Lock Step: An Enemies to Lovers Accidental Roommates Stepbrother Romance

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Lock Step: An Enemies to Lovers Accidental Roommates Stepbrother Romance Page 6

by Jamie Knight

  “I’m walking around the block. Trying to get some exercise. I didn’t want anyone to hear this phone call. I have you on speaker and you’re so loud, your voice is booming in the street.”

  “What? Turn down the volume!”

  “Oh, yeah, guess I could do that. No wait, then I can’t hear you clearly.”

  “Well, now I’m embarrassed at what I said,” remarked Diamond. “You should tell a person when you put her on speaker.”

  “Understood. That’s on me.”

  “By the way, did you talk to Gillian today? You wanna talk about climbing the walls, that girl is up on the wall and across the ceiling!”

  “No. I’ve just been so wound up. I feel like I’m in prison!” I complained.

  “Traci, you have to get a hold of yourself,” she said. “It isn’t that bad. You got your dad, right?”


  “And are your stepmother and your stepbrother really that bad? I mean, really?”

  “No. I guess not.”

  I couldn’t tell her how tempting it was to be around Phil and not want to see him naked again. To run my fingers down those ripped abs of his. To see what it would be like to kiss him…

  No. Then I would be just as crazy as she was!

  “Then why you complaining all the time? Damn. You know what happened to me. My own damned cousin and I was only 14 years old and he was like 22. If I can survive that, you can survive this.”

  “I’m not strong like you.”

  “You are, girl. You just don’t know it. Trust me. We all find strength within us in times of crisis.”

  I suddenly felt at peace. It was something in Diamond’s words that had reached me. Maybe it was her inspirational story of triumph over adversity. Maybe it was just that she wasn’t afraid of anything.

  If she could be brave at 14, I could be brave as a college student. I was a grown woman now. I had to make my own way.

  “Thanks, Diamond. I really needed this talk,” I sighed. “Sorry if I sound all crazy.”

  “It’s all right. I’m scared of this virus, too, if I’m being honest. Real talk now. My grandmother’s in the hospital.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I hope she pulls through. How is she?”

  “She’s 88. It might be her time, but we’ll see,” she said blithely. “See why you have to live for every moment? I’ll catch you later, girl.”

  “Okay. Be safe. Good luck to your grandma. Bye.”

  I was almost back at the house when I spotted a guy in a mask walking his dog.

  “Hey!” he objected. “You don’t have your mask on!”

  “Oh, sorry,” I said. “I forgot it. I was walking by myself, with no one else around.”

  “Cross the street, please,” he said, continuing to jog in place. “I don’t want to have to cross the street with my dog, and you’re the one who isn’t wearing a mask.”

  I made an annoyed grunt and complied. Who was this guy? The sidewalk police?

  “And you’d better get a mask!” he shouted. “What is wrong with you?”

  Giving him an incredulous look, I headed back to the house. Guess I had to have a mask with me at all times. Although that guy didn’t have to be a jerk about it!

  “Hey, Tracianne,” Dad greeted me when I got back home. “We need some stuff from the store. It’s your turn to go with Phil and make the run.”

  “What? No. I don’t want to right now. Maybe tomorrow.”

  “Now, Tracianne,” Dad insisted. “This is what we agreed to.”

  Technically, I didn’t agree to anything. Dad would just make pronouncements and if you didn’t object right then you were deemed to have “agreed,” somehow. I thought about whining or crying my way out of it, but no— I had to be strong, like Diamond.

  “Fine,” I griped. “But let me go alone. It’ll be faster.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” said Phil, walking into the room with his mask on. “This won’t take long, c’mon.”

  I reached into a basket when I kept masks and got one out. Phil grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me outside. I pulled away.

  “Hey! I can get into the car myself,” I objected. “You don’t get to pull me around like a lost child.”

  “Sorry, just thought we’d better hurry before work is over. So we can beat the evening rush.”

  We got into the car. Phil was driving.

  “Work? Who is still working?” I asked, confused at his earlier comment.

  “Well, there are a lot of essential business still open, but yeah, I guess you’re right. The majority of people are home. Still, getting there earlier might cut down on the crowd a little.”

  We headed to the supermarket. The parking lot was overflowing with cars. There were so many people that there was a line to get in. Since people were social distancing, they would only let a certain amount of shopper into the store at once.

  Phil had to park in the plaza next door, and we had to walk over. All the stores in the plaza were close.

  “Weird. It’s like the end of the world,” noted Phil. “Almost like we’re in some kind of post-apocalyptic movie.”

  “Did Dad give you a list of what we’re supposed to buy or something?”

  “Yeah, I think he texted it to you, too.”

  I looked at my phone. It was a long list of stuff.

  “Jeez, how are we going to carry the groceries all the way back to the car?” I asked.

  “Duh! Shopping cart,” said Phil.

  “Duh! Phil!” I pointed.

  The plaza and supermarket’s parking lot didn’t connect. In between was a berm full of flowers and shrubs.

  “Okay-okay,” said Phil. “Here’s what we do. When we come out, we move the cart over there, I’ll move the car and we’ll pass the groceries over the bushes.”

  “Let’s just go back. It’s getting really crowded and I don’t think it’s safe.”

  “No way! We’re out of peanut butter.”

  “Who cares, Phil! There are too many people here. Do you want to get Covid?”

  “I’m not going back and I have the keys, so if you want to wait in the car, then do so. Although that will just make this whole thing take way longer.”

  “Fine! Let’s just get this over with.”

  God! He was insufferable! I didn’t ask for this and didn’t want to have to put up with it just because my dad married his mom. Phil wasn’t related to me. Not really, anyway. Why should I be stuck here with him like this?

  We argued over some of the different brands in the store, but eventually I just gave up. I let him pick whatever he wanted, at least when it was available. The store was out of a lot of necessities. I could tell we were going to have to come back soon due to lack of supplies and I was even more motivated to end this trip as quickly as possible.

  After waiting in a long, sectioned-off line for a half hour, following the instructions of where to stand and which way to walk so as to ensure sufficient social distancing, I just wanted to go home.

  I had to admit to myself in my own mind that his muscular arms looked really good carrying the heavy boxes from the shopping cart to the conveyer belt to pay, but I certainly wasn’t going to say that out loud!

  Watching his pecs and biceps was definitely the one bright spot in the otherwise awful afternoon, though.

  I couldn’t help it that my stepbrother was attractive. Just like I couldn’t help it that he was an ass. If I had to put up with his unpleasant personality, at least I was going to enjoy the view of his nice body.

  Chapter Nine - Tracianne

  By the time we got out of the store, it was pouring.

  “Great idea, moron!” I complained. “Now we have to go all the way over there.”

  “I’ll just pull the car up,” he said.

  “No! Are you crazy? Look at this parking lot! It’ll take you forever to get out of here. Let’s just get wet. We’re going to get wet anyway.”

nbsp; “Fine, you don’t have to be a brat about it.”

  “I’m not being a brat! You caused all this. I didn’t even want to come.”

  I knew he was right— I was being as big of a brat as he was. It was only fair that I pitched in and did some shopping. I just couldn’t let go of the unfairness of having to come live here with him instead of with my friends on campus, where I was supposed to be.

  By the time we got to the berm and then Phil moved the car, we got soaked. We loaded up and got inside.

  “My God, I’ve never seen it like this,” said Phil. “It’s like a fucking monsoon all of a sudden.”

  “It’s called spring rain, dumbass,” I griped. “Thanks a lot! Now I have to get changed and redo my hair.”

  “You did your hair? Why? We’re stuck in the house.”

  “I like to look nice. Okay? Maybe try it sometime!”

  We rode in silence for a bit. I felt I had been a little harsh, but then he put on the radio. It was some stupid college station, and they were playing Drake.

  “Can we not?” I whined. “Or at least put something else on.”

  “Driver gets to pick the radio station, that’s the rule.”

  “Shut up,” I said, changing the channel.

  “Are you trying to get me into an accident? I’m driving!”


  I turned off the radio.

  “What did you do that for?”

  “Well, I didn’t think you needed the radio since you had to concentrate on driving, okay?” I sneered. “God. You’re such a baby!”

  “Look, I am trying to be the tolerant one here. I told your dad I would try and get along with you. You’re not making it easy.”

  “What? You lie! And I’m great to get along with. Normal people get along with me just fine, thank you!” I growled. “You’re the weirdo.”

  He started laughing at me. I couldn’t help my anger. He was really pissing me off. I turned the radio back on, but to my station.

  “Oh, no. No radio now,” he said, turning it off.

  I turned it back on. We went back and forth until a truck almost hit us. The water that washed over the hood as it passed by us, nearly missing us, was scary. I gasped in shock. Phil calmly pulled over onto a shoulder that didn’t seem too flooded.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I can’t see,” admitted Phil. “It’s too crazy. Let’s just sit here for a few minutes and see if it slows down. The whole road is flooded.”

  “Well, pull into a parking lot,” I insisted. “Sitting on the side of the road is dangerous in this downpour. People may not see the car.”

  “I left the car on. The lights are on,” he said. “People can see the lights.”

  “Yeah, but what if they don’t?” I urged.

  “And what if a meteor hits us? Jesus, unclench, Tracianne. We’re going to be fine.”

  “Will you stop giving me instructions and lectures, please! I don’t need your mansplaining.”

  “Will you just shut up for ten seconds and stop complaining, please?”

  “I cannot wait to get back home and tell your mother how you treated me!”

  “You gonna rat me out to mommy, huh? I’d like to see that! Go ahead.”

  “I will!” I said, getting into his face.

  “Go ahead!” he shot back, leaning in.

  Something came over me. I don’t know what. Maybe it was just the heat of the moment. The need to release my pent-up frustration. Maybe it was his handsome eyes, full of fury. Maybe it was everything, but I went in for a kiss. I mean, I grabbed him and kissed him deep.

  He pulled away and we looked at each other. I was half expecting him to start laughing, but he just stared at me for a few seconds.

  The next thing you know, we were all over each other. We were making out and trying to get at each other in the car. The seatbelts came off and he pulled me on top of him.

  He started dry humping me in the car. I could feel his erection trying to poke out of his pants.

  What the hell was I doing? I had lost it. Absolutely lost it.

  I wanted to tear his clothes off and have sex with him right on the side of the road. I mean, technically, it was daytime. We were sitting in the car in the day on the side of the road with the windows now all fogged up.

  “Oh, man. Oh, my God,” he gasped. “Let’s slow down for a beat.”

  He took me off his lap just as someone knocked on the window. I got back in my seat and he rolled it down. It was a cop.

  “Hey, you can’t park here,” he said. “I should write you a ticket. What the hell are you doing?”

  “I just stopped because of the rain, officer,” explained Phil. “Poor visibility.”

  “Oh, well, put on your defrosters and get moving,” he said. “Just go slow. As soon as your windows clear, I want you moving down the road. You can find a parking lot or somewhere to park if you don’t want to keep driving.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you for not giving me a ticket.”

  Phil cranked the defrosters and we both got our seatbelts on. I was blushing and I think Phil was, too. Another minute and that police officer might have found something much more R-rated in the car. However, I was still pretty turned up. I wish we had finished what we had started.

  Wait, what was I saying? What did I just do?

  I made out with my own stepbrother! That can’t be good. That’s wrong!

  Oh, God! I couldn’t tell anyone about this! If dad found out, he would lose his mind.

  “That cop,” said Phil, now trying to make conversation. “That was surprising.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “Didn’t see that coming.”

  We drove the rest of the way in silence. When we got back, the rain had stopped, and the sun had come out. Without a word, we unloaded the car. My heart was beating and my palms were sweaty.

  I knew it was forbidden, but I wanted it so bad.

  I wanted Phil’s hard cock and his delicious mouth all over me.

  The moment all the bags were on the island, I slipped out of the kitchen and headed for the bathroom. At the last second, I went upstairs instead and locked myself in my room instead. I couldn’t stand it one second longer.

  Slipping off my pants, I got on my bed and put my hand down the front of my panties. I imagined Phil kissing me and I started fingering myself. I wanted his big strong fingers in there. Maybe his tongue too and of course his rock-hard cock. It had felt so big and good, pressing up against me.

  I was horny beyond belief! We had just gotten back from the store and here I was with my fingers in my pussy, masturbating!

  I didn’t even do it that often, but I had to get off right here, right now. Even if my door suddenly fell off its hinges, I think I would still have to finish.

  In my mind, I could see Phil’s naked body rushing from the bathroom to his room. His strong muscles and toned ass were so hot. I wanted him to plunge in and out of me, while I pulled that nice ass of his closer. I wanted his hot, dripping body on top of mine, ravaging my wet hole.

  Touching my clit, I was really getting into it now. I imagined Phil burying his face into my pussy, his warm, rough tongue on my clit, slurping up my juices. I put a finger in my mouth and started sucking on it. I imagined it was Phil’s cock while I went in and out of my pussy hole with two fingers.

  I was on the verge of a fantastic orgasm. And then my pussy juices were rushing out of me as I was wishing that Phil was inside me.

  Grabbing a pillow, I had to stifle my own noises. I was squealing into the pillow and I’m sure they would’ve heard it all the way downstairs if I didn’t muffle them.

  I released so hard and so long, I was shaking and the comforter and my panties where I was positioned were soaked. My whole body was quivering and I spasmed, still orgasming a little.

  That was the best orgasm I’d ever given myself. But I still wanted more. I wanted the real thing.

  God, had i
t been that long? I guess it had. I really wanted to have some sex now and not simulate it. I couldn’t have sex with Phil for real, though. He was my stepbrother! This was wrong.

  Oh, God! What if he told Dad what we did? He had mentioned that they had had a talk; were they that close now that he would confess something like this?

  Oh, my God, I would die! I would just die. Diamond and Gillian would never let me live this down, either. My little crush on my stepbrother was supposed to be a joke, not something I’d actually do!

  But this was just a fluke, right? No biggie. Phil probably didn’t think anything about it, right?

  I’d just talk to him and we’d agree that it was all a big mistake. Obviously, he’d be in as much trouble as I would be if word got out about us, so he wouldn’t tell anyone.

  My God, Dad would kill me and him!

  He had to know that he would. So, he also had to know not to tell him, of course. That would be the absolute worse thing he could think of doing.

  How had I let this happen?

  One trip to the supermarket and a few fights and I end up grinding on my stepbrother’s hard cock. I guess we had so much passion and fury that we just wanted to fuck it out of each other.

  But that was it.

  From now on, Phil and I couldn’t fight anymore, because that only lead to hooking up.

  We clearly couldn’t hook up, because that would only lead to sex.

  As much as I wished I could taste, feel, touch and be fucked by that amazing cock of Phil’s, I knew it was off limits.

  I had to stay far away from him from now on, to make sure that didn’t happen again!

  Chapter Ten - Tracianne

  At first, after our crazy little hook up incident, I avoided Phil and he avoided me. We didn’t even look at each other.

  Then, I realized, we were the only two that knew what happened and that by acting this way, we could arouse suspicion. I didn’t like Phil, but I was attracted to him. We had to talk about it, or our parents might find out. That would certainly complicate things.

  While it was true that I resented Phil and his mom for coming into my life and upending it, I couldn’t blame them. Dad picked this woman, for whatever reason, and I would have to try to accept it.


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