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by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  “We can have it all back, Mia.” He slid his hand to cup my cheek. His touch felt warm at first, but quickly turned hotter. Suddenly, I felt him pulsing inside me, through my veins. This time it didn’t hurt. It felt sensual and intimate, like he was rubbing up against my soul and embracing me.

  I wanted to pull away but couldn’t. I missed this too much—that connection and closeness. He was the love of my life, and as much as I wanted to tell myself that this was not the same man, the lie was what I craved. I needed to feel him close one more time. I needed to feel his breath on my neck and hear his soft, deep groans in my ears. I needed to feel his lips and cock and hands touching me everywhere. I needed to fill that hole in my heart and breathe again even if it only lasted a moment.

  “This is what you want, isn’t it?” Lust twinkled in his gray eyes. He pulled me in tighter, allowing me to feel his erection. “There, you see. I haven’t forgotten you completely. And with time, I might remember everything. Don’t you want that?”


  “Complex doesn’t even begin to describe the plot or the characters in Mack. I was pretty much blown away with the range of emotions portrayed as well as how swept up I became with the story.”

  —Sara, Harlequin Junkie

  “The writing was so suspenseful and well done that I couldn’t put it down.”

  —Leigh, Guilty Pleasures

  “I am not doing this book justice here. Flawless read… Intriguing story line. Hot main male character…and strong female character.”

  —Smart Mouth Smut

  “It blew me away.”

  —Books for Me

  “Mysterious and Captivating.”

  —Book Addict Haven

  “Tense, well-written. Fantastic characters. Fantastic plot that slowly reveals itself. You never know quite which way it’s going to go, you just know you want to arrive with these people.”

  —Existential Rabbit

  “Heart-racing, mind-jumbling, infuriatingly-beautiful, steaming-hot and where-the-hell-is-the-next-one!”

  —The Book Bell

  “I so love a Mimi adventure, full of drama, mystery and suspense. This book kept my attention from the very start to finish and captured my imagination fully and I loved every single minute.”

  —Minxes Love Books


  LEATHER PANTS (The Happy Pants Café Series, Book 2)



  (Paranormal Romance/Humor)

  Accidentally in Love with…a God? (Book 1)

  Accidentally Married to…a Vampire? (Book 2)

  Sun God Seeks…Surrogate? (Book 3)

  Accidentally…Evil? (a Novella) (Book 3.5)

  Vampires Need Not…Apply? (Book 4)

  Accidentally…Cimil? (a Novella) (Book 4.5)

  Accidentally…Over? (Series Finale) (Book 5)


  (Standalones/Romantic Comedy)

  The Happy Pants Café (Prequel)

  Tailored for Trouble (Book 1)


  (Standalones/New Adult Suspense/Humor)

  Fate Book

  Fate Book Two


  (Standalone/Contemporary Romance)


  it’s a fugly life



  The Immortal Matchmakers (Book 1)

  Tommaso (Book 2)

  God of Wine (Book 3)


  (Dark Fantasy)

  King’s (Book 1)

  King for a Day (Book 2)

  King of Me (Book 3)

  Mack (Book 4)


  (Dark Fantasy)

  Mermen (Book 1)

  MerMadmen (Book 2)

  MerCiless (Book 3)


  The King Series

  Book Five

  Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  A Mimi Boutique Novel

  Copyright © 2017 by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  Kindle Edition

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the writer, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks are not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Cover Design by Earthly Charms (www.earthlycharms.com)

  Development Editing by Latoya C. Smith (lcsliterary.com)

  Line Editing and Proof Reading by Pauline Nolet (www.paulinenolet.com)

  Formatting by bbebooksthailand.com

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  About the Book

  Praise for Mimi Jean’s Bestselling King Series

  Other Works by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeenr />
  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Author’s Evil Note

  Mimi’s Evil Playlist

  Coming Soon

  Evil Acknowledgements

  About the Evil Author




  I rolled out of bed, feeling unrested and sore and out of my mind with grief. It had been another rough night for me, one of many to come, I assumed. But what else could I do?

  You’ll find coffee. Then you’ll try to find a way to keep breathing. Because that was what widows did.

  As I stumbled toward my bedroom doorway to go check on the baby, the phone rang on my nightstand. The caller ID said Mack.


  “Mia, I don’t know how to say this, but he didn’t stay dead. He’s back, but he’s not him anymore.”

  “What?” I blinked. “Could you repeat that?”

  “King is back, Mia. And he made it clear he’s not letting me end 10 Club.”

  “I’ll call you,” I started hyperventilating, “back,” and passed out.



  Tonight calls for a celebration. No, it is not a birthday nor an anniversary. Men like me do not give a dark fuck about life’s shitty little milestones. We care only for power or money—same fucking thing. And after tonight, I will have enough of both to break the fucking world.

  “Hey, baby,” says the topless bleach blonde rubbing her ass on my cock over my black slacks to the beat of the music, “I’m free after work.”

  “Shut up and keep dancing.” Women like her don’t come close to doing it for me, but she is the hottest, most expensive stripper in this private bar. A thousand dollars a minute. It’s pocket change to me; however, everyone here tonight now wonders why I’m treating myself.

  Just as I hoped.

  My eyes sweep the smoky, dimly lit bar filled with 10 Club members sitting at little tables, whispering in the shadows, making their deals and bartering for whatever sadistic crap will get them off tonight—sex slaves, drugs, torture, murder, whatever. Anything goes. Of course, they’re all talking about me, as well.

  I smile and take a long victory drag off my cigar, ceremoniously blowing the smoke into the air above. I want them all to see me gloating. I want them talking to the other degenerate 10 Club fucks and speculating what I am up to. Because regardless of what it is, they’ll all want to steal it from me. They’ll all want a piece.

  I’m counting on it.

  “That’s enough.” I push the blonde’s ass forward, rise from my seat, and straighten my blood red tie. I’ve done what I came for and can already hear the phones vibrating with speculation around the world at the hundred other 10 Club establishments like this one. “King is here.” “Something’s going down.” “What do you know and what’s the price?” they’re all saying.

  They’ll never guess. Not in a million years.

  I toss a thick roll of hundreds at the stripper, who goes on her hands and knees to fetch it from the floor. I can feel her lust-filled eyes on me as I step over her like the dog she is. After all, she’s 10 Club property, not even human in my eyes. But she made her choice. We all have. No one is part of this debauchery by accident. That’s not to say some aren’t backed into impossible corners, forced to choose between things such as death or becoming part of our secret society comprised of two levels—the powerful and the powerless.

  Make that three levels. Because there’s me. At the top.

  I stroll toward the set of heavy iron doors and make my exit into the dark alley. It’s raining and windy. Typical for a January in San Francisco. Personally, I like the somber feel of this weather—fits my mood. Dark as fuck.

  I am ten steps from my sleek black Mercedes when I hear footsteps splashing through puddles behind me. From the sound of the short strides, I know it’s a woman.

  Fucking idiot. Doesn’t she know I despise desperation? And I definitely don’t pay to fuck strippers who are owned by 10 Club. God only knows where that pussy’s been.

  I shake my head, pulling my keys from my pocket, and hit the unlock button on the remote. “Sorry, sweetheart. Not interested.”

  “You’re King, right?”

  The soft voice is unfamiliar, so I turn my head. She’s petite, blonde, and mildly interesting to look at; however, it’s hard to tell just how interesting since she’s wearing a garish yellow raincoat.

  “Who’s asking?” I say.

  “Yes or no,” she replies with a hint of a growl in her sweet voice.

  My, my. Aren’t we a demanding little thing? I decide to play along. Of course, she has no clue I can snap her neck with the twitch of my fingers.

  “Let us pretend for a moment that I have replied with a yes. What’s in it for me?” I ask.

  She steps closer, which definitely draws my attention. Most people fear me. They don’t know why, they often don’t even realize it, but they definitely fear me. This one doesn’t seem afraid.

  Either that or she’s too desperate to notice she’s in the presence of something black hearted.

  “They say you are the man who can find anything or anyone for a price,” she says.

  I like the way this conversation is moving. It means she wants something, and now that the streetlamp above has given me a better look at her luscious little lips, I’m fairly sure we can come to some sort of arrangement.

  I cock a brow, silently urging her to continue.

  “I-I need help finding someone.”

  Someone very important, I hope. Because I think I might like to add you to my collection. I collect many things, including people, although usually not for sex. I can get that without having to take on the responsibility of ownership. But for her, I might make an exception. Her wavy, shoulder-length blonde hair and wide blue eyes are at the top of my list when it comes to turn-ons, but what really gets me off are naivety and fearlessness. She has plenty of both.

  “Go on,” I say.

  “I want you to help me find my husband.”

  Tonight just got a whole hell of a lot more interesting. Because I love taking things that don’t belong to me, and I sure as hell love breaking a person’s soul.

  I dip my head to give her a good look. She should see the face of the man who will be fucking her for the next few years until I grow tired of her and trade her away to another club member, likely one of those sick fuckers who enjoys making lampshades from women’s legs and breasts. Like I said, anything goes in 10 Club, just as long as you’ve got ten billion in the bank and money to pay your dues—one billion a year—which buys you complete immunity from any government anywhere in the world. Of course, we own all the governments. How do you think so many sadistic pricks make it into office? Power and money are everything.

  I lean down and let her drink in my dark features. Yes, look into my eyes, sweetheart. See the promise of suffering in their cold gray depths. But as I stare back at her, there’s nothing. No fear in her eyes. No sadness or desperation. She’s void of all emotion.

  Tonight just got a whole hell of a lot less interesting. It’s no fun for me if they’re already broken.

  “Sorry. I’m busy.” I turn away and pop open the driver-side door.

  “Wait. Aren’t you going to help me?”

  “I could,” I say blandly, sliding into the cool leather of the driver’s seat, “however, as you’ve pointed out, I am the man who can find anyone or anything for a price. You don’t have anything I want.”

  She wedges herself between me and the car door I’m about to close. “Name it. Name your price, King.” She grabs my shoulder and my groin floods with heated lust. Is it because she’s not the least bit afraid and should be? Probably. Like I said, fearlessness and naivety make my dick hard.

  I look up at her, deciding
to make an offer though I would probably be better off going home to enjoy a bottle of expensive scotch and prepare for my dinner party. No. I won’t be cooking or cleaning. I have slaves for such mundane bullcrap. This preparation is something else entirely.

  “My price is you,” I say, thinking she might make an interesting toy.

  She doesn’t bat an eyelash, which is surprising. They usually look a little offended or shocked when I tell them I’d like to own them.

  “No deal,” she says.

  I shrug and start the engine. “Then I’m afraid we must part ways. Good luck finding him.”

  “I have money. A lot of money.”

  “Not interested.” I’m already obscenely wealthy and will soon have the kinds of funds that make or break GDPs of first world countries. Whatever cash she’s got is a pittance.

  I give her a push and send her stumbling back so I can close the door.

  “Wait!” She gets her footing straightened out and comes at me again. I almost admire her persistence. Almost.

  “I have a ring,” she announces. “I’m told it can keep a person from dying.”

  I push back on the heavy door to prevent it from slamming into her. She’s got my attention. A man like me is always interested in items that bring back the dead or prevent people from dying once I do. Especially now.

  I turn off the engine, slowly step from the car, and look down at her as she shrinks back a few feet. That’s when I notice something’s different about her. The light doesn’t quite touch her, but instead reflects off a nearly undetectable sheen of energy surrounding her.

  And we’re back to a very interesting evening, indeed. People like her are rare. In fact, they are nearly extinct. I might have had something to do with that, but what can I say? In my younger years, I wasn’t a fan of her people.

  “How did you come about such an object?” I ask.

  She lifts her delicate chin defiantly. I fucking love it. She’s dancing with the devil and showing such bravery.


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