Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1) Page 39

by Belle Winters

  When I was able to control my breathing, I ran my fingers through his hair and placed a kiss on his forehead. “I love you too.” I whispered.

  The door flew open, and Nick walked in talking, Landon dropped his body fully on top of mine to make sure I’m covered. “Are you guys going to school so I could…” he trailed off as he took in the scene. He gave us a big smile like the cat that ate the canary. Yea, there was no denying that we had sex. At least we weren’t in the middle, and had opted for the covers.

  “Um, Nick. What?” Landon said and turned his head to face Nick.

  “I figured we wouldn’t be going to school, and I wanted to tell Mel so she doesn’t show up there alone or anything you know. Now that we know everything.” He explained.

  Ok, so I was blushing because this was extremely awkward. But we did need to talk about this because it was serious. She was the only one unaware of the situation. I cleared my throat, “I’m not going. And yes please let her know. But tell her to come here in the morning so we can fill her in and not to tell her parents that we know what happened.” I told him.

  He saluted and went to leave the room. He turned back around and looked at us, “up for an orgy?” he asked. Landon growled and Nick threw his hands up in surrender, “hey it was just a thought. Nice to see you guys back… together.” He said putting emphasis on that word. “Don’t forget to strap up or else we may need to have the birds and the bees talk.” He said and then closed the door.

  Fuck. Again, we didn’t use protection. My gaze met Landon’s and he seemed to have the same thought. He leaned down and kissed me. I felt him getting hard inside of me again and began to thrust.

  “Landon?” I whispered.


  “You didn’t use protection and you’re going again…” I informed him.

  He nodded, “I know. I don’t have any. I don’t carry them anymore because we weren’t together and I wasn’t going to have sex with anyone else. I don’t care if I use them with you or not because your mine.” He said by way of explanation.

  “But…” I began. I was cut off by a kiss and he began moving inside me again and I was in bliss. After the third round I turned to him and asked, “Are you trying to knock me up?”

  He shrugged and gave me a smile, “that could be a possibility. I need to find a way to trap you. But really I don’t have any and you didn’t say you did. There was no way that we weren’t going to do this because of that. So the answer is simple. I put a couple hundred babies in you.” He told me.

  I sighed. “You’re a controlling, arrogant, sneaky Neanderthal you know that?” I asked.

  He shrugs again, “so?” I just groaned and got comfortable for sleep. While I was dozing off, Landon let me go and sat up. I turned to face him and found him grabbing his cell from his pocket. I saw him tap out a text message and put his phone on the nightstand. His eyes met mine, and he saw the confusion. It was after 4 in the morning. “Erica.” Was what he said by way of explanation. I was still confused but I was too tired to ask. He pulled me to him and then I was out like a light.

  I was woken up to a huge squeal. I cracked one eye open to find Erica standing in the doorway to my room. Landon turned his head to the side where the noise came from. “Aww, you two!” Erica said.

  I groaned and Landon closed his eyes and threw his free arm over his face. I tucked my face into his neck. It was 11:00. But then again we didn’t go to sleep until close to 5. I wanted more sleep.

  “Wakey, wakey kids. I just got here and Nick and Mel are waiting for you two rabbits to wake up. We got business to handle people.” Erica said while clapping her hands.

  Landon rubbed my arm and kissed my forehead with a sigh. “Fine Erica, we’re getting up. Now get the hell out so we can get dressed.” He told her.

  She gave a bright smile and left the room closing the door softly. Landon patted me on the butt. “Come on angel. We need to get this going.”

  I groaned. “Do I have to?” I whined.

  He laughed, “Yes you do. You’re the one with the details anyway. I’m sure you’ll be able to take a nap at some point. And if you can’t, we can have some more sexy time until I wear you out.”

  I huffed, “I’m beginning to think you only want me for my body.” I said sitting up. He pulled me back down to the bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow his mouth found mine. When he let up I was gasping for breath. He smiled and stood up and started to get dressed, then went into the bathroom. I got up and threw on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. I went to the bathroom to find him using my toothbrush. I rolled my eyes and told him to brush in the room while I peed. When I was done he came back in and finished up then handed me the toothbrush. I brushed my teeth and fixed my bedhead and then we made it downstairs to the living room. Erica, Nick, and Mel were there watching some cartoon. Nick was sitting on the sofa and Mel was lying down on the sofa next to him with her head resting on his lap. He was stroking her hair. Erica was sitting on the floor by the table. Landon and I sat down on the other couch. Samantha had run out for groceries so the coast was clear. I reiterated what I told Nick and Landon last night. They both looked pissed as all hell and Mel was on the same page. When I turned to Erica she had a thoughtful look on her face, but I couldn’t read her emotion. She nodded her head and pulled out her phone she typed out a text and then set it down. A few minutes later it buzzed and she smiled but didn’t respond.

  It was about two hours later when someone knocked on the door. Erica got up to answer it. That was weird. She barely knew Samantha or James. She came back into the room with a beautiful curvy blonde. She walked into the room and squealed when she saw Nick. She bounced over to him and grabbed his face placing a big wet kiss on his cheek. He smiled wide. “Hey Hailey. How you doing pretty girl?” he asked.

  She shrugged, “I’m alright. Maybe you wouldn’t have to ask if you actually came to see me huh?” she responded.

  I was eyeing her, trying to figure out who the hell she was. Mel was glaring at her. Well that was new. She never seemed to mind when Nick flirted or paid another girl attention. But then again he really only did that with Samantha and Me. She turned and saw Landon and ran over and jumped in his lap. She threw her arms around his neck and she placed a big kiss on the corner of his mouth. He flashed her a dimple.

  We literally just got out of bed together. I swear this bastard better not fuck with me. I’m going to be forced to knock both of their heads off.

  “Landon honey, I miss you! When was the last time you came to my house?” she pouted and put her head on his shoulder. “You better miss me. Now admit it.” she threatened. Nick was laughing and Mel looked wary.

  Landon nodded. “Yes, I miss you Hail Bell. And you don’t come over either so you don’t wanna see me. Don’t put all the blame on me.” He said swatting her butt making her yelp.

  Hailey went to say something when my mouth forgot its filter. “Landon, don’t fuck with me. I was not playing when I told your father I would chainsaw your ass if you did something stupid. This is bordering on the line of insane.” I informed him.

  Hailey cocked her head at me, Landon looked confused, and Mel, Nick, and Erica were watching with amusement. “What do you mean?” Landon asked.

  My eyebrows went up toward my hairline. “You being for real?” I asked him. He nodded. I waved a hand at him and Hailey, “did you, or did you not sleep in my bed last night?” I asked and he nodded. “Did you, or did you not try to impregnate me with quadruplets?” I asked, he smirked and nodded. I heard someone choke and some more laughter. “Did you, or did you not use my toothbrush this morning, come down here and sit your ass on this sofa next to me then proceed to let another girl hang over you, sit on your lap, kiss you, and then you touch her ass while I haven’t moved from my seat?” I asked him, the words coming out in rapid speed. Realization dawned on him and burst out laughing.

  Hailey stood up and looked at me, “and who are you?” she asked.

  I lifted my chin, “I
’m his fucking girlfriend, now back the fuck off.” I snapped.

  “So you’re Lucy?” she asked.

  I nodded, “Yep. And you’re what…” I pretended to think it over. I snapped my fingers and sneered, “Hailey. Can’t say I ever heard of you though.”

  “You’re my girlfriend?” Landon asked me.

  I didn’t even glance his way. I grated my teeth and told him, “Shut. Up.”

  “But you just said you’re my girlfriend again. You can’t take it back now.” He said and grabbed my arm pulling me to him. He tried to kiss me but I put my hand up in between us and pushed his face back.

  “I like her. She’s got bite this one. Keep her.” Hailey said. I raised my eyebrow confused. Now Nick, Erica, Hailey, and Landon were all laughing and I was getting pissed. Landon grabbed me. I tried to struggle but this time he didn’t let me win. He dragged me onto his lap so I was straddling him.

  “Angel, that’s Hailey… my cousin. That’s Erica’s best friend also, they’re the same age but she’s still like a little sister. I call her Hail Bell because she likes to start trouble. I didn’t realize it until you were chewing me out she was probably just trying to feel you out.” He shot her a dark look, “thanks a lot for this by the way.” He told her.

  She waved a hand at him, “oh don’t be a grouch. I said I like her, and plus Erica said she’s awesome so I knew I would. Besides what kind of little big sister would I be if I didn’t make your life hell.”

  “Anyway,” he said turning his attention back to me. “And I didn’t touch her butt. I spanked her in a total platonic way. Kind of like how a parent would. It’s only love taps when I touch your butt.” He said squeezing mine making me squeal. “But that was kind of hot. I like it when you get all crazy and possessive over me. I think we need to go have sexy time. I’m not sure if I could wait.” He said giving me a little grind. My cheeks flooded with embarrassment and I let my head drop to his should to hide it. “Don’t be embarrassed now Lucy. You just gave them the highlights of the last few hours. And you did say you was my girlfriend.”

  I picked my head up and glared at him. “That was a minor slip of the tongue.” I deadpanned.

  “Don’t care you said it, now it’s true.” He informed me. He grabbed my face and kissed me thoroughly tasting my entire mouth. When he released me he said, “that is what a slip of the tongue is babe. Besides you never took off the swings so you never technically left me. I just let you think so.”

  “So you guys are trying to get pregnant this time?” Nick asked.

  I paled. Oh shit, I don’t think Erica knew. We kept that detail a secret amongst us. Erica gasped and snapped her eyes to us and narrowed them, “what does he mean this time?” she asked.

  I cleared my throat and maneuvered my body so my back was to Landon’s front. “Well, turns out I was pregnant and didn’t know. When Dan attacked me, he beat the baby to death. I’m not sure how far along or anything I was. And Landon” I said pointing my thumb at him, “is trying to trap me now with babies so I don’t leave him.” I summarized for her.


  Oh my god, they had gotten pregnant. And these bastards stole my niece or nephew away. Someone has to fucking pay. I saw the pain from both of them when she told me. Even though she said it casually she couldn’t mask the hurt in her words. That fucking bitch!

  “I don’t know how to react. I’m pissed and hurt about the first part. And I don’t know whether to laugh or slap Landon for his ridiculousness.” I told them.

  Lucy shrugged and said, “you and me both. He’s a mess… I guess he never heard of Plan B. it isn’t too late.”

  Landon grabbed the back of her neck and drew her head back, “that’s why I’m not letting you out of this fucking house. If you even touch that pill I’m going to spank your ass then tie you down and cum in you nonstop for a week.”

  I shuddered, “eww Landon. TMI.”

  He shrugged and Lucy turned to face him, “you do realize we’re 17. The first time was a mistake. We are too young for kids Landon.”

  He shrugged again, “I agree, but if it happens. It happens. We didn’t have anything last night. I’m not saying that’s the rule going forward… we’ll be careful. But you’re not going to be killing off our kids willingly.” She sighed in defeat. I understood. He’s fucking stubborn and there’s no point in arguing with him right now. He seemed happy and cuddled her closer with a smile.

  I looked over at Nick and Mel. She was still in her position, comfortable lying across his lap and he hasn’t taken his hands off of her since I got here. He’s either playing with her hair, rubbing her scalp and her arms. At one point I saw his fingers graze over her breast and she gave a slight shudder. Those two were definitely having sex, but their relationship is much more under wraps than Landon and Lucy. I’m determined to get all the nitty gritty details on their relationship. Maybe when I’m officially here, we can do a girls night with the four of us and get wasted and watch movies and shit. Maybe some shopping.

  I looked over at Hail, and she was watching Lucy and Landon with amusement and warmth. I grabbed her attention, “Hey Hail, time to go.” I told her. She nodded, she knew the deal. We got up and told them we’ll catch them later. I gave Landon a knowing look and he nodded. He knew what to do. We started to leave and I turned back so that Mel and Lucy knew too, “by the way. I’m not home yet. I’m scheduled to return from school tomorrow.” With that we left.

  We went to Hail’s house and I brought her up on all the details. When I was done, to say she was livid was an understatement. Landon and Nick were like her little brothers. We were all damn close. This bitch drugged my brother, took advantage of him and sexually assaulted him. She also helped setup the love of his life for rape which killed their fucking kid, and her friend wailed on sweet Mel just because Nick likes her. They fucking drugged Nicky so that they could get to them. GOD what a mess. This bitch hurt 4 fucking people I cared about.

  “Landon and Lucy huh?” Hail asked as we were sitting around waiting for Landon’s call.

  I nodded, “yep. Those two are like a fucking soap opera.”

  She laughed. “I know, you’ve told me the stories. But finally meeting his angel. She really is as beautiful as he always said. She’s so sweet, but she has some backbone I’ll tell you that. It’s obvious that she’s just as in love as he is. I swear she wanted to rip my throat out. For a second I thought she would and then ask questions later.”

  I laughed, “probably. She can act passive but I know she can be a hellcat. A lot of time it’s kept deep under wraps. She’s got a naturally chill personality. She tries not to let stuff get to her, but she’s passionate. When that girl feels, she really feels.”

  Hail nodded thoughtfully, “so kids huh? Wow, I never thought I’d see the day that Landon is trying to knock a girl up. I always thought that one day some girl would knock on the door with a huge belly demanding child support.”

  That made me laugh hard, “me too. All I know is that them bitches are going to pay tonight. We’re not pulling any fucking punches.”

  “E, there’s no fucking doubt about it.”

  We watched TV for about another hour before my burner phone rang. It was Landon. I had my friend in LA pick up three for me, so that we don’t have traces of communication on our phones. He gave me the details that we needed and I clicked off. Hail looked at me with a raised brow and I gave her a smug smile. She cut the TV off and began bouncing with excitement.

  “It’s Friday, and Landon was pretty sure he heard news about a party. He called up his friend Ricky. He said that’s one person he could trust. He would trust him with Lucy, so that means a lot. He’s going to text me the address to the party and we’re going to be there. Ricky is going to find Molly and Delilah at the party and drop a comment or question to them to get them to believe that Landon and Nick are in a secluded area around the house. When Ricky gets to the party, he’s going to look around for a perfect spot. When he finds a place he’s goin
g to text Landon where we need to go. Landon also sent pictures of them today off their Facebook pages so we can identify them since it’s been a while since I’ve seen them. Once we’re at the spot, I’m going to text Ricky to tell him to send them there. And the rest is on us.” I tell her.

  “What time?” Hail asked.

  I looked at the clock. It was almost 8. “I think Ricky is on his way there so we better get ready.” She nodded.

  We both took showers to wash off any perfume smells off our bodies and used plain, unscented soap. We dressed in all black. Black baggy sweat pants and hoodies with no name brand sneakers. This wasn’t our first rodeo, we’ve had to deal with a few bitches in our days. Some a lot more fucking crazy and ruthless. These bitches have no idea what they asked for. We went to public school, which was by choice. And those bitches was all about beating your ass in locker rooms and bathrooms and shit. I’ve gotten my ass jumped a few times, that’s why I’m the pro on all shit payback when it comes to girls. But these guys? They needed to use fucking drugs and sneak attacks. We’re going to show them how to do a sneak attack. About our outfits? We needed to ensure that we were the most unidentifiable. In a dark place, black blends in. the baggy clothes hide our bodies so it’s hard to determine height and weight descriptions. We will cover our hair so that can’t be seen and the less said the better. You don’t want someone to recognize your voice, and I’ve spoken to them before. We have to be careful, because we’re older. They’re underage and they aren’t worth the jail time. Wearing everything plain without any logos or name brand, no jewelry makes it impossible to tell where a person stands financially.

  We hopped in the car and headed to the party once Landon texted me the spot. We parked 3 blocks away behind a house. We were using a rented car. He found some woodsy kind of area behind the house. We headed that way with our bats. Once we were in place we pulled the stockings over our heads to contain our hair and put on ski masks and the hoods. I texted Ricky to say we were here, then tucked my phone into my sock between my shoe so it wouldn’t fall out. This is where it gets tricky. You have to be quick in case the bitches make too much noise. You don’t want to draw attention. And make sure you don’t have anything on you that you don’t need. Don’t want to leave anything behind by mistake. We chose the bats mostly from revenge, but it would look like the same person who attacked Mel and Lucy did this as well. The boys took Lucy and Mel to out on dates. They would have an alibi during the incident. We wanted to be sure we were all covered since it could also look like revenge, especially if this makes those bitches start blabbing. They’re going to have to move in on Dan ASAP, just in case of that. We figured these bitches will end up getting put in the hospital and when Delilah is taken in her DNA will match Landon’s case. At that point I’m sure the bitch would roll over on the others. They don’t know Hailey, and I will still be in LA at school. I didn’t miss any classes and I hit up one of my guy friends to catch a ride with him here on his private plane. He doesn’t go to my school or anything which makes it even better. I never spoke about him or brought him around anyone from school. He’s one of those friends I have for things like this. Need to keep him separate so there’s no reason for anyone to even connect us. No record of me. I have a ticket for a flight home tomorrow morning and I can check in through my phone. No one will know the wiser, and Hailey was my ride from the airport. I’ve had my flight scheduled for weeks. It was June and I was done with my finals. I had a week before I needed to go back and get the rest of my shit and come home for the summer.


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