Remember, You Love Me: Little Girl Lost

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Remember, You Love Me: Little Girl Lost Page 12

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “Excellent use of your options, my dear.”

  “So then you’ll stay on as my teacher?”

  “Did the maker of Viagra scream in ecstasy at his creation?”

  “Huh? Is that a yes?”

  “Of course it’s a yes. Let me just tell you what we’re going to do.” Kate leaned in and whispered in Ruth’s ear, and Ruth’s eyes grew large with wonderment. “And then we’ll get the whip cream, and I’ll eat my way…” Kate whispered again, so she would only be heard by Ruth, and by the time she was finished, Ruth was sweating, and in desperate need of a cold shower. “Does that sound like fun to you, kitten?”

  “Oh God, yes!” Ruth hissed through clinched teeth.

  “Good, take me out on a date, and if you pass, without spitting your drink all over me, then that will be your reward.”

  “Oh, you are a devious woman, Kate Moore.”

  Kate tossed her hair back and proudly said, “And don’t you forget it either, kitten.”


  Sitting on the balcony of Aidan’s hotel room, Vicky looked over at Jerry, “Jerry, don’t take this the wrong way, but when are you leaving? You know our wedding will be in six weeks and I would love for you to come, maybe bring your girlfriend?” Vicky was plotting to keep Jerry in the city for as long as she could, for herself as well as for Aidan.

  “Well I just found out that my girlfriend married someone else, so I don’t really have to be anyplace.”

  “Aw gee, Jer, I’m so sorry about that.”

  “Yeah me too. I guess I waited too long to make my move.”

  “What are you going to do now? You know I can still make some calls and set you up with a job?”

  “I don’t know; let me think about it okay?”

  “Okay but in the meantime, stay here with us and maybe do some sightseeing. Oh I know, do you like to fish or hunt? We’re famous for both around here.”

  “I like doing both actually.”

  “I’ll call my dad; he knows all the best places for fishing. He’s very into creating his own lures to, if that interests you? It bores me to tears, but you know the old saying, to each their own. Oh! You know we also have the Dickey Stephens baseball park right across the river in North Little Rock. Aidan told me we’re the minor league camp for a major league team in California, but I forget the name. Anyway, Aidan would know I’m sure. Maybe we could all go to a game sometime?”

  “I’d like that a lot, I love baseball,” if Jerry could, he’d live at a ballpark and eat hotdogs and catch fly balls all day.

  “Well let’s see, we also have college football, Go Hogs!, soccer, um…, oh! Horse racing in Hot Springs! The USTA men’s tennis tournament comes through here once a year, and what else, golf is very big here, and then there’s mountain climbing, white water rafting, um, horseback riding, um, 4 wheeling and truck hauls, whatever that is, and um—”

  Jerry raised his hands up in surrender, “Okay, okay, I’ll hang out for a while and see what the great state of Arkansas has to offer.”

  “Excellent, spend some time here relaxing and getting over your girlfriend. You’ll be ready to get back up on that horse in no time.”

  Jerry laughed, thinking that next she would set him up on a blind date.

  “Come to think of it, I know some very nice women who—”

  Just as Jerry was about to run for the hills Aidan walked in and interrupted them. Oh thank God! Jerry chuckled to himself.

  “Hey Jer,” Aidan nodded at him as she walked over to Vicky and kissed her, “Hey gorgeous,” She loved to see Vicky dressed casually and without makeup, which allowed her freckles to show prominently. Vicky rarely went without makeup because of those freckles. She felt no one in the business world would take her seriously because they made her look twenty years younger than she was. But Aidan thought she looked adorable and very desirable.

  “Aidan, Jerry has decided to stay awhile, at least until after our wedding. Oh! Speaking of which, Joyce will be here any minute, I’ve got to get dressed and put on some makeup, excuse me,” Vicky rushed to the bathroom and within a few minutes they could hear the shower running.

  Jerry smiled, “You’re a very lucky girl, Sarge. Don’t ever let her go.”

  “Oh I know it, Jerry. I am very lucky indeed. I would lay down my life for that woman.”

  “Of that I have no doubt.”

  “So you’re sticking around a while. What happened to the girl back home?”

  “She married someone else so there’s really nothing much to go back for.”

  “I am sorry to hear that Jer, but I’ve got something in the works here, if you’re interested,” Aidan took out her badge and handed it to Jerry.

  “Homeland Security, eh? I figured you’d go back in the Army or maybe the FBI.”

  “Well Homeland is going after a terrorist cell embedded here in the city. It’s the same cell that planned the attack on the hospital, and almost killed Vicky in the process. They’re putting me in charge of the operation and I’m going after them. Want in?”

  “Hell yeah, sign me up, Sarge.” Jerry was very excited about the possibility of working with Aidan again, not just because he felt he owed it to her for saving his life in Iraq, but because he admired her strength of conviction.

  Aidan smiled, pleased at his enthusiasm, she said, “Hurrah!” to which Jerry repeated “Hurrah!”

  Then he asked, “So what about what’s going on with Vicky? Any new developments on that front?”

  Aidan walked to the bathroom door and listened to Vicky singing in the shower, she smiled at the sweet sounds, and then walked back to Jerry on the balcony.

  “When Vicky was thirteen she was raped…, by my father.”

  Jerry’s response was a loud, “What the shit?”

  “Listen, I don’t feel right telling you something that is so intensely private to Vicky, but I know you care about her and I need your help to protect her. If you’re willing?”

  “You don’t even have to ask me, Sarge, I’ve got your back.”

  Aidan nodded, the kind of nod that said thank you from the bottom of her heart. “Okay so, my father disappeared after he…, anyway we all thought he was dead. Then suddenly yesterday Vicky started having nightmares about him. The same ones she had when she was thirteen. With the help of a psychiatrist, we found out that the reason she’s having these nightmares is because she saw my father yesterday. She didn’t recognize him, but her subconscious did. Apparently he saw us on the Maggie O’Hare Show and came looking for her. Anyway, we found all this out when the doc hypnotized her, so she doesn’t know anything about it, and we need to keep it that way. The doc and I think he’s back to hurt her again but this time, but this time I’ll be waiting with my Sig P229,” Aidan patted the gun on her right hip.

  “How will you find him?” Jerry had a nagging concern growing in the back of his mind. A concern that Aidan might actually kill her own father. Jerry didn’t have a good feeling about that because no matter how much a person hates their parent, to kill them would leave an emotional scar so deep, it would never heal.

  “I’m going review the surveillance tapes from the hospital, see if I can spot him with her. And I’ll use Homeland Security’s database to see if I can track him down. Maybe do a computer simulation of what he looks like today, that sort of thing.”

  “What sort of thing?” Vicky walked out on the balcony wearing a bathrobe and toweling her hair dry.

  Aidan grinned and said, “The sort of thing where you and Joyce giggle your way through the shopping malls while Jerry and I talk football.”

  “Sounds perfect to me, although I think Joyce would probably rather talk football with you two. She’s not much for giggling.”

  Aidan laughed, but then became more reflective. She pulled out her badge and handed it to Vicky, who looked at her, then looked down at the badge.

  “So fast? I thought it would take a little longer.” Vicky was disappointed out of fear for her wedding. She didn’t want to be
selfish, but she knew how these things can take up all of a person’s time, especially in the beginning when they’re just getting started in a new job.

  “Don’t worry, kid, I’ll only be part time, sitting at a desk until after the wedding. I won’t let anything get in the way of our happy day.”

  “Oh you do spoil me!” She leaned in for a kiss, as Jerry turned his head to give them some privacy.

  “And I have more good news Vick. Jerry is going to stay and work with me at Homeland Security. It’s all been arranged.”

  This was the best news Vicky could hear, and she was visibly relieved. If not for Jerry’s quick reaction in Syria, she most likely would have been a widow before she was a wife. She placed her small hand on his cheek, and kissed it, “I’m so glad you’re staying Jerry, you’ll be part of our family now.”

  Jerry was quite moved by that. As an only child of a divorced mother, that he was mostly estranged from, he longed to find his place in the world. “Say, you’ll be the sister I never had. Can I call you sissy?”

  Aidan laughed at that, but Vicky replied, “Not if you expect me to answer.”

  Aidan felt some trepidation at what she had to say next, “Vicky there is one thing you should know, and don’t freak out or anything, like you did when we were kids, okay? This is a good thing,” Vicky looked at Aidan, who said cautiously, “I’m armed and dangerous now.”

  “Well I know you’re dangerous honey, I’ve seen you naked.” Aidan and Jerry both blushed and Vicky giggled, pleased with their reaction.

  “I meant I’m carrying a gun now, silly,” Aidan pulled out her weapon with her good hand and laid it on the table, “I just didn’t want you to be surprised by it, okay?”

  “I guess that’s part of being an agent isn’t it? Just please keep it locked up when you’re not wearing it, okay? I might know how to shoot one of those now, but that doesn’t mean I want one lying around the house,” Vicky shivered, remembering the time she accidently shot the cardboard cutout of a woman and child, during training at the firing range.

  “I know, kid, but this is going to be part of our lives now and I want you to be comfortable with it.”

  “Don’t worry, Special Agent Cassidy, as long as you’re happy, I’ll be happy.”

  “I love the sound of that,” Aidan replied.

  Vicky wasn’t sure if she was talking about her title or the fact that she’d be happy. She decided it was both.


  “Plumber, ma’am.”

  Alice Montgomery came out of the kitchen and opened the front door.

  “I’m sorry you must have the wrong house, I didn’t call a plumber.” Alice looked at the man and felt something vaguely familiar about him.

  “Uh, they told me a Vicky Montgomery placed the order?” The man, gray and almost grisly looking tried to smile but couldn’t quite pull it off.

  “Oh yes, that’s my daughter. Please come in.”

  He did as instructed and walked into the living room, looking around, “You have a beautiful home, ma’am. Is this your little girl?” He was looking at the picture of Aidan and Vicky as children, that hung over the couch in the living room.

  “Thank you. Yes, that’s my Vicky on the right with her best friend, Aidan.”

  Harold Cassidy looked at the picture of his daughter with Vicky, his tormentor, “Say, didn’t I see them on television recently?”

  Beaming with pride, Alice replied, “Yes, my daughter was with Maggie O’Hare and President Trenton. She’s quite the celebrity now you know. She’s even written a bestselling book.”

  “You must be very proud,” She’s on TV and I’m begging for food…, that’s making me angry! “Well I’ll get to work now if you’ll show me the bathroom.”

  “Of course, right this way.”

  Harold walked into the master bathroom, shut the door and flushed the toilet, then he banged his head against the counter, consumed by a sudden rage. He thought Vicky would be here and it angered him when she wasn’t. Why are you tormenting me? Finally he composed himself and flushed the toilet again and left the room

  “Done already?”

  “I, uh, I’ll have to order some parts. I’ll be back later but in the meantime, it should work all right.”

  “Thank you very much,” Alice handed him a tip and he looked at her incredulously, then quickly snatched it from her and stuffed it in his pocket.


  “So, my lovely wife sent these magazines for you to look at. She thought they might help,” Joyce laid several bridal magazines on the table next to Vicky’s drink. They were enjoying an afternoon tea at the hospital, before the real shopping began.

  “Oh these are perfect, thanks. I’ve started a list—”

  “Of course you have,” Joyce grinned at Vicky, who ignored her and continued, “We’ve set the date, six weeks from today. You’ll come of course?”

  “You have to ask?”

  “Good because I would love it if you’d be my matron of honor?”

  Joyce grimaced, “Only if I don’t have to wear some gawd-awful orange chiffon?” Though Joyce wasn’t as strict about wearing a dress as Aidan was, she still preferred a more subdued look.

  “Oh Lord no, my colors will be violet and royal blue,” Vicky quickly added that to the list.

  “Do you have a theme in mind yet?”

  “Not really, I think it will depend on the place we have it at. I want to have it at the hospital, but Aidan doesn’t think there’s a room big enough to hold everyone, and she’s right, there’s not one.” Vicky visualized what her wedding would look like in the hospital chapel and thought if she kept the guest list down it just might work, but then she hated the thought of not being able to invite everyone to her celebration. Deep down she wanted her wedding to be the biggest blow out Arkansas had ever seen.

  “Well I have two suggestions for you. Either invite less people or have it on the roof of the parking deck,” Joyce laughed at her own joke, but Vicky thought it was a brilliant idea.

  “Of course! We’ve had fund raising parties on the deck and they was great. That’s a fantastic idea Joyce!”

  Joyce grinned, “Oh uh, but of course.”

  “So we’ll have it outdoors in late spring. I’ll need to order a tent and—”

  “No, that’s not the way you do it, hon, you need to hire a wedding designer. Let them take care of all the details while you do other things like pick out a wedding dress.”

  “Oh! Do you think your wife would be available? I’ve seen her work and she’s wonderful, but I figured she was probably booked up to next year.”

  Joyce smiled and said, “I was beginning to think I was going to have to spell it out for you. Of course she wants to do your wedding.”

  Vicky let out a squeal and together they clanked glasses in a salute to her upcoming nuptials. With Joyce’s wife, Ellen, at the helm, Vicky knew that her wedding would be as plush and as spectacular, as she dared dream it could be. But before Vicky could take a drink, her cell phone rang, “Hi Mom, what’s up?”

  “Your father and I were wondering if you could come over for dinner tonight. I’ll make your favorite, fried chicken and corn-on-the-cob.”

  Vicky’s mouth watered, she always looked forward to her mother’s southern cooking. “Sure Mom, can Joyce tag along? She’s here helping me plan my wedding.”

  Joyce was shaking her head, she didn’t like Vicky’s mother much.

  Since Joyce saved her husband’s life, Alice was much more willing to tolerate her now. “Of course, she’s more than welcome, honey.”

  “Oh and Mom, I’m sorry, but I also have another friend, Jerry, who doesn’t have family here, can he join us?”

  “Oh honey, the more the merrier. I’ll make plenty of food and we’ll just eat buffet style, how’s that?”

  “That sounds great, Mom. How’s dad doing?”

  “Cantankerous as all get out, of course. I was hoping you can talk some sense into him. He won’t exercise, won’t eat
the special diet the doctor put him on. He’s just being difficult.”

  “Don’t you worry; I’ll read him the riot act, Mom. See you tonight!”

  Vicky sent a text to Aidan about their dinner plans, and Aidan texted back, ‘Oy-vey!’ Vicky laughed. She knew it would be difficult for Aidan and her mother to be in the same room together, but she hoped that they both would eventually come to like each other.

  Joyce saw the amused look on Vicky’s face and had to know, “What is it?”

  Vicky showed her the text message and said, “Aidan likes my mom about as much as you do.”

  Joyce laughed and replied, “That much, eh. Where is Aidan, anyway?”

  “Probably avoiding you.” Vicky quipped, “I told her that you were upset, and wanted to talk to her.”

  “Well she can run, but she can’t hide from me.”

  “Joyce, you are too funny. Aidan went to say hello to Paul, our friend and my security director, I was kidding about her avoiding you.”


  “Hey Paul, I need another favor,” Aidan caught up to Paul in the hallway and fell in beside him. Paul Stewart, head of security for St. Frances, has a trusted friendship with Aidan, developed in the heat of the moment during the terrorist attack on the hospital. They knew they could rely on each other as needed, even though so far, Aidan was the only one needing help.

  “What’s up?”

  “I’d like to look at your surveillance tapes for the past three days.”

  “Are you looking for something specific or in a specific area of the hospital?”

  “Yes and yes. I’m looking for a man who spoke with Vicky in the lobby two days ago. So I’d like to look at the lobby, and the hallway that her office is on.”

  Aidan explained as much as she could about the man who was after Vicky. She didn’t tell Paul about Vicky’s assault, not because she didn’t trust him, but because if Vicky wanted her employee, Paul, to know, she would be the one to tell him herself. But Aidan knew Paul was a professional, and knew how to be discreet, so she told him about her father, the man stalking Vicky. She had no qualms about giving details on his abuse of her, and why she feared for Vicky’s safety now. Aidan thought that her father was insane, and had always felt that way. Just thinking about him now, made the scars on her back itch. The scars that he put there on numerous occasions when she was a child. She conveyed her fear to Paul that her father had gone over the edge, and there was no telling what he might do this time.


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