Princess For Them

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Princess For Them Page 110

by Kelsey Blaine

  Robyn coughed.

  “Gabe, you are such a genius,” he went on.

  She coughed again and squinted in the darkness, her flashlight shaking.

  “I think something is wrong,” she croaked.

  “Charles, reset the system...” Gabe whispered. “The oxygen tanks are failing...”

  Robyn uncontrollably heaved forward, her hand pressed to her stomach. The flashlight had fallen from her fingers. An eerie cold crept over her neck and down her chest as her lungs began to burst from a lack of oxygen, she clawed at her throat while trying to take deep breaths. It was no use. She croaked again and fell to her side while her eyes blinked rapidly.

  No vision registered. The sounds around her were fading quickly as her head rested against the cold stomach of Gabe. He wasn't breathing either. She remained frozen in place while computer keys clicked, walls hummed, and the lights flashed back into place.

  But she continued to drift away. She kept falling down into the dark, even with the bright lights shining above.


  “Robyn...” whispered a distant voice.

  The darkness was deep. She wasn't sure where she was or how she had drifted that far down, only that a cold weight was pressed against her chest while intermittent bits of warmth pressed against her face.

  “Robyn!” cried the voice at full volume.

  With a gasp, she popped up from the ground and grabbed the first body sitting in front of her. It was Charles. He rubbed her back and pressed his nose to her ear.

  “It's okay,” he whispered. “You're okay.”

  “I thought I was falling,” she whimpered.

  “We are, darling. We're falling,” he replied.

  “I know it's fast, but I'm honestly okay with it,” she said.

  “No, we're actually falling right out of the sky,” he said.

  “Oh,” she whispered while looking around.

  Gabe was standing at the computer while pressing the keys.

  “This is too much. I got the air and power running, but there's no way to reboot the engine. It must have been damaged,” he explained.

  “Let me try,” Charles offered.

  He released Robyn and stood from the ground, standing confidently over the keys of the computer. The screen fluttered for a moment as he typed. Gabe sat back down on the ground and took her hand, squeezing it as the ship tilted forward.

  She hiccupped and covered her mouth, closing her eyes while feeling the entire ship shudder and quake. The nausea left her feeling light-headed and she squeezed Gabe's hand hard.

  “Almost there,” Charles announced. “I just need a few more drones.”

  “What are you talking about?” Gabe asked.

  “We're low enough in the atmosphere for the drones to attach to the ship,” Charles replied.

  “Talk about genius!” Gabe shouted. “That's a fantastic idea, Charles.”

  Robyn smiled warmly and nodded, her fingers remaining fixed over her mouth. As the ship steadied and stopped shaking, she sighed with relief and then relaxed against Gabe.

  “We disabled all the airless pockets in the city. Military personnel are going to surround the ship. We need to send them a warning that we're here,” Charles said. “Shouldn't take longer than another few key strokes.”

  With a long sigh, Robyn looked up at the blond man tapping away at the computer. She smiled and bit her lower lip as her thighs twitched. A familiar tickling sensation settled in her pelvis as she admired his profile, absorbing every detail of his determined gaze and strong shoulders.

  She turned to Gabe with the same smile and admired his tired eyes, the slightly emaciated face, and the thin lips that were quivering. They quickly curled up into a smile.

  “What?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Just looking at you two,” she replied. “You're beautiful.”

  “You really think so?” he asked.

  “Absolutely,” she replied with a grin.

  “I heard everything you said. It made me feel warm with hope, like I was going to come home no matter what,” he said.

  “That was my intention,” she whispered with a tearful gaze.

  “You know I won't let anything happen to you, right?” he asked.

  She nodded while shivering, leaning her head back down to his shoulder as the ship steadied again and then halted. The walls hummed. The sound died down as the lights flickered and Charles knelt next to her.

  “We're going to get out of here,” he whispered. “You don't have to cry, Robyn.”

  “I'm not crying because I'm upset,” she said.

  “Then, why are you crying?” Gabe asked, rubbing her arm gently.

  “I'm just happy I made it through with you two,” she replied.

  Charles smiled warmly and held out his hand for her to take. When she was comfortably on two feet, she took Gabe by the hand and then led them both to the doorway. The hallway was lined with various Dytrusk soldiers, most of them lifeless. Green goo covered the ground. She grimaced as she stepped over it and squeaked when some of it touched her toe, wrapping her arms around Gabe to be lifted.

  “The main doors should be just up ahead,” Charles announced.

  He pointed to the large metal slabs that were slowly parting. On the other side was a soldier wearing a mask. He held up his laser gun.

  “Halt, state your clearance,” he yelled.

  “Engineer Operative 003 with Engineer Operative 002 and a civilian,” Charles replied.

  The soldier lowered his weapon and waved them over, helping them down from the collapsed ship. Behind the soldier stood a crowd of military personnel and soldiers who immediately erupted into applause. It startled Robyn and she hid behind Gabe who chuckled while wrapping an arm around her.

  “We're heroes, darling,” he said reassuringly. “Don't be scared.”

  With a nervous giggle, she stepped from behind him and then wrapped an arm around Charles as they walked through the crowd. A balding man who was huffing approached and shook hands with each of them.

  “Steve,” said the man to Robyn. “Owner of Breathe Free Corporation here on Portsworth Military Base.”

  “This is our boss,” Charles said.

  “We're elated that the three of you could save the city. Though many were lost, it was you who saved the rest of the world,” Steve went on. “The Dytrusk had been planning to expand throughout the world and we stopped them right in their tracks.”

  Robyn blushed.

  “I'm just a doctor, sir,” she said.

  “But you helped me get to the room where they were keeping Gabe,” Charles said.

  “And you patched my wound,” Gabe said while pointing to his neck.

  “You've done much more than you thought,” Charles added. “You should be proud of that.”

  “And for that, we thank you,” Steve said while shaking her hand again. “This mission couldn't have been accomplished without your combined efforts. As a token of our appreciation, we would like to invite you to a dinner held in your honor and to give you each a yearly stipend for the rest of your lives.”

  “Yearly stipend?” Robyn asked. “But I already work as a doctor.”

  “You don't have to work if you don't want to,” Steve replied.

  “I love what I do, sir. As much as I appreciate the gesture, I'd like to remain a doctor,” she said.

  Steve nodded and smiled warmly.

  “You are a humble woman. Charles is lucky to have you,” he said.

  “And Gabe,” Charles added.

  “I'm sorry…” Steve trailed off.

  “We're involved with each other. A triad, if you will. I don't think we would have it any other way,” Charles explained.

  Steve raised his eyebrows and nodded reluctantly, looking between the three of them with some curiosity as Robyn looped her arms around the two men on either side of her.

  “I like them both,” she said with a grin.

  “Well, then,” Steve said
. “I'm happy to hear it. Anyone who makes my boys happy is always welcome.”

  Robyn smiled warmly and nodded, her eyes welling with tears again as she listened to the crowd chanting around them. It was infectious energy, the giggles in her gut bubbling up her throat and into the air. The sound of people cheering brought her a sense of joy and accomplishment.

  “I'm glad we made it out of there. I need a drink,” she commented.

  “We have meals waiting for each of you. I'm sure you're famished,” Steve said.

  “Thank you, sir,” Robyn said.

  When Steve stepped aside, the three walked through the rest of the crowd and into the main lobby of the engineering building. A table was set up with fresh food and chairs, most of the soldiers having already sat down to eat. When they noticed the three walking in, many of them stood to offer their places at the table. Robyn sat down between Gabe and Charles, taking a long gulp of water that left her feeling hungrier than before. She eyed the food lining the table.

  “This is more than I could ever eat,” she commented.

  “I'll help,” Gabe offered while reaching over to grab a baked chicken leg.

  Robyn giggled and started scooping food into her plate, inhaling the wonderful smell that filled the main lobby. She looked around at the smiling faces. It felt surreal compared to the dim and ghastly appearance of the ship. This was much livelier, much more human.

  “We should take a vacation,” Robyn commented.

  “Where to?” Charles asked. “I think we can go anywhere with what the Portsworth Military is about to give us.”

  “How about a trip across the galaxy?” she asked.

  Charles dropped his fork and stared at her with wide eyes. She burst into giggles and shook her head, wrapping an arm around him.

  “I'm joking,” she said. “Let's go somewhere extra warm.”

  “I hear Mars is nice this time of year,” Gabe said.

  “Or maybe a beach outside of the Milky Way,” she replied.

  “That far?” Charles asked. “Why so far?”

  Robyn sighed.

  “I need a vacation,” she replied. “And I need it to be as far away from this place as possible.”


  Robyn smiled as she tilted her head back and bathed in the warm sun, closing her eyes against the bright sun shining down on her. The sand under her fingers was warm and welcoming, a light breeze kissing her cheek. She sighed contentedly. The gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore filled her ears and she smiled again while digging further into the comforting sand.

  “Happy, darling?” asked a husky voice from above.

  She opened her eyes to find Charles holding up a blue drink.

  “Absolutely,” she replied.

  “Good,” he said while sitting down. “This is for you.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” she said.

  As she took a long sip, she heard the sound of jazz approaching and turned to find Gabe stepping carefully over the sand with his phone.

  “I hate the feeling of sand between my toes,” he commented.

  “But it's so nice out here. How can you hate it?” she asked.

  “I hate the sand. The view is very nice,” he replied.

  “Isn't it?” she asked.

  “Indeed,” he agreed while sitting down. “It's wonderful.”

  “I can't believe they gave us a two-month vacation,” she said.

  “I can,” Charles said. “We did a lot. We deserve it.”

  She giggled.

  “I mean, I didn't intend to stay this long, but I'm honestly becoming addicted,” she added.

  “We can stay even longer if you want,” Charles said.

  “Would they allow that?” she asked.

  He shrugged.

  “We saved the world. There's nothing we can't do now,” he replied.

  “I do miss my work,” she said. “I'm nothing without being of service to my patients.”

  “I'm sure they'll be fine for a little bit longer,” Gabe said.

  “Besides, we have this entire island to ourselves. We should make the best of it,” Charles said.

  “I was thinking about hiking later this afternoon,” she said.

  “Yeah? We could do that,” Charles said.

  “That definitely sounds like a nice idea,” Gabe chimed in.

  “Then, let's go,” she said while standing.

  “But I haven't finished my mojito,” Gabe complained.

  “You can save it for later. We have plenty,” she said. “I want to go before the sun sets.”

  “Alright, fine,” Gabe said while standing. “But it's going to cost you.”

  “And what exactly will it cost me?” she asked with a shy grin.

  “Three kisses,” he replied, smiling.

  “You'll have to catch me first!” she cried.

  Giggling, Robyn sprinted for the trees next to their beach cabin and darted behind a few palms. She could hear Gabe and Charles calling from behind, but she disregarded their teasing while searching for the perfect place to hide. Beyond the cabin, there was a small grove surrounded by trees that seemed to be hidden from the main path. She ducked down beneath the plants and calmed her breathing while planting her feet firmly in the ground.

  She watched Gabe sprint by with Charles following, the breeze rustling the leaves she was hiding behind. She giggled silently to herself. When they were out of sight, she rose from the bushes and then carefully stepped out. She eyed the path curiously and then turned to sprint in the other direction, colliding with a strong figure that blocked her path.

  “Nice try, baby,” Gabe said mischievously.

  “I can still run,” she retorted.

  While attempting to turn, Gabe tackled her to the ground and covered her giggling face in kisses. Charles ran up behind them and leaned over while panting.

  “I'm really losing my shape by staying on vacation,” he said between gasps for air.

  “I guess I haven't been doing a good job of keeping you in shape,” she joked.

  “I guess you haven't. We ought to do something about that,” he said while lowering himself to the ground.

  With a grin, he kissed her lips and stroked her shoulders. She tittered with delight at the sensation, cupping his face as his tongue danced inside of her mouth. The gentle kiss slowly turned into one of primal hunger, deepening the more she ran her fingers through his hair.

  Gabe trailed kisses all the way down her torso, pausing just above her bikini while his hands smoothed between her legs. Instinctively, she parted her legs and moaned as his lips pressed to her inner thighs, tenderly tracing her bikini line while curiously poking a finger beneath her bikini. She bucked as he carefully outlined her clit, his lips shortly following to devour her wet entrance.

  Charles decorated her neck with his lips, leaving a trail of moans behind as he pulled aside her top to reveal two vulnerable pink nipples. She shivered as he took one into his mouth and sucked gently, the other stimulated by his devious fingers. Her chest heaved when he sucked harder and she whimpered while he tickled her sensitive breasts.

  With lips parted, Robyn writhed on the soft soil as moans filled the air. She could hardly contain the excitement in her stomach, fluttering with each and every stroke from the men worshiping her body. Charles cupped her breasts and returned to her lips for another taste, moaning as her curious hand reached over to stroke the budding erection beneath his shorts.

  She pulled his shorts down eagerly, revealing a hard cock that was leaking with fluid from the tip. Hungrily, she pulled him by his hips and swallowed him whole. A groan erupted from his lips and he bucked into her mouth. Her tongue slid up and down his shaft while her hands gripped his thighs, pulling him deeper and deeper into her throat.

  A muffled moan surfaced as Gabe lapped at her velvety vulva, tracing circles around her clit with his tongue. He inserted one finger and then two, pushing deep into her soaked entrance that begged to be pleasured. As his fingers slid in an
d out of her, she cooed and bucked, whimpering as his lips caressed her clit once more.

  The cock in her mouth was throbbing as more fluid seeped from the tip, salty cream coating the surface of her tongue. Charles groaned above with each thrust into her mouth, his hands cupping her face as she sucked. He stroked her cheek and tucked a lock of red hair behind her ear.

  “You're so beautiful,” he whispered.

  She smiled and licked the head of his cock, watching his face contort from distress to pleasure in the same instant. It encouraged her to lick more, to open her mouth wider, and to suck him down harder. Their eyes locked for a moment as he bobbed in and out of her mouth, his throbbing cock teetering on the edge of exploding. When she pulled him from her mouth, she whimpered.

  Gabe was rapidly sucking on her clit, the slurping sounds matching her heated moans that came in rapid succession. She bucked hard into his mouth and wailed while gripping his hair, brows knitted together as the electrical pulse in her pelvis radiated up into her chest. She tensed. Each fervent lick caused her to swell, the electricity crackling in her solar plexus until it reached a crescendo and burst from her lips.

  With a smile, Gabe sat up and pressed his hard cock into her wet entrance, slipping easily inside. His girth filled her instantly and she wailed, arching her back to better accept his cock. His fingers danced over her engorged clit, rubbing her into heated fits that caused her to shake.

  Her senses heightened as she gripped Charles’ cock, stroking him closer and closer to his release. She opened her mouth and welcomed him again, pulling him by the hips as her body rocked to the rhythm of her sucking. His thighs tensed hard and he growled, grabbing a fistful of her hair while shoving his cock deeper. As her eyes rolled up, he grunted and increased his speed, thrusting faster as her tongue and lips sucked the creamy fluid from his cock.

  In between her thighs, Gabe pounded furiously. Her legs went numb as blood rushed to the source of pleasure, pooling in her pelvis and warming her torso with electricity. It was building faster. The more she fought off her climax, the more it crackled like lightening in her stomach. Each thrust forced it to pulse vigorously, pushing her straight over the edge and down into the convulsive depths of absolute bliss.


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