Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2)

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Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2) Page 6

by Valerie Twombly

  She tilted her head. “Did Jenna mess with you that much?”

  “This has nothing to do with her. I have my reasons.” Because everyone he cared about died. He was protecting his heart as well as hers.

  She seemed to contemplate then a grin unfolded, and her eyes became pools of dark desire. “Derrick Taylor, I can keep my heart to myself, so if you want to be fuck buddies, I’m all in.”

  He laughed. “You’re a unique woman, there’s no doubt about that. We can scratch an itch, no feelings to get in the way?”

  “Absolutely. Can we start now?”

  “Darlin’, I thought you’d never ask.” He took her hand and led her up the steps and into the house. Once through the side door, he barely kicked it shut before he had her pinned against the wall, his mouth on hers.

  She responded by reaching for him. Her fingers pressed against his erection through his shorts, which were now painfully tight. He had to strip her. Get inside her before he lost his mind. Breaking the kiss, he grabbed the hem of her tank top and slowly exposed her skin. When he reached her breasts, confirmation was clear. She wore no bra.

  “Did you intentionally come here today to tease me?”

  She batted thick black lashes that made her round brown eyes speak of innocence. He knew better. This female was anything but.

  “I would never dream of teasing you.” Swollen lips curved into a seductive smile.

  Halee had not intended to tease Derrick. Didn’t have plans to seduce him until she was in the shower this morning. Thoughts of their night together and the kiss the other night slammed into her, along with a desire so strong it unsettled her. She had never wanted a man more. Why him? She had finally concluded the answer was simple.

  He was an escape from her reality. With him she could check out and he wouldn’t judge her. Wouldn’t try to convince her to do something that wasn’t in her heart. He was simply Derrick and he would give her whatever she wanted, no questions asked. No strings either and that had appealed to her. Maybe she could finally get this man out of her system then move on.

  So, yes. She had come today hoping to stir up his desires, but she had also been willing to walk away if he had changed his mind.

  His mouth, wet and filled with intense heat, blazed a trail between her breasts. He teased. Closed in on a nipple yet avoided it and left her with an intense hunger. She tugged on his hair. Thick dark silky locks she loved digging her fingers into.

  She tipped her head back, arching her body in an attempt to offer more of herself to him. “God, you make my body feel like I’m inside an inferno.”

  “Are you burning alive, Halee?” he whispered into her ear. He tossed her top into the air. Where it landed, she didn’t give a shit.


  He slipped his fingers between the band of her shorts and her skin, causing her to burn more. Before she could take her next breath, he had stripped her bare. The blue in his eyes deepened as he drank her in.

  “You are perfection.” He kissed one nipple. “Sweet.” Kissed the other. “Beautiful.” Kissed his way to her belly. “Perfection.” He slid a finger through her folds, eliciting a moan.

  “And you’re a tease.” She could scarcely breathe. Her body was strung so tight.

  He chuckled then swept her off her feet. Carried her past the kitchen table. Up a flight of stairs and into his bedroom. He tossed her on a king-size bed across from an expansive set of windows overlooking the lake. However, her gaze was pulled to him as he lifted his shirt over his head. Halee knew he was fit, but in the sunlight every ridge of hard muscle taunted her. Made her fingers ache to trace those firm lines. Her tongue wanted to glide along his skin.

  “You’re not bad yourself, Derrick Taylor. If I didn’t know better, I might think you were a shifter after all.”

  He pushed his shorts down and released his thick, hard erection. She licked her lips.

  “I’m far from perfect, but thanks for the ego boost.” He lifted her leg and kissed her calf then up her thigh, until he reached the part of her that burned most.

  She hissed when he blew hot breath between her thighs then kissed his way down her other leg. “I hate you right now.”

  “What’s the matter, darlin’?” He looked up between her parted legs; his grin gave her the shivers. She was in some serious trouble.

  “You know damn well.” She tried to raise her hips closer to him, but he had her pinned to the bed.

  “Well, the way I figure it, I need to take it slow and savor my time with you.” He bent and licked the small expanse of flesh between her thigh and her sex, causing a throbbing so intense she was sure she would explode the instant his mouth covered her. When he repeated his torture on the other side, her muscles went rigid. Her back arched as she dug her fingers into the covers.

  “Bastard,” she whispered.

  He chuckled and then his tongue was flicking across her burning flesh. Her head spun, or was it the room? She had no idea, but her orgasm lingered in the distance. Threatened to destroy her as she teetered on a sharp edge. His mouth worked her until she was certain she would lose her mind, yet he kept her release just out of reach. Two fingers slid inside her as his tongue swirled over her bundle of nerves.

  That was it.

  The world beneath her shattered as the most intense pleasure racked her body. Stroked every nerve until she cried his name, begging for mercy.

  Yes, she was in serious trouble because this man was quickly becoming an addiction. He was about to ruin her, and no other man would ever compare.

  Derrick loved the taste of Halee on his tongue. The woman was fire and passion, and it was all he could do to keep himself in check. The look of bliss on her face had been put there by him, and he’d enjoyed every second of it. As he slid up her body, between her thighs, she fisted his cock and guided him to her.

  “Wait. Condom,” he managed.

  “I’m safe and I can’t get pregnant right now. I want to feel you without a barrier.”

  Who was he to argue? He wanted to feel her as well. Pressing against her hot flesh, he slid all the way to his balls. Their moans filled the air and he gripped her ankles, lifting her legs so he could drive deeper. He claimed her. Fought to remain in control. He wanted this moment to last for as long as possible. The last time they were together had been a night of wild abandon. Now, he could savor her. She would be his for two weeks, and then he would let her go. They would both move on with their lives.

  Halee raked her nails along his thighs then dug in, urging him to move faster. Her sex tightened around him as she exploded into another orgasm. Damn, he wanted to go slow but it wasn’t happening. Thrusting harder, his own release grew closer. The muscles in his thighs tightened, and his entire body went rigid as his orgasm slammed into him. When the last of his tremors subsided, he opened his eyes to stare down at her, releasing the grip on her legs.

  “You okay?” Damn, he hoped his grip didn’t leave a bruise.

  She smiled. “There’s that gentleman. I’m perfect, thank you.”

  “Yes, you are.” He rolled to his side, pulling free of her warmth then headed for the bathroom. Running water until it was warm, he wet a cloth then carried it back to her. “For you.” He gently laid it across her sex.

  “You’re going to spoil me,” she stated, rolling from the bed and heading to the bathroom.

  “A woman deserves respect,” he called after her, pulling his shorts back on. When she emerged, he couldn’t help smiling at the glow that kissed her skin.

  “Even a girl who’s only here to fuck you?”

  “Especially her.” He jerked his head. “I’ll go fetch your clothes. Be right back.”



  “Ella, thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.” The younger granddaughter of Maddie and Stan Johnson had lifted a huge burden off Halee. Sure, she had others who volunteered to help with the fundraiser, but this girl had not only made a ton of cookies for the bake sale but had singl
e-handedly filled balloons then decorated the property with them and colorful ribbons. She also helped Bella with the signs and proved she was an artistic talent.

  “I was happy to help. It’s such a worthy cause.” The girl shrugged. “Besides, I like Derrick. He’s a nice guy and you two make a cute couple.”

  Halee’s spine stiffened. “Oh, we’re not a couple. What gave you that idea?”

  Maybe she saw us kissing? Oh hell.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I just assumed, I guess.”

  Halee offered a smile hoping to cover her panic. “We’re just co-workers and friends.” Right. A friend who is already counting the hours until you can be with him again. Is two weeks going to be enough?

  “People are starting to arrive,” Derrick wandered over from where he had been helping get the rowboats lined up and ready to go. “I’m ready to kick some ass.” The gleam in his eye was almost evil, and it caused Halee to laugh.

  “I think we stand a good chance of sending Station One home with their tails between their legs and getting that trophy,” she replied, turning to Ella. “Can you help oversee ticket taking?”

  “Absolutely!” Ella ran off toward the entrance.

  “She’s a good kid,” Derrick commented.

  “One who has a serious crush on you.” Halee smirked.

  “What? You’re loco.” He shook his head and started to head for the lake. Halee was hot on his heels.

  “I know when a girl has a crush. Her eyes light up when you get near her.”

  “That means nothin’,” he shot back.

  “Her heart rate increases.”

  He stopped and looked at her. “I forget you’re not like me.”

  “You mean I’m not human. Thanks for the reminder.” Halee continued into the thicket of trees, but Derrick grabbed her arm, stopping her.

  “I’m not sure what I said, but I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  Now she felt like an ass. Because you are an ass.

  “Sorry. You did nothing wrong. I sometimes wish I was human, then life would be so much simpler.”

  “Embrace who and what you are, Halee. But most of all, don’t let others run your life for you. Always pursue your dreams.”

  If only it were so easy for her. “You’re right. Let’s go kick some ass.” She missed her mother, perhaps it was time to call and have a chat. The matriarch of their family would want to know her daughter was feeling overwhelmed and confused.

  Three hours into the fundraiser, Derrick was having a hard time taking his eyes off Halee wearing a pair of shorts and a bikini top. He hardly noticed the words she shouted at him as he rowed.

  “They are going to catch up!”

  “Bullshit,” he yelled back and pushed his muscles harder as he rowed around the island that had been designated the mid-point. From here, they were to make their way back to the beach. He took his eyes off his captain to look around her at the competition. He still had a good lead, but if he didn’t keep up his pace, he would soon lose it.

  “You’re slacking, Taylor,” she bit out.

  “I think you’re enjoying this bossing bit a little too much.”

  “I am the team captain.” She crossed her arms, blocking the view of her cleavage.

  “I was rather enjoying that view,” he retorted. The shoreline was growing closer and the crowd of people cheering on the beach grew.

  Halee’s mouth dropped. “Maybe if you would stop ogling my chest, Station One wouldn’t be gaining on us.”

  “Perhaps you shouldn’t put them out there for men to look at.” He fought the smirk threatening to make an appearance when her face went tight.

  “You’re an ass.”

  “I highly agree.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “And soon to be a loser.”

  “You want to win that bad, Halee?”

  “I hate losing. Remember, I have two older siblings who were always trying to best me.” The lines on her face softened. “I want the station to get the trophy this year. We’ve lost the past three years.”

  He stopped rowing.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Remember, this is for the team.” He swept Halee off her feet, tossed her into the lake then picked up his oars and began rowing. Her head popped up and he swore steam rose from the water’s surface.

  “You asshole! What the hell!” she sputtered.

  This time he couldn’t help laughing. “It’s for the team, darlin’,” he shouted and proceeded to row to shore, taking the victory and the damn trophy she wanted so badly. As he pulled the boat across the sand, Kadin strode in beside him.

  “You tossed my sister overboard.”

  Shit, was the chief going to kick his ass? “She was bitchin’ how she wanted to win. I simply lightened my load.”

  Kadin’s lips curled into a grin then he burst into laughter, slapping Derrick on the back. “Taylor, I think you’re the first man besides myself and Gaelen who has dared stand up to her. You are going to fit in just fine.” Just then Halee came sputtering to shore, the glare she shot at both men was enough to make them shift uneasily. Derrick for more than one reason though. Water sluiced down Halee’s tanned skin. Her nipples hardened into the fabric of her bright pink bikini, and her hair had come undone from its ponytail, tendrils clung to her face.

  Damn, she was a sight.

  “You think your sister being tossed overboard is funny?” She aimed her ire at Kadin.

  “I understand you wanted to win. I admire Derrick’s ingenuity.”

  Her mouth twitched then curled into a smile that would melt any man. “It was pretty good.” She pulled her shoulders back and lifted her chin. “While I’m happy we won, I will be looking to pay you back when you least expect it, Derrick Taylor.” Then she stormed off to claim her victory.

  “Yep, you’d best watch your back, my man. My sister never forgets a payback owed.” Kadin laid his hand on Derrick’s shoulder. “Let’s go check out our new trophy.”

  The men wandered to where the crowd of firefighters had gathered, and Derrick had a sudden pang of guilt. He liked Kadin and the fact he was screwing the guy’s sister didn’t sit well. What if Derrick had a sister and one of the guys on his crew was messing around with her? How would he feel about it? Sure, it wouldn’t be any of his business, but he knew he would feel betrayed. Derrick would have to talk to Halee about this situation.

  Halee made her way to the shower, her balance a bit off, but she shrugged and attributed it to the fact that it had been months since she had shifted and flown. Her body had done this before when she had neglected her dragon half. It was easy to get caught up in life and forget what she truly was. Letting the water slide over tired muscles, she made a promise to herself after this shift she would head into seclusion, so she could fly. Maybe Gaelen would want to join her. It was always nicer to have company. They could fly into Canada where they were more accepted. For some reason, people here in the States were still a bit skittish regarding shifters, even though her kind had come out publicly years ago.

  Finishing her shower, she hurried to get dressed so she could grab a coffee before heading in for her shift. A ringing of bells brought her attention to her cell phone. When she picked it up she noticed a text from Derrick.

  Hey, Halee. Look, we need to talk.

  She chewed her lip and wondered what was up. Was he worried about the other day when he’d thrown her in the drink? Didn’t seem likely. Derrick wasn’t the type who worried about such things. She typed back...

  Be in shortly. Stopping for coffee. Want some?

  No thanks. Am good.

  She shoved her phone in her pocket and headed out the door when an idea came to her. Sliding behind the wheel, she pulled her phone back out and texted. Go with me after our shift. I know a private place to talk. Starting the truck, she waited for his reply and wondered why she had decided to share this with him.

  Sounds good. See u in a bit.

  Halee shoved the truck into gear and backed out of the garage,
heading to the coffee shop before she started her shift. Coffee in hand and a few minutes to spare, she walked the parking lot and made her way to the building out back. The overhead doors were open, and Mason waved to her.

  “Morning, Halee. Had a small fire up along the border yesterday.”

  “Morning, Mason. Did you guys get it under control? Looks like you’re about to head back out.” He was busy loading saws and other equipment into the truck.

  “Yeah, we have some clearing to do.”

  She gave a nod and sipped her coffee. “So, I wanted to tell you that I’m seeing someone.”

  He put down his tools and gave her his full attention. “Is it serious?”

  “Nah. Just scratching an itch.” But she was beginning to wonder if it was more than that.

  He gave a nod then opened a box on the side of the truck. “Well that’s understandable. Best to get other men out of your system now. Can I ask who?”

  She bit her lip. “It’s not serious, so I see no reason to say.”

  “I get that. As long as he treats you well. No matter what happens or doesn’t between us, you’re my best friend’s little sister.” He offered a smile. “Kind of like my own sister.”

  That’s when it finally hit her. Why she had no physical attraction to Mason. He was more like a brother to her. She gave a quick glance at her phone, checking the time. Still had a few minutes before she had to report in. “Mason, do you realize what you just said?”

  Again, he stopped and gave his full attention. “That you’re my best friend’s sister?”

  She shook her head. “No, that I’m like your sister.”

  “Yeah, well I’ve known you since you were a babe.”

  She sighed. “We can’t mate, Mason. We think of each other like siblings. Did Kadin guilt you into all of this?” She’d never thought of it but now it made sense.

  A flash of guilt passed through his eyes. “He suggested it and it made sense. After all, we know each other well.”


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