Caught Up In You

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Caught Up In You Page 2

by Jules Bennett

  “That’s what we’re holding on to,” he said honestly. “We want every woman who hears about the resort to have that same reaction. We figure at first there will be all kinds of interest, but we don’t want that newness to wear off.”

  “Tell me more about my position,” she went on as she gripped the arch of his foot with her fingertips. “Will there be appointment times given like at a spa or would you prefer someone there all day to be ready for spur-of-the-moment clients?”

  Sticking to the reason he was here, Braxton replied, “We will have set hours for the spa, but you will be doing your own appointments. We want the spa workers to feel like they have control over their schedules while still meeting the needs of the clients.”


  Braxton smiled. He’d be sure to tell his brother Liam that, since Liam wanted all spa employees to be there all day and all evening. Braxton and Zach had finally talked some sense into him. They’d burn out their staff in the first few months working them to death like that. Growing could come later. Right now they needed a good, solid base to keep things running smooth without being so overwhelming they missed out on catering to the guests.

  By the time his massage was over, Braxton didn’t know if he could move. Would it be unprofessional to lie here and take a nap now that he was all relaxed?

  “I’ll let you get dressed,” she told him. “Just tell me when you’re done and I can come back in so we can talk more. I just have a few more questions and I assume you have more for me.”

  He should, but with his loose muscles all he could think of was When can you start?

  The door opened and closed. Braxton sat up, twisting his neck from side to side. Damn, he felt pretty good. After working on that house, getting everything fixed and repaired, he’d had his fair share of aches and pains. He wasn’t twenty anymore and his body was reminding him with each crack and cramp. Not to mention he was used to working at a college and not a construction site.

  He quickly dressed because now he wanted to see the woman behind the magic. Would her tone match her appearance? For all he knew someone’s elderly grandmother had just felt him up and he’d liked it.

  Wouldn’t be the first time he’d found himself in the company of an older woman. Unfortunately, Zach’s overeager neighbor had been a one-night mistake he still couldn’t dodge.

  But Cora wasn’t a grandmother, of that he was sure. She’d sounded young, she’d given him a hint as to her age when she’d discussed her education. Regardless of how attracted he instantly was, that was only because of her voice, her talented hands. What man wouldn’t be instantly turned on? He was human.

  He needed to get into professional mode fast because he refused to be taken off guard again by this woman.

  Fastening his watch, Braxton glanced to the closed door. He’d been in here for all of an hour and he’d never felt this calm. She truly was a miracle worker and perfect for the spa. As usual, Sophie was right.

  Braxton turned the knob, easing the door open, but stopped short at the sight of Cora standing in the hallway talking with Sophie.

  Swallowing his shock, Braxton stared at the beautiful woman who’d just rubbed his body to complete relaxation. The long, rich auburn hair tumbling down her back, the petite build, the way she tipped her head toward him but didn’t meet his gaze.

  Sophie smiled. “I’ll let you two talk. I’ll just wait in the living room.”

  Braxton noted the large yellow Lab sitting obediently next to Cora. He hadn’t seen the dog when he’d first arrived, which was strange. Didn’t all dogs bark and run like mad toward the door when a visitor arrived? Zach’s dogs certainly did . . . all eight of them. Well, the seven puppies did. The poor mom tended to remain still as if she didn’t even have the energy to greet a new guest.

  “Would you like to go in and sit or stay in the hallway?” Cora asked, a wide smile spreading across her face, her gaze still locked over his shoulder.

  Braxton returned her infectious smile. “We can go back in here. I only have a few more questions.”


  Braxton watched as she reached her hand out. He thought she was reaching for him, but realized she was feeling her way. She also hadn’t looked him in the eye. And she had a very obedient dog who stayed by her side.

  Nothing much shocked him, but the fact Cora Buchanan was blind and had just given him the massage of a lifetime sure as hell left him utterly speechless.

  He followed her into the room, but remained standing until he saw where she wanted to go. Propping his hands on his hips, Braxton stared down at her where she’d taken a seat on a small accent chair in the corner of what most likely used to be a bedroom. Her dog right at her side.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were blind?”

  * * *

  Cora ignored the accusatory tone. “Does my sight change how you felt when you were getting a massage? When you were completely comfortable and talking about the job?”


  His feet shuffled against the wood floors and Cora kept her hand on the back of Heidi’s neck. “I asked Sophie not to tell you. I wanted to be interviewed and judged on my abilities and my professionalism, not my lack of sight.”

  Because she’d come here to prove she could be alone, she could work and not worry about being judged or discriminated against by those who were supposed to support her the most. Why did her condition disturb so many when she was the one who lived with it?

  She was the one who’d been robbed of her sight, she was the one who had to rebuild her life, to rediscover who she was after the accident that ultimately led to a life-altering diagnosis. And damn it, she refused to let any obstacle stand in her way. Independence was hers, she just had to reach out and grab it.

  There was a time when she’d been too afraid to grab hold of freedom—a time when she’d reach out and only encounter darkness. She had no idea what all she’d lost until everyday actions became difficult.

  With each passing day her world had grown dimmer and dimmer. She waited for the anxiety, the panic attacks, but they never came. What consumed her had been so much worse. There was an emptiness she couldn’t even put into words. There were places she wanted to see in this world, but once the diagnosis hit, her family started to withdraw and Cora feared traveling alone.

  “I don’t like being manipulated,” he told her, pulling her back into the moment. Why did his tone have to be so low, so sexy? And why were her hands still tingling? She’d given countless massages, many of them to men, but there was something about Braxton’s taut muscle tone beneath her fingertips that would have them zinging for days.

  Focus. No zinging.

  “I don’t manipulate people,” she defended with a tilt of her chin. “But I also wanted a fair shot at this position.”

  The air shifted as Braxton moved. Material slid together in a smooth yet quick motion. She pictured him crossing his arms over what she knew was a broad chest. Her heart beat so fast, she had to force herself to take deep, calming breaths. She couldn’t let this opportunity pass her by. She needed this position and the women’s-only resort sounded absolutely amazing. Financially she didn’t need this at all, but for her sanity, for the life she longed to have, she wanted this job and she wasn’t letting it slip from her hands.

  Cora wasn’t going to hide behind her lack of sight, wasn’t going to use it as a crutch to have people help her through life. Even when she’d been at her lowest point, she’d fought to get back that independence. She’d come so far and she had no intention of slowing down.

  She literally had all the money she could ever want, had a multimillion-dollar company at her disposal . . . but it came with a price and Cora had to at least try being on her own before deciding what to do with the rest of her life. She wanted, no, needed to stand on her own two feet—and she damn well would or she’d go down fighting.

  “If you need to think about it, or discuss with your brothers—”

  “How would you get t
o work?” he asked, cutting her off.

  Cora pursed her lips. She’d thought of this when first approached by Sophie for the potential job. “If you give me the job, I’ll figure it out. I know I’m only a couple miles away.”

  Silence settled in the room once again. Braxton wasn’t moving, she could barely hear him breathing, but tension filled the room. Cora slid her hand down Heidi’s back, taking comfort in her best friend . . . the only being she’d been able to depend on the past three years.

  At first Cora had wondered just how much a dog could help, but she and Heidi clicked instantly. Cora recalled that moment when she didn’t feel so alone. When just the slightest brush of fur reminded her she had a companion who understood and maybe, just maybe, they would get through this together.

  “You’ll need to see the resort first,” he stated, then muttered a curse and shifted again. “Sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

  Story of her life. Everyone was sorry, which only made her angry. Why was everyone sorry? Had they caused the condition her doctors had overlooked for years? A condition her parents were still in denial about. There was nothing to be sorry about. Her condition was something she’d learned to live with, was still learning to live with. Adjustments came every day, but in the three years since she’d lost her sight, she’d become a stronger woman. Just because life threw her a major curveball didn’t mean she would give up on what she wanted, on what would make her happy.

  “Please, from here on out, don’t apologize. Don’t try to watch your wording, don’t try to coddle me. I would love to see the house because I can see without my eyes.”

  “I’m sorry . . . what?”

  Cora smiled. Typical reaction from a stranger and just one more way she could show him that she was not some blind woman who planned to sit on the sidelines and have life pass her by. Yes, she’d had to make some major adjustments and in the beginning it was easier to feel sorry for herself. But Cora wasn’t going to live her life engulfed in self-pity and she sure as hell didn’t want pity from anyone else, either.

  “You’d be surprised how much your other senses are heightened when one is taken away.” Nerves swirled around in her belly, but she pushed forward. She couldn’t afford to be nervous now. Strength, independence, and a strong will were her new best friends. “I’m guessing you’re about six-three. You either work out quite a bit or you’re into manual labor. You’re nervous since you found out I was blind because you’re shifting more now than you did before.”

  His soft laugh slid all over her. “When you were rubbing on me I was relaxed.”

  That gravelly voice shouldn’t make her body have such a severe response . . . but it did. “Well I’m not rubbing anymore and you’ll just have to adjust,” she retorted. “So. When do I get the tour of this new resort?”

  Because backing down wasn’t an option. She was good at her job and that coveted independence was within her reach. Her parents doubted her, her pseudo fiancé doubted her. The only person with faith in Cora was Cora.

  “I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning. This afternoon I’m meeting with an inspector to go over all the wiring in the guest cottages.”

  Shocked he’d just volunteered to be her chauffeur, she concentrated on what else he was saying. “Guest cottages?”

  “Besides the main house, there are two small cottages on the grounds.” His feet slid across the floor, his breathing grew a touch louder, which meant he’d moved in closer to her. “The main house is done, other than some minor touches. The cottages have a bit more work, but nothing we can’t handle in the next couple weeks. Once we tour, I’ll need to know how you’ll want your space set up and what needs to be ordered for your room. We’ll have to get that taken care of, first thing.”

  Cora nodded as she exhaled a breath she’d been holding since they’d walked into this room. Finally, she was getting the break she needed. Being a Buchanan had normally gotten her everything she wanted out of life. She could buy anything at any time . . . except her sight and her freedom. Her parents still didn’t understand why she wanted out, why she’d felt trapped in that office day in and day out. But she’d prove to them, and to herself, that she could live on her own, have a job she loved, and be the happiest she’d ever been. It wasn’t about money, it never was. It was about finding who she was, not who she’d been molded to be.

  Cora offered him what she hoped was a grateful smile. “Thank you.”

  “If this works out, I’ll be thanking you.”

  Coming to her feet, she took a step forward. Instantly Braxton’s hand gripped her bicep. “There’s a towel on the floor. I didn’t want you to trip.”


  His protective hand remained in place, giving her that zing once again. She couldn’t afford to zing or tingle or any other verb associated with his touch. That voice alone was enough to have her hormones on high alert. Touching couldn’t be added into the mix.

  “Did I drop it? Usually I’m good about knowing when something falls.”

  “I think it was the one I used,” he said, removing his hand. “I’ve put it up on the table. All clear now.”

  Cora slid her hand to Heidi’s head and patted. “You can go ahead. I’ll follow you out to the living room.”

  He didn’t move and Cora hated the thought of him studying her. She wasn’t self-conscious of her sight, but she didn’t want to be analyzed, either.

  “You’re staring,” she accused.

  “I won’t apologize.”

  Cora ignored the punch of lust at his soft yet powerful voice. At least he’d listened to her and wasn’t saying he was sorry. That was something.

  “Do you live here alone?” he asked after a moment. “Not that it’s my business, I’m just amazed, I guess.”

  Amazed? That was a first for her. Her parents certainly hadn’t been amazed at her decision to move away and be on her own. Her wannabe fiancé had been stunned speechless . . . so much so he didn’t even ask her to stay, which was fine with her since she wouldn’t have anyway.

  There was just something about the way Braxton delivered such a simple sentence that warmed her. To know a total stranger didn’t find her actions ridiculous—her mother’s words—was refreshing. The need to be seen as an equal by anyone was overwhelming and she hated that she allowed herself to feel this way. She knew in her heart she would be just fine, but a little encouragement along the way was something she wouldn’t turn down.

  “I live with Heidi,” Cora replied. “She’s all I need.”

  Again, silence settled heavily between them. Uneasiness slid through her. What was he thinking now? Was he staring at her, looking around the small room? Replaying that massage that her hands may never recover from?

  “Was there something else?”

  “We never did decide how you’d get to work.”

  Cora shrugged. “Let me worry about that. If I want something, I don’t let little things stop me and I want this job. Are you sure you don’t need to talk things over with your brothers?”

  “Trust me on this.”

  Cora thought to the dynamic family who always posed a strong front, but once rough times hit, they were nowhere to be found. Her parents were all about pretenses. Look good on the outside no matter the turmoil inside. Ignore it and it will go away. “It” was an umbrella term for whatever her parents didn’t want to face at that moment. With their money, they’d truly believed they could buy happiness. Unfortunately for their daughter with a health issue, they could toss out any dollar amount and nothing could change the fact.

  They ignored the issue once they realized every specialist called in had no cure. So they moved on with their lives, their parties, their business deals and jet-setting, leaving Cora to work everything out on her own. The loneliness taught her so much. Hard life lessons learned had made for some deep scars.

  Swallowing, she replied, “I don’t trust anyone.”

  Braxton let out an audible sigh. “We all have our own baggage,” he muttered, telling h
er a bit more about the intriguing man. “You’ll see my brothers won’t disagree with Sophie’s opinion or mine. Actually, Sophie pretty much rules our lives and we’re afraid of her, but don’t tell her I said that.”

  Cora breathed a slight sigh of relief and laughed. “Good to know. Let me walk you and Sophie out and I’ll be ready in the morning for that tour.”

  Chapter Two

  “Say that again.”

  Braxton leaned against the rail on the newly renovated porch and stared at Zach. “I said the new masseuse is coming to check the place out tomorrow.”

  “After that, dumbass,” Zach grumbled, shaking his head.

  “I said she’s blind.”

  “How in the hell can she do this job, then?” Zach’s arm flew out, his tone raised. “You needed to run this by me and Liam before inviting her here and all but handing her the position.”

  “Ignore him,” Sophie stated, coming out the front door. “He’s in a mood because he didn’t get enough sleep last night.”

  She threw Zach a wink and Braxton held up his hands. “I don’t want to hear about bedroom habits. You left the final judgment call up to me and I think she’ll be great for the job.”

  “I never said you had the final word,” Zach stated.

  “Since I was the one chosen by default to go get a massage, I’m the one making the final decision. Cora is hired.”

  “I agree,” Sophie chimed in, wrapping an arm around Zach’s waist. “The other employees we’ve hired all have a trial period once we open, so Cora will be no different. Sixty days is the perfect time frame for all parties. Who knows, Cora may end up not liking it in Haven and want to move back to the city. It’s a risk we have to take. But, for that matter, any of the employees we’ve taken on may decide they don’t like it. It’s just one of the many perks that come along with owning a business.”

  Braxton kept his thoughts to himself, but he seriously doubted Cora would leave Haven. She’d seemed adamant about getting away from her family, away from the city life. He’d also heard that wistful tone of hers when he’d been discussing his brothers. She didn’t have the bond, didn’t have the stability family provided. In a brief time, Cora had made him extremely protective and defensive.


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