Don't Judge a Book

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Don't Judge a Book Page 3

by Suzanne Steele

  “If you think this excites you, wait until I spank that little ass of yours later.”

  He was still rubbing my nipple with the pad of his thumb while he stared into my face.

  “You be a good little girl and go home.”

  “I need my job,” I whimpered.

  “Now young lady, you go home and I will come by after work to give you that spanking I still owe you. And then we will discuss your employment.”

  I jumped up as fast as I could almost hitting my head on the desk trying to get out of his office before he changed his mind.

  As soon as my hand hit the door to open it his voice cut through the air. “I know that you’re soaked, but don’t you dare touch yourself.”

  “I will know if you do Angel and if you disobey me there will be no job. Maybe, if you are a good little girl I can help you with that later, after you’ve been disciplined of course.”

  Hearing him chuckle as I went out the door and the ringing in my ears from the embarrassment that this man had just caused me was humiliating. I hated him, yet I was wetter than I could ever remember being.

  Bastard, I hate you!

  I raced towards the elevator with my head down, trying to insure that I wouldn’t run into anyone before I reached the safety of my car.

  Bill leaned back in his chair. Finally Angel had come to her senses. He pushed down on the bulge in his pants that had now become a dull throbbing ache. He needed to fuck her. From the moment that he had laid eyes on her he could think of nothing but being buried and sheathed in her tight wet opening.

  It was all just too delicious. Watching the confusion on her face as she tried to process why her body was reacting to my demeaning treatment of her. Oh yes, this was going to be fun. And I planned on milking it for all that it was worth.


  I went home and threw on boy shorts and a white t-shirt and did what I always do when I’m stressed—I cleaned my house.

  I turned up the music and danced around cleaning for the next few hours.

  I looked at the clock as I put away my cleaning materials and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. It was six and Billy boy still wasn’t here, maybe he wouldn’t come.

  I felt a mixture of elation and terror at the thought. I was elated that I could avoid dealing with the humiliation he caused me and terrified at the thought of being unemployed.

  I had worked so hard to not have to be dependent on a man. In the matter of only a month Bill had shattered my control over my career.

  I just kept telling myself that if I could just get past this spanking everything would be back to normal. For some reason I couldn’t shake the foreboding feeling that Bill Covington was just getting started.

  Right as I finished freshening up the doorbell rang. I mustered up all the courage I could and made my way to the door.

  I opened the door to view Bill standing there in a blue plaid snap up cotton shirt, with boots and faded jeans that fit him just right. His tousled brown locks and intense blue eyes were hard to ignore. There was no denying this guy was hot—he was gorgeous.

  I’m sure you could have any woman you want, but no you have to mind-fuck me.

  His tousled curly copper hair and striking blue eyes were not going to be enough to change my mood towards him. As far as I was concerned he was a manipulative little shit who would stop at nothing to get his way.

  “I see that you dressed for the occasion,” I sarcastically stated as I walked away.

  I never saw it coming. Once moment I was walking away and the next I was pinned against the wall with Bill’s hands beside my head before I ever knew what had hit me. I defiantly eyed him lifting my chin to feign a courage I didn’t possess.

  “What do you want from me?”

  “You should be very careful how you talk to me young lady.”

  The calm demeanor that he had, mixed with the ice blue depths of his eyes caused me to have to look away.

  “What were you doing before I got here, Angel?”

  His question shocked me. Why was he asking me a question like that?

  “I cleaned, what difference does it make?”

  He continued to question me, ignoring my outburst and bad attitude towards him.

  “Is that what you do when you get nervous?”

  “I’m not nervous,” I lied.

  He leaned in whispering in my ear, “How can we ever develop a bond of trust if you lie to me Angel?”

  He leaned in smelling me as he nuzzled my hair. He didn’t even try to hide it—he literally breathed my scent in as if he was a primal animal going in for the kill.

  “You smell so good Angel and the nervous tremors you have right now are making my cock hard. Tell me Angel, is that what you do when you’re nervous?”

  He gave me no time to answer, just continued on with his interrogation.

  “Are you excited, Angel? Did you think about what it would be like to be bent over my knee and under my control?”

  Bill pulled me away from the wall and towards my bedroom, bending to pick up a black bag he dropped on the floor upon his entrance into my apartment.

  “No,” I whined, squirming as I tried to free myself from his grip.

  By now he was on a mission and not heeding my struggles. He removed the shorts and g-string that I wore as if they were none existent.

  He tossed me onto the bed grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him. He ran his thumb over my bottom lip eyeing it with curiosity as it trembled.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” he stated, almost as if he were speaking to himself.

  His eyes took on an almost cold demeanor. “I’m not letting you go, so we can do this the easy way or the hard way.”

  I was trembling as I eyed my soon to be boss.

  I couldn’t understand why my body was reacting with a mixture of defiance and also a deep, dark, erotic curiosity, and longing for the man who was exercising dominance over me as if I were his possession.

  “You can’t spank me. I am a grown woman,” I whined.

  “Shh,” he cooed, as he positioned me on over his legs.

  He pinned me down with one of his legs positioned over my spread out form, which kept me immobile.

  He wrapped my hair in his fist pulling my head back and it caused me to groan.

  I felt fire permeate on the flesh of my ass check as he slammed his open palm down on it.

  My kicking and screaming did no good as he persisted in administering the discipline that he deemed necessary.

  “I hate you!” I kicked and screamed as tears and snot streamed down my face.

  As quickly as he had begun, he stopped.

  “Shh, you don’t hate me,” Bill stated, running his hand over my reddened ass.

  I squeezed my legs together as he ran his hand up my inner thigh, fearing that he would see the liquid that had formed between my legs, but it was too late.

  I groaned as he ran his finger up and down my wet inner thigh.

  “I need my job,” I whimpered, with my tear stained face.

  He jerked my hair back in his fisted palm as he plunged two of his fingers deep in me.

  My hips began to move trying to maintain contact with the source of pleasure that was being provided through this man’s hand that I hated yet craved.

  I looked at the woman I knew I had formed a fixation on and I watched as her hips ground into my fingers. I was using my fingers to persuade her to see things my way.

  “Tell me Angel. Tell me you will take the job. Tell me you will do what I want, when I want. Tell me, Angel. Come on baby girl, tell me. That’s it, there you go.”

  “Aaaahhh,” she cried out. “Anything, I’ll do anything, pleeessseee!”

  I stopped my ministrations then tossed her on the bed.

  “I want you so fucking bad girl. I want to taste you until I drink all of the sexiness that is you. I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that I had to have you. I want to see your face when you experience pleasure from
a man you hate. That’s it, there it is. Do you still hate me?” I taunted her as I jerked the boy shorts off her and pinned her legs back before I started lapping at her core.

  My cock hardened even more as I felt her knees fall open to me in submission. It excited me knowing she was giving into me against her will. Everything in her wanted to hate me right now and yet she couldn’t. I was liked a crazed man licking and sucking at her clit just to hear her call out my name. She was pulling at my hair, crying out my name as she pushed her sweet wet core deeper into my face. I slipped two fingers in her and she lost it crumbling into a mass of helplessness as she shattered from the inside out.

  I pulled my jeans off before I quickly sheathed my cock in a condom and pushed into her. I watched her eyes roll back in her head as her mouth opened in ecstasy.

  “How long has it been since you’ve been fucked? Look at me and answer me.”

  “A couple of years, I don’t know—don’t stop.”

  Good, that means that there isn’t a boyfriend.

  “Well you had better get used to it—because you are at my beck and call now, young lady.”

  I could hear his voice but I wasn’t listening—I was too busy feeling.

  The man was making me feel things I hadn’t felt in years—hell, in forever. My hips ground up to meet his thick hard cock, it was so long inside of me it felt like he was hitting my cervix.

  He pushed himself up on the balls of his fists glaring into my eyes as his hips rotated causing a friction of inner heat and outer contact.

  “That’s it baby, come for me.”

  He knew exactly what he was doing when he forced me to lock eyes with him and climax. I couldn’t think about how much I would hate myself for giving into him. I couldn’t help but give into him, I was too far gone.

  He ground down into me and a primal growl erupted from somewhere deep in his chest as he climaxed. I groaned, rolling over into a heap as he got up and made his way to the bathroom. He returned and sat at the edge of my bed with a warm washcloth cleaning me off with a caretaking that I had never seen in him up until this point.

  “Look at me Angel.”

  I looked up at him as if I were drugged.

  “You have your ass at work in the morning by eight or that spanking that you just got is going to look like child’s play.”

  All I could do was groan and roll over as I heard the door shut behind him.


  I awoke the next morning with a new fire and it was not a fire of passion, but one of pure rebellion.

  This little twerp was at least eight years my junior and the fact he was controlling my life, was not sitting well with me at all. I was independent by nature and I was all business. I had made my way from the bottom up to the top running my own business and I considered this to be nothing but a demotion.

  In my mind he had no right to do this! Hell, I made my own way. I was a modern woman and his caveman tactics had crossed my lines of professionalism a long time ago.

  Damn him! I was going to go in this morning and set his ass straight!

  I dressed in a black pin striped suit¸ I donned pants just for the mere fact that he couldn’t run his hands up my skirt. As I readied myself, I let my mind wander.

  Billy, as I called him, was breathtakingly handsome. The ironic thing about it was that he could carry off any look, be it the jeans and cowboy shirt with boots, or the suited CEO.

  His tousled copper hair and those striking blue eyes with his laid back personality only added to his good looks. With those hands, cufflinks, watch, and no bullshit demeanor, the man was magnetic! It was as if he drew a woman into his very being.

  “That’s it! I am not giving in to his egotistical whims, this crap ends today!”

  Even as I spoke the words aloud to myself, I knew that Bill was the type of man that once he set his mind to something, whether it was in business, or pleasure, nothing would stop him.

  I made my way to his office fully armed and ready to set him straight.

  “You are late!” Bill addressed me.

  “I am not late and another thing.”

  Bill leaned in and it was evident that he was humored by my attitude of independence—which only began to unravel me, as only he could do.

  “This has to stop, you can’t tell me what to do anymore! I need to get back to my life.”

  There, I had said it!

  I stood waiting for a reply.

  Bill nodded his head towards the desk that sat across his large office, “Do you see that desk?”

  He continued, not giving me time to answer, “If you don’t get your pretty little ass sat down and get to work, you are going to be getting the discipline that you are so desperately in need of.”

  I stood my ground glaring at him and not moving.

  “You are a defiant little bitch aren’t you?” he stated rising.

  “You’re a bossy, egotistical, bastard, aren’t you?”

  He slowly made his way to his office door where he promptly locked it. At this point I began to back away and state, “I will get to work. I’m sorry. People are going to talk, Bill please, no.”

  He grabbed my hair pulling my face from side to side, as if he were studying every aspect of it.

  “Oh, you are one beautiful woman, aren’t you?”

  “Please Bill. Please, you have to stop, you’ve made your point a long time ago.”

  “I haven’t made my point yet, Angel.”

  He began to run his thumb under my jaw line and I could literally feel my knees getting weaker by the moment.

  “That’s it, there it is,” he stated, as if reading my body like an open book.

  “See Angel, I have made my point when I say I have. And right now there are things I want to do to you.”

  He leaned closer to whisper in my ear, “Like lean you over that desk and fuck you while I pull your hair and tell you that you belong to me. You belong to me now Angel, you just don’t know it yet. I have plans for you. I have things that I want to do and say with you, to you. I’m just getting started baby girl.”

  I suddenly found myself wishing that I had worn a panty liner, due to the fact that my g-string was soaked at this point.

  His treatment of me was sending me into a tailspin and I could no longer think straight or wrap my mind around what was happening. This man was like a drug.

  He grabbed a handful of hair leading me to the desk.

  “No!” I hissed, in a hoarse whisper—worried that someone outside of his door would hear us.

  As if reading my mind he said, “I personally don’t care if they know what is going on in here but if you do, I would suggest that you be an obedient little girl and bend your pretty little ass over that desk.”

  I reluctantly bent over as he pulled my pants down. “Kick them off Angel and spread your legs.”

  I hated the fact that he was going to see how my body loved what he did to me.

  He kicked my legs apart with the toe of his Italian leather shoes and I could hear his belt being undone before his tailored pants dropped to the floor. I could hear him opening the foil wrapper of a condom he must have placed in his pocket previously this morning.

  The bastard knew what he was going to do to me before I even got her. He planned this!

  I was literally soaked. Mad and soaked.

  “Oh Angel, little girl, little girl, I am not about to let you go. I can’t get enough of you girl—you’re in my fucking head now and that young lady, means trouble for you.”

  He did exactly what he said he would. He took me right on the desk he had moved into his office.

  I clawed at the desk begging and pleading for release but he wasn’t having it—once again he was on a mission to prove a point.

  I had never, ever, been touched in the very core of my being, but that is exactly what Bill was doing.

  He was creating a hunger and a craving for him. He wanted to create a hunger that would keep me returning for a very long time in the
future. Ok fine, I could do this as a ‘Boss with benefits’ situation but I’d be damned if I was going to be some submissive little wall flower.

  His fingers locked onto my hips as he thrust into me one last time groaning as he released all of his frustration into me.

  Just what I need—more frustration.

  He leaned across my back and whispered in my ear, “Don’t you dare touch yourself—I’ll know if you do. I purposely made sure you didn’t climax. You’ll learn very quickly that I know how to discipline very effectively.”


  I spent the rest of the day working and trying to stay out of Bill Covington’s line of fire. I was finding it very hard to do so being in such close proximity with him.

  The room was permeated with Alpha hormones and it put me on edge. Constant thoughts of how I was going to get out of this mess plagued my thinking and I was concerned that it was going to hinder my accounts.

  As soon as the clock struck five I grabbed my things making a bee line for the door and my hand had no sooner hit the knob than his voice cut through the air.

  “Where do you think that you are going?”

  “Home,” I growled.

  He walked up behind me so closely that his cologne invaded my space. It wreaked havoc on my senses and caused my better judgment to short circuit.

  I could feel his copper tendrils of hair on my cheek. He whispered when he spoke in my ear, “We’re going to dinner. I have a proposition for you.”

  Oh great, can it get any worse?

  I didn’t even argue. I just followed him out the door. I was hungry and I didn’t want to make a scene at work. I wasn’t going to ruin my reputation of being a professional for him or anyone else.

  I still had accounts to keep up with and employees to deal with. Mr. Mega-Millions would get off unscathed regardless of what he did. I knew all about double standards and I wasn’t going to fall prey to his antics just so I would be left to suffer the consequences. This was just a big game to him—one that I hoped that he would tire of very quickly.

  “Fine, I’ll follow you in my car,” I said as I veered off towards my SUV in the parking garage. I felt his hand lock around my upper arm like a vice grip and though he spoke in a low tone of voice, the seriousness of it cut through any ideas I may have had about not following him in my car.


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