Don't Judge a Book

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Don't Judge a Book Page 10

by Suzanne Steele

  Kirk eyed the body as he stood talking to the one witness who was proving to be of no help whatsoever. He jotted notes down in a small notebook he carried in his shirt pocket for times such as this.

  “So you say he was a Caucasian male in a baseball cap and combat boots?”

  “Yes sir, that’s all that I saw. He walked with his head down and there was no sound when the bullet went off. If I hadn’t seen him putting the gun to the back of his head, I wouldn’t have known he’d been shot.”

  “How much have you had to drink today, sir?” Kirk was asking the question halfway for wanting the knowledge and halfway due to frustration of the man not being able to identify the killer.

  “Not enough to not know what I saw. I’m telling you that I saw the man come up behind him and shoot him in the back of the head for no other reason than to take his car and wallet.”

  “You let me be the judge of what his reasoning was. Do you have a home address and phone number you can be reached at?”

  “Yeah, right back there behind that dumpster and as far as a phone number, well, just come back here and yell ‘hey’ whenever you need me. Can I go now?”

  Kirk sarcastically eyed him as he spoke, “Yeah, and don’t leave town.”

  It didn’t take long for Detective Murphy to come to the conclusion Bill had something to do with the death of his brother, but knowing it and proving it were two different things.


  I looked up from the book that I was reading to view Bill standing in the doorway. “You need to pack an overnight bag dear you are going out of town for a dinner.”

  “What are you up to, Bill?”

  “Do I have to be up to something to take my fiancé out to eat?” He gave me no time to answer before speaking again, “You have thirty minutes before we take off.”

  “We’re flying out to have dinner?”

  “Now you have twenty-nine minutes. If I were you I would start packing.”

  I jumped up and began the task at hand. The last thing I wanted was to get where we were going and not have what I needed when I got there. Bill was up to something, but I would work on figuring what it was out later. I barely made it in time to board his private plane. My curiosity was piqued but never in a million years would I have guessed what Bill was up to. I guess he knew not to share it with me because had I known, I never would have agreed to going to dinner with him.

  The flight was uneventful and really it gave me a chance to unwind from the task of rushing to pack. I sat reading a book and dozed off and before I knew it Bill’s voice cut through the air, “Wake-up sweetie, we’re here.”

  “We are where, Bill?”

  “Las Vegas, baby.”

  He may as well have sucker punched me because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt why he had brought me here. Though part of me was flattered, part of me was pissed. I didn’t like the fact that I felt stupid for asking, but I did anyway, “You brought me here to get married? How fucking romantic of you, Bill!”

  The cold stare he gave me did nothing to put my mind at ease. “You’re perception is impressive my love.”

  “You still need my signature, you bastard.”

  “Oh, you will sign—I can assure you of that my love.”

  Something about the way he was eyeing me was making me very nervous. The look on his face was cold, calculating, and very menacing. The man looked downright dangerous and it was all directed towards me. How far would he go to keep me under his control? I would find out sooner than I cared to.

  Bill wasted no time telling me why I was in Vegas, but I already knew by instinct what was going on. He sat me down on the edge of the bed and began talking.

  “Angel, Riley is dead and I’m sure that Murphy is going to try and pin it on me. I brought you here to get married.”

  “I can’t marry you,” I gasped.

  “You have no choice. They can’t harass you or make you testify against me if we’re married.”

  “Did you kill him?” My voice came out more as a shriek, than a question.

  “No, I did not kill him.”

  Everything in me was tempted to ask if he had Riley killed, yet nothing in me wanted to really know the truth. Bill wouldn’t have to waste any time talking me into it, I would marry him in order to not have to testify against him if anything ever came up. I had seen enough of Kirk Murphy’s antics to know what Bill was saying was the truth. Kirk Murphy would stop at nothing to pin the murder of Riley on him.

  The evening was spent getting married and having dinner. By the time we returned to the room it was clear I had partaken in too much wine and though Bill found it amusing, I didn’t. It did however give me the boldness to say things I normally wouldn’t.

  My words were slurred as I spoke. “I married a killer,” I said it as if speaking more to myself, but what happened next scared the shit out me and I was no longer buzzed due to the wine that I had drunk.

  In a matter of seconds he had straddled me and pinned me down on the bed. With lightning speed he flipped a knife open and purposely watched the fear flash over my countenance.

  “It makes my cock hard to see you in fear, do you know why?”

  He placed the blade at my throat, “Answer me kitten.”

  I shook my head no and as hard as I tried not to cry, tears were now streaming down my face.

  “Mm, I get tears too? My cock is going to be rock hard for you, girl.”

  “Please Bill, please don’t hurt me.”

  “Now you know me better than that, I’m going to hurt you.”

  I trembled as he began popping off the buttons from my button up dress with the knife that he held. He sliced through my bra as he spoke. “One of these days I’m going to brand you, I may even go so far as to carve my name on your ass.”

  “You’re scaring me, Bill.”

  He continued, as if he hadn’t heard me. He traced over my breast and lightly ran the blade down my sternum. He bent down and whispered as if we shared a secret. “Is your pussy wet?”

  I lied, “I don’t know.”

  His answer was quick. “Liar!”

  “I don’t know why, I don’t understand. I don’t know why the things you do to me affect me the way that they do.”

  “But I do Angel, and that is all that matters.”

  He tossed the knife across the room and tore at my dress, laying it open and ripping my panties off. He was scaring the shit out of me and it was exciting me, what the hell did that say about me as a person? I was as warped as he was. He bit lightly into a breast as he eyed m. “These are mine now. You bear my name. Now as far as I’m concerned I own you.”

  My body arched as if offering itself to the man who had come into my life like a tsunami. He hadn’t stopped until he had taken every part of me—even my last name. How could I crave a man who had possibly killed his own brother?

  He moved between my legs and his fingers played in the folds of my opening as he studied my every twitch and spasm.

  “Oh I know this belongs to me.” His tongue made its way into my opening lightly licking me as he kept his eyes on me. As soon as my eyes fluttered his voice commanded me to look at him, but I already knew who captivated me body and soul. He was ever at the forefront of my thoughts, especially when it came to things of a sexual nature. Though part of me was anxious about being married to this man, part of me was glad he had put me in a position of not having to make the choice.

  “You better start telling me who you belong to if you plan on coming tonight.”

  “Oh shit please! Fuck, I’m yours. Yours. Yours!”

  “Now that is what I’m talking about, little girl.”

  His hands gripped me in a vice like hold as he pinned my hips down in order to keep me on the bed. I floated on a euphoric cloud of pleasure as he mounted me thrusting into me. He watched each detail of my features. I had no idea of where our future would take us, but I knew I wanted us to remain together and face whatever it brought, as one.


  I made my way down the stairs the next morning with a bounce in my step. I looked at my ring as I made my way into the kitchen. I was married, I had actually done it. Though I had been pushed into it more or less, I was still happy about it.

  I felt Bill’s breath on the back of my neck as he pulled my body in towards him. He smelled divine and he felt like melted chocolate poured over my being. Everything about this man turned me on in ways I had never experienced. He was everything I could ask for, but never dreamed I would actually have.

  The doorbell interrupted our sensual moment of unity and he pulled away from me as I groaned. I followed behind him and stepped on the heel of his shoe to try and get it off, just to aggravate him.

  I stood behind him being nosey as he opened the door and my heart fell somewhere into the depths of my stomach.

  “Mr. Bill Covington, you are under arrest for the murder of your brother Riley Covington…”

  Normally I would be pissed at my lawyer for this turn of events, but this time I knew my situation of being incarcerated was most certainly not a case of him having dropped the ball; not that he ever did.

  I hadn’t slept worth a shit last night and now I had this pack of wolves circling me for new blood. I eyed the inmates who had formed a circle around me. My eyes scanned the crowd as I listened and watched the head troublemaker spew venom in the form of words. He stunk, he was ugly, I was already pissed—and the day hadn’t even started.

  “Well, well, well, look what we have here—fresh meat. Rich little pampered boy, so far out of your league. Are you slumming?”

  When he reached up to touch the collar on my orange jumpsuit I used my forearm to slam his hand away and hit him in the nose. A nose which appeared to have already been broken numerous times, probably due to his smart-ass mouth, no doubt.

  “You’re going to be sorry you did that,” he growled lunging in my direction.

  The crowd had been so engrossed no one had noticed the massive man with Native American Indian features leaned against the doorway who toyed with a toothpick in his mouth. A long black braid ran down his back and he stood with an air of ease and confidence. He spoke one word and it was as if a cease and desist had been ordered.


  The large bald and now bloodied man halted and eyed Talon. “What the fuck Talon, you’re telling me that this wimpy ass rich boy has got ties to Miller?”

  “I’m telling you that you have sorely underestimated your opponent. Obviously you didn’t get the memo judging by the blood pouring down your face right now.”

  “If you weren’t a six-five mass of fucking brick wall, I’d kick your ass, Talon.”

  A dark shadow crossed over Talon’s face as his black eyes turned into two cold and lifeless orbs. “Anytime you feel froggy motherfucker jump!”

  “Come on man, you’re fighting a losing battle,” one of the men in the crowd spoke to the leader of chaos and mayhem.

  I waited until they dispersed before I spoke.

  “Thanks man.” I stuck my hand out shaking the man’s hand, a man who had most likely just saved my life.

  He looked me straight in the face and spoke, “Two things: Miller said you will be out of here within a couple of days. He also said to inform you that your woman is ok, he is trailing her himself to keep her safe. Seems the cop who had you locked up has developed some sort of fixation on your woman. This is a case of getting you out of the picture so he can get to her. She must be something to cause that sort of stir.”

  Talon chuckled when he saw the shadow of rage that crossed Bill’s countenance.

  Yeah, this guy must have a hell of a lot going for him.

  “Where did learn how to fight like that Mr. CEO? I think that’s what I’ll call you, CEO,” Talon said, as he smacked Bill on the back in a friendly manor.

  “I grew up in the projects.”

  “I heard, that’s an education you can’t buy or get in school. You and I are going to get along just fine CEO.”

  I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief that Miller had come through for me from the outside. It was a move I hadn’t delegated and he had done a smart thing as far as getting on my good side. I’m all about employees having foresight into what I need done; without crossing set boundaries. It’s a fine line for anyone to walk and Miller had been successful in doing it. He had secured a favor from me to say the least.


  I woke with my eyes so swollen I could barely open them. The scent of Bill was on the pillowcase beside me and I found myself grabbing it and hugging it just to feel a sense of his presence.

  It hit me then how I didn’t even know where to start as far as getting him out of jail. I was sorry I hadn’t been nosier as far as his business dealings. It was so unlike me to not know what was going on in the business realm. It was by no fault of my own. I guessed my husband had kept everything so shrouded in secrecy to protect me. This was not protection by any means—this had put me in a position of being not only clueless, but powerless.

  I reached for my phone and dialed my driver/bodyguard to inform him we would be leaving within the hour. If I was going to get my husband out of jail, then I was going to have to go straight to the source—Kirk Murphy. I had a new distaste for him and I would no longer be doing his mother’s TV work. I wanted nothing more to do with the sneaky little bastard. This was hitting below the belt as far as I was concerned. I understood he had a job to do, but to try and hire me for TV work and then to throw my husband in jail was hitting below the belt as far as I was concerned. Sneaky was the only word I could use to describe him and I find sneaky people to be very dangerous. Maybe Bill was right, maybe he had seen something I hadn’t when he had said that Kirk was trying to sleep with me. His exact words had been, “That guy wants to fuck you.” I was not flattered—I was mad.

  One look in the bathroom mirror told me I needed to look professional today. It was going to take an extra effort to be on top of my game. To put it simply, I looked horrid.

  I spent the next hour and a half getting ready and against all odds I was able to pull off the professional look. I couldn’t help but hope I would have some sort of favor with the cop who had put my husband in jail, even if it was in the form of him wanting to get in my pants. Though I would never sleep with another man, I wasn’t beyond using my feminine wiles to attempt to get my husband out of jail.

  The question of whether my husband had ordered a hit on his brother was in the back of my mind, but if I was to be honest with myself, I really didn’t want to know the truth. Knowing the truth meant he had done it partly because of me. I didn’t want to be responsible for anyone’s death, not even an ass like Riley.

  I took one more look in the mirror and made my way out front to my driver who waited for me.

  “Good morning Mrs. Covington. I hope that you are well this morning.”

  “Good morning Blakeley, I’m doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances.”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I fully understand and I am certain your husband’s lawyers are diligently working on his release.”

  I hated to admit that I was in the dark, but I needed his help.

  “Speaking of lawyers, please get Mr. Huffington on the phone for me.”

  He wasted no time getting him on the line and putting him on speakerphone. My driver was in the know about pretty much everything and I actually didn’t mind him hearing the call, he might pick up on something I would miss.

  Mr. Huffington’s crisp voice cut through the air. “Mrs. Covington, we have hit a few snags with this Detective. Do you have any idea why he has it in for your husband?”

  “No,” I lied. “But I am headed to see him now and I’ll inform you if I find out any new information.”

  “I really wish that you wouldn’t go see him without me.”

  “It’s too late, I’m on my way. Mr. Huffington, you may as well know now that I am not the kind of person to sit idly by and
do nothing while my husband sits in jail.”

  “I see that,” he stated, chuckling.

  “Ok, call me if you hear anything new, sir.”

  “Will do, Angelica.”

  I slumped back in the seat already exasperated. I hated this feeling of being out of control and completely helpless. Being this way in the bedroom was one thing, but being this way in business was unacceptable.

  Kirk’s partner poked him in the ribs as he spoke, “There she is man, just like clockwork.”

  “I told you she would show up,” Kirk answered.

  “Angelica, it’s wonderful to see you,” he had to stifle a snicker when he saw the anger flash in her eyes.

  “I think we both know I am not here for a social visit, Mr. Murphy.” He knew she had added the formality to her statement in order to prove a point.

  “Is there somewhere I may speak with you privately?”

  “Absolutely,” he stated, reaching for her arm. She pulled away from him before he could grab it and followed behind him as he turned and headed to a more secluded office that she presumed was his.

  Kirk eyed Angelica and he couldn’t help but feel a tugging at his heart when he viewed how swollen her eyes were. Her voice cut through his thoughts and it only solidified what he already knew, he had to rescue her from Bill before she got in trouble, or worse, hurt by being in the line of fire.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “I’m only doing my job.”

  “Bill couldn’t kill anyone.”

  “Your husband is a very powerful man. You don’t find it suspicious how he rushed you into marriage.”

  How did he know that already?

  “Not if he had any inkling of what may happen to him due to his brother’s death.”


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