed the shovel back into the dirt again, wishing that they could all dig faster. They had been at it for over an hour. They needed to get her out of there before she ran out of air. They had only gotten about three foot down. This was taking too long, they weren’t going to make it at this rate, he thought, wanting to rage at the world. How could this happen to him, again. To a woman he loved. Fuck, he thought, digging.

  Ratchet walked over to him, laying a hand on his shoulder. “You need to take a break you’ve been digging nonstop for an hour. Get some water.”

  “No, she’s down there alone losing air. I don’t have time to take a damned water break.” Tick didn’t stop digging, he just kept working. He needed to get to her.

  “Ratchet, Mark’s got an idea.” Dog said walking up with the man who’d trapped his woman down in that damned hole in the first place. Tick growled

  “Nobody wants to hear any idea this mother fucker has.” Tick told Dog

  “Listen, Tick. It’s a good idea. You know we’re running out of options this isn’t fast enough.” Dog told him earnestly. As if he didn’t already fucking know that.

  Rock had followed the two men over and he spoke up pissing Tick off even more than he already was.

  “His idea may be her only chance.” He bluntly told him.

  “I don’t fucking care. We have to get her out! Wasting time talking about ways to do that is not getting her out. She’s already been down there an hour. She may not have much air left.” Tick roared shoving Rock.

  “That’s why you need to listen, Tick.” Tiny told him walking up to them.

  “Fine, talk, jackass.” Tick told him.

  This was wasting time, but these assholes wanted to hear what the man had to say. Didn’t they realizes that this was all his fault? This man was the reason his woman was in that damned cellar in the first place.

  “We need to use the drill. The one for drilling wells. We go about two foot from the entrance of the cellar and use the drill to punch through.” Mark told him.

  Tick interrupted the man, “Mother fucker are you crazy? You could fucking bring the whole damned thing down on top of her.” Tick couldn’t believe that they were listening to this bullshit. What the fuck were they thinking?

  “No, listen to me. That way we only have to go through about three foot to get in. At the very least it would let us get her some air. I mapped the whole thing before I set the charge. I’m positive that if we do this it will work. I know that there are no supports near there either.” Mark insisted

  “Fucker, you really think that I will trust you after what you did?” Tick stared at the man his temper seething.

  “When I was doing this I didn’t want to take out any of the equipment. Here is where we have to dig. This will work, Tick.” Mark told him stabbing a spot on a crud map he’d made. “If we do this we can get to her in time before she runs out of air.”

  “What if she’s underneath where you plan to drill and you crush her instead, jackass?” Tick asked, not wanting to continue wasting time with this line of thinking. They didn’t have time for this.

  “Tick, she’d know to get back from the front of the cellar. She’s smart.” Dog told him. He turned his glare on the other man.

  “And if she’s hurt and can’t, Dog. If she’s not able to move, or was knocked out. What then? We can’t take that chance!” Tick roared.

  Bone walked up to the small group with a phone pressed to his ear and Tank on his heels. “Dog, Trick says do it. Go get the drill so we can start digging. Mark go figure out exactly where we need to dig it out.

  Tick stared at Bone. Had he lost his mind? He wasn’t even asking him what to do? That was his woman down there.

  “I fucking said no, Bone!” He bellowed, grabbing Bone.

  “Her brother said it’s a go. We’re doing this. You don’t get to make the call, he does. She’s his family. It’s already eating him up that he’s not here to help. I know you care about her Tick, we all do.” Bone shoved him back. “Katie and Trick are on their way they should arrive day after tomorrow. He decides. I’m sorry, Tick.”

  “The fuck you say! She’s wearing my fucking patch mother fucker! That means when I say no, you fucking listen!” He went for Bone’s throat, but Ratchet was faster and grabbed him.

  “What the hell are you talking about? You couldn’t have patched her without the clubs say so.” Bone roared.

  “He did. He patched her, Bone. She agreed.” Ratchet quietly injected.

  “Fuck…fuck. I didn’t know. That’s the reason why you don’t patch a woman without the clubs agreement. Why the fuck did you do that when you know damned well that’s how this works, Tick? You consult the club first.” Bone glared at him, but he didn’t give a fuck. Charity was already family getting them to agree in church wouldn’t have been a problem, she was already part of the club.

  “She’s mine. She was already club, and I knew that you’d allow it. I was going to handle it this week in church. She needed to be patched, she was trying to date some other man.” Tick growled, eyes narrowed on Bone.

  “Fuck, yeah. I get that, but there will have to be some repayment to the club. And Trick is going to lose his mind for real now.” Bone finally said.

  “I don’t fucking care
. Now let’s quit dicking around and start digging. No fucking drill.” Tick moved intending to go back to digging, but Tank caught his arm.

  “Look I get it. If it were Annie. I don’t know what I would fucking do. But their right. It’s her only chance. You know this is taking too long, Tick. You have to take the chance. It’s the only way she has any chance of getting out of there alive. Do you want to be pulling her dead body out of that cellar?” Tank asked him bluntly.

  “She likely only has about thirty minutes of air left down there, Tick” Ratchet told him.

  He wanted to scream at them that they were all wrong. That they could dig her out, but he knew better. This was taking too fucking long. He’d already been thinking it. Fuck, he thought pushing his hand through his hair. He didn’t want to take any chances with his woman’s life, but these assholes were right. He sighed again.

  “We need to do this, Tick.” Ratchet gruffly told him his hand resting on his shoulder.

  “Fuck,” He grunted. Then he said the words he hoped he didn’t regret. “Do it.”

  The men took off in several directions to get the drill set up. Tick’s shoulders sagged. Ratchet leaned closer. His eyes meeting his.

  “We’re going to get her back, Tick.” The man said. Only Tick wasn’t even sure that was true. With every minute that passed he was losing the ability to believe that.

  Chapter 18

  Charity could hear something coming through the ground near the entrance. Stuff was falling and she was grateful that she had the air tanks because if she didn’t when that shit started flying all over the place she would have had trouble breathing. As it was she had to close her eyes. She could hear noises now, and shouting. Which meant they’d managed to almost punch through where they were trying to. That was good. It meant that she and Floppy were getting out of here soon. She pet the whimpering puppy’s head. He was trembling in fear. Likely because the day had been really stressful for them both.

  She could attest to that. She heard the drilling stop and someone shouted.

  “We’re through! Get the ropes. Charity, Charity.”

  Taking the mask off with all the dust flying around wasn’t a good idea so she just began making her way to the front of the cellar carrying the puppy, and dragging the tank. She didn’t want to get too close in case it caved in more. One minute she was stumbling towards the hole in the cellar and the next Tick was dropping down into the hole.

  He looked half mad. She guessed he would, hell he’d just patched her and then she’d almost died. It was a repeat of Vivi. He rushed to her. His arms wrapping around her, crushing her to him.

  Tick had been half mad for over fifteen minutes as they drilled through the ceiling of the cellar. He’d been crazed to find her alive and well waiting for him to get her out. So when he dropped into that cellar and saw her standing there wearing a mask and holding a puppy. His heart almost beat out of his chest and the relief that filled him at the sight of her alive was almost killing him. Thank God, she was okay. He rushed towards her his heart beating so fast that he thought he might pass out.

  “She’s okay.” He bellowed for the people above them.

  He heard whoops and shouts to get the sling to help them back out. Tick didn’t listen to any of it he just held her to him, trembling. Whispering into her hair. “Thank God, you’re okay. Are you hurt anywhere?” He asked pushing back a little so he could see her face.

  She pulled the oxygen mask away from her face telling him, “Just my leg.” He looked down at her leg seeing her make shift bandage.

  Charity was glad to be almost out of this death trap. She knew that she’d never, ever come down into this cellar again. If the puppy decided to come down here it was on its own until Tick got home. She was never doing this again. She trembled in his arms as he clutched her to him. Tick was trembling too she could feel it as he clung to her. This had to be bringing back memories of Vivi. She knew that would be why he was so shaken by what happened today.

  “Doc’s here. He’ll take care of that.” Tick told her kissing her head. “Where did this come from?” He asked indicating the mask that was now hanging around her neck. She pointed.

  “I found a bunch of them back there.” She pulled the one she’d dragged with her when she’d walked closer to the hole, up beside her.

  “Shit, I forgot those were down here. Thank God. That would have kept you alive for us to get you out.” Tick smiled.

  “You two okay down there?” Dog yelled.

  “Yeah, we’re good.” Tick called back up.

  “Good we’re sending down the sling to get her up. Then we’ll get you out.” Dog told them.

  It was another thirty minutes before she could see Doc about her leg. It was still bleeding when he removed the bandage. Tick hadn’t left her side since she’d been pulled from the cellar. He was clutching her hand as if it were a lifeline. She knew that as soon as she was done here they were headed over to Maria and Colt’s to see Max. Tick said he’d been blaming himself when she’d been trapped in the cellar.

  “So got yourself into another dangerous situation, did you Charity Ann?” Doc said making her blush. Growing up he’d been the one to take care of her many scraps and cuts.

  There’d been the broken arm when she was thirteen, the cut across her cheek when they fought the girls at the race track, and the time that she’d let Katie talk her into sneaking out to a party three towns over, and they’d gotten attacked by two Jackals. That was one she’d never told her brother the truth about. Even as he’d roared to know who’d cut her with a knife. Those two dead Jackal’s hadn’t been able to talk. She’d taken out one and Katie the other. That was when they’d become more careful. They’d been nineteen at the time.

  “Charity Ann?” Tick asked laughing.

  “Yes.” She said glaring at Doc who just chuckled as he looked down at the cut.

  “Humm…this is deep. I’m going to give you a shot. It will prevent infection.” He cleaned the wound then used a tool to seal the wound. It slowly knitted the skin back together. It looked almost like it had never happened when he was done. “I don’t’ think it was deep enough to scar. Try to stay out of trouble. I’m tired of patching you up all the time” Doc said after he gave her the shot he’d promised.

  “It’s not that often, Doc. Well, not anymore.” She told him glaring. To which he’d replied with a non-committal noise.

  Tick lifted her from the couch in the main farmhouse where they’d taken her. He headed in the direction of Colt’s to see Max.

  “I can walk, Tick.” She told him her hand rubbing his face.

  “I know, but I need to hold you, baby girl.” Tick told her.

  They were halfway there when Bone came up. “Tick, I need to talk to you.” He said cautiously.

  “Not now, Bone.” Tick growled, glaring at the man.

  “Yes, now Tick. We need to take care of this, and you know we need you for it.”

  “I am not going after that mother fucker’s sister, Bone. He almost killed Charity.” Tick roared, setting Charity on her feet.

  Charity looked back and forth between Tick and Bone. “What’s going on? Who’s sister?”

  “Mark’s” Tick barked.

  “His sister needs you to find her doesn’t she?” Charity asked him.

  “Yeah, according to Mark. When he tried to leave the headhunters for us after the first week he spent here they kidnapped his sister. They are holding her prisoner until they deemed that he was done causing trouble for us. Tick, we need your help. I’m not asking here. You’re already in enough trouble.” Bone said, nodding to Charity.

  Tick didn’t give a fuck. He knew that he would feel bad if the girl was hurt or if she died, but fuck Mark. He’d almost killed Charity.

  “He almost killed her. If it was Molly what would you do?” Tick demanded.

  “Fuck…ma-” Bone started, but Charity broke in.

  “No, Tick go help them. You are not going to leave some woman with Headhunter’s
or Jackal’s. Not for another minute. Their bastards. No woman should ever be with them. Ever.” She shivered at the memories that suddenly assaulted her of the Jackal’s she and Katie had their run in with. If they hadn’t been able to get away they would have been raped and tortured to death and she couldn’t allow anyone to experience that. She wouldn’t allow Tick to either.

  Bone’s gaze sharpened as he watched her for several moments. “When?” He suddenly demanded.

  She knew he’d guess that she’d been taken by them. She shook her head. “A long time ago, and before you two go apeshit. I handled it. That particular Jackal is never gonna bother anyone again.” She grinned evilly.

  Bone grinned back, he reached out cuffing her gently under her chin. “I always said you and Katie were tougher than nails. I just didn’t realize how true that was did I?” He asked

  Tick’s reaction was a bit surprising. “I could have told you that she was. She nearly took me out, and we both know that’s hard to do.” Tick pulled her to him, kissing her forehead. Charity noticed with amusement that he didn’t tell Bone how she’d managed that though.

  “Fine, let me take her and Max home then I will meet you. But Bone keep that mother fucker away from me. I don’t want him anywhere near me.”

  “Done. We need him in Devils Falls, so we can keep an eye on him anyway.” Bone replied, before leaning over to give Charity a hug. “Glad you’re okay, doll face.” He told her.

  She laughed. “Love you too, Bone.” she watched him walk away still smiling. She turned back to Tick to find him glaring, his jaw twitching as he did.

  “What?” she asked unsure why he was angry? Was he mad that she’d insisted that he go after the man’s sister? She waited for him to tell her, but he only took her arm and began leading her towards Colt and Maria’s place.

  “Nothing.” He clipped out.

  When they walked into Maria’s Max was pale and he sat at the table beside Connor who was holding his hand. Max saw Charity and shot out of his chair almost dragging Connor with him. Charity knelt down to catch him. His little arms wrapped around Charity’s neck as he clutched her to him, crying. That was how Tick felt. He wanted to grab her and never let her go.


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