Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2)

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Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2) Page 11

by Valerie Twombly

  “Really? You guys have an odd way of showing it.”

  “Kadin’s overbearing and bossy. He can’t help it.” Just then Kadin reached out and smacked his brother on the back of the head.

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  Gaelen arched a brow. “See.”

  “Look. I love my sister”—Kadin glared at his younger brother—“and most times this bastard here. If you are what she wants, then I’m not one to stand in her way. Just get your shit together.”

  “Excuse me?” Derrick shifted in his seat.

  “I’m old as fuck and I sense the turmoil in you. You need to control it before it eats you alive.” He shook his head. “You’re human and life is so short for your species. Grab it and live it to the fullest. Don’t waste a precious second.”

  “How fuckin’ old are you?” Derrick asked.

  “A few hundred years.” He shrugged. “Maybe five.”

  Derrick scrubbed his palm over his face. “Damn.”

  Gaelen laughed. “Wait until you meet our father, which you will cuz he is here visiting.”

  Derrick was certain the color drained from his face because both men laughed. “What made you change your mind? Last I knew you were pressuring Halee to mate with Mason.” He pointed his question at Kadin.

  The man slumped into his chair, defeat etched lines on his face. “I’ve only seen my sister cry a handful of times, and I was the cause of one of those. It shattered me to think I reduced such a proud happy woman to that.”

  Derrick clenched his fists. “You made her cry? You are a fucking dick.”

  “Yes, I am. Now, go. Chance has been looking for you. Something about the toilets,” Kadin said.

  “Son of a bitch.” Derrick rose from his seat, exiting the room as both men chortled behind him.

  Halee walked through the halls of the home her parents used when in town. The vast log house had been closed off since they had left, only staff keeping it going until they returned. Halee didn’t know why her father insisted on keeping this monstrosity since they no longer lived in Minnesota.

  Her father would be in his office, so she knocked on the wood door and waited for him to respond.

  “Come in, daughter.” Of course, he knew it was her. The man was ancient. At least a few thousand years old. She punched open the door and stepped in.


  He rose and moved from behind his desk. Her father reminded her of Kadin. Same piercing blue eyes, but they held a world of knowledge and gentleness. Something her brother still needed to work on.

  “How is my baby girl?” His arms were spread, and she walked into them for a comforting embrace. She had missed this man dearly.

  “I’m fine. I expected you would call me rather than jet all the way home.”

  He set her back and looked her over. “I had an urge to lay my eyes on my offspring. My children need me, and I come. You don’t wish to see your father?”

  She kissed his cheek. “Always. Where’s mother?”

  “Shopping. She expects her children at the dinner table tonight.”

  “I’ll be here as I’m sure the others will as well.”

  He ushered her to a seat on the black leather couch across the room. “What bothers my eldest daughter?”

  “I better start from the beginning.” She launched into how Kadin had been pressuring her to mate with Mason to her rebellion and one-night stand––to which her father raised his brow but never spoke––to her current situation, leaving nothing out.

  After catching her breath, she said, “I took Derrick with me when I last shifted and flew. I was able to talk to him telepathically. I know halflings can sometimes communicate with humans and shifters.” She figured this was because halflings were caught between two worlds. Neither fully shifter or fully human.

  “You are certain of this?”

  “Of course. What does it mean?”

  “Bring this Derrick to dinner tonight. I shall like to meet him.”

  “Father––”caution edged her voice––“you don’t plan to do anything to harm him, do you?”

  “I am not a beast, Halee. I merely want to meet the man who has captured my daughter’s eye.”

  She knew there was no getting out of this and trusted her father would keep his word. “You have yet to answer my question.”

  “It’s simple. Somewhere in your Derrick’s ancestry there is a shifter.”

  Her mouth dropped open and she slammed it shut. “No way.”

  “It is the only way you could connect with him.”

  She moved in her seat, causing the leather to squeak. “Could that link go both ways?”

  He lifted a big shoulder. “The chances are slim that he has any hint of our abilities. However, he could be a potential mate, and then you would have that connection.” He held up his hand. “Not that a human male couldn’t be as well, but he would be more compatible.”

  “Are you siding with Kadin?”

  “Never. I wish my children love and happiness like your mother and I have.”

  She bit her lip. “Can we not mention any of this to Derrick just yet? The man has enough to deal with.” Derrick would have to be told, but she needed be the one to do it. Gently, because she had no idea how he would receive this news.

  “As you wish.”

  Derrick had shifter blood in him. Was that why she had such a sudden and intense attraction to him? What did this mean for them, and did it matter? Halee wanted to think this wasn’t a game changer in any way. She had to trust the man she was falling for would not walk away. Because yes, as hard as she tried to keep her heart out of this, that damn beating thing had finally decided what it wanted.


  Derrick found Chance hovering in the doorway leading outside. “Bro, did you finish your chores?”

  He squinted from the sun streaming in. “Are you who I thank for those streak marks in every fucking toilet?”

  “No idea what you’re talking about. I’m starving though, so let’s go to breakfast. We can take the squad.”

  “I’m sure you are starving. I think you shit your brains out.” He shook his head. “Let’s go.” They made their way to their rig and jumped in.

  Chance drove them the five blocks to the local diner. Once inside, they grabbed a booth and settled in.

  “So, I hear you’re banging the chief and captain’s sister. Tsk, tsk. You must have a death wish.”

  Derrick looked up from his menu. “How long did it take for this news to travel?”

  He tapped his fingers to his right ear. “I have excellent hearing. I don’t think anyone else knows. Yet.”

  “You’ll be sure to tell them though.” Derrick turned over his mug for coffee.

  “Fucking-A. This is a bet in the making.” Chance waved his hand in the air. “How long before Taylor’s head rolls across the parking lot.” He grinned. “I have confidence in you. I give you a month.”

  “You’re a bastard.”

  “Hi ya, Chance.” Their waitress sidled up to their booth. “Derrick, Chance giving you a hard time?”


  “Hey, I’m nothing but nice.” Chance pretended at being offended.

  Hope laughed. “You are indeed, nice. What can I get you two?” She poured coffee in both of their cups.

  “Eggs over easy, bacon, hash browns, and rye toast.” Derrick slipped his menu back into the holder.

  “My usual, Hope.”

  She scratched on her pad. “You doing the bachelor auction this year, Derrick?”

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “Ask Chance. He raises the most money every year.” Her grin went ear to ear. “I’ll put your order in.” She walked away.

  Derrick stared at Chance. “Well?”

  “Well what? Now that you’re dating baby sister there will be no auction for you.” He sipped his coffee. “All the eligible bachelors in the firehouse auction themselves off on a date. The money goes toward Christmas for the kids whose par
ents can’t afford it.”

  “When do you guys do this?”

  “Early November, so we have time to shop before the holiday.” Chance leaned back and buffed his knuckles on his chest. “Why, you want to bid on a date with me?” He held up his palm. “I don’t roll that way, but I’m sure we can work out something.”

  Derrick broke into laughter and shook his head. “I’ll pass, but thanks for the offer.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  A few minutes later, their breakfast showed up, and he stared in amazement as Hope set eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, pancakes, and an omelet in front of Chance.

  “Holy fuck, you are really going to eat all that?”

  “I’m a growing boy, what can I say.” Chance sprinkled pepper on his food then dug in. The man was an eating machine, that was for sure. Derrick just shook his head then dug into his own breakfast.

  After the two finished, Hope wandered over. “You two handsome men want anything else?” She was staring at Chance and biting her lower lip.

  “Just give my man across the table the check, baby doll,” Chance said.

  “Of course, I’ll pay. It’s not like you invited me to breakfast or anything.” Derrick pulled out his wallet and dug out two twenties. “Keep the change. You deserve it for putting up with his ass.”

  Hope smiled. “Enjoy your day, guys.” Then went on to help other customers.

  “You two have a thing going?” he asked Chance as they headed out the door.

  “What? No. Why do you ask?”

  Once they were inside the squad and buckled up, he replied. “She likes you.”

  “Hope likes everyone.” Chance started the rig.

  “Are you fuckin’ blind? No, dude she likes you.”

  Chance looked over at him. “Bro, she is not my type. Pretty girl, but Hope is the type of woman who wants marriage and a white picket fence. Can you seriously see me behind a fence?”

  Derrick snorted. “A cage, perhaps.”

  Chance narrowed his gaze. “Hope is a nice girl, but I’m a one and done kinda guy, and it wouldn’t be fair to her. Too many women out there who want a piece of ole’ Chance here.”


  “We’d better head back. I feel the urge to hit the head.”

  “Son of a bitch.”

  Chance only responded with a manic laugh.

  Halee held Derrick’s hand as she led him to the dining room. “Are you nervous? I sense you are?”

  “Damn straight. I’m about to meet your father. A very old shifter who, from what Kadin says, will likely tear my head off.”

  “My brother exaggerates. You’ll like my parents, especially my mother. She can’t wait to meet you.”

  They entered the dining room. Her mother flitted around the table, adjusting a napkin here and a silver fork there. Her hair was swept up, exposing her long neck and accentuating high cheekbones. She had dressed in a midnight blue sheath and a pair of heels. Sometimes Halee had a hard time believing this woman was her mother and had born four children. The eldest of which was five hundred. Her mother didn’t look a day over thirty. The day her father had begged the love of his life to wed him. Once they were mated, his life force extended to hers, making time stand still.

  On the way here, she had reminded Derrick that her mother was human. She held no special power. Couldn’t shift, but she shared her mate’s strength and longevity. Her mother was no longer susceptible to human disease. Would heal any wounds as quickly as her mate. And, should anything ever happen to her that was life threatening, Halee’s father had the power to pull his mate from the brink of death.

  “You mean like Connor did with Jenna?” he’d asked on the drive up.

  “Yeah, though Connor and Jenna were not mated yet.” She’d gone on to explain how Connor, with a combination of magic and sheer determination, and of course a dragon’s tear, pulled Jenna back from death. “Our magic can be very powerful, especially in the older shifters. It’s asinine that the elders still uphold many of the old rules. Like shifting or using magic in front of humans. We could save so many more lives.”

  “I like that you share your world with me, Halee.”

  In that moment she wanted to share so much more with him. Her world was also part of his, and maybe he would take the fact that he had a dragon in his family tree better than she originally expected.

  Her mother looked up from the table, eyes lit up with joy. “Daughter!” She rushed around a chair and straight to Halee, arms encircling her and pulling her into a tight parental hug. Halee smiled as childhood memories swarmed her. The scent of an ocean breeze and sunshine. Her mother always smelled like home.

  Derrick had been shocked at how young Halee’s mother appeared. When the two finally pulled away from each other, Halee turned to him. “Mother, this is Derrick. Derrick, my mom Briana.”

  Briana smiled and pulled Derrick into a hug, kissing him on the cheek. “Welcome, Derrick. I am so happy you could join us.”

  “Thank you, ma’am. I must say, I can see where Halee and Isabella get their beauty from.”

  A soft blush crossed her cheeks. “Why thank you. You’re so kind.” She looped her arm around his. “My daughter has chosen well. Come, everyone else is in the library having a drink.” She led them into a vast room filled with books where Kadin, Gaelen, and Bella were busy talking to a taller version of Kadin. A pair of ocean blue eyes pinned a gaze on Derrick, and he swore the man could see right into his soul. Perhaps he could. After all, hadn’t Halee said her father was closing in on a few thousand years old. What must it be like to live that long? The man must have seen so much and now he was walking to them, his hand extended.

  “You must be Derrick. I’m Cearul.”

  Derrick shook his hand. The man held a firm grip but didn’t try to break his fingers. A good sign. “Nice to meet you, sir. Thank you for inviting me to your home.”

  “You are welcome. My daughter didn’t tell me you were from the south. What part?”

  “Dallas, Texas.”

  Cearul gave a slight nod. “We have a district council in Dallas. I’ve been there many times over the years. What brought you so far north?” He led Derrick across the room to a side table. “Whiskey? I brought it back from Ireland.”

  “I’d love to try some.” Derrick watched as the man––who looked not much older than himself––poured the amber liquid into a crystal tumbler then held it out.

  “Thanks.” He took a sip. Sweet caramel with a hint of citrus hit his tongue, and he was surprised at its smoothness.

  Cearul studied him. “What do you think?”

  “It’s excellent. I’ve always been more of a beer drinker, but I really like this.”

  “Glad you like it. I have an extra bottle you can take home. A gift from our homeland.”

  “That’s very kind. Thank you.”

  “Dinner is almost ready. Shall we adjourn to the dining room?” Briana asked.

  “My lovely wife says we should eat.” He leaned closer. “Never keep your lady waiting. It distresses them, which makes us unhappy as males.” He winked then walked away to escort Halee’s mother from the room.

  Derrick followed, Halee on his arm. “What do you think of my parents?” she whispered.

  “They seem very nice.” No one had threatened to devour him. Yet.

  The meal consisted of several courses. From a chopped salad one could almost consider a main dish to a thick ribeye seared to perfection with a lobster tail drenched in lemon butter. By the time they got to dessert, Derrick thought he would explode. When the plate was set in front of him, he just stared at it. Thankfully, Halee leaned closer.

  “No one will be offended if you don’t eat it. Shifters need a much higher calorie intake.” She jerked her head at her sister across the table. “If you noticed, Bella only ate half her food. She always saves room for dessert.”

  “Oh, thank God.”

  When the table was finally cleared, Cearul rose from his seat. “I thi
nk it’s time for a beer. Men, care to join me on the deck? The ladies can chat over their wine.”

  It had been a long evening, but finally Derrick and Halee were in the truck heading back to her place. She fidgeted with the hem of her dress. “Did you have a good time?”

  “Actually, yes. I like your parents. Not at all what I expected.”

  “I’m glad. They seemed to like you as well.”

  “Would it have mattered if they hadn’t?”

  “No, but it makes me happy that they do.” It also made her life much easier.

  “You know, we still haven’t had that date yet.” He reached across the seat and claimed her hand. “How about dinner Friday night?”

  There was no stopping the smile on her lips. “This official date is important to you, isn’t it?”

  “Think about it, we’ve only slept together. You want to give this thing between us a chance, then we do what normal couples do.”

  She laughed. “Are you saying we’re not normal?”

  He pulled into her driveway and shut off the truck. “I’ve never dated a woman who could shift into a flying beast. I think normal is not a term I’d use to describe our relationship.”

  “Beast, huh?” She punched his arm. “I should be offended, but I think you meant that in a nice way.”

  He leaned so close his breath brushed her cheek. “In the nicest of ways.” He kissed the corner of her mouth, causing her to gasp. Her entire body heated from that one little brush of his lips. She needed to talk to him before they got lost in their desires. He deserved to know about his possible heritage before they went any further.

  “Derrick, I need to tell you something.”

  He leaned away. “Sounds serious.”

  “Not really, I just think it’s important you know.”

  “Okay. Do we discuss this in your driveway or inside?”

  “Inside. I’m hoping you’ll stay tonight.” She reached for her handle, but before she could get out he was helping her.

  “Will what you have to say impact my decision to do so?” He took her hand and walked her to the door.


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