Princess For Them

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Princess For Them Page 28

by Kelsey Blaine

  “Um, hi…it’s nice to meet you too,” she said while shaking his hand.

  “Hey Maya!” Tilly came up behind Russo looking a little flustered and was definitely blushing. Maya hid her smile and glanced back at Jaye who was leaning against the car.

  “You can bring him inside if you’d like?” Russo said. Maya gestured to Jaye, mostly she felt bad about just leaving him outside.

  “So Tilly updated me on everything regarding the interview. It’s all been cleared for me to do a routine questioning on the events that took place. From when you were taken up until now. Then I’ll go on to do an interview on camera relaying our talk today. Does that sound good?” Russo asked as we all walked back to Tilly’s dining room.

  “Yeah let’s do it,” Maya said, eager to get started with the interview.

  “Oh and if it’s alright, could I get a couple of pictures? One with you and Tilly, then one of you on your own maybe?” he asked. Maya glanced at Tilly, who nodded.

  “Sure, yeah that’s fine,” Maya said. She glanced at Jaye, who had melted into the background and simply stood by the room’s back wall. Russo took out his phone and Maya grouped close to Tilly for a picture.

  “So you and Jack huh?” Maya murmured as they waited for him to open up his camera app.

  “So not the time…” Tilly whispered in a sarcastic sing-song voice. Maya couldn’t stop her giggle then. Russo took a picture of them and then asked for Jaye to take one of them with Russo included. Russo had to give Jaye a crash course on snapping the picture which was pretty funny. After a couple more photos Russo finally got down to business.

  “Alright, so I’ve got a lot of questions for you. I won’t sugar coat it,” Russo chuckled. He gestured for Maya to have a seat. Tilly sat next to her and Jay took his place again at the back of the room.

  “That’s alright, I had a big breakfast,” Maya said, good natured. Russo laughed and then pulled up the recording app on his phone and set it down on the table between them.

  “Alright so let’s start back when Tilly says she left your house. What happened?” was his first question. Maya took a deep breath and then told the story. She of course left out a few details, like exactly how Omrin treated her at first. Then the fact that Kohl killed a few of his own Ve’drans for her. She mentioned how surprisingly well she was received while in the Ve’dran capitol, once things were cleared up. She emphasized the fact that Kohl had changed, and mentioned the proof of his actions, for example using stun weapons instead of piercing rounds when he freed the Ve’drans from the holding center. She mentioned his attempt to accommodate the concerns the public had about any actions the Ve’drans took while on Earth.

  Russo did ask a few other questions here and there, but mostly let Maya talk. By the end of the interview she felt she had done both Kohl and Ve’dras justice. She didn’t want people to think all Ve’drans were aggressive bullies, and she was satisfied that she had gotten that across.

  Chapter 6


  Kohl knew the moment Maya returned. After nearly all day of being out he was eager for her return. He was admittedly bored ‘staying put,’ as she had worded it, by himself with only a few guards to keep his company.

  “Hey! Turn on the news. Turn on the news!” Maya came running into the house and bypassed Kohl for the television remote. A smirking Jaye followed behind her.

  “Hello to you too,” Kohl chuckled. “How did it go?” He glanced at Jaye who gave him a wide smile.

  “Maya spoke very fondly about you and our people. You should be very proud, Prince Kohl,” he said. Kohl hardly expected anything less from Maya. He knew that when she was dedicated to something or someone, she’d put all her efforts behind it.

  “Will this person who interviewed you convey us in the same way though?” Kohl asked her. She finally pulled up the news station and went to Kohl for a brief kiss.

  “Agent Russo. Yes, I think he will. It seemed like maybe he and Tilly might have a thing going on. She’s being so tight lipped about it though which is unfair.” Maya spoke quickly and her eyes were glued to the television screen. Kohl could tell she was anxious. Jaye left the room while Kohl pulled Maya towards the couch.

  “Sit, relax…” he murmured in her ear. Maya took a deep breath and turned the volume up.

  “So obviously from the pictures you’ve provided for us Maya Lu looks perfectly healthy and fine…” The female anchor was speaking to Jack Russo, seated across from her. There was also a thumbnail photo of Maya to illustrate the story.

  “She is,” Russo said. “She’s doing great. There was nothing at all out of the ordinary about her while we talked. Maya answered all of my questions without hesitation and spoke her mind. She struck me as a very capable and insightful woman, which is why I think it is so important that the public hear what she had to say about her experience with Prince Kohl and being on Ve’dras.” Kohl watched the interview with more interest than he’d ever had watching human news. Jack Russo seemed completely unbiased. He simply reported the interview with Maya, and did not attempt to skew her words. Kohl did not expect that.

  “See? That wasn’t so bad right?” Maya said, hope in her tone and gaze. “The anchorwoman even said that you should be re-evaluated faced with the facts…I mean you started to talk with those leaders gathered for the alliance summit. Then you made policies to comply with policing the Ve’drans that were here…then you didn’t even kill anyone or cause property damage when you went to spring the Ve’drans. If anything it should be you who has the problem with Earth now…do you have a problem with Earth now?” Maya asked, talking a mile a minute.

  “I must say I am reticent to strike alliance terms. Perhaps a peace treaty will have to suffice. Though I will capitalize on the fact that Alora, the UAP representative is here. I’ve arranged for a meeting between the two of us,” he answered truthfully.

  “So what will a peace treaty mean?” she asked softly. Kohl brushed her jaw with his fingers.

  “It means no aggression, and hopefully I can work in travel parameters for our peoples. But that is it.”

  “Oh…well I’m sure we can agree to that at least,” she said with a chuckle. Kohl smiled at her and kissed her jaw. She slid her hands onto his chest and met his next kiss with her lips. Kohl stretched out onto the couch, pulling her onto him in the process. Kohl enjoyed the feel of her growing belly against his stomach. He kissed her neck and slid her to the side, against the couch cushions. He hooked one of her legs over his waist and massaged her breasts from under her shirt.

  Maya ground her hips against his as he slid his lips to her neck. He sucked and nibbled the sensitive skin and enjoyed how aroused she became. Clutching at his waist and failing to mask her impatient moans. Kohl slid one hand behind the waistband of her pants and found the sensitive nub between the folds of her sex. Maya moaned in relief and gripped his waist tight as he rubbed her clitoris. Her leg tightened around him. He slid his fingers into her core just in time to feel the rhythmical tightening of her orgasm. When she came down from the climax Kohl picked her up to take her upstairs. He wanted to show her just how much he appreciated what she had done for his benefit.

  Chapter 7


  “Prince Kohl, good morning.” Alora greeted him with a simple handshake as Kohl entered her office. Or rather the office she was allotted for her time on Earth. It was at the Union of Earth Nations building, which was still full of Earth’s leaders for the summit. Kohl would be making his statement for proposing a simple peace treaty after this meeting.

  “Alora, how do you fare?” Kohl said in welcome. She gestured for him to take a seat at her desk while she sat behind it.

  “I am well ready to return to my home planet. I trust you and your remaining Ve’drans will do the same?”

  “Yes, only after I at least strike peace with Earth’s leaders…and bid for a seat on the United Alliance of Planets,” Kohl said.

  “Ah…so that is what this meeting is about then,” Alor
a said, though she certainly guessed Kohl’s intentions when he requested to meet with her.

  “Indeed,” Kohl took a deep breath and leaned forward. “I must admit that is largely the reason we approached Earth with intention of an alliance. To gain passage onto the UAP more easily.”

  “Well the process is a rather long and arduous one if a planet is entering the alliance on its own. It is why most of our member planets first allied themselves with the original ten anchors of the UAP,” she said. Indeed, Alora’s own planet was one of the ten original allied planets. Ramad was one of the largest planets in the UAP as well as the most advanced in nearly all aspects. Earth was one of Ramad’s first discovered planets and therefore its earliest ally.

  “So would you suggest I attempt alliance talks with the leaders of Ramad?” Kohl asked, almost chuckling because he knew what her answer would be.

  “Well Prince Kohl perhaps you should become the leader of your planet before approaching our governing council. You know how strict we Ramadians can be,” she said politely.

  “Well that being said, may I ask how I might go about making the process of joining the UAP easier for Ve’dras? Without any pre-existing alliances that is?”

  “Truthfully Prince Kohl. Such a mess has been made with this attempt at allying with Earth your chances of joining the UAP at the moment are slim. I suggest you make peace with the humans first. Then we can go from there,” she said with finality.

  “If I may…” Kohl held up his hand briefly. Alora allowed it and inclined her head for him to go on. “Maya Lu and I—”

  “Are engaged to be married, yes,” said Alora, cutting off his sentence. “I assume you will be taking her with you back to Ve’dras?”

  “Maya Lu and I are expecting a child,” Kohl said, finishing his statement. He almost took pleasure in the look of shock on Alora’s face. “Now, I would not force her to do anything she truly does not want to, including moving to Ve’dras. My child and heir to the throne after me will live on Earth for most its life. Being on good terms with the humans is in utmost interest of my planet, and me. As a matter of fact, after this meeting I have scheduled a conference with Earth’s leaders to discuss peace treaty terms. Which as you know, has often led to strong alliances. My child being born would then make Earth and Ve’dras sister planets.”

  “This is a unique turn…” she said pensively. “Did you produce her pregnancy for diplomatic reasons?”

  “She was taking contraceptive measures and I never asked her to stop. Our child happened by slim chance I assure you,” Kohl said. He was slightly offended at her accusation, but only slightly, because he could understand why she would come to that conclusion. However, Kohl had matured a great deal since meeting Maya. If he’d not have met her, then he thought it was quite possible he would have done such a thing. He continued, “The pregnancy is why she was taken to Ve’dras by two of my fellow delegates, one of whom is now dead for his actions. Maya is no pawn of mine,” Kohl said, wanting to make himself clear.

  “Well…I will consider this and speak with those on the admission committee for the UAP. In the meantime, striking a peace treaty with Earth will help in your endeavors. I do believe you should also inform them of Maya Lu’s pregnancy,” she said.

  Kohl inclined his head gratefully. “Thank you Alora. That is all I ask. I will be speaking to you again soon.” Kohl stood. Alora simply waved him away, her expression thoughtful, and he left. Kohl had a good feeling once he left her office. He went up the fifth floor of the building feeling optimistic.

  He stepped into the large conference room and a hush fell over everyone. His gaze passed over each face as he made his way to the head of the room, where a podium awaited him. When he stood behind it he took a brief moment to collect his thoughts.

  “Good afternoon leaders of Earth…” Kohl began, “I just left a rather productive meeting with Representative Alora of Ramad. We spoke about my planet’s chances of gaining a seat on the UAP. I left that meeting feeling hopeful because I know that a new chapter has been set. I for one have grown a great deal since visiting your planet. Indeed, one woman, one simple, but well-spoken and strong woman has led me to realize how much of—how did she put it—an ass I was,” Kohl paused when he heard a few chuckles from the room.

  “I admit I came to this planet thinking you all would blindly accept my terms and I would simply have my way. But I was wrong and I apologize for my actions and that of certain diplomats of mine, who have answered for the things they’ve caused here. I am no fool and I do know that hopes of an alliance are perhaps farfetched at the moment. That is fine. Perhaps both our planets need time. But in the meanwhile I would propose a peace treaty in the form of a non-aggression pact coupled with travel provisions between our planets. The love of my life lives on Earth. I would not take away her desire to remain here by forcing her to live on Ve’dras…. and keeping our future child away from a culture and people that would be half of who they are.” Kohl paused again when the realization of his words dawned on the people and comments of surprise ensued.

  “Of course I do hope that starting with a peace treaty, our planets can eventually form an alliance. Such an alliance between our two worlds would only be strengthened with the birth of my child, who is of both worlds.” Kohl finished his statement and simply waited. He watched as the leaders spoke to those on either side of them, in front, and behind them.

  “Prince Kohl…we are aware of the stipulations in UAP regulation regarding sister planets. So we must ask…did you impregnate Maya Lu for the sole purpose of linking Earth and Ve’dras, regardless of this summit?” one of the leaders asked.

  “No. The child was by chance, the happy product of our mutual love. I had no intention of using Maya as a pawn and I certainly would not do so in such a way. You do not have to take my word for it. You may ask her yourself, if you wish. Now, it is still up to the UAP’s admission committee to grant Ve’dras a seat. It is up to you all in whether you’d like to be on peaceful terms with Ve’dras. There is no provision in UAP regulation stating that sister planets should be on peaceful or allied terms. But after I rule Ve’dras my child, half human, will be heir to its throne and Ve’dras would be therefore linked to Earth. All I ask for is for peace and safe travels.”

  “Well…we will need some time to decide on granting this peace treaty. We must discuss it, and then a vote must be called,” another leader said.

  “Very well. I can give you twenty-four hours,” Kohl said. He knew the leaders would take all year to decide if he let them.

  “Tomorrow at this time we will have an answer for you,” she said with a nod.

  “Very well, thank you for having me,” Kohl said before promptly heading towards the exit.

  Chapter 8


  Maya had been bored all day while Kohl was gone. Tilly was ‘working’ which reminded her of her own job back at the Hotel Grand Potomac. She’d called to find that she’d been given extended time off in light of her ‘ordeal.’ After that she’d been debating on simply quitting. If she did, she would have one less thing to tie her to Earth, and might end up going to live on Ve’dras, but she still couldn’t imagine living there.

  Then again she loved Kohl and wanted to be with him. She didn’t think she could manage raising the baby mostly on her own while he was far away, ruling Ve’dras. Realistically, he’d probably only be able to spare short visits now and then. All that thought had led to Maya sitting by her phone for much of the day.

  “Maya…” Kohl’s voice drifted through from the front door. A second later he strode into the living room.

  “Hi,” she smiled at him and held her arms out. He approached her with a kiss and sank down onto the couch, pulling her into his lap.

  “I told the UAP representative and all of Earth’s leaders of your pregnancy today,” he said. Maya looked at him with wide eyes.

  “Well what did they say?” she asked.

  “They wondered if I impregnated to improve my di
plomatic negotiations,” he chuckled.

  “Oh…well I guess you can’t blame them for asking,” she said. Kohl smiled ruefully.

  “I couldn’t. But I am hopeful of a peace treaty with Earth. Same for gaining a seat on the UAP, though Alora was relatively tight lipped on her opinion of that. It could go either way,” he sighed. “How was your day?”

  “Not too exciting…Hey if I were to live on Ve’dras, I wouldn’t just be sitting around all the time would I? Like I wouldn’t be your ornament, right? I’d need a task, or something,” she said slowly.

  “I would not want you to be unhappy. If you found something you’d want to pursue I would encourage and help you to do it,” he said earnestly.

  Maya stared at him for a long time. She took a deep breath and then just said it, “I’ll live on Ve’dras with you Kohl.”

  “You will?” he asked excitedly and studied her expression intently. “Do you really want to? Because we can figure out a way if you truly wish to remain on Earth…”

  “No, Kohl I want to be where you are. I want our baby to grow up with his or her grandparents around. With you around every day. And if the peace treaty goes well and travel becomes less restricted between Earth and Ve’dras, I can always visit here,” she said.

  Kohl simply blinked at her and then the brightest smile spread across his lips. He didn’t say anything. He just kissed her. He stood up, carrying her against his chest, and hurried up to the bedroom. Kohl hardly let her catch her breath once he set her on her feet. He kissed her senseless, biting her lip and licking into her mouth. While his hands practically tore through her clothes before he got her onto the bed. His mouth was everywhere then. From her neck to her breasts and stomach. He even kissed her feet and nibbled her toes.


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