Bo (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 3)

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Bo (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 3) Page 8

by Warren, Rie

  Her lips slid onto my abs. She deviated from the dark line of hair to outline every roll of muscle all the while moving up, up, up my body. Her tits released my cock, but her nipples kept contact with my skin, and her ass resumed swaying side to side.

  She licked and sucked the flat discs of my nipples until my cock pumped a steady stream of pre-ejaculate. I felt it wet her belly as she hovered over me. I tried to touch her, but she tisked me, pushing my hands behind my head.

  “Jesus. You weren’t kidding about taking control, were you?” I grunted and my hips bucked.

  Her mouth swooped to mine, and suddenly I didn’t give a fuck if she wanted to tie me up as long as she took care of the growing pulsing heavy arousal that twisted through my body.

  She released my lips and licked all around them before sucking the skin of my throat as I lay beneath her, completely at her mercy.

  Her voice came at me husky and hoarse. “You just enjoy it.”

  I nodded, the muscle at the back of my jaw tensing.

  Resuming her slow journey, this time down my body, she licked and kissed all the way to my feet. She never made direct contact with my cock, and by the time she headed north my skin was on fire and my muscles taut as tension wire.

  She murmured and hummed and sucked and bit a path inside one of my upper thighs then the other. Her nose skimmed my sac, and I hissed. Drawing the flat of her tongue around one ball, she repeated the sexy motion on the other. When both heavy orbs dripped with her saliva, she pulled a round ball into the tight oval of her mouth. Then she suckled on me.

  My hips jerked. My back bowed. My cockhead was nearly purple it was so swollen with blood. My chin lowered to my chest, I watched her between my legs, my stiff rod rising in front of her face, her mouth sealed around my ballsack. When she switched to the other side I barked out her name.

  Her eyes twinkled as she teasingly twirled her tongue around my other testicle. “You have beautiful cock, Bo.”

  Hearing her talk about my dick while it stood erect right in front of her face made me bite my lip until I drew blood. I wanted to grab hold of her head and pull her onto my shaft until her nose was buried in my pubes.

  “I’m glad you like it.” I gritted my teeth.

  “I should probably taste it to find out.”

  I nodded quickly.

  Her sultry laugh echoed through my bedroom.

  She laved all around the base of my cock. The first touch of her tongue on my aching hard pole almost shot me sky high. Holding me upright in one hand, she licked and kissed up and down, covering every inch in the hot fire of her mouth and the teasing lashes of her tongue.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” I rasped.

  “Wouldn’t want that.”

  Her tongue rolled around my cockhead. Around and around until nerves felt like they were firing off in my groin. I panted heavily, grunting through every breath. Her perfect wide lips spread open above the fat tip, and I almost passed out from the heat of her breath alone. But she didn’t take me inside, instead she smiled and flicked that fucking wet tongue against the sensitive frenulum until my sole focus was on that one point, and my groans deepened.

  When she finally enclosed me in her mouth, my hips kicked forward as a roar bellowed from my chest. She stopped right there. Just with my bulging cockhead in her mouth. Her tongue twiddled the slit, and I was so turned on I swear I felt every welling drop of precome push out and land in her mouth. Then she started kissing the tip, sucking it in and out of her lips. My temperature rose. I’d never felt hotter. My heels dug into the mattress.

  Veronica glanced up at me and lowered her mouth. One inch. Lick. Two. Slurp. Three, four, five . . . in just a few more she’d have me deep down her throat. Deep breath. With the rest of my cock embedded inside the tight wet tunnel, I beat my head back against the pillows. My toes curled. My vision turned to hot white fuzz.

  She blew my cock. She jerked me off in her hands. She kept me well lubricated and on the edge of delirium until my hair was sweat-dampened, my lips strained through every grunt. I hooked my arms around the headboard, and it creaked with the force I used. Muscles all along my body stood out in sharp relief.

  She built the tension just like that, every so often popping up to slake her lips on mine.

  “I don’t want you to think about anything. This is all about pleasure.”

  I gave a short rusty laugh. “Feels like”—I groaned as she kissed, kissed, kissed up the side of my cock—“pain.”

  “Big tough Force Recon soldier like you?” Her smoky laugh was criminal.

  Every time I felt the come rising up my shaft, she drew back, curled her fist around the root of my cock, and blew a stream of hot air along my length. The need to come slowly receded as I lay twisting, my muscles flexing, sweat popping up on my forehead.

  “How long? How long have you been sucking me?” My dick was so hard the veins looked huge, and I was ready to explode.

  “Only half an hour.”

  Grunting and groaning, I bit back obscenities. I became unintelligible, my big thighs quaking, my chest nothing but a sheet of muscle, and everything centered on my cock.

  Finally she relented.

  Licking her way up my body and over my lips while I gasped against her ear, she murmured, “Would you let me fuck myself on your cock now?”

  She loosely fisted me.

  “Yes!” My eyes rolled back.

  “Even if I asked you not to come while I do?”

  I growled, my gaze hitting hers. “Yes.”

  “You want this massive hard cock in my hot wet pussy?” Before I could draw a breath, she was throwing an empty condom wrapper over her shoulder. Straddling me, she ran the tip of my dick up and down her slit.

  “Fuck. Veronica.”

  After all the build up, she slammed herself onto me with a hungry howl. The tight glove of her cunt pulsed around me. It felt like her insides sucked me even deeper. I barely managed to keep myself in check as she gyrated up and off the crown of my cock, now slick with her juices. She hovered above me for a second then impaled herself again.

  “God! Yes!” She pulled me up to her and devoured my lips.

  I all too happily tongue-fucked her mouth as she rode me hard and fast and extreme.

  The heat of her body poured all around me, and her liquid insides burned like fuel to the fire. I held her with one arm wrenched around her hips, the other hand thrust into her hair.

  I snarled like an animal, driving down the need to blast up at her, blast into her, come with all my strength and fuck her with all my power until she was raw from it.

  Her orgasm hit hard and fast. She screamed my name and shook in my arms, her body wedged against mine. The tight caress of her pussy pulled me into her depths.

  I held her against me, staving off my climax, throbbing inside her, in aroused agony.

  She didn’t have a chance to come down. Still engaged inside her, I flipped her to her back and mounted her.

  “My fucking turn.” I growled.

  Her tits—those glorious tits—stared me in the face. I grabbed them with both hard hands and attached my lips to her nipples.

  Her moan was the horniest sound I’d ever heard. I wanted more of it.

  Rutting inside her, I used my thighs to spread her legs as wide as they’d go. I pounded into her, making her bounce on the bed. Her back arched, her arms threaded around my waist, and she dug her fingers into my ass.

  “Oh fuck, Bo! Not afraid of letting go on me now . . .”

  She was addictive. Her moans intoxicating. Her body bucked against mine and I threw off the last of my restraint.

  With her hips in my hands, I pulled her up my thighs, onto my lap with her shoulders resting on the bed. I fucked her with long, deep, fast thrusts. I pushed my hand down on her pelvis. My cock hit all the way inside, and all the way outside. Before long I grabbed her waist, cranked my head back, and my dick went pump-action.

  Her body formed an unyielding arch as she came agai
n. I dropped over her, gunned into her with short strokes, and my cock kicked off. Licking her neck, I buried my face against her warmth as a strong blast shook me from head to toe, wracking my body.

  I couldn’t move. Fuck that. I couldn’t think or even breathe. I rolled halfway off Veronica before I suffocated her, but that was as far as I was going.

  I laid one arm around her waist and made sure her tits were close to my face. Her stomach rose and fell. Her hair formed a hazy red glow in front of my eyes. Her cheek slid against mine.

  Eventually I rolled away to yank off the condom and toss it in the wastepaper basket by the bed. With an all over stretch and a deep groan, I folded myself right back around her. My fingers roamed down her body, over her tummy, and into the bright curls above her mound. I smiled against her shoulder. How I’d love to cover that pretty red fluff with my come until she was sticky inside and out.

  I pulled her around until her head rested on my shoulder. She seemed content to go with it, even kissing me softly and purring quietly.

  My hot doc.

  Then I got to thinking. And laughing. A huge laugh, straight from my belly.

  Veronica popped up above me. “What?”

  “If that’s how you cure all your patients, I can see why you’re such a hot commodity, Doc.” Squeezing her ass with both hands, I dragged her down to my mouth.

  She broke the kiss, swatting me on the arm. “Not funny, Bo.”

  I was still chuckling, but yeah, I’d break every single bone in any man’s hand should he so much as dare look at her like he wanted to take her to bed.

  Seemed my killer instincts were still intact regardless of the fact I’d let V take all control away from me.

  “Sorry,” I said.

  “You don’t look one bit sorry.” She squinted at me.

  She didn’t pull off the dagger glare near as well without her glasses or her suits. Naked beside me, she looked ready for round two more than a tongue-lashing.

  Hmm, maybe a different kind of tongue lashing.

  “I’ve never been with anyone else like that before.” She pinched my nipple.

  My hips bucked. My cock surged awake. Ahhh. Looked like I’d traded one torture for another. Not complaining.

  “You certainly weren’t a virgin.” One side of my mouth crooked up.

  “And now I can see why you’ve never really dated before.” She huffed, rolling aside.

  I kissed her shoulder. I caressed her back from sinuous base to the nape of her neck. “Never really wanted to date anyone before you.”

  She peeked back at me. “Is that so?”

  I plucked her lips between mine and sucked on her ample pout. “Mmm.” I brought her hand to my lips.

  “I’m no good at opening up either, Bo. That’s one reason why I’m good at what I do. I understand my patients.” She snuggled against me. “I know how to find those hidden parts.”

  “So you have secrets too?”

  “Everyone does.”

  I gently grazed her belly with my fingertips, pulling her around to me.

  “I take it you’re going to sleep on my breasts?”

  Shifting a little, I licked one of her nipples. “Yep. Looks like it. You okay to stay the night?”

  A giggle trembled through her body. “Looks like I have little choice in the matter.”

  Curling tighter around her, I flicked the blankets over us. “And what secrets will I find under here?” My hand moved between her legs.

  Chapter Eight

  WET HEAT. SLOW SUCTION. Oh yeah. I slipped from sleep to awareness as V’s mouth engulfed me. My hips moved gently with her in and out motions, and my fingers twined through her hair. I didn’t look, completely going with the early morning blowjob she was giving me.

  “Feels good, babe.” My hoarse voice cracked.

  Nothing like the intense insanity of last night, her lips wrapped around me were sloppy, soft, and slowly brought me to imminent release.

  My pelvis rolled with her mouth and before long my body wracked with a hot long-lasting orgasm as I finished in her mouth, straining to listen to her swallowing my seed.

  I relaxed with a chuckle, never once opening my eyes. “Waking up to a blowjob is so much better than my usual nightmares.”

  “I certainly hope so,” was Veronica’s tart reply.

  I merely smiled, blindly hauling her up as I turned onto my side. I folded her against my front, holding all that sensual naked warmth pressed against me. “You got anyplace to be today?”

  “Nope. Sunday. Day of rest.” She wriggled more closely against me.

  I didn’t plan on giving her much rest. No shit? My dick recovered in record time. I kissed the nape of her neck and the silky skin of her shoulder. My hands roaming down her back and over the swell of her hip, I felt up her bottom with an appreciative grumble.

  “Mmm. This is one hell of a plump ass, Doc.”

  “Bo! That’s not exactly a compliment.” She swatted at my hands gripping her rear end, but I wouldn’t be waylaid.

  “What are you talkin’ about, woman? I guaran-damn-tee the guys’ eyes dropped out of their heads at Retribution that first time you waltzed in with this rump.” I peeked at her through one eye. I jiggled both healthy cheeks in my hands. “An ass worthy of a good grope.”

  “That feels more like a poke,” she muttered when my revived cock got inadvertently sandwiched in the hot vise of her round tush.

  “Should probably fix that.” Reaching to the table beside the bed, I found a rubber and quickly took care of business.

  Positioned lower, I guided my shaft between her slit, hitting her fucking awesome butt with my hilt.

  “I’m on the pill you know.”

  “Probably better to play it safe.” I leaned over V and kissed her come-flavored lips.

  “Is that how you like to”—she gasped as I entered her from behind in a long glide—“to . . . play it?”

  My dirty chuckle hit her earlobe before I bit that soft piece of flesh. “Hell no.” I pulled back and forged inside her tight cunt with a hard thrust. “I’m a danger fiend. Why else would I be fucking my shrink?”

  “Ex-shrink. And you know that’s not very complimentary to say about me either.” She complained, but her back arched and she raised her upper leg, looping her foot behind my calf.

  “Are you asking me to stop? ’Cause you’re sopping wet, and it sure doesn’t feel like you want me to. But I can.” I withdrew from her clenching surrounds, grinning.


  “Now who’s the one talking about asses?”

  Her hand smacked on my ass, and she shoved me forward. “Fuck me, Bo.”

  “My pleasure.” I growled.

  The early morning spooning fuck blew my mind faster than the blowjob had. She clamped down on me as I buried myself in her depths. My hands at her tits. Her head thrown back, and her neck at my lips. I plowed into her, dragging through her cunt and pulling all the way out.

  “You have any idea how good you feel?” I grunted.

  “Bo! Oh my God!” She forced her ass back at me, tipping it up so the angle of my cock stroked right where it needed to.

  Undulating her hips, V shredded my mind. I clamped my arms around her, sucking a red spot onto her neck when I blew my load inside.

  With a long groan, I fell onto a pillow that fell halfway off the bed. I didn’t give a shit if I landed on the floor, too.

  I kept V mashed against me even though she giggled and wiggled. Giggled? The doc? Damn.

  Someday I was definitely gonna jet my load right inside of her. I wanted to watch my come leak out of her.

  Lifting my head, I smiled at her. It was probably feral.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Just thinking.”

  “Don’t let that hurt you. I know you try to avoid that.”

  I pushed her to her back then pounced on her, dropping right onto her. “You’re funny.”

  My lips snuck to hers and she opened up to join her ton
gue with mine. Before long she pushed ineffectually at my chest.

  “You’re heavy.”

  Rolling to her side, I ranged an arm around her waist and dragged her to me. I locked her against me with my legs wound around hers.

  Her fingers moved across my chest, outlining the tattoo of all the guns and helmets. She didn’t say anything about them, but I figured she knew exactly what they meant. Fallen. Never Forgotten.

  Grazing over the scar from a deep knife gash on my hip, her fingertips stopped. “What happened here?”

  I lay back with my eyes closed. “That was an easy one. A little friendly knife work got out of hand. Slade, the guy I mentioned. Almost as good as me with the blades.”

  “This one?” Her warm fingertips located a jagged scar along my rib wall.

  “Not so much fun. Shrapnel. Mortars. Hurt like a bitch. Got stuck between my ribs though and didn’t get any farther.” I knocked against my head. “Good thing I’ve got thick bones, huh?”

  She skimmed her hand up my shoulder, and her thumb brushed an old puckered wound. “And here?”

  “Oh. That’s one of the worst. Thought I was gonna die. Gunshot. Real dangerous.”

  V gasped.

  I lifted my head and cracked my eyes open. “Real big gun too.” My lips twitched. “My brother . . . and a bb gun when I was twelve. We were playing soldier.”

  “Bo!” She landed a punch on my shoulder. “You’re impossible.”

  I chuckled until she had to laugh, too, with another muttered, “Impossible man.”

  Damn, this felt good. No longer locked inside my head. Relaxed. Comfortable . . .

  “Are you planning on getting up today?” V asked.

  “What are you talkin’ about? I just got it up twice in the space of thirty minutes.” I weakly glared at her because I just did not give a single fuck. I felt too good to move.

  She finally convinced me to rise and shine, mostly because she shook her ass in my face as she disentangled herself from me.

  Shower time was way fucking more fun than in the barracks when she was involved.

  We sat down over breakfast in my bare bones kitchen. The place was only homey because Veronica was with me, flipping hotcakes on the griddle while I made health shakes. She rolled her eyes when I added wheat germ. I groaned over a forkful of flapjack smothered in maple syrup.


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