Of Another Dimension

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Of Another Dimension Page 2

by Jeanette Lynn

  My legs were working just fine, though, as I ran in the opposite direction of the red horned devil as it made right for me.

  Self-preservation has a funny way of kicking in like that.

  The mole rat was keeping up with me, excited at the chase.

  Ugly as it was, I didn't want it to get trampled by the hooves of the huge, hairy, beast thing.

  It can't help it if it’s yucky looking.

  Mole rat dog seemed harmless enough, from our short acquaintance.

  I'd choose him over the red monster any day and who knows… maybe he could come in handy…

  Like a shield or something…

  So, I scooped him up and stuffed his squared lumpy butt under my arm and zig zagged through the crazy looking purplish trees I came across.

  “What do I do? What do I do? This isn’t real! This isn’t real!”

  Red horned, super mad creature started shouting as I scooped up my little comrade.

  What the hell! What the hell!

  If this isn’t real, right, Lil, then why does it feel real, sound real? Huh?!

  The devil monster roared out in rage and I could hear it hot on my heels.

  There was a huge outcropping of orange boulders coming up in front of me and I frantically ran towards them, hoping for safety of some kind from the devil demon chasing after me.

  Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

  I ran around the boulders and skidded around on the ground.

  I rounded a corner and wanted to cry out in relief.

  Rocks and lots of them, some with huge gaps and deep looking crevices.

  This looks like as good a place to find a hiding spot as any, right?

  Scanning the area quickly, I only found one option with any hope- a medium sized hole or cave type entrance, like something an animal would call home, just the right size for me to fit into, but not big enough for the raging red brute behind me.

  I saw the opening and didn’t debate it, ducking hurriedly inside, taking my ugly, pudgy companion with me.

  "Please don't' let anything be living in here!" I cried desperately, crawling further and further into the dark hole on my hands and knees.

  I shimmied all the way to the back and thanked my lucky stars that the devil demon/ monster thing looked too big to fit in here.

  I kept an arm around my lumpy friend and the other was pressed to my heart as it slammed around wildly in my chest.

  "Don't panic, don't panic," I chanted, "This is all a dream, Lil. Yes, that's it. You hit your head and you're now in a coma, hallucinating, quite vividly. Uh- huh. Hospital must be giving you some really good shit, girl."

  Mole rat dog licked my face and I couldn't help but notice how un-coma like his wet tongue felt rasping against my skin.

  No! I'm asleep!

  There's no other explanation!

  I held my breath and squeezed my companion for comfort as I heard the demon devil dismount, big booted feet hitting the ground.

  It was in plain view from where I was huddled and I heard a weird snuffling noise.

  Oh, my god! Is it sniffing around?

  Can it smell me?

  A shadow fell over the mouth of my hiding spot and I tried to control my breathing as it became erratic.

  The monster demon boomed out something and mole rat dog chuffed and let out what I'm guessing constitutes a bark.

  It wiggled out of my arms and ran to the entrance.

  "You little traitor!" I whispered fiercely.

  The little turncoat stopped at the mouth of the entrance and raced back to me, whining when I glared down at it.

  The deep voice boomed some type of command and the little sewer rat ducked its forked tail, its itty bitty ears flattening against its head as it slowly crawled out from our hiding spot.

  A moment later, I saw an arm reach into the cave and I screamed as large red fingers touched the hem of my jacket.

  I slapped at them frantically as I reached around for something to defend myself with.

  My fingers scrabbled for purchase.

  There’s nothing here but me and dirt. Lots of dirt.

  "Please, wake up! Please, wake up!" I screamed at myself, slapping myself across the face.

  It's not working! I thought in a panic. Oh, god! It’s not working.

  A hand got a hold of my pant leg and tugged viciously.

  "Wake up, Lilie!" I screamed hoarsely and dug my nails into the grasping hand.

  Demon devil grunted, but otherwise appeared unfazed, giving another hard yank on my pant leg.

  I gripped the hand holding me and bit down hard, teeth clamping down on the red hand of my attacker.

  The monster roared out in anger and pain, releasing me, hand disappearing as it let out a string of words in its own language that I'm one hundred percent positive were expletives aimed towards me.

  A cry of relief escaped me and I tucked my clothes under me, huddling closer to the farthest wall.

  There was a loud crunching noise as dirt and rocks rained down all around me.

  I screamed in fear, but it turned into a wracking cough as a cloud of dust got sucked into my lungs from the monster’s mini rock avalanche.

  I put my nightgown over my nose and mouth to try and filter the dust, try to keep some of it out of my lungs.

  It seemed to help a little.

  Better than nothing, I guess.

  My mole rat companion ran in and hopped into my lap, whining at me worriedly as I coughed up a lung.

  It was deathly quiet outside of the cave, but something told me it was a trick.

  I highly doubt the demon thing has given up quite yet.

  ...especially after I bit it...

  Smart one, Lil! Now it's really going to want to tear you into teeny tiny bits!

  Once the dust settled, I used my little hairless friend as a shield and placed it, erm, him- a glance at his good bits says it’s a 'he'- in front of me.

  My adrenaline seeped from me as time passed by and I felt myself slumping down more and more as the minutes turned to hours, then turned to dusk.

  My little cave of safety was getting a little chilly and I was still soaking wet from the rain storm I had originally been in.

  Fuck me.

  I don’t think this is a dream…

  I wiped the tears from my eyes, sniffling quietly as I let the reality of this unrealistic scenario sink in.

  This isn’t a dream…

  I’m really… wherever here is…

  I pulled my little mole rat friend- now dubbed Sir Chub, by me- into my arms. I tried to use his warmth to ward off some of the cold.

  Maybe the demon devil has gone now, I thought hopefully.

  This is the worst, most frightening, terrible day of my life!

  Please, please, please! Be a dream, I pleaded silently as my lids grew heavy, already knowing the answer, even if I wasn’t quite ready to totally lose hope.

  Chapter 2

  I must have drifted off completely after a while, because I woke up to a terrible crunching noise and Sir Chub was nowhere in sight.

  Weird that I could become attached to such an ugly little creature, especially given our very short acquaintance, but he’s all I’ve got at the moment, and he did make a good temporary heater.

  The little beast was like a really, really, really ugly dog. ...if you squinted your eyes really small and focused on his dog like mannerisms.

  It was as close to anything from home that I'd come across so far and I clung to that with both hands.

  The crunching noise sounded again, followed by a crack and then the cave roof collapsed.

  I got down on my belly and rushed towards the cave exit, crawling as fast as I could with rocks smacking my head, neck and spine.

  It’s collapsing in on its self!

  The entrance was in sight and I cried out in relief.

  My hands had just reached the outside of the cave when they were grabbed by two powerful red mitts and tugged hard.

  I flew out of the cave
and flopped onto my stomach on the hard unforgiving ground.

  My breath wheezed out of me and I clutched my stomach and breasts, curling into a tight ball as I tried to breathe through the pain and catch my breath.

  Ouchie! Ow! Ow!

  Damn it, that hurt!

  My poor boobies feel like they've been scraped raw!

  My shoulders were gripped and yanked, flopping me onto my back, my hat flying off somewhere by my head.

  I gasped as I came face to face with a huge, angry, red skinned demon thing.

  My heart beat sped up, slamming against my ribcage wildly, my chest rising and falling rapidly as I tried to stave off the black spots that started dancing in my vision.

  Kinda hard to do when there's a huge- what could only be described as a demon- on top of you and you feel like you're going to either die, piss yourself or both!

  It snarled something in its own language and leaned in closer, our faces almost nose to nose.

  I gulped and my eyes bugged out as the huge pointy ended horns on its head got a little too close for my own comfort.

  He snarled fiercely, full of rage.

  So angry.

  I shoved my hands over my face and wailed, "Please, don't kill me!"

  I could feel my coat sleeves brushing up against its horns as I trembled, waiting for it to make its move, slash at me, hit me, finish me off, something.


  Please let my death be as quick and painless as possible.

  Sir Chub snarled viciously and I heard a yelp of surprise from the demon above me.

  It pulled away from me and I peeked through my arms to see it gripping its ass, glaring at Sir Chub accusingly.

  Go, Chub!

  Take that, asshole!

  I gotta remember to kiss the ugly little beast later.

  ...that is, if I make it outta this alive!

  Sir Chub jumped in front of me, blocking the demon from coming at me again.

  I reached around on the ground, eyes still locked on the demon as it seemed to scold Sir Chub, probably cursing my little friend from here to oblivion for trying to take a chunk out of its meaty ass.

  My hands grasped the brim of my hat and I grabbed it up, shoving it down on my head.

  The demon reached for Sir Chub and I picked up a rock and chucked it at it, hoping Chub made a run for it when I did.

  Can't ditch my little 'ass biting' sidekick.

  The rock met its mark, hitting the demon on the forehead and I took off, calling for Chub to follow.

  Chub ran alongside me happily, tongue lolling out as it effortlessly kept pace with me.

  "What the hell am I doing? It's going to catch me, kill me and leave my carcass for the buzzards or whatever constitutes for birds out here in this crazy assed place!"

  Chub chuffed in agreement and I could hear the demon's angry bellows as it took off after us.

  "You better be worth it, Chub! I don't throw rocks at monsters for just anyone, you know!" I chastised it breathlessly.

  Chub chuffed and waggled his little ass.

  I'm going to take it as that means he appreciated my efforts.

  A house came into view and I let out a cry of relief.

  "Oh, thank god!"

  A home! People! Safety!


  I ran up the steps and banged on the front door, hoping someone answered soon.

  I hope they know how to get rid of a demon, I worried as the sound of someone approaching the door to open it had me backing up a little, my door slapping unnecessary now.

  "I'm saved," I sighed wearily.

  The door opened and a huge body filled the doorway.

  It was too dark on the porch to make out the person's features and I reached out to frantically tug on their hand.

  It was a male, I discovered, from his surprised grunt and thick masculine hands.

  "Please!" I pleaded, on the verge of hysterics, "I know this is gonna sound crazy, but there's a demon monster out there chasing me!” I gestured wildly where I’d just come from. “He's gonna kill me! You have to help me! Please!"

  The man answered in a deep bass voice, but I had no idea what he'd just said.

  I blinked uncomprehendingly and repeated myself.

  He grunted and tried again.

  "I don't know what you're saying..." I started and froze when I saw the red, horned devil making his way towards us.

  It's definitely a 'he'... unless female demon devils have large bulges in the front of their pants.

  I could see the flap in the back of his britches flopping around when he walked, where Chub had torn a chunk.

  He looked mad enough to spit fire, his eyes blazed so hotly.

  And not in a nice way.

  "He's here!" I squeaked, "Quick! Run inside!"

  I tried to urge the guy at the door back inside.

  Hearing the red demon’s angry grunting and possible curses, whatever it was he was growling angrily, the man at the door walked into the light and completely onto the front porch.

  His skin was the first thing I noticed as our conjoined hands peeked out into the sun.

  Shit! Shit! Shit!

  Red skin... he has red skin!

  I panicked and let go, backing up from him quickly, my shoulders smacking the porch railing.

  The rest of his body came into view and my jaw dropped in both alarm and astonishment.

  He's even bigger than the other one!

  He had huge, wide, thickly muscled shoulders, a barrel chest and his horns were thicker and longer on his head, appearing to swirl and curl a little at the ends, like odd bull horns.

  The bigger demon looked at me thoughtfully through bright blue eyes, his intelligence obvious as he studied me, glancing quickly at the other demon and then back at me again.

  My eyes ping ponged back and forth between the two of them as the smaller demon with the scary yellow eyes, if you could consider his massive self smaller, called out to the much bigger one and they began to speak rapidly.

  I used this to my advantage and made a run for it, jumping off the front porch, heading straight for the wooded area I'd spotted a few minutes ago that was off to the side of the bigger demon's house.

  I was picked up by my jacket, my legs swinging uselessly in the air as I was lifted up and hauled up against a huge muscled chest.

  I screamed and snarled like a woman possessed, kicking and biting at my captor anywhere I could reach.

  "Chub, help! Chub!" I called desperately, hoping my little beastie would once again come to my aid, digging my fingers into the crazy demon.

  Strong arms banded around my chest, pinning my arms at my sides, squeezing the air from my lungs.

  I gasped out, feeling faint as my lack of oxygen zapped out some of the fight in me.

  Just a guess, but I'm thinking this is demon number one, the smaller one.

  Brilliant! Feign exhaustion, Lil, or you're demon bait!

  I went a little more lax and tried not to tense up when I felt hot breath brush against my neck.

  Shit! Shit!

  I truly began to tremble then, struggling to act subdued.

  I did tense up, however, when I felt a hard steel rod pushing against one of my butt cheeks.

  Oh, my god! He has a boner!

  This is sooo wrong!

  So, so wrong!

  Does he get off on terrorizing his victims? Or does the chase get his jollies off? Maybe the thrill of the kill?

  I’m so screwed.

  I swallowed hard, fear rushing through me, terrorizing me as it pumped whole heartedly through my veins.

  I don’t want to die!

  He sniffed at my skin, then nuzzled my neck a little with his nose, his arms loosening a bit.

  He didn’t tear out a vein with his teeth or snap my neck, like I was waiting for, but instead continued to…. Nuzzle me?


  I squirmed and he grunted, letting out a weird male groan, a very male groan, cluing my stupid ass in a
bit on what he planned to do first.


  Nuh- uh! Nope! No way!

  I am not about to become demon fodder before he disposes of me.

  I’ve seen the movies! I know how this shit works, damn it!

  I gotta fuckin’ think here!

  Desperate, I wiggled my backside against his pelvis and he gasped in surprise, releasing my arms to grip my hips and thrust himself back against me.

  NO! I wanted to howl, the panic of the situation sending adrenaline shooting through me, racing through my veins.

  I fought harder.

  I reached up and behind me, clawing, grasping, trying to get a hold on anything, grabbing hold of his horns, pulling his head down a little, trying to throw him off balance.

  His grip became almost bruising on my hips as he moaned against my neck and thrust himself against me again.

  Good god! His thingy feels even bigger now!

  Ooookay... likes horns touched...


  Bad move on my part!

  So weird.

  Yeah, Lil, and everything else going on lately has been just plain ol’ frickin' normal!

  Just peachy!

  I'm in a crazy place crawling with demons!

  And I just had to piss off a horny one!

  Thanks a heap, Mr. Clem!

  I pulled my leg forward and swung it back as hard as I could, aiming for his tender bits.

  Bull’s eye!

  A direct hit!

  Demon guy dropped me immediately and choked something out as he gripped his crotch.

  I could hear 'demon two's booming laughter off to the side of us.

  I swear it was a mocking kind of laughter.


  Laughing… horny… stupid… assholes!!!

  The second that 'demon one' dropped me, I ran, unable to stifle the sense of satisfaction that momentarily swamped me at the idea of besting him.

  Ha ha! Take that, scary demon guy!

  I ran full speed ahead into the woods, not stopping or looking back.

  This is life or death, me or him, eat or be eaten, no way am I fucking stopping!!!


  After who knows how long, I finally had to stop for a minute, unable to move another inch, my breath hitching as I heaved for air.

  Breathe. Air. Need. Air. I thought desperately, between gasps.

  Leaning against a tree, I took a tiny break to catch my breath, but that was all I allowed myself and after a moment, I kept going.


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