Claimed by Her Panthers

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Claimed by Her Panthers Page 8

by Hazel Gower

  Angelica smiled. “Somehow I think I’ll manage. Is everything okay?”

  “It will be,” Owen assured her.

  Thirty minutes later Stephan found himself less than calm. In fact, he was downright pissed. Snarling at the Elders, his father, and the fucking Vampire in front of him, Stephan’s voice lowered in a threatening tone. “You so much as go near our mate and I will kill you, leech!”

  The Vampire Owen had given a ride to town hissed at them, his eyes glowing red. “I could scent her for myself. She is my mate, not yours. I demand that she be brought here at once.”

  Stephan was going out of his mind. This filthy bloodsucker thought he could come here and try to claim their mate. They would shred him before he even thought he had a chance.

  “We aren’t letting you anywhere near her,” Owen bit out.

  “Enough!” shouted one of their Elders. When he was assured that he had their attention, he continued. “Gentlemen, this will be easy enough to sort out. Owen, Stephan, you will bring the young woman in question to the Elder council where, under our supervision, she will be allowed to interact with all of you.”

  “No,” Owen growled.

  “It is not your choice. Not until your claim is either proved, or disproved, cub.” The Elder sent them a censoring look. Refusing an Elder’s judgment was not something one did lightly.

  “Then I guess we will see then,” Draken said smugly.

  Oh, that leech was going down.


  The trip home was silent between them as both he and Owen absorbed what had just taken place. A Vampire had attempted to lay claim to their mate, and now the Elders were forcing them to bring her to the bastard to find out the truth. There had been words thrown around like fairness and maintaining the treaty, but Stephan didn’t care. They would follow the Elders’ edict, and if that vamp still tried to take what was theirs, he wouldn’t live for very long.

  Letting themselves in, they headed straight for the bedroom, knowing that was where they would find their mate. Stephan knew the need to stake their claim ran through his best friend as well. His breath caught at the sight of Angelica, spread out in their bed. She looked like a fallen angel.

  He lifted the sheet and got in the bed naked and felt that Angelica had on only a silk slip of a nighty, no panties. “Fuck, Owen, she’s only got a slip on.” Stephan ran his hands up and down her legs and massaged her arse.

  Angelica moaned. “Mmm, you’re back. Did the emergency at work get sorted out?”

  Stephan nibbled at her neck sucking on the tip of her earlobe. Angelica shivered, and he moved from her so he could stare into her eyes. “Not really, the Vampire you and Owen brought here the other day still hasn’t left and is refusing to. He says his mate is here. He thinks it’s you, but we told him it couldn’t be.”

  Angelica pushed him away and sat up. “What do you mean he thinks it’s me? It can’t be me. I have you two, and frankly you two are a lot to keep up with. I don’t want or need anyone else.”

  “No one but Stephan or I will touch you, sweetheart.” Owen growled.

  Stephan felt the same. He wouldn’t let anyone take Angelica from them. The council of Elders wanted to meet with Angelica and the Vampire, Draken. They wanted to see how Angelica reacted to Draken. Fine. Let them have their proof. He and Owen didn’t need any.

  “Cupcake, don’t worry about him. We will never let anything happen to you. Tomorrow night we’re going to take you to the council meeting area, and this will all get straightened out.”

  Angelica nodded. “I don’t want to be with him or anyone else. From what I remember of him the other day, he wasn’t someone I want to have anything to do with. He was so rude and racist.”

  Owen turned her so she faced him. He kissed her and pulled away resting his forehead against hers. “I promise you will have nothing to worry about.” Owen pulled Angelica onto him so she straddled him. “How about Stephan and I prove why we’re not worried. We are plenty for you.”

  Stephan grinned. He knew exactly what Owen had in mind. He turned and opened the bed side drawers, getting the lube out. Coming back and kissing his way up Angelica’s back he nibbled on her neck and hovered over her ear. “Owen and I are going to take you at the same time. He’s going to fuck your pussy while I pump into your arse. It’s going to feel so good.”

  “Oh God.” Angelica leaned back against him, and Owen was sucking on her breast and his fingers were playing with her pussy.

  Stephan got the lube putting a generous amount on his fingers. Spreading the lube around her puckered hole, he circled her and inched his index finger into her, slowly easing the lube inside her and getting her used to his invasion. “Has anyone ever taken you here?”

  She shook her head against him. “Once I tried it, but I didn’t like it so we stopped.”

  “You’ll like it this time, cupcake, because when I take you Own is going to be in your pussy and you would have already come.” Stephan could hear the raw need even in his voice. He wanted to take Angelica here. Stephan wanted Owen and himself to claim Angelica at the same time.


  Angelica had never felt anything like she was right now. When she’d tried anal with Brenton, it hadn’t felt anything like what she was feeling now. She could feel a strange burning stretching sensation. It wasn’t painful, but different. With Owen’s fingers rubbing her clit and sucking at her breasts her body felt full of tingling tension, and Angelica knew if they keep what they were doing up she was going to come undone.

  This week had been amazing. She’d never had so much sex, and all the orgasms with it she felt like she should be a pile of mush. She’d been using muscles she didn’t know she had. Cold lubricant touched her skin, and a second finger was added to the first.

  Angelica was so close to coming. “I need, please, Owen, I need you.”

  Owen, who was sucking one of her nipples into his mouth, let it go and grinned up at her. “Well, since you said please.”

  Stephan’s fingers that were pumping in and out now stopped, and she felt Owen ease into her slick core.

  “Sweetheart, you’re soaking.” Owen’s mouth met hers as his cock sank deep within her.

  Wrapping her arms and legs around Owen she looked into his big baby blues. Stephan’s fingers started moving again, and Owen started to move. That was all it took. She came apart holding Owen tight to her.

  “Fucking hell, she’s squeezing me so tight. Stephan, if you want to do this you’re going to have to get in her now.”

  Angelia moaned as the fingers pumping into her scissored every now and then, and left her. She then felt the head of Stephan’s cock.

  “Push out, cupcake,” Stephan rasped against her ear.

  Taking a deep breath she pushed out as she felt Stephan’s lubed dick push into her. She panted for breath as the stinging intensified, and she felt full, and all different sensations bombarded her. Angelica had never felt anything like what she was feeling now.

  “Holy shit. She is so tight.”

  “I know, man. I’ve never felt anything like this. Her pussy has me in a vise-like grip.” Owen’s voice sounded gruff, and she looked up into glowing cat eyes. “Kiss me before Stephan and I move, because, sweetheart, we aren’t going to last. You’re heaven.”

  Owen’s mouth captured hers, and she felt Stephan’s mouth kissing her shoulder. Angelica’s body felt like she was on overload. She couldn’t believe she was so close to coming again, and she knew this one would be huge.

  Owen slid out, and Stephan thrust further into her. She gasped and moved her mouth from Owen’s, needing to breathe as her body flared with a hunger she’d never felt before. “More.”

  This time Stephan moved out, and Owen drove into her. They went on like this until she couldn’t take anymore. “Harder. Faster.” She screamed, needing to come.

  Stephan hissed and Owen growled as they both picked up their pace, pistoning into her before they roared. Owen struck, and she felt Stephan’s te
eth piercing into her other shoulder, biting down on her. She screamed her most powerful release in her life, scoring her nails into Owen’s back. Angelica could feel both Stephan and Owen coming hard into her. They both licked her shoulders when she fell back against Stephan, enjoying her rapturous, blissed out state.

  “Was that good, cupcake?” Stephan said against her shoulder.

  “Aha, I’m not moving ever again.”

  Owen chuckled. “I think that means we proved she couldn’t handle anyone else and we are everything she needs.”

  “Mmm, what Owen said.” Angelica closed her eyes and groaned as Stephan slipped out of her and so did Owen. They laid her gently on the bed.

  Stephan left and came back with a warm cloth, and she felt him clean her. Stephan left, and Owen pulled her so she laid her head on him. She felt Stephan get back in bed, and he cuddled into the back of her. Angelica closed her eyes and let sleep claim her, happy and content with her men.


  The next day had gone smoothly, albeit tensely. Every nerve was playing havoc with Owen the closer they got to the meeting time. He could see his emotions echoed in his best friend and their mate. Damn, he just needed this to be over with now.

  He had called Joel that morning to let him know what was going on. Their friend had been pissed, and for the first time actually seemed completely behind their mating. Who knew it would only take a threat of a Vampire to get Joel to pull his head out of his arse?

  As expected, their mate’s overprotective brother insisted on being there and had planned to meet them at the council.

  A knock at the door jarred Owen from his thoughts, and he groaned as Angelica opened the door to reveal the second biggest pain in their arse … Jenika.

  “Well, gee, don’t look too happy to see me,” she drawled, making her way in and plopping herself down on the lounge.

  Owen grimaced. “When are we ever happy to see you?”

  “Ha, ha, funny man.” Jenika rolled her eyes at him.

  “Um, Jenika, hun. Now isn’t a good time. We were just on our way out,” Angelica said cautiously.

  “Oooh, where are you off to? Mind if I tag along?” the woman asked, all excited.

  Oh crap. This was the last thing they needed. “No, you can’t. Now, if you don’t mind…” Owen said sternly.

  The annoying woman’s face lit up. “Oh come on, tell me, where are we going?”

  “We aren’t going anywhere,” Stephan answered, stepping forward. “Owen and I have plans with Angelica like he said. And they don’t include you.”

  Beside him, Owen felt Angelica stiffen. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear. “What is it?”

  He was totally unprepared for her next words. “I want her to come.”

  He stared down at Angelica, sure she had lost her mind. “Sweetheart, you know she can’t come. Jenika cannot know about us.”

  “Owen, I’m asking this of you, and of Stephan. I have accepted a lot lately, maybe not always willingly, but I have. Now I’m asking you to not only accept my best friend, but accept that I need her.” His mate turned pleading eyes on him, and Owen felt a small part of his resolve crumble.

  “No. Absolutely not,” Stephan growled, obviously having picked up on their conversation.

  “You swore you would never make me choose,” she reminded them. “When I told you I didn’t want to give up my life, you said I never would have to. Well, I will lose my best friend if this keeps up.”

  “Ummm, if what keeps up?” Jenika asked. Owen could see the human was well and truly confused. “And why on earth would you lose me? Granted, you have been plenty occupied lately, but I figure that will wear off, right?”

  Owen groaned. No, it wouldn’t. And right at that moment he could see exactly what their mate meant. Jenika would put up with a lot, but there would come a time where she would no longer accept Angelica’s excuses, or perhaps she may even grow to resent Angelica for the distance that would no doubt be created between them. He had seen it happen before.


  His friend glanced at him and sighed. “Did we ever have a choice?”

  “Of course you did.” Angelica smiled sweetly and shrugged. “You just may not have liked the outcome.”

  “So I’m coming to this oooooh so secret whatever?” Jenika glanced back and forth between them.

  “Yeah,” Stephan muttered.

  “Yay.” The perky blonde squealed. “So where are we going? What are we doing there? Do you think I need to change first?”

  Stephan growled and glared daggers at him, no doubt blaming Owen for giving in first. “Put it this way, man, maybe we might get lucky and she’ll piss Draken off enough that he’ll drain the pain in the arse.”

  His best friend chuckled.

  “Pfft, Vampires, good one.” Jenika rolled her eyes at them.

  Piling into the car, the silence didn’t last long when Jenika started inquiring again. “So, what is this mysterious thing we are going to?”

  “Sorry, can’t tell you, or we’ll have to kill you.” Owen smirked, concentrating on the road as he drove.

  “Well hell, let’s tell her right now,” Stephan muttered from his spot next to Jenika in the back seat.

  “Stephan!” Angelica said in outrage, though Owen noted the hint of amusement in her tone. “And can we really not say anything?”

  Owen shrugged. “We swore an oath not to tell our secret. If a person happens upon it, then so be it, but otherwise…”

  “Otherwise, nothing can be said,” Stephan finished for him. “So this way she is bound to find out by seeing something, but technically we haven’t told her.”

  Angelica shot him a speculative glance. “I still don’t see how that keeps you out of trouble?”

  “Oh, it won’t, but at least we won’t be breaking any laws,” he admitted, half-jokingly. “And it will be hella amusing to watch.”

  “Gah, you two, I swear.” He could see her worrying her bottom lip out of the corner of his eye. “Seriously though, maybe we should have done this back at the house, like you offered?”

  “Trust me. We won’t really get into trouble. Hell, the Elders are surprised she hasn’t accidently found out already. At least let us have a little fun.” He knew he wore a rakish grin as he waggled his brows.

  “Terrible. Just terrible.”

  “You guys do know how weird and cryptic you sound right?” Jenika frowned as she leaned forward in her seat. “They haven’t, you know, joined you up to some sort of cult, have they?”

  His mate laughed. “Oh God, no.” Angelica paused for a moment, her gaze meeting his, and he could see the mischief sparkling in them. “Well, not your average kind, anyway.”

  “Oh lord, I’m not even sure if I want to know what that means.” Jenika dramatically sighed.

  “Too late for you to back out now, Jenika. We’re here,” Owen announced as he pulled onto the lands the lead to the council chambers.

  He stiffened as he slid out of the car and caught sight of the Vampire. He knew the moment this friend did, too, because Stephan snarled.

  “Ah, what the hell is that about?” Jenika asked, eyeing the two of them and noticeably stepping in between Angelica and everyone else. He had a moment of insight and respect for the woman he had always cursed. Without thinking, Jenika had unknowingly put herself between Angelica and half a dozen or more paranormals. Something told him by the glint in her eyes that Jenika would have done it even if she had known the truth.

  Damn, did this mean he had to start liking her now? Nah.

  “Shh, not now,” Angelica muttered.

  The closer they got, the tenser he became, the need to grab Angelica and run almost overwhelming. He met Draken’s gaze and poured all of his fury into the look. For his part, the Vampire seemed anxious, which just served to piss Owen off more.

  “What is she doing here?” one of the Elders suddenly asked, reminding Owen that Jenika was still with them.

  “It’s a long story, bu
t our mate demanded she come, and you know that a Shifter can never refuse his true mate.” Let the leech suck on that one.

  “She needs to leave.”

  Owen went to explain further when Draken abruptly stepped forward. “No.”

  The Elder’s face turned red as he gaped. “What do you mean no, Vampire? I think you have made enough demands as it is.”

  Two guards moved toward Jenika, and Draken snarled. “Touch her and die, Shifter.”

  Beside them Jenika laughed. “Nice try, guys. It didn’t work back at the house, and it isn’t going to work now. Seriously, getting this group to go along with your plan was pretty neat though.”

  Everyone ignored her as Draken continued moving closer to her, sniffing the air. Owen’s jaw dropped when the Vampire’s eyes glowed a bright red.

  Huh, maybe we are about to get our wish after all.

  Jenika for her part seemed absolutely fascinated by Draken. “What is up with your eyes? How did you do that? So cool.”

  Angelica began to panic beside him. “Get him away from her.”

  Owen chuckled. “Aww, come on, cupcake. I’m sure he just wants a nibble.”

  She slapped his arm hard, but he saw her cringe, obviously having hurt herself. “I swear to God, if either of you let her get hurt, I will never forgive you.”

  “Dammit.” Stephan growled from where he stood on the opposite side of her. “You need to back off, leech.”

  “Seriously, you guys are taking this too far.” Jenika continued to laugh, obviously still thinking this was all a game.

  “You are the one who needs to back off from my mate.” Draken all but snarled at Stephan.

  They all froze as Stephan asked, “Your what?”

  Still oblivious to the situation that was escalating around her, Jenika pushed past Stephan to stand right in front of Draken. “Oh wow. You guys really pulled out all the stops, huh? They look so real.”

  The idiot proceeded to poke at Draken’s fangs, which the Vampire remarkably let her. Oh fuck. Maybe she really was the Vampire’s mate. “Um, Jenika. There is something you should know…”

  “Damn, they’re even sharp,” she whispered in awe as she nicked herself on one of them.


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