Princess For Them

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Princess For Them Page 44

by Kelsey Blaine

  Hunter was struggling, but he found a pace that suited them both, not too fast but not too slow, and plenty hard. Scarlett listened with satisfaction to the thump of her bed against the wall as Hunter pounded into her. Her hands roamed over Titus' shoulders, then up to grab two fistfuls of his hair and hold him exactly where she wanted him. When she managed to glance down to where the three of their bodies joined the sight of them both fucking her nearly shoved her into her orgasm. As it was she barely managed to hold out for a few more seconds until Hunter choked out, “I'm gonna come.” He came very quickly after that. As far as warnings went it wasn't the best, but Scarlett wasn't in a place to complain. She was wordless as her own orgasm washed over her in heavy, deep waves that left her breathless and her chest and lungs aching from lack of air. It took precious few seconds for her to finally heave a great breath into the straining organs, her chest feeling like it was on fire until enough air circulated through her body. Her heart pounded so hard it felt like it would burst right out from behind her ribs.

  From between her legs Titus laughed. “I thought you'd have more stamina than that, wolf,” he said.

  “Fuck off,” Hunter replied breathlessly. He gently pulled out of her, groaning, and Scarlett whimpered at the loss of contact, but it didn't last for long. Before she could pull a proper breath of air into her lungs Titus had thrust into her again, burying himself as deeply as he could. Hunter held her steady as Titus fucked her, his hair falling into his face. His breathing was short, but it was clear that he wasn't having anywhere near as much trouble as Hunter had.

  Scarlett sighed with delight. Hunter chuckled in her ear and reached around to rub her clit. He still had a semi-erection that pressed enticingly against her arse. She wasn't sure where to put her hands as her second orgasm built, but she ended up grabbing the back of Titus' neck and the meat of Hunter's thigh, letting her moans fill the room. She heard a shaky moan fall from Titus' throat then felt him spill inside her. He slowed his thrusts, but it was several seconds before he pulled out.

  Scarlett could hardly move, but the boys recovered quickly. Titus cleaned up the mess their clothes had made and Hunter found tissues to clean up both himself and Scarlett. Without making Scarlett leave the bed he eased the blankets out from under her, discarding the top layer which definitely needed a wash, and tucked her in before sliding in behind her. Titus finished cleaning, then turned off the light and joined them, leaving Scarlett sandwiched between two hot, hard bodies. They all smelled of sweat and sex. Scarlett pushed her damp hair off her forehead and snuggled into Titus' chest. Hunter scooted forward to accommodate, leaving next to no space between them all.

  “I want to go to the country house,” Scarlett mumbled sleepily. She heard Titus say okay before she fell asleep.


  Titus' country house looked like a typical English manor. Scarlett could tell that it was newer construction rather than having been built in the 1400s, but it was large and impressive and the house itself was well back from the roads. The entire property, Titus said as they drove up the winding driveway to the house, was gated off. It was the one place in the country where he could be himself without fear of persecution. Hunter seemed excited as well, which surprised Scarlett. As the house rose above the horizon Scarlett hoped that Titus and Hunter would spend some time getting to know one another. The two men agreed to the relationship the three of them had started, but they seemed reluctant to do much with one another without Scarlett there as well. Scarlett was more apprehensive than the two of them were. She had come to terms with their conditions for the relationship, but she knew that she would see both of their other forms in the flesh, and she wasn't sure how she would react. She hoped it wouldn't change anything. Logically she didn't see why it would. They would still be the same men she had grown to love, human shaped or not.

  She was left to her own devices almost as soon as they arrived at the front of the house. Titus pointed out where the basics were, including the bathrooms and the bedrooms they would be sharing, then took Hunter outside to the large garden in the back. Scarlett got herself a bottle of water from the well-stocked kitchen and took her time wandering the house. As Titus had first told her there were many artefacts carefully displayed and the house looked like it was well cared for despite the amount of time that Titus spent away from the estate.

  Suddenly there was a cry from the outside of the house, from the garden. She hurried to one of the back doors; namely the one from the kitchen. It hadn't been a human cry, but it had raised the hairs on Scarlett's neck. At first she saw nothing, but then a shadow passed over her and when she craned her head back she saw a large shape against the light of the sun. She shaded her eyes and the shape came into focus.

  A dragon. Like all the stories and pictures, with golden scales and green eyes, was circling low in the sky, wings stretched wide. Scarlett's jaw dropped open. Her attention was brought back to the ground by a wet nose against her hand. She looked down to see what resembled a very large wolf. She quickly realized was a larger than average wolf. It had sleek black fur and icy blue eyes. It was Hunter. And the dragon in the sky was Titus. Scarlett's heart pounded almost right out of her chest. They were beautiful. Both of them. And even though they didn't have human faces Scarlett could tell that they were happy here, freely able to show the other side of themselves without fear of judgement.

  “I love you,” she said to them both, knowing that even Titus up in the sky could hear and understand her, and buried her fingers in the thick, soft fur at the nape of Hunter's neck. “And I never want to leave.”


  = Bonus Book 7 of 17 =

  Two Alien Lovers -

  Scifi Menage Romance

  The spaceport was bustling. Junior Intergalactic Alliance Ambassador Polina Marsh pulled the grey hood of her cloak further down over her face, hoping to blend into the teeming crowd that swirled around her.

  The West Public spaceport wasn’t her normal port. IA Ambassadors, even junior ones, had the privilege of travelling on official ships that docked at reserved, highly secure government ports. It was a bit shocking for Polina to be mixed in with the general populace as they shoved and pushed in their haste to get to their own transports. She hadn’t travelled with gens—members of the general population—in over ten years, since she’d first enrolled at the IA Academy at age eighteen. She’d forgotten how unpleasant it was.

  “Excuse me,” a burly Venutian grunted as he bumped Polina hard with his hefty shoulder. Polina nodded in return, grimacing under her hood as she rubbed her own shoulder. Venutians were a plated species, and even the smallest collision with one of their rock hard limbs left a bruise.

  The crowd was full of citizens from almost every planet in the galaxy, a sea of different hued skins and strangely shaped bodies. Most were humanoid, like Polina, but a few anomalies stuck out here and there: a tentacled Octarion, a group of towering Rock Giants from Delphine Six, a pack of small, rodent-like Scarrions.

  Polina glanced around and pulled her hood even lower. She was typical looking for a human female—average height, brown hair, brown eyes, fair skin—but it wouldn’t do her any good to be recognized at this port. Junior IA Ambassadors were not supposed to be using public spaceports and they certainly weren’t supposed to be boarding a ship and meeting with Dardassyian ambassadors. If she was caught, her political career could be over before it even properly started.

  Polina sighed. This was such a terrible idea.

  Across the port, she finally spotted what she was looking for: a taxi dock. The plan was simple. Polina would board a taxi shuttle, the Dardassyian ambassador would already be aboard and they would discuss Intergalactic Alliance/Dardassyian relations as they jumped through several systems to mask their journey to Dardassyius. The ambassador would show her whatever he needed to show her and then she’d travel back alone, as if she were just running a casual errand.

  “It will be done in a snap,” her contact had assured her. “Imagine t
he boost to your career, Junior Ambassador, if you could bring the Dardassyians back to the fold.”

  Her career could definitely use the jump-start. Polina had been a Junior Ambassador since she’d graduated, watching less-talented peers be promoted around her. This potential alliance could be just the thing she needed. That was the reason she took on this risky meeting.

  Well, most of the reason. There was a second reason, one that Polina wasn’t about to admit to anyone: the Dardassyian ambassador was extremely attractive.

  She’d never met a Dardassyian in person before—technically, she still hadn’t, since she’d only communicated with this one over vid screen—but Polina was awestruck by the alien’s beauty.

  The crowd parted in front of her and Polina caught a glimpse of a faded sign reading “Taxi Shuttles - For Hire.” She pushed her way over to the taxi port, taking care to keep her face hidden, and wondered how she would know what taxi shuttle to board. Would someone at the desk know to expect her? Was she supposed to have some sort of code word?

  She needn’t have worried. There, just inside the taxi bay, stood a mahogany skinned pilot—Artarian by the look of him—holding a flimsy, hand-written sign reading “Jane Smith.”

  Polina rolled her eyes. Jane Smith was a common Earthling name, recognizable to almost every race across the galaxy. Considering that most off-planet Earthlings were IA officers and very few of them would ever set foot in a public spaceport, it was clearly meant for her.

  Her suspicions were confirmed when the Artarian shot her a look across the bay and waved her over. “Jane!” he shouted, in a pipe-smoke roughened voice. “Jane Smith! Your taxi shuttle awaits.”

  “Keep it down,” Polina hissed, rushing over to the alien male and grabbing him by the arm. “This trip is supposed to be low-profile.”

  “Yeah, for Junior Ambassador Polina Marsh,” the Artarian said lowly. “But I’m pretty sure Jane Smith, random citizen of Earth, can go wherever she wants.”

  The Artarian had a point. Polina glared at him, narrowing her dark brown eyes and pulling her shoulders erect. “Jane Smith requests permission to board your shuttle,” she said tersely. “Lead the way, captain.”

  “Please, call me Galen.” Sweeping one arm toward the hatch, the Artarian bowed as she passed by. “After you, Ms. Smith,” he said. Polina couldn’t see his face, but she was quite positive he was mocking her.

  The taxi shuttle was small, but serviceable. Taxis were small, light crafts, capable of making short hyper-speed jumps but not well suited for long-distance travel. Polina’s contact assured her that this trip and meeting wouldn’t take more than an afternoon; that she would be home safe and sound before dinner.

  She hoped so. Tensions were high around the Intergalactic Alliance as of late and it wouldn’t do her any good to be discovered as absent without leave.

  “So, the cockpit is down that way,” the pilot, Galen, announced, pointing to the left. Sure enough, a pilot’s chair was visible through a small door. “Passengers ride right here, inside the hold.”

  Polina raised a delicate brown eyebrow. The passenger hold was right behind the cockpit. She’d never been in such a small spacecraft before.

  “Is this it?” she asked.

  The pilot laughed. “Yeah, pretty much. I fly, you ride. It’s not a glamorous ship, but it’ll do the job.”

  Polina looked around. The cockpit was empty, the passenger hold was empty, there was no sign of the Dardassyian envoy.

  She chose her next words carefully, on the off chance that she’d stumbled on the wrong ship. “I was told that I would have company on this journey, captain. Is anyone else present?”

  “We have another passenger in the head—that’s the restroom, in case you weren’t familiar—”

  “I’m familiar with the terminology, captain,” Polina cut him off. “If you would please ask my contact to step out here so I can ensure that I am indeed on the right ship, I would be grateful.”

  The pilot’s grin faded and his bright green eyes grew serious. “Give me just a moment, Ms. Smith,” he explained, quickly hitting a series of buttons and closing the hatch. “Let’s get you some privacy, shall we?”

  The moment the hatch was secured, a door opened to Polina’s right and out stepped a tall, graceful figure.

  “Ambassador Marsh,” the alien greeted her, extending one slender hand. “I’m grateful that you took the time to meet with me. I know it wasn’t easy, but I think that we’ll both find our time together mutually beneficial.”

  The Dardassyian was speaking Common, the official language of the Intergalactic Alliance, but Polina didn’t understand a single word he said. She was too busy staring.

  The Dardassyian ambassador was the most beautiful creature Polina Marsh had ever seen.


  The alien loomed over her, taller and more graceful than any Earthling male Polina had ever seen. This Dardassyian was nearly a head and a half taller than she was and he was elegantly put together: lithe limbs, golden curls falling around a sculpted face, bright blue eyes peering down at her.

  A series of markings, golden patterns and swirls, seemed to dance over his tawny skin. Polina stood hypnotized by the way the gold morphed and changed, glistening on the bare skin of his face and hand.

  A small, rough cough over her shoulder snapped her back to reality.

  “Junior Ambassador Polina Marsh,” said Galen, “may I present Viceroy Arryn J’olras of Dardassyius.”

  Polina had almost forgotten that Galen was there and she’d definitely forgotten her manners. She smiled and extended her hand, hoping that she remembered the proper way to greet a Dardassyian. Arryn stretched out his own hand, gripped hers and shook it twice firmly.

  Good. She had followed protocol after all. Polina quickly shook her head and reminded herself to keep it together. No matter how beautiful the male in front of her was, he was still a member of the government of an unincorporated planetary system. She needed to keep her wits about her during their meeting, or risk putting her career in extreme jeopardy.

  “Junior Ambassador,” Arryn said, and Polina tried not to shudder as his voice washed over her. It was like liquid gold, rich and warm. “I know the risk you took in agreeing to meet with me. I assure you that I appreciate your efforts in diplomacy and promise that you will not be disappointed.”

  “Thank you, Viceroy,” Polina answered, amazed that she managed to speak without her voice shaking. “I hope that our time together will be beneficial to both of us.”

  She smiled up at him and he matched her with a smile of his own, easy and even. Polina had no idea if all Dardassyians had such perfect, white teeth or if Arryn was just an exemplary specimen, but she found she didn’t really care.

  “All righty, then, passengers,” Galen barked, pushing past them and making his way to the cockpit. “If you two are done gazing adoringly at one another, then let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”

  “We weren’t—” Polina sputtered.

  “I was,” Arryn said lightly, sitting down in a seat and fastening a restraint around his shoulders and waist.

  Polina gaped at him as she mimicked his actions and strapped herself in for their journey.

  “Don’t mind him,” Galen shouted from the cockpit. “Dardassyians are notoriously bad with standard humanoid emotions.”

  “Is he going to be able to hear everything we say?” Polina whispered to Arryn.

  “Yep!” Galen shouted. “And don’t worry your pretty face, Junior Ambassador. I’m on your side.”

  Polina shot Arryn a questioning look and he nodded back. “Captain Galen has been a great friend to the Dardassyian cause. You can trust him.”

  “All right, then,” she said, but still keeping an eye on the captain. There was something about him—he was so cocky and brusque—that didn’t put her at ease.

  “I apologize for staring,” Arryn told her in his smooth golden voice, raising it just a bit to be heard over the engines as they lifted off
. “But most of the Earthlings that I’ve dealt with have been male. And old. It was somewhat shocking to meet you in the flesh.”

  Polina could have said the same thing. She’d communicated once, briefly, with Arryn over a vid screen, but the poor resolution had done nothing to show the true beauty of the alien male who was currently sitting across from her. He was dressed casually—a simple brown flight suit—but that contrast just exemplified his exceptional good looks.

  “You’re staring again,” Arryn said abruptly. “Am I really that shocking?”

  Polina laughed nervously. “No, Viceroy, no. It’s just that I’ve never spent much time—any time, really—with Dardassyians. I just need to take a moment to…get accustomed to you.”

  “She didn’t need to take any time to get accustomed to me, Arryn,” Galen shouted from the cockpit.

  “I’ve seen Artarians before,” Polina covered. It was true, she’d seen an Artarian or two in her career, but that wasn’t the reason she didn’t have the same reaction to Galen as she’d had to Arryn.

  Unfortunately for Captain Galen, he just wasn’t as ethereally beautiful as Arryn. Polina glanced up toward the cockpit, where Galen was barely visible. She could just catch a glimpse of one shoulder, a strong mahogany hand gripping the controls and the edge of his tumble of black curls.

  “Galen is considered very attractive for an Artarian,” Arryn informed her.


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