Six Flavours of Sin

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Six Flavours of Sin Page 21

by Poppet

Chapter 38


  You know what? I've just about had enough of this heathen's attitude for one lifetime. Seriously! Hurling back the duvet, I stomp to the phone and snatch the handset, punching Selene's number hard enough to jam the buttons.

  "I have to get out, now. Please can I stay at your place?"

  "So miracles do happen. Sure. My brother has a spare key and he's not working today. I'll get him to pick you up."

  "I owe you more than I can ever repay."

  "Seeing you leave that backwards prick is enough payment. See you later."



  "Ask Sinclaire if I can have my old job back?"

  "Yeah, okay."

  "I love you girlfriend."

  "I know. You owe me a roast chicken!" she says.



  "Bye," I hang up.

  Yanking on clothes, I bolt to the twenty-four hour service station on the corner, purchasing smokes and withdrawing some of my dwindling funds. Rather pleased with myself, I return to Gary's home to prepare for my exodus.

  Stalking into the kitchen I unearth the clean ashtrays, plonk myself down in the lounge, and light three. Smoking one, I then leave one in each of the other ashtrays to burn themselves out, with all the windows closed. Just call me Shirley. I Shirley will do everything you told me not to.

  Deliberately ashing on the tiles on my way to the fridge, I unpack all of the ciders into my cooler box. Rifling through the wine collection I help myself to half. Actually, fuck that. Feeling like a fishwife with a smoke dangling from my lip, I use both hands to unpack the wine rack into packets; they're coming with me. How can I celebrate freedom from slavery without enough booze for a frat party? He'll only waste this stuff seducing other victims so I may as well try and save them any way I can, starting with removing the ammunition from the corked shotgun.

  Systematically I help myself to supplies, including the chicken that Selene will have waiting for her with potatoes and all the trimmings when she gets home from work today. Only people who love me will get to eat my cooking from now on. My newly discovered malicious streak is tempting me to leave the freezer door open. I battle it for a few minutes while I get packed; eventually integrity wins and I close the blasted thing.

  With much pleasure I switch off the geyser. I wonder how long it will take him to figure out why there's no hot water? Giggle. I then take an entire box of tampons, unwrap them, and dump them one by one into his toilet. A little reminder of a woman scorned and messed with for the last time. Moving to my hairbrush I remove all of the long hair wrapped into it and stuff it into the shower outlet, running some cold water to secure it in there.

  While I wait for Selene's brother I sit and smoke another cigarette in the bedroom, on a deliberately unmade bed. Call me pathetic but I'm thoroughly enjoying this rebellion, which in my opinion is about three years overdue.

  It's a gorgeous day. The sky is such a perfect shade of periwinkle, not even a suggestion of a cloud anywhere, it seems such a waste smogging up Gary's passion pit for revenge. Grabbing my packed cases I wheel them outside and stack up everything else I'm taking with me. I bought the groceries, so I own them and they leave with me. Selene and I will at least eat well for a month.

  I need some retail therapy, a great night out, and some cold-hearted flirting. It dawns on me as I sit waiting on my suitcase, that for years I've followed the worst example set for me. My parents had an explosive marriage, the kind where my mom always lost the war. We lived in the trenches, self pity and hardship became comfortable blankets in that kind of environment.

  Jarred out of my reverie, a dude with shocking blond hair down to his chin touches my shoulder. I give him my 'drop dead asshole' glare.

  "You Stefanie?"

  Lordy, this can't be her brother, it's just not possible. "Yes."

  "I'm Lucas, Selene's brother."

  Okay, now I know Selene has never introduced us before. She likes to lead a life her family has no access to, which includes her friends. I also know that her brother is at least five years older, but I am telling you, this boy does not look five years older, and he's damn delicious eye bling. I offer him a hand, warming up from my Arctic freeze.

  "Stef. It's great to finally meet you." We shake on the introduction.

  "This your stuff?"

  No it's the neighbours, I'm just sitting it for her while she shags her boyfriend. "Um, yes."

  My final insult is flicking my cigarette butt into Gary's postbox. Oh I really do hope someone is witnessing this. I would love to see his face when he's told some hot man-popsicle picked me up and we drove off into a Doris Day morning, never to be heard from again. It would drive him to distraction trying to figure out how long I've been cheating on him with a new blonde-hot-sexilicious replacement.

  Trading up darling, this guy has a better view out his window. Actually, the car's a bit formal isn't it? A Volvo isn't exactly my idea of vogue. Haha! This may be even better, Gary can surmise I'm off to be a kept woman.

  Yes I know, my imagination is in full pantomime mode. Anyway, so I'm helping Lucas pack my stuff into this car with enough space to hide the entire mafia and their cement clad victims, the spaciousness just pings the hollow in my heart with a sad echo. My life doesn't even fill a car's boot. It's super nice when he opens my door for me, and oooh, look at that, a hand on my waist that lingered far too long to be appropriate. I grin at him and wonder if Selene will turn him into a eunuch if I encourage this.

  After securing my seat-belt, I lean back, stretch out my legs, and give Lucas a shy smile.

  "Sorry I took so long, my phone was on charge."

  You didn't take long at all. "No problem."

  Ten minutes later, thanks to the absence of traffic at this time of the morning, we stop outside Selene's home up on her Prince Charming hill. Joining Lucas with the unpacking I ask, "Do you live nearby?"

  He points up the hill, "End of the road."

  You have got to be kidding me! How is it that I've never known this? How often has he seen me and I've not even known he was here? I guess my face betrays me because he starts explaining.

  "I'm away on business a lot. Selene keeps an eye on the place for me. It was easier for me being closer to her for convenience."

  Well I can see a huge drawbridge lowering down waiting to be crossed. "Would you like to join us for dinner?"

  He stops with the key in his hand, pausing before pushing the door open, looking regretful, "I can't. I have a date."

  Oh right. Don't I just feel stupid. Of course you have a date. Heck, you probably have every weekend booked until the day you turn fifty.

  "Not a problem, I just thought I could repay your kindness."

  He pauses outside her kitchen where he deposits my cases, while I place the groceries on the kitchen counter, telling me, "Selene doesn't like me talking to her friends. You're kind of off limits."

  That sounds like Selene. She takes paranoia to Illuminati level. If he knew what I know about her she'd probably get locked up in her parent's basement until she's seventy-five.

  "That's cool." I'm trying to give the vibe that it's not any of my business and I don't want to get involved.

  "Anyway, if you need anything before she gets home, I'm at number twenty-four."

  I nod, feeling awkward, but offer him a smile,"Thanks a lot for rescuing me."

  He shrugs, stuffing a hand into his left front pocket, "That's what friends do." He shuffles the toe of a foot into the other, staring down, mumbling, "See you round." Looking up, for the first time I get a really good look into his eyes. They're clear and sensitive. It's so odd, but I get the impression that he's shy around me. "It was nice meeting you. I've heard a lot about you."

  Oh god! None of it can be good. "It was very nice meeting you too."

  He smiles. Perfect teeth, great skin, gentle light blue eyes that most Husky's wish they owned. How can they be so different? Her colouring is completely op
posite to his.

  I walk with him to the door, locking it behind him. Standing at the window I watch him drive away and pull into his garage farther up the road, the door closing behind him. He must have a door from there going into his house.

  Wow! I wish Selene had introduced me to him. But knowing me, she probably thought I'd be too wild for such a sweet guy. Sighing heavily, I go straight to the kitchen counter and unearth a bottle of red wine. I haven't had a drink in forever, and dammit, I'm fucking old enough to drink. I've lived with Gary's demented rules for so long, as if I was something to be controlled and restrained.

  Uncorking it, I pour half of the bottle into one of Selene's gigantic glasses. Picking up my smokes I walk back out the door, locking it behind me, walking around to the mountain to stare at her view. Settling myself on the same old pity rock, I lean back, letting the sun thaw the tundra inside me, rebelliously drinking red wine before noon on a work day, and lighting a smoke that makes my lungs ache.

  I'm sad. I'm angry. I'm also lost. I don't want to stay here with Selene, I want independence. I have to make that happen, but first I need employment. I'm starting all over again at the ripe old age of twenty-five. The problem is, I don't know if men can be trusted. Look at the carnage of my love-life. I've had a series of dismal failures. What does this say about me? Am I not worthy of love? Sighing heavily, I succumb to my emotions, fuelling the tears with sad memories. Will I ever find another Marty?

  Chapter 39

  Mr Smooshy

  I spent the afternoon cooking the perfect meal for the best friend any girl could wish for. Selene has rescued me from my mistakes more times than I can count.

  The drama merry-go-round with Gary is so old, she must be sick of it and sick of me being on it and always running to her. I've organised for my clothes to be delivered out of storage, but pretty much sold up everything else I owned to get money to take abroad with me.

  Somehow, I'll find a way to get back on my feet without breaking this friendship in the process. At least with my work clothes back in my closet, I'll be able to apply for real jobs that pay real money.

  Well hallelujah. Sinclaire gave me my old job back. I've decided men are bad news and have started wearing a wedding ring when I go out so the buggers will leave me alone. Selene is enjoying having me cooking in her house, and the wine, and Luke is off limits apparently. Just as well, we all know that good looking men spell disaster. Don't suppose you know where the ugly guys hang out? I was thinking that if I need someone to go to the movies with, or a wedding, it might be nice to have a plain old chap as back up.

  Oh, I forgot to tell you, Selene has a boyfriend. He's super dishy and nice. Seriously, this dude is an ex-personal trainer with broad shoulders and a wicked sense of humour. He gives me hope that there are men out there who aren't messed up, and who won't mess the woman they're with up either. His name is Zeke, and he's my hero.

  Weirdest turn of events. Zeke lives up the road and needs a room-mate to stay in his spare room so that his money can go further. Damn strange, but his new roomie is going to be me. I'm beginning to think that the top of this hill is the place to find sweet hotties hiding from the world. It's the best kept secret in Cape Town.

  Returning to work was like coming home after a year in the army. It was the best decision I made to swallow my pride and Gary-shame and get that employment back. Frank, James, Shayne, Julie, Michelle, Lindsay, Ted, Dianne, just everyone really, wanted to celebrate and return right back to where we left off.

  So guess who's going out to the Swinging Door tonight? Yep, you guessed right – me and Selene, Zeke and his friend Tom, and the gang from work. This gives me just two hours to go shopping after work to get myself a killer outfit. I'm planning on doing plenty of flirting, but this time my heart's staying out of it.

  Window shopping is fine. Even testing, like a free sample, or spraying a hint of perfume to decide if you like it, is okay. You didn't get that did you? Dancing, kissing, hugging, that's what I'm talking about, and of course accepting drinks is on the acceptable list, just no serious dating, not for a very long time; but, I don't think I'm ready for anyone new. Can't a girl just go out with her friends and not have to play the gender game?

  ...Pause ...

  … Play …

  I'm alive! What is it about dancing that is so life validating? I'm wearing boots and a strappy black dress to show off my new tramp stamp. Did I or did I not say, I Shirley will? My body, my life, Fuhquim! Anyway, so this is fun, not to mention the interested stares coming my way. My esteem is finding this good ego-medicine. My mojo is coming back.

  That does it. Relationships and me are like phosphorous and water, we don't mix well at all, therefore I deduce I will be a very happy single girl until I meet someone plain and sweet, about a hundred years from now. Right, so, would someone please tell that to Mr-Tall-and-Fabulous walking towards me.

  Deliberately I smooth my hair behind my shoulder with the hand wearing the fake wedding ring, currently on loan from Selene until I buy my own.


  I smile back. "Hi." He's been eying me out all night from the other side of the dance floor. And he's tall enough to see right over everyone's heads. How tall is that exactly? About six-foot-four? Dayam, go away, you are far too drool-worthy to be good for me.

  "I'm Richard."

  That would make him a Dick. It takes all of my self-control not to laugh in his face. "Shirley."

  Yes, you heard me, I don't want to know men hot enough to blister my lips with their eyes, thank-you-very-much. If he doesn't know my name we can't manifest an attachment.

  "Can I buy you a drink?"

  I offer him an apologetic smile, "No thanks." Waving finger in his face, "I'm married." And for the record I only take drinks from ugly boys and friends at this point.

  "That's too bad. He's one lucky guy."

  Bugger! How is it that a man can manage to snap the cartilage in your knees with one sentence and a strong chin combined with velcro soft brown eyes? I don't think mine can hold me up any longer. He seems so sweet. None of the usual arrogance or attitude coming off this dude at all.

  "Thanks," I reply, watching him turn and shrug sadly to his friends.

  Zeke walks over and does the 'my broad shoulders can protect my woman and her friends from anything' step in. Blocking my view of Mr Smooshy walking away.

  "Everything okay? He's not bothering you is he?"

  Aw, how sweet is Zeke? Okay, hang on a sec! Where did all the nice men come from? Why now? Why, when I want to hate every single last one of you, do I suddenly have a Zeke and a James watching my back. Oh and look, Zeke's back-up in the form of Tom has just arrived on my other side. Two personal trainers with the muscles to prove it. I feel famous, as if this is my bouncer squad. Tom glares over to where I can't see Mr Smooshy, also known as Dick. Waaaahahahaha.

  "I'm fine, thanks." I reassure the goon squad. I'm not used to being protected, I'm used to being stomped on.

  Tom offers me a businesslike smile, "Need a drink?"

  Well now that you mention it, "Yes please."

  As Tom moves away, attaching himself to my elbow and carving a path through the dance floor to lead me with him to the bar, I catch Richard's stare. He points at Tom and mouths, "Is that your husband?"

  I shake my head in response, smiling at the guy's balls. They put Texas to shame they're so big. Do men not care that you're married? Or am I just a really bad liar?

  Hours later, I'm tired and sitting upstairs watching my friends still dancing. Quietly having a smoke with my feet propped on the bars that make up the railing overlooking the dance floor, when heat arrives next to me, and Mr Smooshy sits down next to me with his drink, which is a Coke and something.

  Glancing at him, I'm stuck in his velcro eyes again. One look and you're burred. You can't look away.

  "Shirley ..."


  "How come your friends call you Stef?"

  "It's an inside joke." Finally I unhoo
k my gaze and stare back at my friends, wondering if I'm going to need help. Where's James?

  "How long have you been married?"

  Um, fuck. That's a good question. "A while." I can do this. Play it by ear.

  "You used to come here all the time."

  Ow, I think I just pulled the tendon in my neck when I Linda Blaire'd him with that comment.

  "Yes, I used to."

  "I was chuffed to catch you tonight. I've been working up the courage to talk to you for about two years."

  No fucking way! "Oh really? Why?" I mean, come on, am I that scary?

  "Hot girls make me nervous."

  Oh, so I'm hot am I? Are you kidding me? You're bloody walking chocolate and you think I'm hot? Girls probably stalk you.

  "You're much too kind," I say. What an overused saying, but he's obviously forgotten to wear his contacts tonight.

  "Pity you left and got married."

  Okay, now I'm staring. He seems really sincere and all heartbroken. His expression would look good on a "I'm so sorry I fucked up" card from Hallmark.

  Your timing really sucks, Dick. Pfffft! I'm going to laugh again. Don't laugh! You can't laugh when he's just stuck his vulnerabilities out far enough for the entire club to notice. He's actually totally adorable. Fuck it, you know, maybe this is the universe finally taking pity on my sorry ass.

  "I'm not married, I just wear it so guys will leave me alone."

  Oh crap. He looks like I slapped him twice and kneed him in the nuts.

  "God. I'm doomed." He runs a hand through his short brown hair as he ducks his head to stare at his foot propped next to mine. Standing, he backs away as he says, "I'm sorry I bothered you."

  And he backs straight into Tom. Tom gives him the second bouncer glare of the night. Richard shoots me another, 'Would you mind explaining who this guy is?' stare, before disappearing into the black hole that is the stairwell going downstairs.


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