Princess For Them

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Princess For Them Page 106

by Kelsey Blaine

  Carefully, she pulled his cock from his briefs and stroked it with two hands, his length enough to nearly fit both. He unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it away, casting it aside in the same direction as the dress while shimmying out of his pants. While she positioned herself over his hard cock, he sat up to engulf her lips.

  She stroked his erection with her wet vulva, sliding up and down while pressing her breasts against his lips. A tongue unfurled to greet her nipple, causing her to moan as it became erect. His hand cupped the other and massaged gently as she positioned herself over the head of his cock.

  Eagerly, he pushed into her entrance and moaned. She was warm and wet, easily accepting his girth as she slid down the length of his cock. A moan escaped her mouth and he looked up to see her eyes closed with a smile on her lips. He grinned. He released the grip he had on her shoulders and allowed her to ride, watching her hips roll forward as her feminine portal engulfed his cock.

  He was elated as she pushed him back on the bed. He watched as her stomach tensed and her hips bounced, holding on to her hips as she rode in place. It made him ache to see her in such a natural state. A primal tug deep within wanted to thrust, but he stifled it in order to give her time to reach a level of arousal that matched his.

  Blonde hair fell over her face, her lips outlined in smudged red that opened every so often to allow a moan to escape. Her eyes fluttered while allowing her head to roll back, her hands gripping the skin of his chest in order to hold on. When she increased her pace, he sat up and started to thrust deep.

  Their lips collided in a state of bliss as his hands traced the curves of her body. He pumped hard inside of her warm body, relishing every moment he was inside of her. Her breathing labored as he picked up the rhythm and turned it into a frantic race to fulfillment, his own primal urges beginning to take over as she moaned ever louder.

  She bayed and their lips collided again to stifle the orchestral moment of their peak. In an instant, she was shuddering against his form and he growled, the tension in his gut immediately giving way as he came. He shivered and twitched as she moaned against him. It was their first simultaneous orgasm and he couldn’t stop smiling.

  Spent from their passion, they collapsed against the bed and curled up with each other, sweat coating their skin and making it shimmer. Samantha couldn’t stop giggling. She wrapped her arms around Harvey and laid kisses all over his face, her hair tangled from their intense love-making.

  “I love you,” he whispered. “I will always love you, regardless of this horrible situation. I believe we can get through it.”

  Samantha smiled wide, looked down at the sheets, and then back at him.

  “I love you, too,” she whispered. “As long as we’ve got that, we can get through just about anything.”


  = Bonus Book 15 of 17 =

  Her Cyborg Heroes

  Sun filtered through the blinds as Robyn sorted through digital paperwork at her desk. The computer screen was filled with all sorts of messages, most of them reminding her of current and new patients entering the hospital. She tapped the documents on the digital desk and slid them over to the computer to be filed away for later. After sorting through a few more documents, a message appeared in the corner of her computer screen and flashed red until she clicked on it.

  “A reminder to the gala event,” she whispered to herself. “Great. I still don't have a date.”

  She rolled her eyes and dismissed the reminder, feeling slightly relieved when it had disappeared from the screen. With a sigh, she stood from her desk with her touch pad and stepped from her office, closing the door carefully behind her. The halls were bustling with nurses and other attending physicians, the quiet lull of white noise machines filling the hall. A chill crept up her back and she tightened her coat around her shoulders.

  She stopped at a nearby door and then looked down at the touch pad in her hands. As she stepped inside the room, her heels clicked against the tile. The corner bed was occupied. She approached it carefully and leaned over the edge of the white hospital bed. In the center was a young woman with a plastic mask over her nose and lips, the soft whoosh of breathing coming through the vents on either side. The monitor on the mask was lit in a light green, alerting the onlooking doctor of the woman's vitals. With a gentle smile, Robyn tapped the vitals into the touch pad and then patted the woman's arm.

  “Hang in there, sweetheart. You're getting better,” Robyn said.

  A lock of red hair fell over her face as she stood and walked to the door, her heels clicking against the shiny tile as she walked into the hallway.

  “Good morning, Robyn,” said the attendant from the desk.

  “Good morning, Gloria. How's our inventory going?” Robyn asked.

  “It's going well. We'll be done just in time for lunch,” Gloria replied.

  “Splendid,” Robyn said with a smile.

  “Oh, there's also two men here from the Breathe Free Corporation. They're just down the hall delivering more Pocket Oxygen,” Gloria said.

  “Thank you, Gloria. I'll go find them in a moment,” Robyn said. “Do you have the files for room 305?”

  “Yes, ma'am. I'll upload them to your touch pad now,” Gloria replied.

  “Great. Let's get 305 on the schedule for a lung replacement. The new organs arrived this morning,” Robyn said.

  “Very well, ma'am,” Gloria said. “Do you have any plans for this evening?”

  Robyn sighed.

  “Well, I have this gala event to attend for the Portsworth Doctors Association. It's supposed to honor our hard work over the past year,” she replied. “We can bring guests, but I have yet to find a proper date.”

  “Why don't you take Max from the ICU ward?” Gloria asked.

  “You mean Mean Mug Max?” Robyn asked. “Yikes, no. I'd hate to make such a poor impression in front of such polite company. Besides, he's involved with Peggy over in micro-imaging.”

  “I suppose there could be worse things,” Gloria said

  “Like what?” Robyn asked.

  Gloria shrugged.

  “I'm not sure. I just hear people say that when there are no other options left,” she replied grimly. “I mean, you're a gorgeous woman. How hard can it be to find a man to take on a date?”

  “You'd be surprised. The dating website I'm using is just useless for this sort of thing. I don't understand why there aren't any decent men in this town,” Robyn replied.

  “Those sites are nothing but trouble,” Gloria said.

  “I think men are just intimidated by me,” Robyn said.

  “Why's that?” Gloria asked.

  “I mean, I'm a medical doctor with a dozen minors in different fields. Intelligence is intimidating,” Robyn replied.

  “I don't think it's that bad,” Gloria said.

  “That's easy for you to say. You're not the one dealing with fragile egos,” Robyn said with an eye roll.

  “Well, that just means those men aren't right for you. If they can't handle your intelligence, then that's their problem,” Gloria commented.

  Robyn sighed and tapped her pink nails against the counter, setting her touch pad down for a moment while she stared above at the digital clock.

  “Something has to give eventually,” she groaned.

  “Eventually,” Gloria agreed. “Those two men down the hall are quite attractive and they're engineers. They won't be intimidated. Maybe you could snag one of them.”

  “Do you think they're single?” Robyn asked.

  Gloria shrugged.

  A racket came from down the hall and the two women turned to see a tall man with a cybernetic leg fumbling with a cart. It was wobbling on one unstable wheel and had skidded into the wall, the shorter man behind him quickly grabbed the cart before it decided to barrel away. Robyn grinned.

  “Two for one special,” she whispered slyly.

  “You mean both of them?” Gloria asked.

  “One can hold the door and the other can hold my
bag. It's the perfect date,” Robyn joked.

  “You're ridiculous,” Gloria giggled.

  “I'm just kidding,” Robyn said. “But wouldn't it be a treat to have two gentlemen instead of one?”

  “I don't think I could handle all that,” Gloria replied.

  “There's no harm in asking at least,” Robyn said.

  “Fair,” Gloria said. “Just be careful. More than one can be a dilemma.”

  “Well, I heard Vicky up on the fourteenth floor had a similar arrangement,” Robyn whispered.

  “You mean that ménage à trois? She was married to Phil at that point. I don't think it was the same thing,” Gloria explained in a hushed voice.

  “It could be fun regardless,” Robyn whispered.

  “Well, be careful with that, Robyn,” Gloria said. “I don't want you getting hurt like you did with Neil.”

  “Neil was a complete jerk who didn't know what he wanted. Besides, this is just for tonight. I don't think it will turn into anything serious,” Robyn replied.

  Gloria shrugged and then looked down at her computer, tapping the touch screen desk rapidly.

  “Looks like 315 needs another calming injection,” she announced.

  “I'm heading in that direction. I'll take care of it,” Robyn said. “See you later.”

  “Good luck,” Gloria called. “And be careful.”

  “I have some rounds to do. I'll be back.”


  Her voice was like silk. It drifted across the corridor and caught his attention immediately, turning him around mechanically to face the beautiful red-headed woman standing near the desk. The silky tones came like waves over oceans, sounding just like a siren enticing him down into the watery depths to his demise.

  Charles was hooked. Like a fish, he had been caught.

  “I have some rounds to do. I'll be back,” she said smoothly.

  She started walking towards them. Heels clicked in their direction, echoing off the sanitized walls, and signaling her approach. Charles straightened up and tucked a hand into his pocket as she drew closer, watching her red hair bounce on her shoulders. When she looked up, she offered a polite smile, those green eyes sucking him down even further.

  Now he was drowning.

  As she passed, Gabe turned abruptly and bumped into her shoulder, causing her to stumble a few steps in the opposite direction. In one smooth and swift motion, Charles caught her arm and helped her remain upright, lest she need the hospital herself for some nefarious injury.

  “Oh, excuse me,” she said quickly.

  “No, excuse me,” Charles said. “My friend here is a bit clumsy.”

  “That's quite alright. I don't think he saw me coming,” she said with a sweet smile.

  “My apologies, ma'am,” Gabe said.

  “You two must be new. I haven't seen you here before,” she said.

  “Oh, we're not new. We run the technology lab just across the way. We engineered Pocket Oxygen,” Gabe explained.

  “You're the creators of Pocket Oxygen? I can't tell you how many times that has helped us rescue our patients,” she said. “I'm impressed. It's so wonderful to finally meet you.”

  “And it's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am. My name is Gabe,” he said while holding out his cybernetic hand.

  The sweet woman accepted it and then turned to Charles. The goofy grin over his lips prevented him from speaking, an effective gag that forced him to step back and then gesture nervously.

  “I'm Charles,” he finally said. “It's lovely to meet you, Mrs…”

  “Dr. Atkinson,” she replied. “But please, call me Robyn.”

  “Robyn,” he repeated.

  “That's a lovely name,” Gabe chimed in.

  Robyn stood curiously before the two men, her eyes switching mischievously between the two. She cracked a smile, red lips outlining the pearly whites that slowly parted to allow words passage.

  “Would you…? Forgive me, this is rather forward, but I have a dinner event this evening that I'm particularly dreading,” she began. “It's a gala ball honoring the most prestigious doctors on the east coast and many of them are a bit...well, smug. It would be lovely to have two esteemed gentlemen at my side.”

  Electricity crackled between them as her eyes danced from Gabe to Charles and then back to Gabe again. Her eyes sparkled with wonder.

  “Would you two care to join me?” she asked.

  Charles laughed nervously.

  “Us both?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she replied confidently.

  “Is that a trick question?” Gabe asked.

  “Not at all,” she replied smoothly.

  The two men exchanged curious glances, Charles raising an eyebrow as Gabe gave a slight shrug and then returned his gaze to the beautiful woman next to him.

  “Yes,” he replied.

  Charles looked wide-eyed.

  “We'd love to,” Gabe continued.

  “Fantastic. Let me give you my card,” she said while reaching into her white coat. “Give me a call around 6:00 PM. That's when I get home from work.”

  Charles blankly accepted the card and held it between two fingers, the bright white standing out from his tan skin.

  “We look forward to it,” Gabe said.

  Robyn smiled sweetly and hugged her touch pad to her chest, squeezing past them.

  “See you later,” she said.

  Her heels clicked away, diminishing the further she went down the hall. Charles stared with wonder at the red hair falling down the back of her white coat, his goofy smile returning.

  “Earth to Charles,” Gabe said sternly.

  “What?” Charles asked.

  “Are you okay? Hello? Did you not just hear me?” Gabe asked.

  “No, I suppose I didn't,” Charles replied.

  “I said she's hot,” Gabe repeated.

  “Oh, I would venture to say she's more than that,” Charles said. “I'd say her beauty is beyond what words could capture.”

  “Ah, the poet,” Gabe joked.

  “What?” Charles asked, tucking the card into his pocket.

  “You're always doing that poet thing,” Gabe replied.

  “Well, I can tone it down a bit,” Charles offered.

  “No, keep it turned up. I think she's one of those hopeless romantic types. She was eyeing you pretty hard, but she kept looking at me. And a gala? Wow,” Gabe said.

  “Yeah, wow,” Charles repeated.

  “I can't believe she asked us both to join her,” Gabe said.

  “Well, maybe it's innocent,” Charles pondered aloud. “Maybe it's just a friendly invitation because she doesn't want to be alone.”

  “Dibs on top,” Gabe said quickly.

  Charles punched his arm.

  “Hush, Gabe. Don't start acting like a fool,” Charles warned.

  “Sorry, I was just kidding,” Gabe said. “But I wonder what would happen if she wanted us both.”

  “Yeah,” Charles said. “What a wonder that would be like.”

  As he watched her walk away, she turned briefly with her curious green eyes and dragged him down further into the depths of the ocean. Surely, he was drowning.

  And he did nothing to stop it.


  “Figures I would choose the ones who would say yes and really mean no,” Robyn grumbled while tapping her heel against the concrete.

  Behind her, the building was teeming with life, most of the guests having already gone inside with their lavish outfits and smug noses. Her own nose was powdered well, her pretty face done up, and her red hair was hanging in curly ringlets from a fancy bun. Little jewels decorated her hair and her neck, trailing down into her dress to become a shimmering mermaid gown. Her usual marvelous smile was hidden behind a grim, flat line from waiting, her fingers curling around her digital pocket book that held her invitation.

  A black car pulled up to the curb. The sight caught her breath and she stood firm on the sidewalk while waiting patiently for the car door to
open. A leg appeared and then a gloved hand, a top hat announcing the figure that stepped from the vehicle.

  With a sigh, Robyn slouched in her dress.

  It wasn't Charles. The pale man with the top hat passed her wordlessly, his cane creating dull echoes from the lackluster concrete. She turned around as the man passed and started walking up the steps, clutching a fistful of her dress while mumbling to herself.

  “Hello, Robyn.”

  Her green eyes darted up the steps. Above her stood Charles and Gabe, clad in simple, yet elegant, tuxedos with matching green bow ties. They were a lovely emerald green, almost the same shade as her eyes, so close that she dared to think they might have even done it on purpose. As she climbed the steps, she smiled wide and then extended her hand. Charles took it without hesitation and kissed her knuckles, Gabe bowing as she looked between the two.

  “You two look stunning,” she said with a grin.

  “And you look fantastic,” Charles said while squeezing her hand gently. “No star could possibly shine brighter than you tonight.”

  “My friend—the poet,” Gabe joked.

  Robyn giggled and looked down for a moment, a lock of red hair covering her face. A hand appeared and tucked it behind her ear. She smiled.

  “Are you ready to go inside?” she asked.

  “Absolutely,” Charles replied.

  As he held out his arm, she took his and then hooked her free arm around Gabe. The three of them walked up the rest of the steps and approached the door where Robyn procured her digital pocket book. The usher scanned her invitation and then opened the door, allowing them inside.

  The entire lobby smelled like fresh roses and sandalwood, the aroma as intoxicating as the jeweled ceiling. Digital lights softly covered the velvety carpet, leading all the way to the enormous ballroom that harbored a collection of people circling the dance floor. The tables were covered in decadent gold cloth and each table held its own miniature bar.

  Taking her dates by the arms, Robyn walked proudly to an empty table and sat down with her shoulders pulled back and her fingers gently folded over each other. She picked up a glass of champagne from the rotating miniature bar and held it up to her lips, carefully taking a sip. The other guests would soon notice her appearance with the two gentlemen, and whispers would quickly follow.


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