04 Naked Games

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04 Naked Games Page 15

by Anne Rainey

  His mom shook her head. “You care for Catherine, don’t you?”

  He shrugged, not willing to discuss his feelings for Catherine with anyone but Catherine. Hell, he wasn’t even sure what they were. “I don’t know what I feel yet.” At least that was partly true.

  “The truth, Dean.”

  He’d forgotten how determined his mother could be. He felt like a little kid all over again. “Yes,” he admitted. “I’m beginning to care. The thought of her going back to Georgia has me in knots. Happy?”

  His mother stood and walked toward him. She placed a hand on his shoulder. “I won’t be happy until you’re happy. I want all my kids happy. And holding on to this hate, Dean, keeping that wound fresh, isn’t healthy.”

  Dean started to put two and two together. “Is this like an intervention or something?”

  “Don’t get an attitude,” she said, chastising him as if he weren’t an adult. “We love you, and that’s the only reason we’re here.”

  He held up both hands in surrender. What was a guy supposed to do when he went up against two strong-minded women? “I love you too,” he said, meaning it. “And I get the message, loud and clear. But I’m a big kid and I need to deal with this in my way. Okay?”

  Deanna moved up beside him, adding her own weight to their mother. “Talk to Catherine,” she demanded. “Tell her how you feel. If you don’t you could lose her, Dean.”

  Put like that, Dean knew the pair of meddlers were right. As Jonas had put it, he needed to get his head out of his ass. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on both their cheeks. “Thank you for being so nosy.”

  Deanna beamed. “Anytime.”

  After the performance, Gracie and Wade dropped Catherine off at her hotel. She’d had a great time, but she’d been so tired that she’d yawned, more than once. Gracie had noticed and asked her about it. Catherine had caved and told her sister about Dean showing up at her hotel, and about what happened afterward. She’d thought Gracie would be happy, but if anything she appeared more worried than ever. Catherine didn’t understand it.

  She kicked off her black high heels and stripped out of her clothes, then slipped into an old nightshirt. She looked at her cell phone, wondering if Dean was still awake. She glanced at the clock by the bed—ten in the evening. He would probably need to be up early for work. She should let him sleep. She was exhausted anyway.

  “I can make it through one night without hearing his voice,” she told herself.

  Besides, she was about to fall over from lack of sleep, thanks to Dean and his insatiable appetite. Not that she was complaining, she thought with a grin. Catherine crossed the room and pulled back the covers. That was as far as she got before her cell started to buzz. She froze and stared at it, willing it to ring. Could it be? When the perky little tone sounded again, Catherine fairly leaped across the bed to grab it.


  “I was wondering when I was going to hear your pretty voice.”

  Her heart did a few cartwheels when Dean’s deep baritone came over the line. “I just got back. I thought about calling, but I was afraid to wake you.”

  “I’m a night owl. Call me anytime.”

  Catherine liked the ‘anytime’ part. It made her think of their relationship as long term. “I’ll make a note of that.” She scooted backward on the mattress and got under the covers. Once she was comfortable she said, “I missed you tonight.” She thought of how that might sound to a man like Dean who seemed to covet his independence, and thought to add, “Not that it’s a big deal, considering it hasn’t been that long since we saw each other.”

  “I missed you too.” He went quiet a moment, and Catherine was afraid the call had been dropped. “I have a surprise for you,” he said in a quieter voice.

  Equal amounts of shock and excitement zipped through her. “You do?”

  “Yep,” he said. “I hope you like it.”

  Intrigued, Catherine asked, “What is it?”

  She heard him chuckle, and the deep, sexy sound sent shivers up and down her spine. “It’s a surprise,” he replied. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  She scooted up higher on her pillow. “When will you show it to me?”

  “Are you busy tomorrow night?”

  “No. Yes. Well, sort of. I’m going over to Wade and Gracie’s tomorrow for lunch and to hang out, but my evening is free.”

  “Good, I’ll show it to you then. Want to come over around seven? Or I could swing by and get you, if you want.”

  Her heart began to beat faster at the thought of seeing Dean. “I’ll drive, but thanks.”

  “Now that that’s settled, what are you doing right now?”

  She picked at a stray thread on the blanket and said, “I’m in bed.”

  “Mmm,” he murmured, “nice visual.”

  All the blood in Catherine’s body seemed to rush south at Dean’s sensual tone. “What are you doing?” she asked, curious if he was in bed as well. An image of him naked and all sprawled out in his big bed sprang to mind. Yum.

  “I’m on the couch,” he replied, kicking her visual to the curb. “I was waiting for you to call me, but the phone never rang.”

  She winced, hating that he’d waited in vain. “I’m sorry. I was afraid to wake you.”

  “Tell me what you’re wearing and maybe I’ll forgive you,” he said with a hint of mischief.

  Catherine laughed. “A snowsuit and cowboy boots.”

  His chuckle seemed to go straight to her pussy. “Very funny.” He paused a second before saying, “Maybe you need a spanking. What do you think?”

  Catherine pictured herself bent over Dean’s knee as he delivered several swats to her rear. Her pussy throbbed at the erotic visual. “Maybe I do.”

  “Has a man ever done that to you before, sweetheart?”

  Her face flamed, and she was only too glad Dean couldn’t see her. “No,” she said with total honesty. “Remember, I’m the unadventurous one here.”

  She heard him shuffling around. “You just need the right teacher.”

  The phone wobbled in her suddenly unsteady hand. “Are you the right teacher for me, Dean?”

  “Would you like me to be?”

  Her breath caught in her throat, and she had to tell herself to exhale. “Yes,” she said, going for broke.

  “I have some ideas for us, Catherine, but I’m not sure you’re ready yet.”

  Oh, curiouser and curiouser. “That depends on the ideas. What do you have in mind?”

  “I’d much rather tell you in person,” he murmured huskily. “Tomorrow night, when I have you all turned on and anxious, I’ll tell you all the ways I plan to dirty you up.”

  That stunning comment had Catherine’s jaw going slack for a moment. “You’re a very a bad influence on me,” she whispered.

  “Probably,” he said, sounding far too serious. There was a pause and then, “Now, tell me what you’re really wearing. Give me something to think about tonight while I’m in bed.”

  She looked down at herself and cringed. “Well, to be honest, I’m wearing an old green nightshirt. Nothing special or fancy. Sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize,” he chastised. “I like you dressed up or down. Either gets me going, believe me.”

  She fell a little harder for him in that moment. “Thank you,” she replied.

  “You’re welcome. Now, tell me about your panties. Are you wearing any?”

  “Yes,” she murmured as her breathing increased. “What are you wearing?”

  “Pajama pants.”

  The way he said it made her think of his gorgeous, kissable bare chest. “That’s all?”

  “Yep,” he answered. “Now, what color are those panties? Describe them to me.”

  Catherine hesitated. Not sure how far she wanted to go. “Is this anything like a dirty phone call?”

  “No, because I don’t want you coming,” he boldly stated. “Not unless I’m there to lick you clean.”

  She grinne
d and decided to tweak him a little. “I could just take matters into my own hands after we hang up. You’d never know.”

  “But you won’t because you know it’ll be ten times better when it’s my mouth bringing you to climax.”

  Oh yeah, he had her there. “I’m wearing black satin panties,” she said, describing them like he’d wanted. “They have lace trim around the top.”

  “Ah, now that’s hot,” he growled. “Damn, Catherine, I want to be there so badly.”

  “I wish you were,” she breathed out. “My bed feels cold without you.” She turned her face to the side and inhaled. “But I can still smell your scent on my pillow. It’s turning me on.” A fresh wave of heat swept over her as she imagined Dean striding in right at that moment. He would rip the covers off her and take her, hard and fast. Good Lord, it was going to be a long night if she kept this up.

  “You’re all over my bedroom, woman,” he bit out, as if frustrated by the idea. “On my pillow and blankets both. It’s half the reason I’m in the living room. Sitting in there was making me horny as fuck.”

  The image of his cock, all thick and hard, made Catherine’s mouth water. “Hmm, if I have to wait, then so do you.”

  He snorted. “My hand would be a damn poor substitute anyway.”

  Catherine imagined being bold enough to get in her rental and drive over to his house. She could show up in her coat and nothing else. But she wasn’t that bold, she thought miserably. Never had been. Dang it.

  “You still there?”

  “Sorry, yea.” She yawned as her body started to succumb to lack of sleep. “I’m getting tired though.” She smiled. “Someone kept me up last night.”

  “You’d better get a good night’s sleep tonight, then, because you’ll be up tomorrow night too,” he confirmed, his voice low and filled with dark promise.

  She yawned again and knew she was about done for. “I’m glad you called.”

  “Me too,” he murmured. “Sleep tight, sweetheart.”

  “You too, Dean.”

  When they hung up, Catherine thought of what Dean had said. He had a surprise for her. She couldn’t even begin to guess what it might be, but it thrilled her that he’d thought of her. Tomorrow was Thursday, though, and she’d be going home in a few days. Home, which meant miles away from Dean. What was she going to do then?

  The thought had her tossing and turning until the wee hours of the morning.


  The next day, Catherine arrived at Wade and Gracie’s in time to watch Gracie pull out a large pan from the oven. “What is that?” she asked as she laid her coat over a chair. “It smells delicious.”

  “Wade made lasagna.” She pointed to a stool by the counter. “Pull up a seat. You’re going to love this.”

  Catherine’s stomach rumbled as she took the seat nearest the stove. “Mmm, I can’t wait. You snagged yourself a pretty handy guy there, you know? He cooks and takes down bad guys. Is there anything he can’t do?”

  Gracie laughed as she placed the potholders aside and picked up a large knife. “I happen to think he can do anything, but I’m somewhat biased.”

  Catherine looked around. “Where is the man of the hour anyway?”

  “He and Jonas are working a case. An embezzler or something.” Gracie threw her hands in the air. “I can’t keep track.”

  The dangerous nature of Wade’s private investigating job prompted Catherine to ask, “Does it worry you when he’s away?”

  “Definitely, but I know he takes precautions. I can’t ask for more than that.”

  She admired Gracie for her strength, and for the faith she obviously had in her fiancé. “Has he ever considered a different line of work?”

  Gracie started to cut the lasagna into large squares. “Nah, he loves his job. He’d be miserable doing something else.”

  A knock on the door interrupted them. Catherine frowned. “Are you expecting someone?”

  Gracie put the knife down and wiped her hands on a dishtowel. “I almost forgot that I asked Wade’s mom and sister to come over.” She bit her lip. “Do you mind?”

  “Of course not.” Catherine laughed. “I wondered who was going to eat all that lasagna.”

  Gracie headed for the door and let the two women in. “You have great timing. The lasagna just came out of the oven.”

  “Oh, man, that brother of mine is an amazing cook,” Deanna said as she tossed her coat on top of Catherine’s. “I think that gene skipped me or something.”

  Catherine watched as Dean’s mother took off her own coat. The older woman looked her way and smiled. “I hope you don’t mind us horning in on your visit with Gracie.”

  Catherine waved a hand in the air. “Not at all. I was just saying that I was glad I wasn’t going to have to eat all that lasagna by myself.”

  Deanna pulled out a stool and sat next to her. “No worries. Food never goes to waste when I’m around.”

  Catherine laughed. “But you’re so thin. What’s your secret?”

  “Her metabolism is turbocharged,” Dean’s mom answered. “It’s the only explanation.”

  When Gracie took plates out of the cupboards, Catherine thought to ask, “Is there anything I can do?”

  Gracie looked over her shoulder at her. “Would you mind getting out the glasses? And there’s a pitcher of iced tea in the fridge.”

  “No problem.” Catherine got off her stool and moved around to the other side of the counter, then stared at the many cupboards. “Uh, which one are the glasses in?”

  Gracie pointed toward the refrigerator. “The one on the left there,” she said.

  “Is there anything we can do, dear?” Mrs. Harrison asked as she went to the sink and washed her hands.

  “There’s a salad in the fridge. If you can get that out it’d be great.” She looked over at Deanna. “Deanna, would you mind getting out the silverware?”

  “Sure thing,” she said, as she hopped off the stool and got to work.

  Together they had lunch set out and were digging into the food within minutes. It was the best lasagna Catherine had ever eaten. She was amazed when Deanna went back for a second helping, considering how large the slices were. The woman really did have an amazing metabolism. She wished it’d rub off on her. As the thought entered her mind, she remembered Dean telling her he loved her curves and had to bite back a smile.

  After lunch, Gracie brewed a pot of coffee and they moved into the living room. Catherine sat on the couch next to Gracie, while Deanna and her mom took the chairs opposite them.

  “So,” the older woman said, “Deanna tells me that you and Dean are seeing each other.”

  Catherine could feel her cheeks heating up as she thought of how Deanna had come by that particular kernel of information. “We’ve gone out a few times,” Catherine answered, keeping it vague. It was a lame reply, she knew, but she couldn’t very well tell the woman that they’d spent most of their time together in bed.

  “Do you like him?” she asked, a friendly smile on her face.

  “He’s a wonderful guy,” Catherine told her with total honesty. “I’ve enjoyed our dates.” Definitely the understatement of the year there. She looked over at Deanna and saw her attempting to hide a grin.

  “He is a wonderful guy, but he can be stubborn and difficult.” When Catherine started to protest, Mrs. Harrison held up a hand. “No, it’s okay. He’s my son and I love him, but he’s a lot like his father, impulsive and demanding.”

  Catherine sighed. “He doesn’t trust me,” she admitted. “He thinks I’m hiding something. Like I’m going to try something underhanded with Gracie.” Catherine got angry all over again as she thought about his total lack of faith in her. “I can’t figure it out.”

  “Do you care about him?” Mrs. Harrison asked.

  Catherine looked at the three women. All of them seemed to be holding their breath for her answer. “Yes,” she replied, her voice trembling a little. “The idea of going back to Georgia isn’t at all appeali
ng. I’m going to miss Gracie terribly, and my relationship with Dean is so fragile.”

  “You’re worried he’ll forget about you once you’re gone,” Deanna surmised.

  Catherine nodded and looked down at the floor. “I get the feeling he’s holding a part of himself back and I don’t know why.” She ran a hand through her hair. “How can I fix it if he won’t open up to me?”

  The room went quiet, and Catherine looked up to see Deanna and her mom exchanging a telling look. The pair clearly knew something. Deanna spoke up first. “Dean hasn’t had the best of luck in the dating arena, but I know that he cares about you.”

  Afraid Deanna was only saying that to make her feel better, she asked, “How can you possibly tell?”

  Gracie laughed. “Um, it’s pretty much all over his face whenever someone mentions your name or you two are in the same room together.”

  “And he’s done a good job of monopolizing your time whenever you aren’t busy with Gracie. My brother doesn’t spend that much time with a woman unless he really cares about her.”

  Catherine shrugged, not quite convinced. “That’s lust, which is so not the same thing.” She realized what she’d said and who she’d said it in front of, and promptly wanted to swallow her own tongue. “Sorry,” she mumbled, feeling like a complete idiot. “That was totally inappropriate.”

  All three women laughed. “It’s fine, trust me,” Mrs. Harrison said. “Dean’s father had a rather healthy sex drive too.”

  “Mom!” Deanna exclaimed. “Way too much information!”

  Soon they were all cracking up. After they settled down and the room was silent once more, Catherine asked, “So, do you ladies have any tips for me? I’m desperate here.”

  Dean’s mom leaned over and patted her on the arm. “Don’t give up on him, sweetie. He’s crazy about you, I know it. He needs a swift kick in the pants, but he’s one of the good guys, trust me.”

  Deanna nodded. “Mom’s right. He’s annoying and obstinate at times, but he’s worth an extra headache or two.”


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