Goddess Secret

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Goddess Secret Page 10

by M. W. Muse

  As time progressed, she continued to have the same two dreams. Not every night, but pretty often. She still didn’t understand why she kept dreaming them, but with Adin busy with his study group and her busy preparing for her chemistry test, they really hadn’t had time to go over them with a fine-toothed comb.

  River was still adjusting to his new abilities, and they hadn’t talked about the conversation they’d had in his bedroom. The face she’d seen on him the night she left would always be burned in her memory. She never wanted to hurt him like that again, so she feared even bringing up that night with him.

  There were really no new developments in her abilities. She figured she still had awhile to go, so hers would present themselves as time went on. But the weather and the wind were definitely part of them.

  By Friday, the school was hopping for the next home game. Calli did a great job at the pep rally, and they all left school before the game. Since Adin’s study group finished late last night, he was free to go to the game, and Legacy was crazy-excited to spend time with him without him having to rush away. She wished she got to spend time with him alone, but she figured tonight would be a repeat of the last game. She was sure they’d have a crowd of people around them in the bleachers.

  She heard Adin pull in the driveway, so she headed down the stairs. He was already knocking on the door before she reached it.

  She opened the door, and his eyes sparkled. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks, you look very handsome,” she said as she stepped up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Adin put his arms around her back, and she could feel something in his hands.

  “Did you bring me more flowers?” she giggled.

  “Guilty.” He winked.

  She stepped away, and Adin pulled the flowers around and put them in front of her. “These are for you, sweetheart.”

  “They are very beautiful.”

  “They’re probably the last ones for the season. The rest will probably start to wilt by the end of the party.”

  “Well, we better get these in some water.” She turned to walk into the house, and Adin followed her. After she pulled out a vase from the cabinet, she put it under the faucet to fill it up.

  Adin stepped up behind her and slid his arms along her sides, grabbing the vase from behind her. Once he took hold of it, she slid her hands off the vase and onto the sides of his legs, and she slowly traced her fingertips up and down along his jeans. After the vase was full, he turned off the water and set the vase on the counter, staying right behind her.

  He slid his hands to her waist and pressed himself up against her. Then he leaned his head down and kissed her neck. She stretched up on her tiptoes to get closer to him, grabbing the counter for support. She threw her head back against his chest and slid her other hand up his neck and into his hair.

  Adin kissed along her neck, brushing his wet lips up to her ear. “Sometimes it’s really convenient when your hair is up,” he whispered as he slid his hands from her waist to around her stomach. And she realized he meant it was convenient since he didn’t have to hold her hair up—his hands were free to roam.

  She was wearing a shirt that barely came to the top of her jeans, so when Adin moved his hands around her, one got caught under her shirt. Whether or not he meant for that happen, she didn’t know, but it felt so good that she didn’t care.

  She panted and clutched onto his head as he kissed her ear. Although she had one hand on the counter, keeping her balance, she doubted she would fall. Adin had her pinned against it.

  As he moved his lips down her neck, he gently caressed her tummy underneath her shirt and she shivered. Adin moaned when he felt her body shake against his, and so fast that she hardly noticed, he grabbed her waist, spun her around, scooted them over a couple of steps, and picked her up to set her on the counter.

  She threw her arms around his neck as he kept hold of her waist and pulled her up against him. Now, his face was at hers without him having to lean over or her stand on her tiptoes.

  But his face wasn’t at hers for long. As soon as he pulled her against him, he crushed his lips against hers.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and knotted her fingers in his hair.

  As they kissed, one of Adin’s hands slid down to her leg and rubbed around to the back of her thigh, holding that leg up around him. His other hand slid around the small of her back and pressed her up against him. But a couple of his fingers slid under her loose waistband.

  They both moaned as they kissed and pressed up against each other. But it wasn’t enough.

  She slid her hands out of his hair and to the top of his shirt. She started unbuttoning it, and Adin broke away from their kiss.

  That didn’t stop her. She moved her lips to his neck and kept unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Legacy,” Adin panted. He moved the hand that was on her leg up her side and into her hair while she kissed his neck. “Ah, what are you doing?”

  She brushed her lips along his cheek and breathed heavily into his ear. “I’m unbuttoning your shirt, Adin.”

  He groaned and panted. “I, umm, I can feel you doing that. But, er, why?”

  “Because it’s my turn to play with the buttons on your shirt.” She kissed his ear, and after she had about four of the buttons undone, she slid her hand down his shirt and on his chest. His breath caught.

  She moved her lips back to his, and he kissed her with so much passion that her body felt overheated. She broke away from his kiss, leaning her head back and gasping for air, trying to fill her lungs.

  Adin moved his lips to her neck, kissing her up to her ear. “We should, umm, probably leave soon. The game’s about to start.”

  She pulled his head back and looked into his eyes. They were burning with desire, and she was absolutely positive that hers were too. “I don’t care about the game,” she whispered as she stared at him.

  Adin’s eyes grew more intense. He obviously didn’t care about the game either. He pressed his lips against hers again and kissed her forcefully.

  Oh gods. It was happening. She pulled her arm out of his shirt, and quickly unbuttoned the remaining buttons. Once his shirt was completely opened, she slid both her hands up and down his hard chest and around his back. His skin was so soft, his body hard—everywhere.

  We were so lost in the moment that neither of them noticed her phone ringing at first. But as the seconds passed, the phone became deafening.

  They both slowly pulled their lips away, but they still held onto each other while they panted. She slowly slid her hands back around to Adin’s chest and unwound her legs from his body. He stepped back, reaching for the phone. He picked it up and handed it to her without saying anything.

  “Hello?” Legacy’s voice cracked.

  “Legacy? Where are you?” It was Calli.

  “Umm, we haven’t left yet.” She and Adin were still staring at each other. He had both of his hands on her legs and she had her free hand on his chest.

  “The game starts in five minutes! I was hoping you were already on your way. I need you to stop and get some candy. I used up what I had at the pep rally and forgot to get some before the game.”

  “Calli.” Her BFF had freakin’ horrible timing! She groaned and pulled her hand from Adin’s chest. She put it on her forehead while she shook her head. “Fine. We’ll be there as soon as they can.”

  Adin sighed through smiling lips and stepped back, buttoning his shirt.

  “Sorry,” she whispered as she hung up the phone.

  Adin stepped back up to her. “For what? I’m not sorry.” He smiled before kissing her.

  “Mmm…” She kissed him back, but pulled away. “We can’t start this again right now.” She was two seconds from tackling him right here and now.

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “Rain check?”


  On the ride to the game, they stopped at the store and Adin ran in to get some candy. She sta
yed in the car, trying to fix her hair. She’d had it pulled up nicely, but the recent events put her locks in total disarray. It didn’t look as nice as it had when Adin first got to her house, but at least it looked better.

  After they left the store, she and Adin jumped right back into talking and laughing. They had missed each other so much that they both kept trying to talk over each other.

  “Oh, crap!” She suddenly remembered a topic she meant to discuss with him as soon as he got to her house, and now they were almost at the school.

  “What is it, sweetheart?”

  She’d have to summarize and do it quickly. “Umm, there’s something I need to tell you before we get to the game.”

  “Okay.” He caressed her leg.

  “Remember my fighting with River last weekend?”


  “Well, I wasn’t only mad at him for bring up you and Venus. Obviously, that was the main reason I got mad, and it’s also why I kicked him out. But before we fought about that, he wanted to show me one of his abilities. He can create earthquakes.”


  “Yeah, he said he noticed it when he thought about me. He wanted to hold me to try and do it again, and he sort of made a pass at me.” She glanced at Adin, and he nodded. This didn’t surprise him. “Well, I was still mad at him the next day, and he apologized, thinking he was only apologizing for talking about you. When I told him that I’m tired of him treating me like we were more than friends, he didn’t understand what I meant. I told him he needed to keep his hands to himself.”

  “Good.” Adin smiled.

  “He didn’t take it very well, at first. He said he would respect my relationship with you, but that my friendship with him didn’t have anything to do with you. He frantically tried to explain the emotions he felt when he caused the tremors. He wasn’t thinking about me romantically. He was feeling ignored. He had to embrace some feelings of never having me the way you have me in order to manifest his ability into an earthquake. We talked about it some more, and he eventually became accepting of this new boundary because he thinks it’ll only be temporary.”

  “Has he been sticking to it?”

  “Yes.” Adin parked the car. He grabbed the sweatshirt in case she needed it again, and they rushed toward the field. “Anyway, he may seem a little more distant with you than normal. When River and Calli came over to study for the chemistry test, Calli wanted him to show her his ability. He tried, but didn’t have any luck, so Calli asked him if I’d told him you and I had…er…talked about sex.”


  “Yeah. So of course he was able to feel the needed emotion immediately; the ground shook, but he couldn’t suppress the emotion. He ran out, screamed, and left. Calli rode to my house with him, so when I took her back home, I went to his house—”

  “You what?” Adin grabbed her arm and stopped her just as they were about to go up the stands.

  “I had to make sure he was okay. You know who his dad is, and the river was all choppy and the wind was blowing everywhere. When I got there, he was crying, and I visited him until he was better.”

  “Was Medusa there?”

  “No. He said she was out of town.”

  “Legacy, I’m sure you were concerned about him, but you shouldn’t have jeopardized your safety like that.”

  “I’m fine, Adin. River has been doing better, but I know the thought of us being together like that has really disturbed him. Anyway, I wanted to give you a heads up because I’m not sure how he’ll act around you now.”

  They started up the bleachers and headed to the section that they’d sat in last time. River and Paul were sitting behind Ellen and Kate.

  Calli saw them and ran up. Legacy waited for her, but Adin continued up the stands.

  “What took you so long?” Calli demanded, her hand on her hip.

  “We lost track of time. Here’s your candy.” Legacy shoved the bag toward her.

  “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Calli grabbed it and ran back to the rest of the squad.

  Legacy turned around to go up the stands, and Adin was still walking up. She ran to catch up with him. He walked to the row behind River and Paul, but didn’t scoot in toward them. She reached Adin and slid beside him so that she was sitting closer to River than he was. Just in case things got ugly.

  River turned around to look at her. “I was wondering if you changed your mind about coming.”

  “We, er, just lost track of time.” She shrugged

  Adin let a short laugh slip and looked away. River’s eyes narrowed as he glanced at Adin, and then he turned back around.

  Legacy elbowed Adin playfully, and he chuckled again. She turned to look at him. “Stop,” she whispered playfully.

  “Sorry.” He smiled.

  She and Adin talked throughout the rest of the first quarter and all the second quarter. They laughed and talked about everything they could think of. They held hands and rubbed each other’s knees, and at times, Adin put his arm around her back, and she caressed his chest. Neither of them paid much attention to the game, and River didn’t turn back around to talk to her.

  After Calli performed, she came up and sat beside Legacy.

  “Where’s Zach?”

  “He’s doing some study group thing for one of his classes. They have some big project due next week.”

  “Yeah, Adin’s group finished late last night.”

  Calli hung out with them during her free quarter, and River turned around and talked to her too. They all talked together while Calli was up in the stands, but as soon as she went back down, they all went back to engaging in their own individual conversations.

  Their team was winning by a large margin, so many of the people lost interest in the game. It didn’t surprise her that River turned back around to face her when there was about five minutes left on the clock.

  “I think this is yours.” He handed her an earring.

  “Yes! I’ve been looking everywhere for that. Where did you find it?” she asked as she took it out of his hand.

  “In my room. I figured it fell off when you were lying on my bed, and it dropped to the floor when you got up to leave.”

  Adin’s hand was on her knee, and as soon as River mentioned she was with him in his bedroom, his hand slipped off. She shut her eyes and shook her head. She realized that she’d left out this little detail when she’d rushed through the story earlier.

  She opened her eyes and stared at River. He had a smug look on his face that infuriated her.

  “And you waited until tonight to give it back to me.” It wasn’t a question.

  “I just found it this afternoon.”

  “That’s a lie, and you know it!”

  Adin leaned his head over to her ear. “Legacy, I’m fine. He obviously planned this. I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of getting upset and neither should you.”

  She turned to face Adin. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I rushed through the story, trying to hit all the major points. Nothing happened.” She shook her head.

  River leaned over to them. “She’s right. I just leaned over her while she fell back onto my bed, and I whispered a few things in her ear. I got as close to her as humanly possible without actually touching her. Well, not if you count breathing. I did breathe along her neck, and I felt her breath on my face.”

  “River!” she yelled, turning back toward him.

  Adin grimaced, but didn’t say anything. Legacy was pretty sure he was trying to stay calm for her and because they had an audience now. At least he was refusing to give in to River’s taunting.

  But she was a different story. Legacy had no composure left. She cocked her head to the side and leaned toward River. If she saw black clouds rolling in from the corner of eye, she ignored it.

  “We were late tonight because Adin had me pinned against the counter. I had my legs wrapped so tightly around him that I had a hard time unbuttoning his clothes…but I managed.” She raised an

  River shut his eyes and the bleachers started to shake. Adin grabbed a hold of Legacy so she wouldn’t fall back. People started screaming and running down the stands, but River got control of himself before the bleachers went crashing down.

  She and Adin stood up to leave, but River was holding his head between his hands. She stepped over to him, getting right in front of him. He didn’t look at her. She slid her hands onto his face and pulled his head up to make him look at her eyes. While she glared at him, lightning illuminated all around. Yet she had an eerie calm about her. Like being in the eye of a storm.

  She moved her face so that it was within inches of his. “Can you feel my breath now?” And she knew he could. He had to shut his eyes—his hair moved like he was sitting in front of a fan.

  Thunder crashed, and River opened his eyes to glare at her.

  “If you ever, ever pull another stunt like that again, I’ll make you regret the day you met me.” She glanced at an electrical pole just as lightning hit the transformer at the top of it. The field went black. She looked at River again, head cocked to the side. “Am I making myself clear?”


  She nodded. “One of the many differences between you and Adin is the fact that he is a gentleman. He has never gone out of his way to flaunt our relationship in front of you. But you took the first opportunity you got to throw in his face that I was alone with you in your bedroom.”

  “Legacy,” River murmured, shaking his head.

  “No! Even if Adin wasn’t in the picture, do you think I’d ever be with a man as hateful as you?”

  He shut his eyes and the bleachers started to shake again.

  “Look at me!” He did so, and the tremors stopped. But the lightning raged in the sky. “Am I still crystal clear?”

  River nodded.

  “That’s good.” Her voiced purred like a kitten, and she leaned over, her lips at his ear. “Otherwise, I’d be forced to make an exception to my privacy rules. I don’t think you want a play-by-play of everything Adin and I have done and will do. But I’ll make sure you’re up to speed on everything. Any pathetic fantasies you have of me will be ruined. And with as much as I plan on doing with him, you won’t be able to create new ones fast enough.”


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