Princess For Them

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Princess For Them Page 114

by Kelsey Blaine

  She smiled at him as he came out of the bathroom. “Well, pancakes then?” he said, walking up to where Jason was playing and jacking him up onto his neck then stretching out his hands to take hers in, it almost felt like family.

  “I could get in trouble for dating a parent Joseph,” she said when he asked her to hop in the car so he could drive her to school. He had finally gotten her to stop saying Jason’s dad.

  “It's cool,” he said, not sounding the list bit stressed. “We will make it super official and see the principal about it, it should be fine if the school authorities know about it.”

  “Are you sure?” she was hesitant, she didn’t know where the relationship was leading to, but she didn’t want to make things official and then a few weeks later him coming out to say he was no longer interested in being with her. That would hurt her more than anything had hurt her in a long while. “It's ok if you want to take things slow, see where the pieces fall.”

  He turned from buckling Jason’s seatbelt in to look at her. “What are you afraid of?” he asked.

  “That when you go home and are feeling less guilty about Jason, you will feel differently about me,” she said, without holding anything back. “That we may not work out and I would never compare to your wife in your eyes, I can’t compete with a ghost.” He had told her about his late wife last night, about how much he had cared for her and about how her death had almost killed him. He had spoken with so much sorrow and so much love that she had felt that if they had to date then he would compare her with his ex-wife regularly, and she would not live up to the dead woman in his eyes, seeing as she died an angel and couldn’t come back for one last screw up so he would see her as not so perfect.

  “Lakisha calm down.” His hands came to massage her shoulders. “You are getting things all wrong about me, I am not looking for a replacement for Maggie. Maggie and I had a wonderful time together and created an amazing baby boy out of it, I will always love my life, she was the best part of my youth,” he said. “But I don’t believe you get just one love of your life, and I know for a fact that Maggie would like for me to move on eventually, this is me moving on.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes, I am sure, I like you, a lot. I haven’t liked anyone even mildly in a long while, and I want to see where this can go.” He pulled her in and kissed her for what seemed to be a long time, a sweet passionate kiss. “Please let us try, ok?” Lakisha saw fear in his blue eyes like he was scared she was going to say that she wasn’t interested in him, so she used her hands to soothe the lines of his face, kissed his eyes one after the other and smiled.

  “Ok, we could meet the principal after school hours,” she said, pushing down her own doubt as well. If he was willing to try, then so was she. She liked him a lot too, and she wanted to see how far their relationship could go.

  “Great!” he said, pulling her in for another kiss.


  “Ms. Skye.” The principal called her name as he walked into her class.

  “Yes, Sir?” she said. It had been an amazing night and now she had to get back to the reality of work.

  “Can you come to my office between 12 and 2?” He phrased it as a question, but it wasn’t. The principal didn’t ask questions, he gave orders.

  “Sure, Sir,” she said, not having the strength to protest. “I will be there.”

  “Great!” She wondered what it was about, she hadn’t gotten any feedback from him on her performance at the PTA. That could be it. In fact, that was probably it, and she didn’t need to go to his office to know the feedback he was going to give, the expression on his face when he had asked her to come to his office flashed back at her, he was unhappy with her performance.

  She didn’t know how to feel about that, whether to be sad or not, it wasn’t in her nature to disappoint people, but the principal had looked very disappointed, or maybe she had read his expression wrongly.

  When she walked into his office later that day, she knew she hadn’t read him wrongly.

  “Please sit down,” he said. “This will only take a minute.” He handed her one letter as she sat. She opened it and saw that it was an offer letter to the VP position.


  “I have been considering you for a while now, you have been in this school for three years with an impeccable record, and at the last PTA, that was your final test, to see how you could manage parents worried about their children even if they worried un-necessarily.”

  “Oh God!” Lakisha was still shocked.

  “You passed,” he concluded, still gloomy.

  “Thank you so much, Sir.”

  “You will not be thanking me in about three minutes.”

  “What?” She was confused, he pulled out another letter and handed it over to her, Lakisha opened it to find the shock of her life.

  “Suspension?!” How do you give someone a promotion and then suspend their ass?

  “It has been brought to my attention by a parent that you are fraternizing with some of the single dads in the school, throwing yourself at them if you will,” he said.

  “What? That’s not true!”

  “So, you mean to tell me that you haven’t in anyway given any of the single fathers here unwanted attention?”

  “No, I have not!” she said, steam coming out of her ears.

  “Oh, that’s good then, we will just ask the parent in question; a Dr. Noel for confirmation, and then we can clear this up.”

  “We are dating.” She blurted out without thinking when she saw the principal reach out to the phone.


  “Dr. Noel and I are dating, but I haven’t been giving him unwanted attention.”

  “You know you aren’t supposed to date parents Ms. Skye.”

  “I know, and that is why we were going to let management know today, so there would be no misunderstandings like this one.”

  He seemed to ponder on what she had just said for a while, and then finally he spoke. “Aright, there will be a meeting first thing tomorrow where the school’s lawyers will be present, Dr. Noel and you will have to sign a document stating that the school is not responsible for any negative effect that may come out of your relationship, and therefore cannot be sued in the eventuality that the relationship doesn’t turn out as you please,” he finished.

  “That’s fine Sir, thank you.”

  “You are welcome.” He smiled at her. “And welcome to the role of VP, you deserve it.”

  “Thank you so much, Sir.” Lakisha stood up and headed towards the door, feeling like she was walking on the sunshine with each step that she took.

  “Ms. Skye,” the principal called.


  “Remember, to whom much is given, much is also required.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She smiled. She would have to prove to him that he hadn’t made a mistake in promoting her, and Lakisha was looking forward to doing just that.

  Three weeks later and she was still on a high. She was enjoying her new job, and although she no longer got to teach the children she loved so much, she was happy about her new position overseeing their well-being. Her relationship with Joseph got sweeter every single day, it was the best relationship she had ever had and she sometimes just stopped and smiled, asking herself what she had done to deserve a man who loved her and cared for her above anything else.

  Jason was also a hoot, the best and brightest three-year-old she had ever seen. He had taken instantly to her presence in his and his dad's house almost every day, and was now as emotionally vested in her as she was in him.

  They were the best thing that had ever happened to her, and she was happy that they had made this connection.

  She was in Joseph’s house presently, in his kitchen and she had on nothing but an apron that said: “Eat me now Daddy.” Jason was with his grandfather for the weekend, and after such a hectic few weeks after taking over the VP position, Lakisha was ready to let her hair down and have a wonderf
ul night with her man, filled with nothing but teasing and fucking.

  She was making his favorite for dinner, non-vegan lasagna. She smiled to herself as she recalled their first fight, she had been feeding him vegan food for a week and he had been amazingly receptive to it, then one day she had gone to her bathroom and the toilet was clogged up. She had called her plumber only for him to tell her after his final inspection that she should stop throwing food down the toilet that she was damaging her water system.

  It hadn’t taken her long to put two and two together and attack him. He had been so sweet during the argument though, making her laugh and forget her anger, and then coming clean to say he didn’t like anything vegan and would appreciate it if she took his taste into account the next time she cooked for him.

  The front door opened, bringing her out of her train of thought.

  “Lakisha?” she heard Joseph call from the front of the house.


  “I would have found you eventually, the smell of whatever you are cooking feels like breadcrumbs in the right… WOW!” he said, as she came into view and he saw what she had on. “Baby!” She smiled knowingly at him.


  “Very.” He closed the gap between them, lifted her and put her over his shoulder.


  “No baby, you don’t get to say anything,” he said. He took her to the bedroom and without taking off the apron turned her over so her exposed ass was in the air, her pussy was already throbbing from expectation, they hadn’t been together in a while because of their schedules, and she was way past ready to have him fill her up, no foreplay necessary.

  But Joseph had a different thing on his mind all together, first he bent down on his knees to suck her pussy until she came, playing with her clit and making her start to speak French, then when he had given her multiple orgasms he invaded her warmness and began to give her pleasure the likes of which she had never felt before. She moaned at the sensation of it as he began to pound into her, she moved in rhythm with him, loving the feel of him in her.

  “God, you feel so good.” He moaned, bringing his hands to the front of her apron to touch her breasts, and squeezing them hard as he moved. She was so close to completion that her moans got louder with every stroke, and as if he noticed, he increased his pace, his strokes becoming more insistent as pressure built in them both. It didn’t take long for their cries of pleasure to fill the bedroom as they both orgasmed together.

  “I love you,” she screamed, throwing caution to the wind. She knew that it was general knowledge to never be the first one to say I love you, especially not after just a few weeks, but Lakisha couldn’t care less, she loved this man.

  There was silence as soon as she said it, and Lakisha was sure she had just made a mistake and then, just before she was about to apologize, Joseph hugged her from behind.

  “I love you too baby,” he spoke into her hair. “Thank you for coming into my life.” Lakisha felt her heart swell a little from his words.

  “I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he whispered, kissing her neck. “I don’t care if you can have children or not, we can make it work, I promise.” Every word made her heart swell, she had found love in the place she least expected, her school.

  She couldn’t control herself, her heart was filled with so much joy and tears began to stream down her face.

  “I love you, baby,” she said again, turning around to face him so she could look into his eyes. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you as well.” She kissed him full on the lips. He smiled at her.

  “Ready to eat?” he asked.

  “Look at you,” she laughed. “You are offering me food that I cooked like you were the one that cooked it.”

  “That’s what couples do,” he joked. “They take credit for what their partners do.” She laughed.

  “What are we gonna tell Jason?” she asked shyly.

  “Are you kidding? He already loves you.” Joseph said. “We don’t even have to say anything. My boy has taken to you like you were always in his life.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” She laughed.

  “My father is going to love you though,” he said. “I have told him all about you.”


  “Yes, he can’t wait to meet you.”

  “That makes me feel so happy,” she said, kissing him. She was happy and she was looking forward to the rest of their lives together.


  = Bonus Book 17 of 17 =

  Dragons Blood

  “…Oh my God, this one says that because of my fiery personality I should be mated with a wolf!” one of the girls in my group of friends, Charlotte squealed excitedly. “I would love that. The wolves are so hot and exciting. Plus they have bodies like no tomorrow!”

  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and inform her that the answers only came out that way because she wanted them to. It seemed pointless to insist that because my friends spent their whole lives deciding which shapeshifter species they wanted to be with, they knew exactly how to form their answers.

  “Well it says here that I have the perfect cool attitude that would work well with a vampire,” another girl shot back.

  Just because I didn't get it, didn't mean they couldn't have their fun. I had to just grit my teeth and let them get on with it.

  I didn't harbor any secret urge to be whisked off my feet by a vampire, a werewolf, or a dragon. I didn't want the magical, fantasy lifestyle that everyone assumed would come with that. My only dream in life was to get a good job, marry a nice man, and have children. Normal – that was all I needed, which made me different from just about everybody else. I just wanted a quiet, normal and drama-free life, and I was pretty sure that my mundane wish was much more likely to come true. After all, that was how most people lived their lives.

  Years and years ago, before any of us were born, and our parents too, the different species were all at war with one another. Each species had a different view on how to live and the stubborn opinion that their idea was the right one. Each species wanted to lead the rest of the world, and none of them would back down.

  The fighting went on for decades, and because of their additional powers they were too strong for us humans. Our numbers started to decline. It seemed like we wouldn't last much longer and that the shapeshifters would be left to sort out the world themselves.

  But from that tragedy, a romantic story that has determined how we live now was born. According to the legend, a werewolf stopped fighting because he fell in love with a human woman. They snuck off and hid, leaving the fighting to everyone else, but unfortunately during an intimate moment, the werewolf lost control of his human side and the animal in him took over, causing him to bite the human.

  Fearing that he'd killed her he raced back out onto the battlefield to ask the other werewolves for help, and by some miracle they listened to him and rallied round. What made it even more amazing was that she didn't even really need the werewolves' help; the woman was fine. Actually what the bite had turned her into was a shapeshifter werewolf hybrid. She didn't have the shapeshifting abilities, but she was stronger, lived longer, and she could also carry her werewolf's babies.

  That made everyone stop and rethink, leading us to the situation we were in today. Now, everyone lived in harmony. Sure, there were segments of the planet occupied by each species, but mostly everyone was alright. I lived in a place where you only ever found humans, which was probably why my friends were so fascinated with the unknown. What they didn't seem to get was that our location would make it even more difficult for them to get what they wanted.

  The Council of Species was created to ensure that peace was kept for now, and it worked really well. There were representatives from each species to keep everything under control, but only certain people were chosen to go there.

  Charlotte shook my shoulders and smiled brightly at me. “What about you, Hattie? What did your test say?”

�Oh… dragon,” I lied, shutting down my computer screen so that she couldn't see I'd been doing homework rather than the stupid test. “Apparently I'm destined to marry a dragon.”

  “Ooh, dragons are the kinky ones,” she giggled, and everyone else pealed in laughter too. “It's always the quiet ones, isn't it?”

  As everyone around me discussed how I must have been the kinkiest of them all because I was so quiet, I went to my happy place in my mind. The place where my life was quiet and simple, where I didn't have a gaggle of silly girls around me. Maybe I was too mature for my age, maybe I was just boring; whatever the case I couldn't change who I was, so I embraced it instead.

  “Right,” I announced, standing up with a massive fake smile on my face. “I better go, my Grandma is waiting for me.” My parents had been killed in a car accident when I was only a baby, so my Grandma raised me, and she was all the family that I knew. Some of my friends thought that it was a strange living arrangement, but I loved it. My Grandma was a straight-talking bad ass lady who always gave me the best advice.

  It was because of her that I embraced the person I was.

  I left in a chorus of 'see you laters' and went to see the one person in the world that I felt truly got me. But the happiness that I felt from the ability to be myself zapped right from me as I saw her sitting at the dining room table with a grim expression on her face.

  Bad news, it had to be.

  I felt like losing my parents was enough loss for one lifetime. I wasn't sure that I actually needed more.

  “Grandma?” I asked curiously, moving to sit next to her. My heart was pounding in my chest and my hands shaking with nerves, but I forced myself to continue because I needed to know what was going on. “What's wrong?”

  She turned to me and gave me a look that nearly tore me apart. “Hattie, I have something to tell you,” she sighed deeply. “And this isn't going to be easy to hear.”


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