Caught Up In You

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Caught Up In You Page 14

by Jules Bennett

  “Leave the mess here,” Sophie told him. “Zach and Brock will clean everything up.”

  Braxton shot Brock a smile. “Looks like you have to do more than you intended after all, hotshot.”

  Brock rolled his eyes, but the smile negated the teen’s actions. “Whatever, old man. Go put some ice on those joints or you’ll be crying in the morning.”

  Braxton laughed, though he hated to admit he’d been outed by a teenager. Damn, getting older sucked. Thirty-four wasn’t geriatric region, but he certainly ached more than when he’d been twenty. Maybe he’d been in the classroom too long.

  “I need to get back home anyway,” Braxton stated. Surely, he could get himself home, crawl into his house, and lie in misery the rest of the day. “I have a past student who is swinging by later for a textbook he wants to borrow.”

  “Can you drive?” Sophie asked as she crossed her arms and continued to study him.

  Leaning forward, he gave her a brotherly kiss right in the middle of her drawn brows. “I promise I’m fine.”

  “I’ll drive you home,” Brock volunteered.

  Braxton shook his head. “Nice try. You’re on cleanup crew.”

  Deflated, Brock muttered something under his breath and turned to pick up the fallen ladder. Braxton shot Sophie a wink and a grin, hoping to reassure her he truly was fine. He’d walk to his SUV and drive himself despite the pain. No way in hell was he admitting it was actually getting worse.

  “I’ll walk you to your car,” Cora told him.

  Without waiting on him to agree or disagree, she gripped Heidi’s collar with one hand and reached out to him with the other. Braxton shifted closer so he could offer his arm, the one that didn’t hurt. Instantly inhaling her signature jasmine scent, Braxton wondered if he’d ever associate that smell with anyone or anything else other than Cora.

  “Tell me the truth,” she said softly once they were away from the others. “Are you hurt?”

  The fact that she’d lured him away to ask only told him she cared, possibly more than she wanted to admit. If she didn’t, she would’ve taken him at his word when he’d told Sophie he was fine. He wanted her to care, damn it. He wanted her to think of him when he wasn’t around. He wanted her to be going insane with want and need the same way he was.

  Getting sympathy, though, because he’d gotten hurt was definitely not the way he wanted to go about capturing her full attention.

  Despite the pain, he couldn’t help but mess with her.

  “My arm is dangling at an awkward angle and I can’t breathe.”

  Cora bit on her bottom lip as if she were trying not to laugh. “You’re such a smart-ass. You can’t be too hurt.”

  “Honestly, my back hurts like a bitch and my left shoulder isn’t much better. Nothing a little ibuprofen won’t cure once I’m home. I’ll be sore tomorrow, but it could’ve been worse.”

  Sure. He could’ve fallen off a ladder while daydreaming about a sexy, mesmerizing, violet-eyed beauty. Oh, wait. That’s exactly what happened. Nope. Couldn’t have gotten much worse.

  “I think you need to be seen,” she told him. “Please have someone drive you to the urgent care.”

  Braxton ran his hand up her arm, then down. He laced his fingers with hers. “I’m fine, Cora. I would know if I need to be seen.”

  “Please,” she begged softly. “If I could see, I’d take you. It wouldn’t hurt. I mean, what if you did something internally?”

  Braxton completely understood where her concern was coming from. She was thinking back to her own fall, how they’d discovered her sight was going. But the fall hadn’t caused her blindness. Still, she was emotionally scarred from what had happened and her worry was misplaced.

  “Rest and ice, that’s all I need right now.”

  When he reached his vehicle he turned to keep his back to the cottages. “What were you doing here today?”

  “Sophie and I were going to work on pricing and the specials I could offer. She wants it all in the main computer so when clients check in, they can get things scheduled. She said once they see full packages, they can plan the full experience of their trip.”

  Braxton watched one strand of hair dance around her cheek. When he tucked it behind her cheek, she stiffened.

  “You need to stop jerking when I touch you.”

  “I’m trying. It’s just . . . hard for me.” She let out a sigh and stared just over his shoulder. The worry in her eyes more evident now than moments ago. “You need to get to the urgent care, but I know I’m fighting your ego and stubborn male pride.”

  Braxton laughed. “You’re not fighting anything and if I didn’t think I was fine, I would go.”

  Cora chewed on her bottom lip and stared over his shoulder. “Well, I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  She gripped Heidi’s collar and started to head back toward the cottages. Watching the sway of that dress around her toned legs was absurd. The way the fabric slid over that creamy skin was going to be his undoing. When the hell did he start watching how material moved?

  Since he’d taken a special liking to the body beneath the dress.

  He called her name and waited until she threw him a glance over her shoulder.

  “I was thinking of another swim. This time with real suits,” he added quickly. “What do you say about tomorrow?”

  The smile that lit up her face was brighter than any sunshine he’d seen in Haven. “I’d like that.”

  Then she turned and walked away and Braxton stared after her, knowing he probably looked like some wide-eyed, open-mouthed idiot, but watching Cora go was just as appealing as watching her walk toward him.

  As she neared the cottage, Braxton glanced to Brock, who was throwing back a knowing grin in his direction.


  Braxton merely waved a hand and climbed into his SUV. No reason to hang around and take a verbal beating. He needed to get home and soak his back before he started crying.

  Chapter Nine

  “You’ve been home for two days. You clearly need to swallow your man pride and go get an X-ray.”

  Braxton rolled his eyes at Zach’s comment. “Like you’d go,” he retorted. “I’ll be good as new tomorrow. I’ve lain on this damn heating pad for so long, I’ve lost five pounds of sweat.”

  “I didn’t figure you’d go, but I promised Sophie I’d ask.”

  Braxton stared up at the ceiling, same as the day before. He was going to have a permanent mold of his body indented onto the couch when he got up. If he could get up. When he coughed, sneezed . . . hell, when he breathed his damn back started to scream in protest.

  “Consider your fiancé duties done, then.”

  “Those are never done,” Zach snorted. “Seriously, though, I want to know how the hell you got Brock to ace that test.”

  “He’s a smart kid. He needs to work on his self-esteem more than his homework because he knows the stuff, he just automatically thinks he’ll fail.”

  Zach muttered a curse. “I can’t fault him. I know this will take time, but I wish he understood. . . .”

  “I know. He will,” Braxton assured his brother. Braxton knew full well that Zach wanted to make Brock’s life perfect right now, but the boy had fifteen years of hell he was trying to overcome and it wouldn’t happen in a few months. “He’s coming along, but it’s going to take time. Hell, you’re still a work in progress and you’re old.”

  “Kiss my ass.” Zach sighed. “I need to go. I told Brock we would go car shopping. I’d rather shoot myself with a nail gun.”

  Braxton laughed. Damn, you’d think he’d remember that hurt like hell. “You’re a brave man.”

  “No, I’m stupid, but I’ve told him it will be a used car. He’ll put his time in on clunkers just like we did. A little more than I wanted to spend on a Christmas present, but he needs wheels.”

  “Good luck, bro. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I’m going to be at Macy’s most of the day tomorrow, but I’ll check in w
hen I can. Hopefully, when Liam gets back in he’ll take up some slack. I don’t want you overdoing it and making yourself worse.”

  “Yes, Mommy.”

  Disconnecting the call on Zach’s laugh, Braxton laid his cell on his bare chest. When he’d tried to put a shirt on this morning, he’d nearly been brought to his knees when pain radiated through his shoulder and down his back. There was no way he could go finish working on the resort if he couldn’t even get dressed.

  There was also no way he could take Cora on that promised swim. He’d called her and thankfully got her voice mail. Yeah, leaving a message was the cowardly way out, but he didn’t want to have to listen to disappointment when he told her he had to postpone the swim. Not that he thought he was offering some grand event in her life and she’d be crushed, but he had a feeling she wasn’t put first in too many people’s lives and he didn’t want her to feel brushed off. Besides, the fact she wanted to get back in the water showed just how strong and resilient she was.

  Tomorrow, he vowed. He’d take her tomorrow no matter what he felt like. Damn it, he hated being laid up. He didn’t recall ever being completely put out. Even when he’d helped his father and was just learning construction, Braxton hadn’t injured himself quite like this. He’d had the usual hammer to the thumb, jolt of electric when he wasn’t paying attention while changing out receptacles, minor things, but falling off a ladder because he’d placed his foot wrong on the rung was flat-out embarrassing. If his father were alive today he’d definitely get a good belly laugh at Braxton’s expense, especially because Braxton had been eyeing a beautiful woman.

  The doorbell sounded through his one-story house and Braxton cringed. Who the hell was stopping by for a visit? People didn’t just drop by and visit him for no reason. Christmas carolers came out at night . . . right?

  Dread settled into his stomach. If Ms. Barkley decided to stop in, as she’d done once before, he’d have to be a little more direct. He thought ignoring her calls had done the trick, but he really didn’t know anyone else who would drop by unexpected.

  Before he could get off the couch, his doorbell chimed again. Good grief, it would be this time tomorrow before he could make it to the door. With one hand on his lower back, he slowly made his way across the wood floors toward the door. No doubt he looked like an old man, but he also felt that way right now.

  Thankfully, his front door was in the living room, so he didn’t have far to go, but damn if each step didn’t make those back muscles groan in protest.

  Braxton flicked the lock and pulled the door open.

  “Cora.” Shock registered hard and fast, until he looked down to the curb to see Sophie waving from the car . . . a car that was now pulling away. “What are you doing here?” he asked, turning his attention back to his unexpected guest.

  “I came to help. I know you haven’t been seen, but you’re still laid up here, so you’re definitely hurting more than you let on.” She had her defiant chin tipped up, a hold on Heidi’s collar, and a large bag on her shoulder. “Um . . . can I come in?”

  Braxton took a step back. “Sorry. Yes, come in.”

  Nothing like making her doubt herself when she’d surprised him on his doorstep. He’d never wanted a woman in his home more than now. He hadn’t even considered having Cora in his house, but he liked the thought that she’d decided to come without calling. Maybe impromptu visits weren’t such a bad thing after all . . . depending on the visitor.

  “Wait. Let me take this bag and then help you in. There’s a slight step up over the threshold here.”

  He removed the bag from her shoulder and set it just inside the door. Whatever she had in that tote was heavy, he hadn’t expected that, nor had his back been prepared for the added weight.

  “Okay.” Braxton reached for her free hand. “Just a few inches up.”

  Gripping Heidi’s collar, Cora stepped inside and immediately let go of his hand. “I’ve got it. Just tell me where the sofa is.”

  “You’re already in the living room. The sofa is to your left.” He carefully made his way back, turned off the heating pad, and moved it to the end table. “You’re about six feet away and there’s a small table beside the couch, but Heidi is between you and it, so you have a clear shot.”

  Cora laughed. “I appreciate that, but I want you on the couch. On your stomach, to be precise.”

  “Well if you want me in a horizontal position, all you had to do was ask,” he joked, more from shock than anything. What was she up to? “Though I have to admit, I’m not exactly my full potential right now.”

  “Cute,” she muttered. “Now, get into position and tell me where you put my bag.”

  “Right beside the door.” He crossed to reach for it, but before he could bend too much, he cringed and cursed himself for his actions.

  “I don’t need you to get it.” Cora held her hands up toward him as if to try to stop him from moving farther. “I asked you to get on the couch on your stomach. Stubborn man. This is precisely why I had Sophie drive me over. I knew you’d never let anyone help and I wasn’t going to call to ask.”

  As he struggled to get onto his stomach on the sofa, he listened to her scold him and he still had no idea what she was doing other than steamrolling him with the help of his brother’s fiancée.

  Which meant Zach knew that Cora was here. Great. This would not bring about a good conversation later. Not that he couldn’t handle his brother; Braxton just preferred not to where Cora was concerned. He wanted to keep Cora to himself. Selfish, yes. Did he care? No.

  “I’m going to need you to take your shirt off,” she told him as she slowly made her way over with her bag.

  “I’m not wearing one.”

  “Perfect.” She stopped just beside the sofa and sat her bag down. “Is there anything in front of the couch? A table or ottoman?”


  Heidi took a seat next to the couch, her head nudging Braxton’s hand. He smoothed his hand over her soft fur and rubbed on her ears as Cora sank down onto her knees and started feeling around inside her bag.

  “Do you need something to sit on?” he asked.

  “I’m fine and you’re not getting up,” she replied easily. “We’ll make this work. I just need you to not be so stubborn for a few minutes and let me help your back.”

  “You had Sophie bring you so you could give me a massage?” he asked. “Honey, as much as I love your hands on me, you didn’t need to go to so much trouble.”

  He’d let the endearment slip out on purpose. Anything to knock her off balance, to keep her guessing and wondering what he intended to do next. Braxton wanted to be on her mind, he wanted her to be in constant thought about him. No, that wasn’t ego talking. With another woman maybe it would’ve been, but with Cora, there was something so much stronger going on here. He still wasn’t sure if he wanted to get clarity on the situation or sit back and enjoy the ride.

  “Don’t call me ‘honey’ and I’m not here for the enjoyment of touching you,” she sniffed. Oh, yeah, there was that underlying prim and proper upbringing he’d grown accustomed to. “I’m here to help those poor muscles you abused yesterday. I’m trying to keep you from getting worse because then you will have to go to the urgent care even if I have to drive you.”

  Braxton sighed. “Listen, I know this freaked you out because of your history, but nothing is wrong. I hurt like hell, and I only took today off to rest. But I’m not turning down a free rubdown.”

  With his hand resting on Heidi’s back, Braxton waited while she pulled out various bottles. He watched her face as her hands roamed over each product. Those delicate fingers that had the power to make a man groan, that had made him a believer in the power of a simple touch. She must’ve found the one she was looking for because she flipped the lid and applied a generous amount to her palm. After setting the bottle aside, she rubbed her hands together before applying them to the center of his back.

  “Tell me if I rub too hard.”

nbsp; Braxton seriously had to bite his tongue to keep a “that’s what she said” from slipping out. Actually, once she started smoothing her hands in firm, fluid strokes, he couldn’t form a coherent thought. Everywhere she touched seemed to instantly relax and Braxton found himself closing his eyes and letting her do her magic.

  This woman was going to be a major asset at the resort. Hell, he may book appointments for himself. Exam weeks at the college were hell and he could use some downtime after semesters ended.

  “Are you feeling any better?” she asked as she continued to move her hands masterfully over his back and shoulders.


  His voice sounded like he’d eaten sandpaper, but how the hell could a man get all rubbed down like this and not get turned on?

  She used a different product, this time it felt like oil. He didn’t ask what it was, he didn’t need to know. Cora was here because she cared, she was here because she wanted to help, and she was here, in his home, completely outside her comfort zone.

  “Thank you for coming by,” he told her.

  The breath of her soft laugh tickled his damp skin. “That was hard for you to say, wasn’t it?”

  “Not to you,” he admitted, realizing just how true the statement was. “There was no way I was going for an X-ray, but I never thought of having you come and work your magic.”

  “Most people don’t think of a masseuse for healing, but muscles can often be cured if they’re pampered the right way. I wasn’t going to just let you lie here in misery.”

  Braxton opened his eyes and stared at her. She had no idea how beautiful she looked with a lock of hair over one eye, her lip pulled between her top two teeth as she concentrated on soothing him.

  “Is that what you’re doing? Pampering me?”

  A smile flirted around her mouth. “I’m trying.”

  “You’re stunning.”

  The whispered words left his lips before he could even think through his thoughts. Her hands stilled on his back.


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