In the Middle

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In the Middle Page 4

by Sindra van Yssel

  He narrowed in on her nipples slowly, rubbing the crinkled areolae, then lightly pinching them. Her hips were moving before she noticed it, trying to find something to rub against. She felt like she was bursting with pleasure, and she couldn’t let it out. “Please.”

  He slipped a hand down her belly, and she thought he was going to give her the touch she craved, but instead he took a slight turn and ran it down her thigh. She shivered. So close but so far. She wondered what he’d do if she moved her own hand down to relieve her itch. He won’t let me, but how? Only one way to find out.

  “Oh no you don’t.” He snatched her wrist and then grabbed the other one. He pushed them both down to the bed. He threw his leg over her, straddling her tummy. Suddenly the control he had over her hit her in one big rush. She couldn’t break free from his grasp. She couldn’t move from under him. The only way to resist was to say her safe word, and she wasn’t going to do that. She wanted to come too badly, and she was too interested in what would happen next.

  “I think you know better than that,” he said. “Who controls when you get to come?”

  “You do,” she whispered.

  “Good answer. Can I trust you to keep your hands off yourself if I let them go?”

  I don’t think I want him to let them go. She shook her head.

  He chuckled. “Honesty is good.” He moved back, keeping her hands pinned. The rough fabric of his jeans rubbed against her mound. She wiggled, but she couldn’t quite get the friction she craved. “But then, right now I’m blocking you anyway.” He let go of her wrists suddenly and plucked at one tender nipple. She shrieked, surprised.

  “See? I can play with you and tease you as much as I want.” He scraped his close-trimmed fingernails down her side, making little lines of stinging pain that quickly faded, first on her left side, then on her right. And he was correct; she couldn’t reach past him. She tried pushing him, but he was too strong. She might as well be pushing a wall for all the good it did her. She noticed with some satisfaction the hard ridge in the front of his jeans. She wasn’t the only one who wanted more.

  “You really need to come, don’t you?” There was a hint of teasing in his voice.

  “Yes!” She tried to squirm out from under him, but that didn’t work either.

  “Would it be worth obeying for?”

  She thought about that for a second and dropped her hands. I’ve not been a very good sub, have I? “Yes, it would be,” she said, ashamed at her behavior but loving the control he had over her. Suddenly she wanted to obey quite badly.

  He grinned. “Would it be worth taking a little pain for?”

  Oh my God. She looked into his eyes, hesitating. But the fierceness in them, combined with the coiled restraint he showed as he waited for her consent, was not to be denied. “Yes,” she whispered. What have I just agreed to?

  “Good. Because I really, really enjoy giving it. It makes me aroused—well, even more aroused than I am now. If it turns you on, that’s wonderful, and I really hope it does. But that’s not the reason you’ll be receiving the pain, Louise. We’ll be doing it for me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” How much will he ask of me? How much will I have to give? And yet, this was part of what she’d come here for. He wasn’t in command to satisfy her whim, and that was immensely pleasing.

  “I’m going to get off you, and you’re going to turn over. Your hands will remain away from your body, and as soon as you are turned over, you will fold them under your head. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  He moved off her. She flipped over, folding her arms as he’d directed. With her shoulders up around her ears, her heartbeat seemed louder to her, pulsing in her head. What have I gotten into? She felt so vulnerable with her back to him. For a moment, she thought about running, about yelling “Colorado,” and getting away. Is this really sane?

  “Get your knees under you, your butt in the air. Good girl. Now spread them slightly, so I have access to your pussy… yes, that’s right. So swollen, so wet.”

  She heard a sound behind her, but she didn’t want to lift her head to look. Something scraping on something else, a rustle of fabric perhaps. She didn’t have to puzzle it out for long. He sat on the bed, to the side of her and slightly behind. Suddenly her butt rocked, and then she processed the sting. He’d spanked her with the palm of his hand. And she was letting him. She was going to let him do it again, even though it hurt. I don’t like this, she told herself. Her pussy was telling her differently. I can’t be getting even more turned on. I can’t.

  He spanked her again. “At least ten times, Lulu. More, if I want. Can you take them for me? You don’t have to count.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  She suspected she’d falter if he’d asked her to count. Instead his bare hand struck her backside, again and again, on the left side and on the right and in the middle, never where she expected it, always rocking her body and bringing stinging pain along with it. The pain faded, though, supplanted by a warm glow, until each stroke made her feel hotter, more turned on, and she barely noticed the sting or the way her body moved to absorb the impact.

  “Good girl,” he whispered in her ear. “Now with the belt. Three strokes, only three, but I’m afraid they’ll hurt much, much more. Will you take them for me?”

  I must be insane. Submitting online had never come with all this pain. A few times, he’d asked her to put clamps on her nipples and once on her pussy lips, and that had hurt too, but it had felt totally under her control. This didn’t feel that way at all. She didn’t have to worry about losing her nerve, about possibly cheating by lying to him that she was doing as he asked. He wasn’t just telling her what to do; he was doing what he wanted to her. This was the real thing, what she’d craved. It was scary, but she wanted it. At least she thought she did.

  No matter how much the belt hurts, after three it will be over. Right now, I’d say yes even if he told me he was going to smack me right on my pussy. At least I’d get to come. “Yes, Master.”

  “Brave girl.” She expected to hear him take his belt off, but then she realized he’d done that earlier. He moved off the bed. She tried to brace herself.

  The belt whistled as it swung through the air. She cringed before it even hit, and then her ass felt like it was on fire, a line of sharp pain across it.

  I can’t take that again. But he didn’t ask her. Another line of pain joined the first. The pain blended with the fading pain of the other, and then a third stripe was added to the other two. She didn’t have time to panic, they came so fast. Then something entered her pussy, and a thumb stroked her clit, and she closed her eyes as her orgasm hit her in a flash of white light, pleasure and pain swirling together in a moment of extreme intensity. Her body shook, her muscles contracting and squeezing, her breasts rubbing against the sheets. She hadn’t expected to come under the influence of so much pain, but she was happy she could. It affirmed to her that she wasn’t just imagining her submissive longings, or at least her masochistic ones. This is the real me.

  He pulled out of her, and she realized it was his fingers that had been inside her. Then he entered her again, hard, deeper than before, thicker too. His cock. He grabbed a breast and palmed her mound and started thrusting inside her, fast and urgent, making her pleasure climb again. His stomach bumped against the streaks of pain on her bottom, confusing her with all the different signals her body was giving. Her pussy contracted, and she grabbed the sheets, not sure she’d ever finished coming the first time and now it was all rushing over her again. She started to scream and bit the covers to stop from making noise. He swelled inside her, grunted, moaned, and she could feel his cock pulse as her pussy squeezed him hard, milking him.

  She collapsed on the bed, and he spooned next to her, staying inside her for a few moments before pulling out to take off a condom and pitch it into the wastebasket nearby.

  “Wow.” Her warm ass stung as it pressed against his pelvis, but it was more a re
minder of what they’d done than real pain, and she wasn’t about to edge away. She wanted to feel what they’d done together. His strong arms wrapped around her, holding her close. She breathed in his masculine scent. He nuzzled her neck, kissing her softly.

  “You were wonderful,” he told her in a low voice. “You are wonderful. You took that so well.”

  She hid her smile and squirmed back against him, wanting the physical memory to feel more intense. If she had felt the belt just once, there was no way she would have thought she could take it three times. But he was pleased. And that pleased her. “Thank you, Master.” She closed her eyes, content to feel. In spite of her stinging backside and the fact that it wasn’t near her bedtime, she felt sleepy. His strong arms, his gentle hands, the soft touch of his lips on her neck all combined to make her feel very, very safe.

  “You’re very welcome, slave girl.”

  They’d been silent for some time when she realized she hadn’t told him that she’d enjoyed it. Not that she would ask to feel the belt again. She was sure she’d shiver if she saw him so much as unhook it from the belt loops on his pants. But the spanking felt nice, and even the belt was a price she would willingly pay for the pleasure he’d brought her. How to say something like that? She wasn’t sure. She felt embarrassed to admit she liked it.

  Instead, she turned her head and kissed him behind the ear, touching him with her tongue and tasting salty skin. Maybe he doesn’t need to be told. My pleasure was pretty damned obvious.

  Chapter Three

  Daniel looked at his watch as he hurried down Connecticut Avenue. Louise was supposed to call him in the next two minutes. Parking had been hard to find, and he’d had to leave his car five blocks away from the hotel. He’d had to dodge to avoid bowling over a mom with her four-year-old in his rush to get to the hotel on time.

  He pushed open the door and groaned. There was a queue in front of the elevator, including two bellhops with trucks full of luggage. One of the elevators had an OUT OF ORDER sign on it. Must be a lot of people checking in for a convention or something. He looked around, found the well-hidden sign for the stairs, and started up. If Louise needed help, he wasn’t going to wait for however long it took the police to take him seriously and send someone from the closest station. He’d rescue the damsel in distress himself, if need be.

  He quirked a smile. Didn’t the hero get his way with the rescued princess? But in this case, he’d rather she had her way with him. Their lovemaking earlier in the week had brought to the fore long-suppressed submissive desires. And while he felt jealous of Rob and possessive of Louise, there was also a part of him that was thrilled at the idea of letting her take another lover. He didn’t ask if she’d let him take a lover. Partly because he didn’t want to, and if she’d said yes, that would spoil his gift and turn it into a quid pro quo. But if she said no, that would be a way of asserting her dominance over him. It almost made him tempted to ask. It definitely produced a reaction.

  This is no time for a hard cock. Either she’s in danger, or she’s not, but it’s not like her to let it go until the last minute. I need to be thinking with my brain, not my penis. He’d lost count of stairwells—had it been four or five? He’d check at the next door.

  His phone rang. He looked at the time. She had left herself twenty-five seconds. He took out his phone and unlocked it. It was showing Louise as the caller. He stopped on the next landing and hit Answer Call.

  “Louise. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, Daniel. Sorry for waiting until the last minute. I lost track of time.”

  “As long as you’re okay.” What was she doing that made her lose track of time? They couldn’t have been having sex for a whole two hours, could they?

  “I’m fine. Feeling very good, actually. Thank you for not being jealous.”

  “Who says I’m not jealous? It just turns me on more to give you what you want than it does to deny it to you.”

  “That’s sweet.” He could make out a rustle on the other end of the line, but he couldn’t begin to guess what it was. The fact that there was movement made his heart skip a beat and his imagination go into overdrive, but she kept talking. “You sound out of breath, Dan. What have you been doing?”

  He didn’t know how she would take it if she realized he’d come all the way to the hotel. Would she be touched or angry? He didn’t want to lie to her either.

  “You haven’t been playing with yourself, have you?” She followed the question with a sigh that didn’t seem to have anything to do with her question.

  “No.” But I sure want to now. What’s going on there? “I was running.”

  “Running? Oh!”

  “What are you doing?” He half hoped she wouldn’t tell him. Would it hurt too much to know? Or would it turn him on more? He didn’t know.

  “Just a moment.” Then more quietly—and clearly not to him, “Please stop a moment, Master.”

  Stop what?

  He heard the sound of a door unlatch; then a second or two later, he heard it shut.

  “You’re not just outside my door, waiting to rescue me. Where are you, Daniel?”

  He didn’t say anything.

  “Tell me.”

  He bit his lip. Honesty wasn’t just the best policy; it was the only policy. And he didn’t want to refuse a direct command. “I’m in the stairwell of the hotel. One of the elevators is busted. If you hadn’t called and didn’t answer my call, I’d be there to break the door in.”

  “Just a moment. I’ll call you back.”

  The line went dead, and he rested his back against the wall. Normally he had an idea how anything would play out. He planned several steps ahead, anticipated what the other side might try, and was ready with a response. But he wasn’t in control of this situation, not at all. Was Louise? Or was the mysterious Randall X in control of everything? He didn’t mind surrendering control to Louise. To another man—that was a different matter entirely.

  The phone rang again. “Yes, Louise?”

  “Please come upstairs, and come to room eight five nine. I have something I want to ask you. I promise you that nothing will happen against your will.”

  His will. The last few days, at least when he thought about Louise, he had no idea what his will was. He wanted to do what she wanted, even when it was difficult. Maybe especially if it was difficult. “Yes, Louise.” He started climbing the stairs again. He didn’t know what to expect when he got to the room, but if he found that Randall X had hurt Louise in any way, well, he’d teach the man a lesson first and let Louise take it out on his hide later if she wanted to.

  When he got to the top of the stairwell, he walked down the hall to the hotel room and tried to open the door, intending to interrupt. But it was locked. Louise hadn’t sounded distressed when she’d called, so he really didn’t have the excuse to crash his shoulder through it, as satisfying as that would be. Reluctantly he knocked instead.

  The man who opened the door was bare-chested, smooth-skinned, and in excellent shape. He gestured for Daniel to come in, and Daniel barged forward. Louise stood off to the side, rumpled but none the worse for wear. Her smile looked tentative, but it was still a smile. He unclenched his fists and warily looked around the room. Louise flung herself into his arms, and he held her close.

  It was several seconds, but it was way too soon when Louise pushed against his chest and extricated herself.

  “Rob and I have a proposal for you. But maybe I should start at the beginning.”

  Daniel nodded. “Beginnings are good.” Rob was Randall X’s real name, he remembered Louise telling him. Looks like they’re becoming fast friends. He looked over at Rob, suspicious of what might be happening. Daniel was used to reading faces, both to figure out witnesses and to guess how jurors would lean, but Rob’s was unreadable.

  Louise didn’t speak until Daniel looked back at her. “As you know, I’ve had submissive feelings for a long time. Probably since before I met you. That’s something that’s a part of
me, and I can’t just deny it or push it down without wondering what I’m missing.”

  Daniel nodded again, not saying anything. He knew all that. Didn’t like it, but he knew it, and he knew he loved Louise. If it was a part of her, he needed to find a way to accommodate it.

  “I never really guessed you might have feelings like that too. You’ve always been so solid, so big, so…well, exactly the opposite of what I thought a submissive guy might be like. I can’t imagine you in a French maid costume, waxing the floors.”

  Daniel laughed. “Neither can I.”

  “Thanks for the visual, Lulu,” said Rob. “You know, not every guy who is submissive is into cross-dressing. Nor vice versa.”

  Louise smiled. “Of course not. I’m just talking about my preconceptions. I’d never given it serious thought before. Anyway Rob is only in town for a few days and can probably only spare a few hours or so for me. As you can guess, we just did a scene together.”

  “How’d that go?” Daniel dreaded the answer, but he still felt the situation required the question.

  “I enjoyed myself. A lot. I guess I was kind of hoping not to, that it was one of those things that sounds good but when you actually do it you wonder what all the fuss was. I can’t imagine just letting it go, Daniel. Just having a few hours of something I’ve craved so much and then never again? Or only pretending online?”

  He wanted to argue with her, but he knew exactly how she felt. He wanted a chance to surrender control to her again so badly it was creeping into their everyday conversation. Or perhaps it had always been there. He’d never had a problem with her taking the lead. Letting her make love to, or submit to, some man—he could do that. But now that man had a face. He should have never come up, never met him. Now he felt like punching him.

  “I don’t think this is going to work, Louise,” Rob said.

  Louise turned to Rob. “But are you still willing to try?”



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